Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1055: Reason

Seeing Dalton in the Rutonado star system, watching the lieutenant general take off the medals from his chest and put them on the soldiers who died in action, he felt that this old man was very similar to those of Mie Nakamura and Terry Ferdinand. , Admirable, is a person who can have a deep friendship.

But nowadays, his recognized friend, the person he is striving to save, has put a knife into his chest.

Since coming to this world, he has experienced so many things. He has never been so sad and indignant as he is today, the kind of pain that pays his sincerity in exchange for betrayal, pours trust but gains deception, and drowns him like a tide.

"You helped the Star Alliance reap the fruits of victory in the no man's land; you made the Star Alliance soldiers and people united; you resist threats from evil neighbors like a mountain; you are not stingy to extend a helping hand to the people in the disaster area; you do not hesitate to help us Put yourself in a desperate situation..."

Dalton Evelyn said in a slightly trembling voice, perhaps because of some guilt, his voice was not very clear, and it was completely inconsistent with his identity as a soldier, a lieutenant general.

Tang Fang did not speak, but just covered his chest with his hands, staring into his eyes, as if saying: So you all remember...

"The Star Alliance owes you a lot." Saying these words, Dalton looked at the blood flowing down his feet and took off the helmet of the power armor with his hands, revealing a solemn and pale face: "But do you know? You It’s too much, too much... it’s better than the government and the military, too..."

This sentence is harsh, at least it sounds harsh in Tang Fang, is it wrong to be too sincere, and doing too much for them is a sin? He suddenly remembered the unbearable history of the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, and felt that he was really lucky and really great, and he was able to receive the same treatment as those heroes. Coke, and sad.

"Is the master of meritorious? It's really ironic." He remembered telling more than once to the Star Alliance media that he had no interest in politics, but the scene before him told him that as long as people drift in this society, even if you are The domineering powerhouse, or the homeless beggar who can only sleep on a park bench and sleeps under a newspaper, cannot escape the curse of politics.

For the strong, your power is always missed and jealous by politicians. For the proletarian and humble beggars, and those young men who indulge in malice under the influence of deformity, they will play and trample you like a dog.

Such as "Don't talk to me about politics...I am not interested in this thing." or "Politics is too far away for ordinary people like us." Another example is "Politics has nothing to do with me". The Monya Empire often heard people talk about it. Those people feel that politics has little to do with their lives. In fact, politics is tantamount to a lanyard tied to their necks and a machete hanging above their heads. They are not far away at all, and they are frighteningly close.

Politics can determine whether you can be given birth to by your parents, politics can determine whether you are a human or a dog, and it can even turn you into a demon who kills your loved ones.

Ever since, he paid the price for his naivety. Dalton did not hesitate to swing a knife at his friends for the Star Alliance, and he did so much for the Star Alliance, but in exchange for such a result, he became a victim of political correctness.

He believes that he understands the evil of politics and deliberately avoids this evil, but its true evil lies in the fact that as long as he lives in this society, he can't get away at all, can't escape, and can only fight to death in this evil.

Dalton dared not look up at his face, his gaze fell on the dagger, nodded, and shook his head.

"From a certain angle, it can be said, but it is not the same as the main events in the history of China." Mr. Lieutenant-General likes to drink Kung Fu tea, and also likes to read books about China's history while drinking Kung Fu tea. It is clear what the term "Gong Gao Zhen Zhu" means.

"The army decided to do this, not because your credit threatened the rule of the Adam government over the Star League...For this country and people, we can only do this. Over this period of time, you have accumulated a lot of public praise. More and more people have chosen to accept your existence, and more and more people are grateful for your existence. Why do those media always ask if you are willing to participate in politics? It is because you have become a hero and idol in the minds of many people. They are willing to follow suit. You, listen to your words, use your flying youth and passionate rebellion to say no to this stubborn regime and social rules."

"The Star Alliance government was born in accordance with public opinion. It stands to reason that both republican dang, democratic dang, and other dang factions should accept this and try to make you a member of them, and work hard to benefit the star alliance. But you He is a person who hates politics and will not join any dang faction. He insists on being a free man and doing what he thinks is right."

"This is really noble and admirable, so more people like you and love you...not just me, General David Conan, President Adam Oliver, and even the late Luc? General Tilberg is happy to see such an indomitable figure in the country who has become the backbone of the Star Alliance building."

"But... the reality is so cruel. Because of your origin, because you are a member of the Garcia rebels, and even the hope of the suffering people of Monya to stand up. This means that you and the Monya Empire will never reconcile. Only one of the Stewart family and the Garcia rebels will survive in the future."

"The Star Alliance and the Monya Empire are hostile, but have you ever thought that this hostile relationship is based on the issue of the ownership of the Tentuk star system, and the Star Alliance unites the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic against the Monya Empire? , The Sulu Empire launched a national war just to regain the territorial sovereignty of the Tentuk star system, the Mubarak star system, and the two star systems occupied by the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic. Once the Charles Federation and more The Lanx Republic successfully occupied the Gampuna Theater, forcing the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire to surrender, agreeing to sign an agreement to return the Tentuk and Mubarak star systems to the Star Alliance, and the dispute on the no-man’s land battlefield will end. , The Star Alliance society will return to peace."

"But your existence has become a contradiction between the Star Alliance and the Monya Empire that can never be reconciled. At the beginning, the Adam government and the military formed an alliance with you, hoping that you can help the Star Alliance win this war. But with you in the civil society The prestige is getting higher and the reputation is getting better and better, and the public opinion gradually deviates from the normal track. Many people are influenced by you and begin to forget their original intentions. They regard the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire as evil beings that must be eradicated. I hope you can lead The Star Alliance fleet disintegrated the rule of the Stewart family and the Abdul family, and brought light to the miserable people of Monya, as it did with the Turanx United Kingdom."

