Talented Genius

Chapter 117: The unknown side

Chapter 117 The Unknown Side

"Blow, just keep blowing."

When the young nurse heard what the charter-in-law said, her face was very contemptuous, and Dr. Lie's voice was cold: "Give her an order and discharge her."

"Doctor, calm down, calm down."

When Lu Xiaowu saw the doctor upset, she hurriedly advised her godmother: "We are hospitalized, in the hospital, godmother, you just listen to the doctor and stay in the hospital with peace of mind."

She kept saying good things to calm the doctors and nurses.

What the charterer wanted to say, Lu Xiaowu pursed her mouth: "Godmother, if you are not hospitalized, I will ignore you in the future and will not eat your food."

Faced with Lu Xiaowu's threat, the charter wife had no choice but to respond: "Okay, okay, let's listen to you, stay in the hospital, but don't be too expensive in the ward."

"Anyway, I'm lying down, it doesn't matter what ward is."

Lu Xiaowu snorted, "I will call the shots. You patient, just feel relieved and heal your wounds."

Then she turned her head to Ye Tianlong: "Tianlong, take a look at my mother, I'll go through the hospitalization procedures."

When Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, Lu Xiaowu left the emergency room to go to the payment window, and soon she went through the hospitalization procedures.

After that, she asked Ye Tianlong to help push the charter-in-law into the inpatient department. After everything was settled, Lu Xiaowu let out a heavy breath.

During the period, the charter wife asked her mobile phone to send a text message, and then scolded a few words from time to time. In short, she was not pleasing to everything, even Ye Tianlong was scolded by her.

However, she didn't say a word of cruelty to Lu Xiaowu. She was able to lie down on the hospital bed and receive the medicine from the nurse. It was also Lu Xiaowu's credit.

Sitting on the bench in the corridor of the inpatient department, Ye Tianlong handed a bottle of pure water to Lu Xiaowu:

"You are kind to the charter wife."

"It's really rare that you can face Yan Yue with such a difficult person to serve."

Lu Xiaowu took a sip of clean water, "Who told her to be my godmother?"

She also stopped fighting with Ye Tianlong: "Although her mouth is a little bit vicious, but her heart is not bad, every time the village in the city is repaired and fundraising, she donates the most among the 30 landlords."

"The parking lot is also built under her name. She will also regularly sponsor five poor students every year."

Lu Xiaowu also sighed softly: "I also sponsored college."

Ye Tianlong was a little surprised: "What's this?"

He didn't expect the charter wife to have such a charitable heart.

"Yes, she is actually quite nice, fierce and swearing, but her self-protection weapon."

Lu Xiaowu nodded, and then changed the conversation: "But what happened tonight, she was indeed a bit too much, and I don't know why she was so angry, she must drive away the seven tenants."

"Although she used to evict tenants, those who drove away were rascals or harassing tenants."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback when he heard the words: "She drove people targeted? I thought she took the opportunity to swallow the deposit."

"Thirty-eight buildings in Chengzhong Village are for rent. There are eight buildings under her name, the village has shares, there is a parking lot, and 18 shops."

"She has over one million rents and dividends a month, how can she care about the deposit?"

While Ye Tianlong nodded, Lu Xiaowu continued to speak to the charter wife: “The reason for calling for the deposit of confiscation is just to put more pressure on the tenants who are driven out, making people feel that she is difficult to get along with and leave quickly.

"In fact, as long as you promise to leave, you will return the deposit to them, and I have never greeted someone's money."

"She has a fierce reputation. In addition to her likes to swear, there is also discredited by tenants who are driven away."

"As for her mouth so vicious, it's just for survival."

"She is a woman who takes care of eight buildings. She has to deal with countless tenants of the third class and nine ranks every day, and she often takes the villagers to fight the gangsters."

"Don't be strong and pungent, I'm afraid I will be trampled to the end early."

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "Where is her family?"

Lu Xiaowu flirted with her hair and whispered: "His husband died in a car accident more than ten years ago. She is a foreigner who married into a village in the city and has no son."

"So many people think she is not pleasing to the eye, including some old stubborn people in the village. If she is not stronger, do you think she can be mixed to this day?"

"Because I know her, I understand her too."

Ye Tianlong suddenly realized: "So it is."

A woman with a foreign surname established herself in Baishizhou and became the village head. The hardships during the period can be imagined, and there is really no morale. How can she be the village head?

"Mingjiang City is a big city. There are glamorous and powerful people, as well as dark and criminal gangsters."

Lu Xiaowu smiled and chatted with Ye Tianlong: "The management of Baishizhou is at the forefront, and the merchants are not harassed by gangsters. A large part of this is due to the godmother."

"It was she who united the entire Baishizhou, not only to form a security team, but also to fight against gangsters who wanted to collect protection fees or make trouble."

"Generally, small gangs dare not provoke Baishizhou, and there is almost nothing to hide dirt."

Lu Xiaowu fluffed her hair lightly and reversed Ye Tianlong's impression of the charter wife: "There are only three types of people who can rent a house in Baishizhou."

"One kind of local villagers in Baishizhou, one kind of people who just came to Mingjiang City to settle down, and another kind of people who have a legitimate job or business to support their families."

"The rest of the unemployed or those of unknown origin will be driven away by godmother within a month. This is not close to humanity, but it is good for law and order."

"It can be said that without her, Baishizhou would soon become messy."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "In this way, I misunderstood her."

"It's not a misunderstanding, she is indeed sturdy, and she is used to cursing more."

Lu Xiaowu looked helpless: "Plus her temper is naturally hot, so it's normal for you to have a bad impression of her."

Ye Tianlong smiled and patted Lu Xiaowu on the shoulder: "Go, look at her."

After misunderstanding people for so long, he wanted to see if he could help.

Ye Tianlong and Lu Xiaowu walked into the ward. They saw the charter-woman holding her mobile phone and muttering, but the expressions on her faces were rare and gentle. The two of them were taken aback, wondering who she was calling.

Lu Xiaowu stepped forward, with a hint of resentment on her pretty face: "Godmother, you can't talk more when you are injured."

"Be in bed, in bed."

"Good Xiaowu, good Xiaowu, I'm done calling."

The charter wife and Yan Yueshen signaled to hang up immediately, and then whispered to the mobile phone: "I'm in the inpatient department 808, I'll wait for you."

After she hung up the phone, Lu Xiaowu immediately said: "Godmother, who are you calling and calling someone to come over? You can't visit at nine."

"An old friend."

The charter wife resisted the pain in her waist: "He is a doctor. I asked him to come and help me see. I really can't lie down in the hospital for half a month."

"Next week, those **** will come to negotiate. If I'm not pressing on the spot, the **** in Baishizhou will be looking for teeth all over the floor for fear of being bullied."

Lu Xiaowu said in surprise, "Feilong Gang still has to settle in Baishizhou and set up a hall?"

Ye Tianlong's heart moved: Flying Dragon Gang?

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