Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 896: Women

Before the main force departs, the scout fleet responsible for early warning will leave the garrison first and carry out carpet reconnaissance along the left and right airspace of the main channel. ? W.suimeng.lā

It was during this process that a Copernicus-class reconnaissance ship caught a suspicious situation, and an unfamiliar warship appeared on the only way to the 44th Fleet. Fearing that it was the guerrilla fleet of the Sulu Empire that the 44th Fleet would pass by and set up an ambush on the road ahead, the Copernicus-class reconnaissance ship released a large number of curved UAVs, expanding the detection range of curvature fluctuations to within 4 light years.

The strange thing is that these warp drones suddenly lost their target while tracking the strange battleship, which made the people on the reconnaissance ship very depressed, just as they were preparing to recover the reconnaissance drone and control the ship further away. When moving in the direction, a slight but dense curvature is suddenly detected. When the staff commanded those UAVs to switch from wide-area reconnaissance to directional reconnaissance mode, the data collected surprised everyone--a high-speed fleet of nearly 2,000 warships was moving fast. Speed ​​through the deep space zone bordering the Karilan-Ruttonado no man's land and Ayalos-Koplin-Srandal no man's land, approaching the hinterland of the Star Covenant.

This news terrified many people, including the fleet commander Mie Nakamura. It is not an enemy guerrilla fleet with only one or two hundred small ships, but two fleets!

What did the patrol fleets and the early warning equipment do, so that 2,000 warships could pass through the detection nets of the two uninhabited areas and enter the hinterland of the defense line without knowing it? Had it not been for the 44th Fleet’s reconnaissance ship to stumble upon them while tracking a strange warship, God knows what the consequences would be.

Ordinary stellar system garrisoned navy only has 500 warships at most, and there are many outdated models, even with space-based defense platforms, it is absolutely impossible to withstand the attack of 2000 warships, once they are placed in the inland of the Star Alliance, you can imagine What serious consequences will it cause.

Of course, there is another possibility. These 2,000 warships are used by the enemy to go deep behind the enemy line, to cooperate with the Sulu Empire, and to inflict heavy damage on the navy stationed near the Mubarak star system.

With the 44th Fleet, 53rd Fleet, and 87th Fleet leaving the station, and the forces in the hinterland of the Mubarak line of defense are reduced, if David Conan can’t spot this 2,000 high-speed warships, he will wait next. For the Star Alliance, I am afraid it will be a disastrous defeat.

Regardless of whether the target of this fleet is an important unit in the Star Alliance (such as the Sylvanas star system with the largest shipyard in the Star Alliance, such as the Duma star system where the top national leaders gather, or the battle resource transfer station --- --- Mecca Space Station), or the surprise attackers behind the scenes, without a doubt, once let them go, the consequences will be disastrous.

Mie Nakamura immediately sent an early warning message to the Naval Command that had advanced to the no-man’s land near the Mubarak star system, but she did not wait for David Conan’s new order and directly requested that the fleet move to the 2,000 warships. The road, opened a speed interception net.

Those 2,000 enemy ships are all high-speed warships, and the 44th Fleet cannot catch up with the opponent at all. If they miss the opportunity to intercept them because of waiting for the new command from the headquarters, the Star Alliance Navy will inevitably become passive.

She knew that her fleet could not be the enemy’s opponent. From their sailing speed, it could be seen that it was not an ordinary fleet, but the elite of the Monya Empire. It was probably a battleship belonging to Xudla. The combat effectiveness of the 44 fleet is tantamount to hitting rocks with pebbles.

But she knew very well that she had no choice. He had to win reaction time for David Conan and win a chance for the domestic compatriots. If the sacrifice of the 44th Fleet could hold 2000 warships, she would rather accept the fate of death.

Although she is not proper, she has a bad reputation, and although some officers call her a BIAO son or even a bus, it has nothing to do with her love for the Star Alliance, her love for this system, and her love for relatives.

When the heavy crossbow-class light assault ship and the lance-class heavy assault ship departed, drilled into the gap of the curved interception net, ready to go, ready to attack the enemy ship that was blocked from leaving the virtual space, board the "Insane" .

A staff officer transmitted the latest information provided by the forward surveillance ship to Mie Nakamura.

Her face was a little pale in the light of the electronic sand table, the crow's feet at the corner of her eyes framed a flower, and there was a circle of faint lines on the sides of her mouth.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, a staff officer reminded: "General, the latest data shows that the first stop of the 2,000 warships should be the Dillard Star System, which is the nest of the'Morning Star Casting'."

Another staff officer said: "Tang Fang is now in the United Kingdom of Turanx. The person responsible for the defense of the Dillard star system is Chen Jian. He has more than 700 Pirate warships, plus a relic warship'Quan Angel'. ...I think, do you want to withdraw the interceptor ships?"

