Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1511: Feast without good feast

The bucket at the base of the table in the middle of the table is filled with ice cubes. Inside are a few bottles of wine. Outside are whiskey and brandy. On the other side are the white porcelain bottles that Tang Fang and Howson have been thinking about for a long time. The world before him can be called Maotai, the luxury sauce wine in wine.

Of course, the Moutai here is not the original Moutai, it is a truly old wine that has been preserved for a century with advanced technology. Only a character like Prince Walker has the opportunity to get it, whether it is intended to be stored as a collection or ready to be taken out for a drink on a special day, in short, it is now in Marion's hands.

What makes wine lovers feel violent is that another bottle of Zodiac Mao has been drunk by Marion Duncan and turned into a metabolite of the body.

Unlike at the Chinese dining table and the noble dining table, Virginia let him sit down in the next seat very casually. At this time the restaurant staff began to serve dishes, with more Chinese dishes. This shows that Virginia, Marion and others are really concerned about entertaining him.

According to Howson, Morningstar Casting provided Garcia with so many warships, what happened to his meals...what happened? ! Not to mention the century-old wine, even if Captain Tang wants to eat gentian and chicken feet, Marion and Miki Hyuga should try their best to find it.

The complaint about ramming goods is not over yet, there is a mess of footsteps in the corridor outside the door, which sounds like a lot of people.

On the next breath, the door of the restaurant was pushed open from the outside, and a man who was standing upright in the center walked into the room.

Even if you don't look at his appearance, you can tell from the skin color and eyes that the man in front of him is-Miki Hyuga.

Behind Miki Hyuga was a woman who was about forty years old and looked a little older than Virginia. Her black hair was dyed with a ray of rose red on the right sideburn, which gave her some personal characteristics. Judging from her skin color and facial features similar to Miki Hyuga, that person should be Ouyang Lanlan...In a sense, it can be said that she is a compatriot of Captain Tang.

Behind Ouyang Lanlan is Bill Carter, a person who looks a bit shameless. His face is as pale as a piece of white paper. He can't see much blood, and he habitually squints his eyes to look at people. His eyes are a bit cold and a bit sharp. In short, it is very uncomfortable, and I don't want to have too much intersection with him.

Then the person who entered the room was Jin Yongxian, a very ordinary character without too many personal characteristics. After him are Delt, Hansef, Ed, Glandini, Montrad.

These eight people plus Marion Duncan who rushed to mediate the conflict, Penn Cattro who was captured by the Monya Empire Navy, and Krisugard who had not yet come here... a total of twelve people.

These twelve men and the uprising fleet they commanded formed the Garcia Resistance Army.

In fact, looking at the present from the perspective of the year, two of the twelve people have died. Hansef and Montrad later inherited the positions of dead leaders and entered the decision-making level of the Garcia Rebels.

In addition to the nine of them, there was also a leading woman who entered the room, and after leading them to the dining room, she retreated.

At this moment, the three of Tang Fang had already got up from the seats, looking at the people who entered the room.

Virginia also got up and walked to Miki Hyuga and others and introduced them in turn: "Miki Hyuga, Ouyang Lanlan, Bill Carter, Kim Yongxian..."

After introducing the names of the nine people one by one, she looked at Tang Fang and said with a smile to them: "Tang Fang doesn't need me to introduce them."

Miki Hyuga nodded to Chongtang, and sat down close to the door.

As the oldest of the nine, his approach made Virginia a little uncomfortable... It was really rude.

Ouyang Lanlan is a woman of Han ethnicity. She has a much better attitude towards Tang Fang. She smiled and said hello: "Thank you for everything you have done for us. This time I came in a hurry. I didn’t bring any good gifts when I first met. A long-collected painting, I hope you will like it."

After she finished speaking, she approached Tang Fang and delivered a picture scroll that had just been mounted to him.

"The sword is a gift to the knight, and a good drink will be a confidant." While she said, she looked at Tang Fang with encouraging eyes: "Open it and take a look."

At this time, Howson poked his waist with a finger from behind, and whispered: "This aunt is not after you, or someone else came empty-handed, so she brought a gift. What about giving a sword to the knight? , A good drink will be a confidant."

