Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1469: Hermes

The police armored car turned into a ball of compressed steel and was swept aside like a kick by that thing, so that the people in the train could see the hideous face.

"Quick, quick... immediately activate the No. 1 turret group and the No. 3 missile launcher." The commander's voice echoed in the carriage.

The corresponding staff worked hard to suppress their fears and pressed several buttons in front of them with trembling fingers.

At this time, the outer skin of the train has been shielded by heavy alloy plates, and it has switched from the normal driving mode to the defense mode. The top panel of the No. 1 carriage is opened facing both sides, and a weapon system with a quadruple-mounted magnetic rail turret is pushed out to the roof.

The top surface of the No. 3 compartment is also open to both sides, but there is no magnetic track turret raised, but a vertical missile launching tube, forming a set of missile launching system.

Not only the No. 1 and No. 3 carriages made an attack posture, but the boxes mounted on both sides of the tractor also opened, revealing two Gatling cannons. Then the searchlight at the front of the car suddenly shot out a dazzling light, shining on the face of the beast.

While the weapon system of carriage 1 was still adjusting its firing angle, the two machine guns mounted on the tractor had already vomited a series of continuous flames, venting a rain of bullets to the giant beast in front.

The large-caliber projectile enough to tear the structure of the building hit the thick chitin carapace, making the sound of a hard object hitting, and even sparks caused by metal friction.

Even if the bullets fired by the Gatling gun can cause some damage to the chitin carapace, there is no way to endanger the life safety of the raptor. Speaking of their harm, they are not as real as the high-power searchlight.

"Roar..." The low roar of the beast concealed the roar of the cannon, the head of the violent ravening dragon shrank back, and its thick legs kicked on the ground. The road that had collapsed once fell into a second subsidence, causing a lot of rubble and dust. Surging towards the rear.

The dust in front of the searchlight was like waves, and the fine sand clouded the light.

A cold light with a terrifying sound cut through this picture, and even the surging gunfire was suppressed.

The thick body of the tractor is like the dead wood in front of a machete, which is cut open by a shining blade, and sparks shoot outward like a tidal wave, sowing dazzling light and rain.

The claw blade of the ravenous dragon split the tractor apart and submerged it into the No. 1 car, only to lose its strength.

Just like a fork pierced into a large piece of beef, the entire carriage was driven by the force of the claw blade and swayed back and forth. Even carriage 2 and carriage 3 at the rear were affected. The staff inside were unstable and their bodies were swayed.

"Hurry up and cut off the body line." The commander used all his strength to grasp the edge of the table and tried to maintain his balance. He didn't expect that the thing has such a flexible skill, the No. 1 car is already difficult to protect, and naturally, the No. 2 car cannot be affected.

A staff member with a bleeding nose got out from under the equipment and lay down on the edge of the console and pressed a red button.

The equipment connecting Car No. 1 and Car No. 2 was disconnected from the middle, and they finally got rid of the embarrassing situation just now, and were able to stabilize their bodies and get a breathing space.

The Claw Knife of the Tyrannosaurus stalled was embedded in the No. 1 car. This dragged down its movement. It could only try to withdraw the claw knife that had been submerged in the car by constantly struggling its body.

Its movements affected the surrounding environment, making the road a mess, and even the guardrails on both sides of the carriageway were hit.

The wounds suffered by the gun turret inside the No. 1 car were naturally more serious. The weapon core was cut into a pile of tatters, and fragments continued to fall from the cracks in the car body and fell on the structurally collapsed road.

The claws of the Rastrosaurus pedaled on the ground for a while, and finally kicked out a certain area of ​​landslide, gaining the help of the environment to move forward, the claw knife was able to cut through the special alloy of the core of the No. 1 carriage, and installed the quadruple of the magnetic track that had never been fired above. The cannon split into two **** of steel garbage.

It couldn't control the momentum of its body, and rushed toward the distance. Unfortunately, it exceeded the driving lane and fell into the smooth **** area beside it, so that it could not maintain its balance. Its hind legs kept pedaling, and its front paws tried to grasp something to stabilize its body. In short, there was no way to attack the No. 2 car in a moment.