He only said to withdraw the interceptor ship, his words were very subtle, but the meaning was not subtle. Withdrawing the interceptor ship means giving up the interception mission and turning a blind eye to the 2000 warships. In this way, the 44th Fleet will not have to face the enemy, and they can also save their lives.

A colonel with severe alopecia areata said in a deep voice: "If I am not mistaken, this assault fleet consisting of 2,000 warships should be the Hydra fleet in Halifax."

Everyone knows Halifax? Stewart is notorious for Tang Fang and has become a demon spurned by every righteous person. Captain Tang even destroyed Faraday's research institute, destroying His Royal Highness's many years of hard work. There is an insoluble hatred between the two. According to news from within the Monya Empire, it was Halifax Stewart, the thirteenth prince of the Monya Empire, who led Xudra to the front.

Judging from the route of this fleet and the grievances between Tang Fang and Halifax, they showed that they wanted to take advantage of the opening of the Karilan-Ruttonado No Man’s Land War to take advantage of the chaos to raid the Delar star. The system, in conjunction with Sangewell, uprooted "Morning Star Casting".

Because the coup in the United Kingdom of Turanx has nothing to do with the Star Alliance, Sulu and Monya, and the 44th Fleet has been in a virtual space for the previous seven days, the headquarters did not notify them of what happened to Khanos. , Including Mie Nakamura, no one in the 44th Fleet knew that Tang Fang had already killed Ange Will and defeated the Lionheart Independent Fleet.

Therefore, the clever staff officer thought that this was the absolute household plan made by Kolkraf I and Sange Will.

"Tsk tusk, Hydra VS Apollo Pirates, there will be a good show next." The alopecia areata staff officer is a friend of Pompe Clark, and at this time he was naturally happy to witness the destruction of the Dillard star system in the flames of war.

In fact, not only him, but many politicians and businessmen hope that "Morning Star Casting" will be destroyed.

"Let the Apollo Pirates hold Hydra, just to buy time for the headquarters to deploy troops. The name Tang is so arrogant, now is the time to pay the price for what he did."

The alopecia areata staff officer's eyes were particularly gloomy, with a mocking smile on his mouth. Although other people didn't hate Tang Fang as much as he did, they didn't regard "Morning Star Casting" as their own. Since Hydra's goal is "Morning Star Casting," they certainly have no obligation to risk their lives to help a foreigner.

This was almost everyone's thoughts beside the battle command platform, except for Nakamura Mie.

She said: "I am so ashamed of your thoughts."

"No matter who Hydra's target is, it is invading the territory of the Star Alliance. Those pirates were born in the Star Alliance, and grew up in the Star Alliance. Although they are guilty, they are all Star Alliance people... and The workers in the Kristall Industrial Park, if Hydra passes smoothly, what fate will those people face?"

"We are soldiers, and our duty is to defend the country and the people. We are not politicians and cannot use interests as a standard of action. If a country’s military takes interests first as its motto, then the country will never have a future. General Layton once said In this sentence,'The army should be the shield of a country, not a butcher knife in the hands of politicians.' If we give up resistance today because Hydra's goal is'Morning Star Casting', let Halifax set foot on the country , Then how are we different from the armies of the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire?"

"Have you ever thought about it. Once these 2,000 warships defeat the Apollo Pirates and turn into the inland of the Star League, how many civilians will die in the war? Who can guarantee that there is no family in there? Will we lose this war? I can’t afford to bet on this. We must keep these 2,000 warships out of the defense line, otherwise we will be the sinners of this country."

Those staff officers did not expect that Mie Nakamura would say so much in one breath, let alone that she, who was proficient in politics, would say such honest and loyal words.

"I know what you are thinking. I wonder how a bad woman like me became concerned about the country and the people, instead of fighting for power... Because I love this country and love it more than anyone else. Fighting for power is my life. The Star Alliance is my home...If there is no home, how can life be talked about; if there is no home, how can we talk about happiness."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong..." At the beginning, the older staff officer finally knew who Mie Nakamura was.

The two brothers can blush over the family property and quarrel because of disagreement, but if an outsider wants to level their courtyard and kill their relatives, what will they do? That is the affection of blood thicker than water, breaking bones and tendons.

The people of the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire, and the Phoenix Empire... do not regard the country as a family. For those people, the country is broken and the grass is deep.

But for the people of the Star Alliance, the country is the home, and the home...preserves their lives. Without a home, there is no life, no happiness, no tomorrow.

Several other staff officers also lowered their heads.

Mie Nakamura is right. They are soldiers who defend their homes and the country, not politicians who seek to profit only.

Becoming a soldier is their choice, not for their livelihood.

"Open the radio channel." After saying this, she walked to the front from the combat console, looked directly at the staff in the equipment pool on the first floor, and said in a calm and calm tone: "My home is on Numa Star. A mountain town in Hanteke State, it was a very bitter cold place. After the war between the countries of the Helenberg Region and the Jupiter Expeditionary Army was over, many young people left there to a more comfortable place. In the big city, only elderly people refuse to leave because they are nostalgic for their homeland, so a community doctor, a sheriff, and a pastor choose to stay."

