Harry saw the basilisk's reaction as well, but he didn't say anything.

For the time being, he didn't want to reveal that he had communicated with the basilisk. He also had some expectations for the basilisk, namely Asclepius.

"Tom, you're Voldemort, aren't you?" Locke said that after the alphabetical order of your name changed, I was Voldemort!" Harry continued to question Tom.

"Brilliant reasoning!I thought that only a few people would notice this. Locke, he's the most similar existence to me!" Tom couldn't help but applaud.

"No, you're not similar at all!"

"Harry, there are some things you may never understand. "

"It's you who don't understand! Wait, where are you going, where are you going to run away?"

"No, Harry, I'm going to finish the ritual. When the time comes, I'll correct all the mistakes of that loser, and I'll be the true King of Magic!" Tom was patiently excited, and followed the basilisk to the secret room.

This kind of thing has to be done at the statue of Slytherin, so that there is a sense of ceremony!

His ancestors, the Slytherins, will witness his rebirth!

"You're dreaming, I'm not going to let you get away with it!" Harry followed in exasperation.

"Hehe, stop me? No, you 07 can't do anything. I've been with Lockhart for two months now, and during this time, he's opened up to me without reservation. I've taken everything from him, and now he's almost an empty shell. Even if I give up now, he is irretrievable. "

"No way, it's not true!" Harry didn't believe it, how could he possibly believe Voldemort.

"I don't have to lie to you, or you can ask the basilisk. Don't you know a parseltongue?" Obviously, even if Harry pretended not to know the basilisk, it wouldn't be able to hide Tom's eyes.

Because, Harry had no intention of attacking the basilisk at all, and under normal circumstances, this would not have been possible.

The reason is that as long as he attacks the basilisk and stops the basilisk from taking Lockhart, then Tom's plan will definitely fail.

Tom didn't think it was possible for Harry not to see that.

However, even if Asclepius really had anything between him, it didn't matter.

Because Tom has the means to control it.

It's obvious, if you don't prepare this hand for your descendants, how can Slytherin ensure that your descendants won't be killed by the millennium basilisk?

"Asclepius, is this true? Is Lockhart really irretrievable? Tom, is he really going to be reborn?" Harry also found that his acting skills had been seen through, so he didn't hide it anymore.

"Yes, unless you can kill Lockhart, or, destroy that journal. However, this is impossible, because you cannot defeat me, and that diary cannot be damaged by conventional means. The basilisk replied.

"Basilisk, you have too many mouths! But, you're right, our savior is helpless. Still, I'm a little curious, Harry, if killing Lockhart could prevent me from resurrecting, would you do that? Sacrifice a man for the sake of justice, and kill someone to stop me?"

Tom was unhappy with the basilisk's mouthiness, but he was also curious about Harry's approach.

Although, in Tom's opinion, Harry is far inferior to Locke.

But I have to say that Tom is still very curious about this person who once stopped his future self.

Moreover, deliberately luring Harry here to watch the ritual of his resurrection, in addition to being able to kill Harry immediately after the resurrection, there is also a reason for him to witness all this and become part of the ritual.

Tom has always been a very ceremonial person, otherwise the Horcrux would not have chosen items that were related and easy to guess.

And Tom's question did stump Harry.

Even though Harry had been thinking about what was good and what was evil all semester this year, and whether he was good or evil, he hadn't come to a conclusion until now!

And now, Tom is once again putting this thorny problem in front of him, and he feels like going crazy!

"Hahaha, Harry, is that your answer? hesitate and can't judge! If I told you that the attack on Locke was Lockhart's request, or even, Lockhart asked me to kill Locke! But he still decided to wait for Locke to be petrified, and then find an opportunity to use a powerful Oblivion Charm on Locke and turn him into an idiot!

"No, it can't be...... Lockhart, he's just a showy liar, he ......"

"Just a showy liar? What makes me sick, Harry, you're stupid! Haven't you seen it for so long, Lockhart doesn't have the real stuff at all, and if so, how did he get the content of those books?

Let me tell you!

He attacked the wizards who had actually done them, stole their memories with a magical peep, and erased them!

He didn't care how much damage it would do to the brains of those wizards, and even turn a few of them into idiots directly...... And no one in the wizarding world doubts this, they only think that those wizards have Alzheimer's!

How stupid, and this is the British wizarding world! Fraudsters can shine brightly, and the real heroes die alone in the corner!

Harry, you're a hero, even a savior, but what kind of situation have you been in all these years, being abused in a Muggle family? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"That's enough, you killed my parents! I shouldn't have been in that situation if you hadn't done that!" Harry yelled at Tom.

"Is that what you're talking about, Harry, are you obsessed with finding me, obsessed with stopping me, just for revenge, Mr. Savior!"

Tom, I'll be happy if I make you unhappy. I'll make you pay.513!You're right, you won't be able to do anything if you hesitate!I'm sorry, Asclepius!" Harry pointed his wand at the basilisk.

"Wise choice, Mr. Potter. But the basilisk didn't blame Harry.

"Stupid, kill him, basilisk!" Tom was annoyed. He didn't expect that his words would make Harry miserable and self-doubting.

As a result, Harry was indeed in pain and self-doubting, but he also forced himself to make a choice.

If it were normal times, Tom would probably be glad that Harry had made a cruel choice and rejoiced in his fall. []

But now, he only feels troublesome!

Because once Lockhart is killed, there is really no way for him to be resurrected.

In fact, Lockhart was in a coma, which had already disrupted his plans again.

Originally, if Lockhart had taken the initiative to cooperate, the ceremony would have been completed quickly and 100% successfully. Now, not only does it take longer, but it can even fail.

Perhaps kill Harry and hide Harry's body before the ritual begins. Then, waking up Lockhart and coaxing him to cooperate with you is the most appropriate thing to do.

It's a shame that Harry won't be able to witness his resurrection.

The basilisk didn't disobey Tom's orders, shoved Lockhart to Tom's side with his tail, and then opened his mouth to approach Harry!

Although the basilisk is blind, the snake never uses its eyes to search for enemies.

So without eyes, except that you can't use your stare to kill, it doesn't have much effect on the basilisk!.

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