Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 928: The spine of the old, the heart of the young (part 2)

When he said that, he stopped and stopped crying miserably. He just looked at Mr. Senator who put his body in the sand with eager eyes. network

Terry Ferdinand is a wise man... Even if he is just an ordinary person, he can understand what Tang Fang means after hearing these words.

Yes, cry poor and then ask for money.

The old man can use his kindness, and he can also use the old man's mentality that he values ​​himself very much.

This is fair.

"You really are a little fox who refuses to suffer."

Tang Fang sneered and said, "Each one another..."

The old man raised his eyes and scanned the room, seeming to think of something, with a sigh, and said, "I'm afraid I will disappoint you... Have you seen this house? It is my only property, but this is the only one. The property has also been earned by Hamlet. So... you really found the wrong person."

If it is a strong Quan government such as the Turanx United Kingdom and the Monya Empire, a big figure like him, who is not the rich side and has a lot of money, not to mention hundreds of billions of stars, even tens of thousands Billions or trillions are not difficult.

Unfortunately, this is the Star Alliance, he really only has such a house. At most, he still has several million stars in stocks, but he has already made a will in advance, and after his death, he will put all of them into the Redeemer Humanitarian Foundation to help those who are unfortunate.

"I didn't find the wrong person." Tang Fang said, "Of course you have no money, the bank has..."

Terry Ferdinand was clear: "Are you... trying to get a government loan?"

Tang Fang smiled and nodded.

"I suddenly regretted inviting you to Heisenberg."

Tang Fang said, "It's a pity... there is no regret selling medicine in this world."

"You are forcing me to make a mistake... I won't be able to guarantee the night."

"Aren't you a patriot? You don't have any awareness of this, and you don't give up this sacrifice. What else are you talking about for the country and the people?"

How could he as a leader not know the crisis and difficulties that Morningstar Casting is facing now? Kylenia's worries also exist, and they are even more serious.

It is at this point that Terry Ferdinand wants to meet him through Byron's relationship.

The so-called "Nothing but Three Treasures Hall", since your Excellency made such a choice, you must have asked him. If conditions permit, why don't the two parties make a deal?

Just like Terry Ferdinand’s self-description, compared with the strong Quan government of the Turanx United Kingdom and the Monya Empire, he is as poor as a beggar.

Although Mr. Congressman has no money, as the spiritual leader of the Republican Party, a big figure who once served as the Speaker of the House, his political influence is even higher than that of the current President Adam Oliver. If he is going to lobby senior government officials, he wants to get the Star Alliance It is naturally easier for a savings bank to borrow some money.

Therefore, agreeing to Terry Ferdinand is not all about Byron's face, he has his own little abacus.

The old man was silent for a moment, and said: "I can help you apply for a loan, and even raise money for you, but there is one condition."

As Tang Fang thought, this meeting will not be that simple. Seeing come and see, it will always turn into a transaction.

"Please speak." He pinched the waist of the goblet with his hands and gently rotated it on the tabletop.

Terry Ferdinand moved his back from the back of the sand, straightened up, looked at his eyes and said: "The war between the Star Alliance and the Monya Empire around the Karilan-Ruttonado No Man’s Land has been fully launched. Do you know something..."

Tang Fang nodded, "I know."

Although he has been in the Turanx United Kingdom some time ago, this does not mean that he is not paying attention to the battle between the two no man's land. Not only did he know that the two sides were already at war, but he also knew that the Spartacus Alliance of the Star Alliance and the Hydra Army of the Monya Empire had also joined their respective camps. Even the Southern Cross fleet and the Golden Ring fleet, which he had encountered in the Megal star system of the Monya Empire, were enlisted by Kolkraf I and invested in this battle.

Terry Ferdinand continued: "The Star Alliance has been weak for a long time, and has faced countries with a low profile for many years, and the navy has seriously lacked actual combat experience. Although this has been considered before the war, most of the lawmakers They all believe that the Sulu Empire and the Mongolian Empire are involved in two-front combat, and it is impossible to have their due strength."

"Facts have proved that this perception is wrong. The army of the Monya Empire has fought for years, and its combat capabilities and coordination capabilities are not comparable to those of the Star Alliance navy that has been idle for many years, even if it is a heroic fleet like Spartacus United. Not an opponent of the Hydra Army."