"Many people regard you as a friend and benefactor of the Star Alliance...it is natural to help friends and benefactors."

"In the beginning, the majority of people who thought this way were mostly young people, but after the Deep Submersible fleet created the Dortmund Massacre, driven by hatred, more than 80% of the people insisted that the Monya Empire must be destroyed. People of the Stewart family They must pay the price for the numerous crimes they have committed. The Star Alliance Navy has the obligation and responsibility to fight side by side with Morningstar Casting and wipe that evil government from the world."

"This kind of hatred thought seems to swallow the quagmire of people's hearts and blind their consciousness. And your existence, like the star that illuminates the darkest time before dawn, has become the sustenance of many people. The families of the fallen soldiers hope you can Lead the Star Alliance Navy to avenge their children; the survivors of the Dortmund massacre hope you can get justice for them; people with a conscience hope that you can give the Stewart family a ruling so that justice and justice can be served; and Many guys who are afraid of the world will not be chaotic, hope that a wave of fandomization will erupt in the Helenbel region, and the spirit of the Star Alliance will be reborn."

"So, your kind help to the people of the Star League is kind, but you have tied this country to the García rebel chariot. There is no talk and possibility with the Monya Empire. You are not a dictator, you even have no intention Set foot in politics, but the consequences of your actions are better than a dictator. As long as you live, the people will not lose the fanatical idea of ​​destroying the Monya Empire, and the Star Alliance government is unable to suppress this hatred and fanaticism. I can watch the country run out of control and sink deeper and deeper in the quagmire of war."

"What did the war bring? It brought dazzling firelights on the battlefield of no man's land, brought ice-cold young corpses, and brought relatives to tears... Brought Luc Stillberg The general died for his country, bringing the yin haze and cold rain covering the sky of Dortmund, bringing the fearful eyes of children, and the despair and sorrow of white-haired people sending black-haired people... The Star Alliance is just I want to reclaim the sovereignty of the Tiantuuk star system, which was originally our property."

"Have you ever thought about it, if the Star Alliance really becomes a sharp blade for you to liberate the Monya Empire and destroy the tyranny of the Stewart family, a bloodthirsty and cruel servant like Kirklaf I, how many days of anger and resentment will be created? The tragic sight of Dortmund is just a prelude and preview of a greater disaster. Can you protect us all with the help of the Anubis Legion in the Monya Empire... No, you can't."

"The people can be blind and can ignore the overall situation, but we can't. For the country, for the people, I can only do this, I must do it, even if I become a despicable villain. But... I don't regret it, this kind of thing is very unbearable. But someone has to do it."

He said a lot. Standing in front of Tang's side, he didn't dare to look up. He kept looking down at his feet. His tone was naturally out of talk, his voice was high and low, and sometimes it trembled so badly that he could hardly hear him. That means his mood is very complicated, with those words ups and downs, with the memory of his mind shaking.

Tang Fang felt that Mr. Admiral’s words were not so much to explain why he did it, but rather to persuade himself not to let the tide of guilt and shame overwhelm his spirit. He looked standing, but he was actually kneeling before him.

This is the reason Dalton Evelyn put the knife into his body. To a certain extent, my sincere help turned out to be a bad thing, and this caused a murderous disaster.

Tang Fang didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment, maybe... "Mixed flavors" is very applicable.

If you look at this from the standpoint of the Star Alliance government and the military, Dalton Evelyn has done nothing wrong. This weak, dry and thin man made a great sacrifice for the future of the Star Alliance and the people.

The Star Alliance used the series of events that occurred after the Somar auction to provoke wars against the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire. For the Adam government and the Star Alliance navy, they seem to be ready, and they have also decided on the strategic thinking of a protracted war, determined to fight the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire to the end.

At the beginning of the war, there was a lot of pride and enthusiasm, but after the war? When the number of deaths increased every second, new photos on the information wall obscured the old photos~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The miserable scene of Dortmund became a lingering nightmare. Some people hesitated and some regretted it.

It is easy to set up aspirations, but not easy to accept the bitter fruit. It has been committed to economic development for a long time, and has bullied the pirates the most in the military. The Star Alliance government and army, who have never fought hard with real swords and guns, have experienced many defeats, the Dortmund massacre, and the deep submersible fleet poisoning the territory. Coupled with the fact that the Phoenix Empire had thousands of soldiers on the border between the two countries, Adam Oliver and Rene Ismail were awakened by the pungent smell of blood, and finally realized that they were wrong. The Star Alliance was not ready... They cannot bear the damage caused to civilians by this war.

Mackintosh ordered the Deep Diver fleet to create a massacre in the Luerna star system, not only to warn the people of the Star Covenant, but also to show the people of Adam Oliver what is cruelty, let these people only The guy who knows the fight for power in Parliament drinks a glass of wine made with human blood.

Are they not patriotic? Don’t you want to regain the sovereignty of the Tiantuq star system and the Mubarak star system, and let the Star Alliance restore territorial integrity? Then trade the lives of the people with the economic results of these years.

Facts have proved that the Adam government and the Star Alliance Navy are afraid, they are far less ruthless than Kolkraf I. They were afraid that the Dortmund Massacre would repeat itself, and they were even more afraid that they, who had kidnapped the citizens of the Star Alliance with good deeds and sincerity, would drag the entire Star Alliance into the vortex of total war. In terms of national interests and his interests, they chose the former... They chose to do so, and they could only do so.

To be honest, after so many things, he is no longer the one he used to be. Regarding the overthrow of the tyranny of the Stewart family, he is more inclined to use his own power to accomplish it, rather than choosing to launch the Star League during the Somar auction period. To be continued. 〖Yan. Mo. Xuan. Small. Speaking. Net〗

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