"The town is getting smaller and deserted, but the new map published by the government every year can find that town. Every month, a shuttle carrying medical supplies and daily necessities will land or cover thickly. Snow, or on the square covered with dead leaves... They did not leave any festivals, they did not forget anyone in the town."

"And my father is the doctor who chose to stay in the small town...Hantke's climate is always so cold. People are used to hiding in houses with fireplaces, with warm fires. Old women use drills. Hooking up knitwear, the old men carried small square cups full of whiskey, talking about the family’s shortcomings, or national events that have nothing to do with their lives. There is an airport outside the town, which is the town to contact the outside world It’s the only air route in the country, and there will be 5 regular flights staying here for a while every day. Later, part of the Hantek State route was sold to a private airline, and 5 flights through the town were also included."

"Because the town is gradually dying, few people take this flight. The airline plans to reduce the flight from 5 times a day to 1 time a day for the sake of efficiency... However, they did not do this, only 5 times. It was shortened to 2. The commissioner in charge of investigating the feasibility of the report found that the daughter of the community doctor in the town would take this flight every morning to go to the nearest city’s St. Paul Middle School, and then leave school in the evening before taking the flight home. ."

"In fact, it’s not a big deal to reduce the number of flights to one flight. Girls can stay in school and continue their studies, but the CEO of the airline said to the board of directors,'If I were that doctor, I would like to see it every day. To my daughter. If I were a resident of that small town, I would like to see her bright smiling face every day. I don’t want to see that our flights are filled with money. I hope they are full of the warmth of home and the sweetness of love.' "

Mie Nakamura was silent for a while, and said with a slightly condensed voice, "I am the girl..."


One after another flashes of light around the curved interception line constructed by the Scimitar-class light interceptor ship and the flywheel-class heavy interceptor ship. The pitch-black coating gives the warship a cold texture. The indeterminate signal lights reflect the 9 ferocious snake heads on the side of the ship. , Like the gaze of a **** demon.

The fleet belonging to the 44th Fleet is like a broadsword piercing the abyss, with the whimper of wind and the roar of fire, sinking into the darkness that stretches into the sea.

Screaming is a kind of inspiration, and telling is also a kind of power... It is very warm, it is very warm.

This kind of healing power can overcome pain and also drive away fear.


The hexagonal pulsed light vortices on the wings of the "Queen Serpent" radiated waves of light of different phases. The energy grid behind the dragon's head was successively lit, and a fan-shaped photon shock beam swept across the darkness in front of the battleship, bringing the "Emperor" into Dozens of warships swallowed.

Mie Nakamura held the front handrail with both hands, sighed, and said softly, "I can only help you get here..."

The older staff officer smoothed the wrinkled corners of his clothes and asked, "Why do you say that?"

She calmly said, "Because I think he regards the Star Alliance as his second hometown."

"You are a noble person, I apologize to you for not understanding before."

"I am very pleased to hear such compliments at the last moment."

She said she was very pleased...

In the eyes of many people, Mie Nakamura is completely a FU without a bottom line. There is not a company in the army who slept with her, and there is also a reinforced platoon.

But such a woman does things that many men can't do.

She knows the meaning of the word soldier better than many people, and she knows what true patriotism is better than many people.

A woman like her is more man than many men and more husband than many husbands.


Halifax smashed the seat control panel, and he even threw the scarlet cloak to the ground.

More than 1,500 of the 2000 warships remain... in front of them is a starry cemetery made up of warship wrecks.

The 44th Fleet took the absolute initiative, using interceptors to force them out of the virtual space, but the result of this war ended in annihilation of the entire army.

No warship escaped, no warship retreated, no one regretted it.

Hydra's victory over this war ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ demonstrated their strength, but at the cost of exposing their existence and losing the best time to raid "Diral". If Halifax insists on following the original plan, it may be intercepted by the Legion of Honor before reaching the "Diral".

They can easily eliminate Nakamura's 44th Fleet, but if the opponent is replaced by the Honor Legion, the end will definitely be miserable. The Star Alliance Navy has not fought a war for many years, but judging from the performance of the 44th Fleet, they have a spirit that the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire did not have—unity!

Yes, it is unity. unity is strength.

The 13th prince is not a reckless person. As the highest officer in charge of the military scientific research department of the Monya Empire, he has a calm and wise mind.

The momentary anger quickly subsided. With the help of the maid, the scarlet cloak returned to his shoulder, and the control panel on the seat was replaced with a new screen under the work of the maintenance staff.

He sat back on the seat that symbolized power and status, and said to the generals standing by the combat command platform in front: "Withdraw."

Very short, only one word. (To be continued.)

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