Talented Genius

Chapter 113: Arrogant

Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen

After jumping off the eighth floor, Ye Tianlong crawled out of Mingjiang Hospital to avoid being shot and killed by Qin Ziyi.

He took a taxi to Mingjiang Building.

Although it is only two o'clock in the afternoon, he still did not choose to return to work at the company, but drove the Lamborghini back to Baishizhou.

Anyway, he had already asked for a day off, and he didn't bother to go to the company, and didn't want to run into Wang Dawei's jittery, so that Qin Ziyi would not find the company to settle accounts.

Back in the rental house, he took a shower and destroyed the clothes for the first time.

After changing into clean clothes and gnawing carrots, Ye Tianlong lay down on the sofa and opened the news to watch the Huangpu Warehouse case.

Although the incident happened a day ago, Ye Tianlong didn't have time to look back until then.

This is Mingjiang’s third vicious incident, so the news is overwhelming. Mingjiang is good for this, and the media is open enough.

Although the truth will be selectively hidden, it is still possible to know a general idea so that the people's mind can be stabilized.

In the official report, the Hua monk and his team were worried that a new gang would split the cake, so they gathered people to encircle the opponent.

The two sides started fighting in the Huangpu Warehouse. Monk Hua and the others were crowded, leaving only four opponents to kill, and forced to run away from the back door.

Monk Hua also viciously kidnapped the police officer Jiushu, wanting to blame the emerging gangs so that they can't turn over, and let him retreat.

Finally, they were blocked by the police in the warehouse. Monk Hua and the others knew their sins were serious, so they wanted to cut a **** way and shot the police officers frantically.

The police then decisively counterattacked, and the monk Hua and his group were eventually wiped out. The police are investigating the specific situation.

"The result is not bad."

Although Ye Tianlong knew in his heart that Qin Ziyi and the police were not fools, and could capture a lot of clues from the scene or other details, and even found that the last seven shots were not fired by the flower monk, but the content of the news broadcast is most in line with the current interests of the police. Qin Ziyi's sharp sword in trouble.

Putting the blame on Monk Hua, Crow, and even the Jiang family is far more valuable than Han Qinhu, who died in obscurity.

With so many people dead, what's the point of tossing Han Qinhu? How to tear a piece of meat from the crow or the Jiang family is also a warning.

As for Han Qinhu's whereabouts, Ye Tianlong decided to wait for them to recover from their injuries.

After experiencing this battle, Ye Tianlong knew in his heart that it would be difficult to clarify the relationship between him and Han Qinhu. This big brother had to do it.

Then, another instant news jumped out.

Mingjiang police received a report from the people in Nanhua District and caught a man in a VIP room of Bo'ai Hospital, suspected of taking drugs, possession of drugs, drug trafficking and other major crimes. The police also collected 500 grams of high-purity **** at the scene. The relevant people were taken back by the police for a urine test and investigation.

It was revealed that the suspected man is Jiang Zihao, the young master of the Jiang family. Once the charge is confirmed, Jiang Zihao will face the death penalty.

The Pacific is facing a situation where there is no leader among the dragons, and the situation is even more precarious.

"This time, it can be cleaned for a few days."

Ye Tianlong leaned against the sofa lazily: "Zhao Keke is not in danger."

Five hundred grams of drugs were stolen and obtained, and even if the lawyer Jiang was no matter how strong the relationship was, it would take three months for Jiang Zihao to get away.

After sighing, Ye Tianlong sent an e-mail to Yan Fei, informing Yan Fei that what happened in the past two days, the tail still needs Yan Fei to deal with it.

After sending the e-mail, he slept badly. He woke up at 4:30 in the afternoon. Seeing that it was still early outside, he went to the supermarket to buy a box of soda.

After returning from the purchase, Ye Tianlong chose a shortcut.

He wanted to go back earlier, but found that there were many people in front of him, occupying half of the road, and many of them were police officers.

Three five-ton trucks were filled with various electric vehicles. Several men and women were excited, pulling their doors or tires.

The crowd is raging.

"Uncle deduction, I will open in the village in the city, send a few takeaways, deduction?"

"I bought this car for eight hundred, and you fined me one thousand and three. Your brain is flooded?"

"There are so many corrupt officials in China, why don't you arrest us? You will only bully the honest people?"

"You deduct a prize of two hundred, so you catch it every day, right?"

"Everyone says that hooligans are hateful, you who wear uniforms are the biggest hooligans."


Ye Tianlong sighed, knowing that it was another conflict caused by the ban on motorcycles. Since the ban on motorcycles was promulgated by Mingjiang City last month, villages in major cities have staged such conflicts from time to time. The police and urban management have continuously detained unlicensed and unlicensed electric vehicles. Motorcycle owners continue to resist appeals to defend their interests.

He was almost knocked down by a speeding electric car several times, but he also knew that they were needed for life and survival, so he wouldn't comment on this.

Ye Tianlong was about to avoid, but he saw a group of dinosaurs at a glance. They did not shout, but were mixed in the crowd, dragging three electric cars.

The electric car is bright in color and has smooth lines. At first glance, it is a new purchase, but it is locked by the police at the moment.

These are the only three electric vehicles that the police have not put on a truck. They look very lonely, but also quite abrupt.

Ye Tianlong thought of the conversation he heard in the restaurant, and wondered whether the dinosaurs really didn't find a suitable job, so came here to drive an electric car?

This efficiency is really high, but it is also a bit unlucky, and was detained by the police when the work started.

"Leave the car, leave the car."

More and more people gathered, not only the motorcycle owners in the villages in the city, but also the online ride-hailing and taxi drivers also gathered, standing in the camp of the detained car owners.

The people were filled with outrage and let the police network open their doors. The police ignored them, separated the crowd very rudely, and forcibly pulled Dinosaurs and their three cars.

The dinosaurs stretched out their hands to block and pushed the police away in silence.

The police staggered and almost fell to the ground, then furious, took out the handcuffs and arrested someone: "Let go, let go! Otherwise, you will be handcuffed."

This behavior immediately caused dissatisfaction among various drivers, pushing and shoving, and both sides were holding mobile phones, and the scene almost got out of control.

Several burly police officers went straight to catch the dinosaur. The dinosaur's face sank, and he didn't see any major movements. He shook his shoulders, and his body shook back and forth.

It seemed that they didn't want people to touch themselves, but the policemen who rushed up fell to the ground, one by one inexplicably.

Ye Tianlong was stunned for a moment, his brows raised slightly, and he said to himself: "Cun Jin is so strong, it seems that I underestimated the dinosaurs."


At this time, there was a gunshot in the sky, and the audience instantly became quiet, with a look of horror on their faces.

Ye Tianlong was also taken aback. He shot in broad daylight, too disregarding the influence, right?

Then, a tall, fat policeman showed up with five police officers, his right hand grasped a gun smoked with gunpowder, and his left hand held cold water:

"The police performed official duties. Who the **** would stop him, I shot him."

He looked very arrogant, and while sipping cold water, he kicked a woman away aggressively.

Then, he poked the heads of the leading dinosaurs with a gun, and shouted to his men: "It's very awkward, isn't it? Dare to take the lead in rebelling?"

"The weather is so hot, do you want me to lower the fire for you?"

He poured the leftover half of the bottle of frozen water on the dinosaur's head, it was freezing cold, and his shirt was instantly soaked.

"Pump pound!"

The fat policeman knocked the dinosaur on the head with a water bottle again:

"Are you calm now? No, two more bottles?"

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