He poked Tang Fang's midfielder, and Churchill poked his midfielder over there: "Just you talk a lot...you are a compatriot, don't you understand ‘comrade’? What happened to the painting? What’s wrong?"

Howson looked at Ouyang Lanlan's face that has been eroded by years, and whispered: "Well, she just fell in love with our Captain Tang, and would not like Captain Tang if she wanted to come..."

When Howson and Churchill were chatting in the back, Tang Fang had already opened the painting.

Of course it is not the famous Western paintings like the Battle of Anjili, the Mona Lisa, and the Last Supper. Since it was framed, it must be an ancient oriental painting. Many parts of the lines above have been blurred, and the color has faded a lot. It looks very shabby and very old.

For things like the gift of a picture scroll by the leader of the Garcia Resistance Army, how should he dedicate a valuable painting to be worthy of his identity and the help given to him.

Well, if it is the original painting, it is indeed worth a lot. Unfortunately, the painting in front of me is a fake... This is the answer given by Emma.

Her body remained on the bridge of the Minotaur-class battlecruiser, but it did not mean that she could not know what happened here and gave corresponding opinions. In fact, the system space is her real shelter, like the body of the Ypsilon... it can be regarded as a peripheral of the computer system, which is an extended function.

Ouyang Lanlan gave him a fake!

If you change to someone else, you will definitely feel unhappy, thinking that the other person is playing tricks on him, and become angry. Tang Fang would not do this, nor would he think so. On the contrary, he was very grateful for Ouyang Lanlan's actions.

The focus of the painting given to him by the other party is not the historical and artistic value of the scroll, but the information revealed by the scroll.

Even without Emma by his side, he could recognize the superfluous small seal characters in the corner.

In fact, this is not a paper painting at all, but a copy of a mural.

That mural has a very resounding name-"Hongmen Banquet".

Yes, it is the artistic embodiment of the historical event that "Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is intended for Peigong".

For art appreciation... he doesn't understand, but for Ouyang Lanlan's intentions... he understands very well.

"Hongmen Banquet" is a cultural treasure unique to the Chinese civilization. People like Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter, and Jin Yongxian naturally don’t understand the special meaning of this picture, and they don’t know how to appreciate and distinguish it, so they just treat it as a treasure. Treated with an ancient painting that looks great.

Ouyang Lanlan reminded him in such a clever way. The so-called feast without a good feast, no good meeting, is talking about the current situation.

He very solemnly rolled up the "Banquet of the Hongmen" and handed it to Churchill for preservation, and said with a look and tone that only two of them could understand: "Thank you for your painting. I like it very much."

Ouyang Lanlan nodded and said no more, but if you look closely, you will catch a trace of sadness in the depths of her eyes.

Needless to say, that was worrying for him.

Tang Fang didn't give her a confident look, but turned to look at Virginia and took a deep look at her.

Marion is not here, go down to mediate the conflict between Garcia's Resistance Army soldiers and Charles Federation dispatched personnel... Now looking back, God knows if he really left the old guy and couldn't solve it, or deliberately hid, without facing the current embarrassing situation.

He didn't know whether Marion Duncan was persuaded and intimidated by Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter, and others, and had to hide after he came here, or whether it was a trap set by the old guy and Virginia...No, It should be said that the test, the test whether he can survive the current difficulties, level the leader of the branch fleet, and have enough qualifications to become the successor of the Garcia Resistance.

All in all, he was commanded by Marion Duncan and Virginia. Whether he was responsible or catching the ducks on the shelves, he could only rely on himself.

Virginia had studied the behavior of Chinese people when she was in the early days of Claire, but it does not mean that she is proficient in Chinese history. Taking a step back, even if you are proficient in Chinese history, you may not be able to recognize the four characters "Hongmen Banquet" expressed in small seals.

She didn't think much about Tang Fang's gaze, and her expression was not unusual.

At this time, Bill Carter walked over to Miki Hyuga and sat down, his manners were also impolite.

Jin Yongxian walked over and shook hands with him in a very approachable way, and said, "I have been looking forward to seeing you up close. This time I finally got what I wanted."

