"Locke, my ......" finally Ron spoke.

"Isn't yours already given to you? If you were to ask what wand would be best for you, I think it would be Willow + Horned Tail Hair, which is a gentle wand, but in fact only people with extraordinary potential can have her. "

"Oh, thank you Locke, I mean, the wand in my hand is made of ...... material."

“emm... Ron, if you want to know, I can tell you. But don't be cranky. "

"What do you mean?" Ron swallowed.

"The core of its staff is unicorn tail hairs, and everyone except Hermione's has unicorn tail hairs because they are stable, safe, and perfect for beginners like me. As for the wand in your hand, it is made from the branches of the willow that beats people. "

"Locke, what you said about beating people willow, shouldn't it be ......?"

"There's only one battering willow in the school, Ron. "

"Oh. Ron was stunned, looking at the wand in his hand, speechless for a long time.

"Maybe that's fate. Hagrid walked over and patted Ron on the shoulder, causing him to nearly fall.

Everyone knows that Ron's wand was broken during the Beater Willow attack. It's amazing.

Because of the anticipation for the new wand, everyone talked about it until they returned to the castle.

They seem to have completely forgotten that Harry will be dangerous this semester.

Locke remembered, of course, but he wasn't going to remind them.

The previous year was bootstrapping, and he had already done it.

Harry and the others began to use reasoning to find answers, and they knew how to advance their spells.

And this year is mostly a test.

Because all the information related to the incident this year was directly presented to the little wizards, they only needed to sort it out, which was very convenient for reasoning.

Locke felt that he didn't need his own help at all, Harry and they could solve everything.

In that case, let's be a bystander. After all, seizing the time to study and enrich himself is the most urgent thing for Locke.

The two fire-based spells may advance at any time, this is really a burning pi stock, and it is urgent!

Harry and Ron had been in a good mood when they had dinner. One of them solves Colin's business, and the other has a new broom available tomorrow. But after dinner, they were called away by Professor McGonagall.

It turns out that the punishment that Professor McGonagall said about the two of them at the beginning of the school year, confinement, will be carried out from this evening!

Professor McGonagall's arrangement for the two of them is:

Harry is going to Lockhart's office to help Lockhart reply to fans, and Ron has to wipe the trophies in the prize showroom under Filch's watch, not by magic!

After hearing this, the two couldn't help but let out a loud wail!

In fact, a week later, they've almost forgotten about the confinement penalty for driving a flying car to school.

Unexpectedly, the time to come is still here, and it is still at this time, when they are the happiest.

No matter how unwilling, the two of them still have to face the person they least like on time at 8 o'clock tonight.

Harry was naturally "tormented" by Lockhart because of Hagrid's "talking" this afternoon.

Ron, on the other hand, was troubled by Filch because of the hatred provoked by his two brothers. Luckily, there's a new broom for tomorrow that will put Ron in a good mood.

In the end, it was not until midnight that the two dragged their tired bodies back to the dormitory, while Locke and Neville had already slept.

The next day, without any surprise, Ron got his, no, Locke's new broomstick - sweeping 8 stars!

Then on the same night, Ron successfully became a goalkeeper substitute and officially joined the academy team.

Ron wanted to pull his friends in the evening to celebrate, but he and Harry were going to stay locked up tonight.

A few days later, Hermione's birthday arrived, and she managed to receive a birthday present from Locke.

A short wand of dark brown, 9 inches, straight and smooth, with only a non-slip pattern on the grip.

In fact, Locke preferred short wands because they were easy to hide and carry.

So the wands he made were basically less than 10 inches long.

Hermione tried it out and found it to be very handy, more comfortable than the original one! Although the power of the spell has decreased, the success rate of casting the spell has increased!

Locke is not surprised, because walnut and vine are very picky, but the former picks the wizard's qualifications, and the latter picks the user's goals and ambitions.

So the former is easier to recognize Hermione.

Because Hermione's wizarding qualifications have been revealed, but her life goals and ambitions are still being tested.

Hermione was pleased with the new wand, but was also amazed at Locke's wand-making abilities.

If Locke could already make wands of this calibre, he could make a living from it now.

Hermione told Locke what she thought. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What are you thinking, Hermione, I can't make such a good wand without a good wand core. Actually, you are the only one who can do that.

For among us, only your original wand core is the nerve of the dragon.

I've said before that this kind of wand core wand is disloyal, and whoever is strong will follow whomever it is. It's not good, but it's good. The good thing is that she doesn't get jealous easily.

But if we also have a second spiritual wand, then soon, our original wand will not be so handy.

If our wands were a little more spiritual, like Harry and I, we would just use a spell to drive away the other wands!" Locke explained.

"I see. Hermione nodded knowingly.

And Harry, Ron, and Neville all cast envious glances at Hermione.

Hermione was already the most talented in spells among them, and now she was bound to be stronger.

The three boys felt the pressure.

Time passed slowly, and at the end of September, Hermione had successfully learned the Iron Armor Charm. This made the professors' jaws drop. []

This also proves that the music auxiliary method is effective.

But Hermione's preferred music is the harmonica version of Where the Stars Are.

Locke didn't know how she resonated with the song, only that it was not easy to play on the harmonica, but fortunately he could play it directly with the spell.

Hermione also asked about the origin of the song, but Locke didn't tell her.

Later, Harry and the three of them also tried the music auxiliary method, but the results were not satisfactory.

Maybe they lack the musical cells, perhaps, they haven't reached the conditions to learn the Iron Armor Curse.

Many adult wizards don't use the Iron Armor Charm well.

Locke told them not to rush and to try again this time next year.

But "the whisper" is in everyone's hands.

Locke also learned the Drying Charm and "Fix All".

And Harry, they are still struggling with the pre-skill "Quick Fixation" of "All Fixation".

But Harry was about to learn.

As we entered October, Harry finally heard a hoarse voice in Lockhart's office at midnight on a weekend.

The voice kept shouting "hungry", "kill", "eat" and something like that.

This made Harry feel very weird, and it was at this time that he thought of what happened before school started, and quickly called his friends over!

This time they were in the boys' dormitory, and they all whispered.

"Harry, are you sure you heard it and Lockhart didn't?" Hermione asked first after hearing Harry's words.

"I think so, Hermione!"

Lately, he's been going to Lockhart's office every weekend. In Defence Against the Dark Arts class, he also has to perform with Lockhart.

Now Harry knew Lockhart well enough. He felt that Lockhart really hadn't heard anything at the time.

"Is Lockhart playing some tricks? You know, he's always been jealous of Harry!" Ron began.

"I don't think it's necessary. He's punished me enough. And what's the harm to me, scare me?" Harry didn't think so.

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