Despite having a good conversation with Hermione's father, the two seem to have come to an agreement.

But when he returned to school, Locke couldn't control some sorrow in his heart.

He found that he seemed to be unable to deceive himself anymore. He became caring, he became soft.

Since he came to this world, there are always more kind people around him who love him.

Surrounded by these people, I am afraid that no matter how cold and hard my heart is, it will slowly melt and soften;

No matter how hot the mood is, it will slowly calm down and cool down.

It seemed to be clear that Locke was in the midst of a critical transition, and after dinner that night, Dumbledore invited Locke to his office.

On the one hand, Dumbledore wanted to report to Locke on the progress of his investigation into the Horcruxes.

On the other hand, Dumbledore also wanted to try to be Locke's spiritual mentor.

After all, after learning the Patronus Charm from himself, Locke can be regarded as half of his own disciple.

Locke didn't refuse, although he was very unkind to Dumbledore, he still admired Dumbledore for living so long and not getting tired of it.

Maybe the troubles of his life are not worth mentioning to this person at all.

However, the first thing Locke did when he came to Dumbledore's office was to harass Fawkes.

Although he was not satisfied with the lack of gorgeous appearance of Fawkes, a living flame spirit was in front of him, and Luo 993g couldn't help but be full of interest in it.

It's a pity that this flame spirit has a bad temper, and before Locke touches it a few times, it is about to peck people.

Locke had no choice but to give up.

"Mr. Headmaster, how much do you know about my other hometown, that country?" Locke's mind was always very out-of-the-box, from Fox to Phoenix, and then to hometown.

Or, after two years in this world, he finally misses his hometown a little.

"I don't know, that country is out of step with other countries of this era, and I don't know what the future holds for her. However, I was impressed by the attitude of that country towards wizards!"

"What happened?"

"Locke, you may not know that the wizards of the Kunlun realm have a very close relationship with Muggles a long time ago. The royal families of Xia, Shang, and Zhou were all closely connected to the Kunlun realm, and even wizards served in the Muggle dynasty.

However, the dispute between the Shang and Zhou dynasties involved too many wizards, which directly led to the wizard war. Since then, the Kunlun realm has begun to restrict wizards, forbidding them to interfere in the Muggle world's struggles at will. "

"Is that so?" Locke thinks this should be the story of the Romance of the Gods, or the Third Heaven and Earth Tribulation?

Yes, but the Kunlun world wasn't completely left to the Muggles at that time. Later, at the end of the Qin Dynasty and the end of the Han Dynasty, there were always wizards who couldn't get used to seeing Muggles suffering, violated the rules of the Kunlun realm, and interfered in the Muggle world without authorization...... Oh, forgive me, those wizards' names are so hard to remember, I only remember one named ZhangJiao. "

[That was Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Yellow Turban Rebellion in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.] Locke said in his heart.

"Although the Kunlun community once again stressed that it was not allowed to interfere in the Muggle world, there were still people who did not listen to dissuasion. On the one hand, there are wizards who are originally from the Muggle world and are Muggle wizards. Even if they became wizards, they couldn't let the Muggle world go.

On the other hand, people in the Eastern countries have a habit of having a sense of responsibility for others or the good or bad of the world. By the way, the rise and fall of the world, the husband is responsible (Chinese pronunciation), this sentence is very accurate. "

From time to time, Locke uttered a strange Chinese sentence to Dumbledore, and he didn't know how to complain.

But Chinese is such a difficult language, Dumbledore can master it, which is already very good.

"However, while there are wizards who can give everything for the Muggle world, their interference, as history has always proven, will only make the Muggle world worse.

In fact, not only in the East, but also in many countries on this planet, they have prospered and destroyed because of the interference of wizards. But no one has tried so many times and seen so thoroughly like the Kunlun Realm. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the end, all the wizards of the Kunlun realm came to a consensus and came to a conclusion, that is, wizards should not interfere in Muggle wars and dynasty changes. They wrote this teaching as the supreme law, and anyone who violated it would be put to death!

Later some facts proved that this was effective, and each of the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties lasted for a long time.

But the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Second World War of the Muggles caused the Muggles in that land to suffer in a way that surprised the whole world......

You probably don't know, Locke. Although the Kunlun realm has not expanded externally, wizards all over the world know about them. When it became known that they were completely non-interfering with the Muggles on their own turf, the whole world was in a great uproar.

This upheaval was so long and far-reaching that even the Holy See was involved. []

No one can fully understand the purpose of the participants in that commotion, but the end result is that the country in the East, which has always been at the top, has fallen behind and then ravaged ......"

Locke was silent, he knew very well that the modern and modern history of his hometown was a history of humiliation.

But if the blame was to be placed entirely on the influence of wizards on the Muggle world, Locke could not accept it.

Locke felt that even Dumbledore subconsciously put the status of wizards in a high place.

The reason why his hometown is backward may be the main reason for "self-containment", rather than the calculations and influence of wizards in other places.

"Locke, if you could understand what I said earlier, you probably wouldn't be surprised by what happened next. In 1949, your other homeland, a new country, was founded in ruins. Then, after a bitter civil war, the new state established its legitimacy and brought the land back to unity and stability.

At this time, the Kunlun realm sent people to contact the leaders of the new country. You may not imagine the surprise of those leaders, they even suspect that the people in the Kunlun realm are crazy. But when the wizards used magic, the Muggles froze, and then went into a rage!

The Muggle leaders believed that since the Kunlun realm was on this land, they had a duty to protect the people living here, rather than being high up and turning a blind eye to the suffering of the people!

But wizards also believe that they are not wrong, wizards do not interfere with Muggles, this is the conclusion that wizards have come to for thousands of years, and it is a conclusion that has been paid for countless bloodshed and sacrifices!

In the end, they both parted on an unhappy note.

This really impressed me, because, in any country, when the Muggle leaders first established that wizards existed, they were very annoyed and upset, but eventually gave in and cooperated.

But the leaders of that country, even in the face of the most powerful magical world on the planet, did not flinch in the slightest.

Locke, you must know that the main reason why the wizarding world has a connection with the Muggle world is to be able to accept Muggle wizards. Because Muggle wizards don't accept proper guidance, they become silent.

Even in that country in the East, the Kunlun realm strictly forbids interference in the Muggle realm, and the top level of Muggles also knows the Kunlun realm, and has been cooperating with the Kunlun realm to attract Muggle wizards.

But the leaders of the new country do not eat this set. They would rather study how to cultivate a little wizard on their own than let the Kunlun Realm take it away.

This simply shook the Kunlun Realm, because no Muggle dynasty had ever dared to rebel against the Kunlun Realm like this. The relationship between the two sides was tense to the extreme.

However, there are also people in the Kunlun world who believe that this is a kind of backlash against them for not caring about the Muggle world, so they negotiated with the Muggle leaders.

Although the Muggle leaders were not satisfied, they needed the Kunlun realm to fight against foreign wizards, and finally signed some treaties, and after some rights, they also compromised. "。

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