This person is very sensible, and Tang Fang has a good impression of him. Not to mention whether Jin Yongxian was sincere, in short, it gave him enough face, unlike the previous two old things.

Ed, Grandini, and Montrad also came over to greet him one after another, saying something like "It's nice to meet you", and then they were seated in Virginia's arrangement. The place is seated.

It seems that the older guys are a bit arrogant, Delt and Hansef just nodded at him, sat beside Miki Hyuga and Bill Carter with a cocky face, and looked at the Chinese dishes on the table with a cold face. Not posted.

Virginia and Marion Duncan had their hearts on him, although they were a little bit uncomfortable about this matter. The two are kind to him, and the chief cook on the Sound of Hope will naturally treat him well. This is manifested in eating a large table full of Chinese dishes. Although it is not authentic at all, it is better to fool the layman. Yes.

People like Bill Carter, Delt, and Joseph have only one fruit salad, a stack of fresh shrimp balls, and a bowl of conch soup to suit Western tastes.

Of course, a large meal like the Manchu Banquet and the imperial imperial meal cannot be done with the skills of Garcia’s rebellious army cooks. It is also just some of the well-known dishes of the major cuisines handed down from China, such as squirrel mandarin fish, scallion roasted sea Mori, Dongpo meat, braised prawns in oil, etc., and Chinese dishes are all large plates, and Western dishes are small plates.

From this point of view, the chief cook...no, it should be said that Marion Duncan and Virginia have a very thorough understanding of his temperament that he likes to eat meat and drink.

In fact, with Grant and Claire beside him, it is not so difficult to find out what kind of character he has.

After Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter and others were seated, Virginia winked at him, walked to sit down beside him, and Katerina looked at the glass in front of her and poured a glass of wine.

Virginia, as the landlord who replaced Marion Duncan in leading the meeting, whether in accordance with Western culture or Eastern etiquette, she should take the lead in drinking this first glass of wine, and then she should take the lead in making friendships, talking about things.

However, before she raised the cup to say anything, Tang Fang suddenly held Katerina’s hand and looked at Miki Hyuga, who was facing the bitter melon, and said: "Mr. Miki Hyuga, you all say that the descendants of the Yamato people speak civilized Polite... Sorry, I really didn’t see it. But I don’t know if I’m blind or if your brain is twitching."

This sentence is very unpleasant and very offensive. No one thought that Captain Tang Fangtang, who has always been humble and polite, would suddenly launch an attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Before the banquet started, he had already mocked Miki Hyuga.

He doesn't speak well, and he speaks more arrogantly.

Hausen is a sturdy man with a stick in his head, but it is undeniable that he has a role he should have in many cases.

"Hey, Mr. Miki Hyuga is not a brain pump, he is a pump." If Captain Tang's speech is mocking, Mr. Howson's speech is GUOGUO, an unabashed provocation.

Miki Hyuga's face was even more ugly, like the silt accumulated in the small river beach over the years. Bill Carter, who was sitting next to him, frowned, and Wanghausen said, "You are the one."

It could be seen that he did not intend to tear his face with Tang Fang, and chose to focus on Howson. In doing so, there would be room for maneuver even if the two sides became stalemate.

This tiny detail made Tang Fang disapproving of those people, thinking that the four menacing guys on the opposite side are really strong outsiders, and they don't have the appearance that a strong person should have.

Think about it seriously, Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter and others are just senior Garcia rebels. It is not the great nobles like Prince Walker and Halifax Stewart. They wandered through the territory of the Monya Empire, playing the roles of bandits and thieves. They never dared to cooperate with the Hsudra Army, Celtic Guards, and Royal Navy. This kind of empire's elite armed confrontation.

In such an environment, how can they cultivate their arrogant personality. The four of Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter, Delt, and Joseph are just feigning hardliness and want to fight for more benefits in the matter of him becoming the successor of Marion.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Garcia Rebels are his hard-core ally. Whether it is Marion Duncan, Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter, Ouyang Lanlan and others, they are all his close comrades and comrades in arms. Morningstar forging a strong Garcia rebels will also be strong, and Morningstar forging abundance Garcia rebels will also be rich.

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