"Many times, brutality is a double-edged sword. It can make a political Quan dying, and it can also make the army burst out with powerful execution and a style of fearlessness."

"So, I can help you get a loan, but in return, I hope you can help the Karrilan-Ruttonado no man's land garrison navy."

The bottom of the goblet rubs against the glass of the coffee table, making a slight noise.

Tang expressed distress: "As you know, I left two biological fleets in the Turanx United Kingdom to help Elena promote political reform. Now the available forces are stretched."

The old man smiled, raised the wine glass in front of him, and touched his lips: "You little slippery head, don't think I don't know how the son of war was destroyed... How powerful is the combat power of the Angel in your hands? , Do you still use me to break it?"

"Are you asking me to put aside Dillard's construction issues and head the fleet to the Kariran-Rutonado no man's land?"

The old man smiled without saying a word, and responded with default.

"I can promise you, but there is also one condition."

The old man was not surprised at all, "Please speak."

"Once the loan is granted, Morningstar Casting will take the lead in launching several small and medium-sized ship production lines. Before that, I need to get some orders in advance."

Terry Ferdinand stared tightly, with a dumbfounding expression on his face: "Your little abacus can be proficient, let the Star Alliance government provide you with a loan, then use the loan to establish your own business, and then sell the battleship produced by the enterprise to The Star Alliance Navy...This is really shrewd and sweet."

"Take a loan from the Star Alliance government to make money from the Star Alliance government... You guy, went to Turanx United Kingdom and learned a lot of ways to make money."

Tang Fang shook his fingers unceremoniously: "You are wrong to say that. The most precious thing about Morningstar Casting is its technical reserves. You provide loans to help me build the ship production line, and then I will rebuild those much more than Ward Heavy Industries, What does it mean that warships with much higher technical content owned by local military-industrial enterprises of the Star Alliance, such as the Rover Technology Consortium, are invested in the Star Alliance Navy? It means the improvement of overall national strength and the rise of military power."

"This is a win-win cooperation, not me taking advantage, or you taking advantage of it...how about it, Mr. Senator, do you still think I am playing tricks?"

Tang Fang has a cluster of biological warships. The existence of feeding injections has brought great impact to the medical field. There are many warships under his team that are far from the current level of technology. In addition to the rumors of Captain Tang’s special origins, the products produced by Morningstar Casting must have his uniqueness.

Terry Ferdinand closed his eyes, then slowly opened them, "This is indeed a win-win cooperation, but... you also know that the Star Alliance is not the authoritarian Zheng Mansion. There are too many different voices in the council. Too many different forces... If you just apply for a loan, with my influence and your technical reserves, it is not a difficult task. But getting the Star Alliance Navy to purchase your products is related to the interests of too many people. ...I'm afraid there is nothing I can do."

In addition to the Republican Party and the Liberal Party, the two major parties paI, the Star Alliance also has several opposition parties. Although they do not occupy many seats in the parliament, they are also a force that cannot be ignored. The current Zheng party is the Liberal Party represented by Tomlinson Daller and Adam Oliver. These people are involved in different big companies and big chaebols. Among them, Tomlinson Daller has a lot of friendship with the Wanderer Technology Consortium. Peggy Gasol and the chairman of Blackthorn Shipbuilding are long-time friends. Yuan Kui and Nguyen Ting-wen of Venus Pharmaceuticals are close friends. Under such an environment, it is undoubtedly a very difficult task for the Star Alliance Navy to cooperate with Morningstar Casting.

Hamlet said that Tang Fang was very special and important. He believed it, but it didn't mean that others believed it. Tang Fang's ouster of O'Neill made many political elderly people unhappy, and they always wanted to find Morningstar to cast some trouble. If it weren't for him to act as a peacemaker, knowing the reason and moving with affection, what about the Star Alliance? There may be a loosening of attitude towards Morningstar Casting.

Just like Grant and Krystier’s application for subsidies for the Planetary Environment Transformation Project in the Babylonian Star System, some people think that Captain Tang is in the limelight and that more and more people in the Star Alliance have a good impression of him, so they took the opportunity to beat him. Fan, let the people of the Dilar star system know where this is and whose territory they are living in.