The car body of Car No. 1 was split into two by the Raiders Dragon, and the rear one landed next to Car No. 2. As long as it missed one more point, it would hit the head of the internal staff.

Almost everyone, including the commander of the operation, had a cold sweat on their foreheads.

"Where is that thing? Where is it? Where is it?" While trying to suppress his fear, he looked at the display array, and finally saw the monster trying to climb the lane on the display corresponding to the side sensor.

Car No. 1 has been destroyed by it, and there is no way to attack it, but Car No. 3 has not been destroyed. There is also the police armored car behind. Now it is a good opportunity to take advantage of its illness to kill it.

The commander shouted at the staff who just got up from the ground: "Why are you still stunned? Fight back! Fight back! Fight back!"

He said three counterattacks in one breath, one can imagine the psychological pressure.

The staff responsible for manipulating the weapon system said: "Car 3 switched to the automatic firing mode before, and logically speaking, it should have reacted."

"Switch to manual mode immediately." After saying this, he looked at the other monitor and found that the No. 3 car was still in its state, without any signs of ignition. Even more bizarre is the police armored vehicle behind, silently without any response.

"Report to the commander that Car 3 cannot be switched to manual mode and the target computer is not responding."

It happened at this time, it happened at this time... He hit the podium with a punch, his teeth creaked.

Huh, huh, huh... the car fell into a brief silence, amplifying the abnormal noise from around him, he was horrified to find that the sound source was outside the car, but the corresponding display did not capture any moving objects.

What happened... What happened?

"Commander, carriage... the armor of the carriage has been attacked from an unknown source and is rapidly cracking."

The behemoth was still struggling on the ramp. Car 3 and the police armored car lost their response for some unknown reason, and Car 2 they were in faced an invisible enemy again. Various signs indicated that they had fallen completely into the enemy's calculations.

"You can't go on like this anymore, listen to my instructions and immediately liberate'Hermes'."

As the latest order was issued, the staff typed a string of characters on the touchpad. The commander placed his five fingers on the scanner for a moment, and the central screen showed that the core function was activated and the operating state was being switched.

From the outside, the No. 2 car is beginning to change. What is different from the No. 1 and No. 3 cars is that not only the roof panel is opened, but the whole car stretches out like an open lotus.

Inside the car 2 is not a computer and console of various models, but a vehicle-mounted device with an "M" structure in the dark. When the attachments on both sides of the head and tail are opened outward, the dazzling flame is lased from the nozzle.

Although billowing smoke and dust rushes like a wave, it spreads rapidly around the car, through the brilliance of the flame diffusion, some characteristics of the on-board equipment can still be seen. For example, firmly grasp the steel soles of the carriage chassis.

Speaking of which, the shape of the vehicle is very much like a dragon knight magnified several times.

The fire was soaring, the air wave emptied, and Hermes left the carriage under the reverse thrust and slowly lifted off.

Approximately 2 meters in height, the flames of the nozzles at the head and tail weakened, and circular jets protruded from the four soles of the M structure. A more turbulent flame current dissipated the surrounding darkness and cast a jumping brilliance on the fierce face of the ravenous dragon.

The brilliance of the auxiliary propellers on both sides of the Hermes slowly faded away, and the propeller group under her feet became more radiant and began to climb at an extremely rapid rate. In a blink of an eye, it was already more than 20 meters above the ground.

At this time, it switched its posture again, and unexpectedly straightened its body from its lying state. The four soles of the first and last feet also turned to become Hermes' feet and hands, and maintained the jetting posture to provide buoyancy to overcome the planet's gravity field.

Through the endless flames, you can see the pointed cone-shaped equipment on the Hermes head, which should be the key equipment for radiating electromagnetic waves outwards and manipulating nanoviruses.

The Hermes chest is a spiral structure with a large-angle rotating energy weapon deployed in the middle. While the Hermes remains stationary, it shoots a fiery red ray toward the ground near the No. 2 car.

Unexpectedly, it did not attack the Rampaging Dragon, but chose an empty road.

The laser beam was not only thick, but also moving. The concrete floor melted into high-temperature flames and flaming hot **** wherever it passed, spreading out a pressing heat wave.

