When Neville heard the news of the two teams fighting during lunch, both Rock and Hermione were a little surprised.

After lunch, they and Neville brought some food and went to the infirmary to visit Harry and Ron.

At this time, the atmosphere in the infirmary was very calm, and in addition to Madam Pomfrey's very bad face, there was also a tense atmosphere among the patients.

Although they are already patients, the two teams of the Snake House and the Lion House are still-for-tat in the ward.

If it weren't for the curtain between them, and Madam Pomfrey forbidding them to make a sound.

They are expected to play an overtime game in the ward!

Because Locke and the other visitors were not allowed to speak, Locke could only give Harry and Ron a thumbs up.

Harry and Ron both smirked.

Only Hermione glared at the three ~ people with an annoyed expression.

Neville also gave Locke a thumbs up, and then glared at Hermione in annoyance.

Neville immediately shrank his head.

Unable to communicate, Locke gave the food to Harry and Ron before turning around and preparing to leave.

Then they happened to bump into McGonagall and Professor Snape, who were looking ugly and coming together.

It turned out that the reason why the teams of the two academies were in the infirmary was not because they were seriously injured, but because they were locked up here waiting for the deans of the two academies to fall!

In the end, both houses were deducted 50 points each, and both houses were banned from using the Quidditch pitch until the first Quidditch match in November!

That's a super severe punishment!

The two teams, no matter which team they were, couldn't help but let out a wail.

But in the face of the two most strict and unsympathetic professors and deans in the entire Hogwarts, the dissatisfaction of the little snake and the little eagle can only be swallowed in their stomachs.

After the two professors left, Madam Pomfrey contentedly let the lion cubs and snake cubs go.

Although the two sides fought, they still retained their sanity and did not use spells.

And ordinary minor injuries can be cured in the blink of an eye at Madam Pomfrey.

So they'll be able to be discharged now.

"You don't see it, Locke. Harry and Malfoy were fighting fiercely. Malfoy smashed Harry's glasses with a punch, and Harry pulled off a tuft of golden retriever from him...... "Back in the common room, George and Fred show Locke what it was like.

The two of them played Harry and Malfoy, vividly.

Everyone was amused, even Harry, until Colin shouted, "I got it, I got it!"

"Really, please wash me one later!" said George, intrigued.

"That's not good, Brother George, and Colin, you are not allowed to take pictures without Harry's permission!" Ginny suddenly stood up.

"Why!" Colin asked aloud.

"Even in the Muggle world, you can't just shoot people, Colin!" Ginny looked at him calmly, with a calm threat in her eyes.

She had long noticed that Harry didn't like Colin's behavior. And today is the time for Colin to stop harassing her idol.

"But, I got Harry's permission!" Colin blushed.

"Is it true?" Ginny turned her head and looked at Harry with shyness.

"No, I never said yes!" Harry couldn't possibly embarrass Ginny for himself.

Therefore, between his future wife and his future younger brother, Harry decisively chose the former.

"How could it be...... I thought ......" Colin looked depressed, with a sense of despair that he had been abandoned by his idol.

Harry felt a little guilty when he saw this.

He felt that perhaps the reason why Colin was like this was just uneasiness.

After all, he also knew what he was like when he was in the first grade.

When a young Muggle wizard first came to Hogwarts, he was always uneasy.

It's a strange world, and they're alone.

At this time, they often find a spiritual sustenance to divert their attention. And he was unfortunate that he was chosen by Colin and became his spiritual sustenance.

"That's it, Harry. Will you be filmed in the future, when will you be filmed, and how about you authorize Ginny to have him supervise Colin?"

Locke didn't understand why Harry felt guilty, but he stepped up and came up with an idea to wrap it up.

But his words immediately made Harry and Ginny blush, and Colin's gray body was colored again.

"Ahem!" Ron deliberately coughed loudly twice, expressing his displeasure to Locke.

But Locke pretended not to see it, and continued to ask, "How is it, Harry, Colin, who is still young and doesn't understand many things, but he will understand later." Now let Ginny supervise him, Ginny is much more mature than him and should be able to make the right judgment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If Ginny wasn't too troublesome......"

"No trouble, no trouble, leave it to me!" Ginny immediately agreed.

So the matter was overjoyed and over.

Colin also offered to apologize to Harry, and the relationship between the two sides did not seem to be affected.

"You're amazing, Locke. One idea can dissolve the tense atmosphere in the lounge and solve the troubles of everyone in the three parties!" Hermione whispered as she touched Locke's arm with her book. []

"Small meaning. Locke said casually.

"No, they're satisfied, but I'm not!" Ron leaned over to complain.

"Ron, there are some things you shouldn't care!" Hermione glanced at him.

"No, I'm Ginny's brother!" Ron emphasized.

"But Percy and George didn't care. You don't think they didn't see it, did you?" continued Hermione.

"Hmph, they're not good brothers at all! Ginny is so young, how can she ......," Ron exasperated.

"Ron, did you tell Wood about your plan to run for the goalkeeper bench?" Locke interrupted the two abruptly, they couldn't let them quarrel over this.

If anyone else heard, Harry and Ginny would have died.

"Locke, you really know everything. But I don't remember mentioning it to anyone!" Ron looked surprised.

"But you've been reading books about Quidditch goalkeepers for the last two days. I thought everyone could see it. Locke smiled.

"This ......," Ron blushed a little.

"How's that, did you say that?" Locke continued.

"That's it. Originally, it should have been hopeless, and Wood had always hated using substitutes. But because you were a substitute Seeker last year that everyone won the Quidditch Cup, Wood was a little loose. Plus I had a fight with them with Slytherin just now, so he agreed to let me try!" Ron was a little excited.

"That's right. I ordered the latest sweep series of this year, which swept 8 stars, and I will be able to deliver it tomorrow. If you're selected, you can use it to train and compete. "

"Really, Locke, you're not kidding me, are you!" Ron was pleasantly surprised, the biggest reason he had been hesitant was that he didn't have a broomstick suitable for competition.

Although he has broomsticks at home, they are all antique types that have been eliminated by his elders.

He didn't expect that he would also appear on the stage on the latest broomstick!

Although the Sweep 8 Star and the Halo 2001 are not at all comparable, one is for amateur competitions and the other is for professional competitions, both sides are very different in terms of performance and price.

But the sweep of 8 stars is at least a lot better than Wood's sweep of 5 stars!

It is said that the appearance of the light wheel 2000 last year caused a dimensionality reduction blow to the flying broomstick world!

So starting from this year, every flying broom manufacturer has referred to the design of the light wheel 2000 and made a big change to its own products!

And the Ron family is very familiar with the sweep series, and also launched the sweep 8 star three!.

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