Tang Fang knew exactly what he was facing. The Star Alliance protects itself internationally, but it is driven by interests and political needs. In fact, in this country, many people want to see him deflated to kill his arrogance. This is due to the attack on the Dilar star system. The government only symbolically imposed strictness on the Third Committee and the Supreme Council. Reprimand can be seen without actual action.

"Because it is difficult, so I will offer it in exchange." He kicked the ball firmly to the feet of Terry Ferdinand.

The old man's brow furrowed deeply, and his shriveled fingers tapped the sand handrail lightly. There was no sound, but he felt anxious.

After a long silence, his brows slowly stretched out, "I have a way..." He spoke slowly, with a low tone, "But... you need your cooperation."

Tang Fang's eyes lit up, "How to cooperate?"

The old man paused, and still said in slow words: "Become a citizen of the Star League. Only in this way can I have enough reason to persuade those opposition parties and give you enough privileges."

In terms of immigration policy, Star Alliance will give special treatment to those who have outstanding personal abilities or outstanding contributions. Some people reject Tang Fang because he made the Star Alliance government embarrassed as a foreign investor. But once he joins the Star Alliance citizenship, the foundation of hatred naturally does not exist. At that time, he can use his country, righteousness, and his political prestige to overwhelm the voice of opposition, and let Morningstar Casting win the same industry. , Ward Heavy Industries, Eco-Sowopner Group and other military enterprises have the same treatment.

After listening to him, Tang Fang didn't answer immediately, but the light in his eyes slowly darkened.

If he wanted to, he could join the citizenship of the Star Alliance as early as when he arrived in the Star Alliance. It was only because he wanted to overthrow the brutal rule of Kirklaf I as a Monya and rescue the oppressed poor. do.

Just as Elizabeth pushed the administrative gaI before, it is easier to get the approval of the domestic people than when he pushed the administrative gaI. The tyranny of a Star Covenant overthrowing the Stewart family and the tyranny of an authentic Monya overthrowing the Stewart family are completely different concepts.

It doesn't matter what nationality he is, because he is not from this world, as long as he doesn't forget his ancestors and lives up to the blood of Yan Huang.

The key is that joining the Star Alliance nationality will have a great negative impact on his future counterattack of the Mongolian Empire, and he has to think about it carefully.

Terry Ferdinand seems to know his concerns, "As long as you have a heart of redemption, why bother about where you are in **** or heaven? If you don't want to see the people of Monya suffer, don't you have to bear with the people of the Star Alliance?"

Yes, the people of the Monya Empire are humans, but the people of the Star Alliance are not humans?

To be honest, there are far more people in the Star League who like him and worship him than the Monya... What he did in the Turanx United Kingdom, the Star League civil organizations have always supported him Haven't weakened.

He can work hard for the people of Turanx United Kingdom, but how can he not bear the grievances for the people of the Star League?

Yes, it should be people-oriented, and not transfer dissatisfaction or contempt for the government to the bottom people of the country.

The reason why he has a sense of identification with the identity of the Mengya ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is because of Tang Yan's memory and experience, as well as the existence of Tang Lin and Tang Yun.

The old man suddenly stood up and walked to the multifunctional imaging device opposite the coffee table. "Compare your heart to your heart. I hope that after watching this video, you can treat the Star Alliance more correctly, instead of being utilitarian."

"The people of the Star Alliance do not live as hard as the people under the Wei Quan government, so are they not worthy of your helping hand?"

The old man pressed the play button, and a cloud of green light filled the wall of Tang Fang, and the colors jumped in the air, drawing bright figures one after another.

The emblem of the 44th Fleet is very eye-catching, but the nine dragons of the Bihydra Legion are obviously much weaker. In front of Quetzalcoatl, Yingxian was even more like a piece of common iron.

However, their bloodliness is extremely radiant, like the first morning light that shone through the night. However, Nakamura's words seemed to light up the flames of Fantie's spiritual platform, making it a military soul that was more dazzling than pearls and diamonds. (To be continued.) 8

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