Its attacks seem to be aimless, but in fact, as the devastating heat spreads on the ground, black shadows emerge from the ground, constantly suffering the attack and damage of the flame.

In the core cabin of the Hermes, the commander looked at the ground image captured by the camera with a horrible expression on his face: "This...this is...how did they appear here?"

Although flames and lasers caused a certain degree of interference to the sensor system, he still recognized the origins of those forced combat agents with his extraordinary eyesight...The scary goblin mask, the black armor covering the body, the exquisite shape The sniper rifle, which is clearly an elite unit of the Dillard star system.

Combining with the huge beast that has just raised its hands to destroy the caravan, one can draw an obvious conclusion-I'm afraid that the person returned to the Monya Empire and intervened in the outbreak of the disease on Brady Star.

"If it's that person... if it's that person..." The commander felt a cold air rushing out of his back, and the sweat on his forehead slid down: "Stop attack! Stop attack! Immediately retreat to Hasselblad Cana Military Base."

He was very self-aware about the battle against Captain Tang's forces, otherwise the governor would not select him as the commander of this operation.

Although the staff below were very puzzled, they still obeyed his orders, stopped continuing to attack the ground targets, and prepared to retreat to the Western Hasu Kana military base as ordered by the commander.

However, at this moment, the land subsidence that had already stopped was staged again, but it was not the collapse of the bicycle lane, but the large-scale cracking of the **** in the area where the Tyrannosaurus slipped and fell.

It stands to reason that in this situation, the raptor should continue to sink, but what makes people speechless is that it has found a support point, sprang out at a speed beyond ordinary people's imagination, and hung in the sky. Hermes.

The staff above reacted very quickly, and quickly adjusted the angle of the propeller, trying to avoid the beast from the side.

After all, the Hermes is a mechanical product, and there is no way to be as agile as the Tyrannosaurus. Although it did its best and did not exceed the height of Hermes, it still used its two claw blades to cut it apart. The parallel thrusters below burst into two brilliant flames with a bang.

The most direct consequence of the damage to the two thrusters was that the Hermes could not maintain a floating posture, constantly swaying and sinking in the air like a drunk tramp.

On the other side, the Rampraker drew a round parabola in the sky, crossed the carriageway, and landed on the **** of the dam connecting the Ryder River in the south. It rolled all the way down, crushing the peculiar stones of the flood **** along the way, and finally rolled into the surging river .

The riots created by the raptor dragon have not yet ended. The collapsed ramp in the north of the carriageway began to crack in large areas, the concrete slabs flew up, and a black shadow that was even more astonishing than the size of the raptor quickly sprang out~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The ground in the entire area is shaking, just like something is digging a tunnel underground. The collapse spreads from the northern **** to the carriageway, almost cutting off the foundation.

The people in the Hermes stared palely at the black shadows approaching northward. When the light shone on the huge mouth full of huge spikes, the commander drew a cross on his chest, calling out the name of Jesus.

The large tunnel worm swallowed the crumbling Hermes into the abdomen in one bite. The long body crossed the front dam and plunged into the waters where the raven dragon was, creating a terrifying waterfall with a muffled sound. One point disappeared within the reach of human eyes, leaving only a long valley extending to the north.

Along with the large tunnel worms, there were also the Respawn Dragon and Ghost Agents. Only burning carriages, broken roads, twisted bodies, and severely damaged public facilities remained at the scene.

About seven or eight minutes later, the nearest patrol policeman drove to the location of the incident, followed by successive incident handling vehicles, police helicopters, police shuttles, and police drones. Large and small beams of light from the sky swept across the incident site and surrounding areas, looking for traces that might reveal the identity of the attacker.


The extermination plan of the residents of Jiangbei District led by Sand Road West Germany is a top-secret operation. The police officers stationed in the surrounding areas do not know the origin of the group of trains on the military carriageway, including the police chief of Bogda. In the dark, because the Hermes’ communication equipment was disturbed and unable to connect to the dispatch center, what happened here would have to take a relatively slow process to reach the Brady Star Governor’s Mansion.

When a large number of nearby police rushed to the location of the incident, somewhere underground in the northern wilderness of Bogda City...

Thanks for the low-key rookie's tip.

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