Talented Genius

Chapter 258: how about?

Chapter 258 What do you think?

In the surveillance video, Zhao Keke ran away in a panic, with a bag of 200,000 bonuses in his hand.

Ye Tianlong leaned on the office chair and fixed the video on Zhao Keke's face, seeming to want to capture something from her expression.

Chen Ling'er leaned over, with a trace of anxiety on her face: "After you were called away by President Lin, Coco said to come in and water the flowers for you, but she didn't come out for a long time."

"I was worried about what happened to her, so I knocked on the door and came in."

Chen Linger tried to tell Ye Tianlong objectively and truthfully what she saw: "She just happened to see her taking out the money bag from your drawer, her face was very ugly."

"I asked her what was wrong, but she didn't answer me, she just rushed out of the office with the bag, and when I passed by, she dropped a stack of money."

The flower beside the rain brought up 10,000 yuan.

Ye Tianlong didn't even look at the stack of money, but looked at Chen Ling'er and Hua Ruyu: "You are her best friends, do you believe she runs away with money?"

The two women shook their heads together: "I don't believe it."

Chen Linger further explained: "Although Coco's family is a little poorer, she has always been spine and ambitious and will not be tempted by money."

"If she really wanted money, when she was in college, she would have been raised by a few big money, but they gave the house a car, more than 200,000."

Hua Ruyu also nodded: "Yes, 200,000 yuan is not too much, but not too much, but it will not run away with the money. Our friendship is more than this money."

Ye Tianlong drank a sip of tea: "She should be in a sudden situation and encounter difficulties. Look at her face, guilt, anger, sadness, all emotions, but there is no such thing as a guilty conscience."

"You two, call her immediately and tell her if you have anything to come back to discuss together."

Hua Ruyu spread her hands: "I made a dozen calls with Ling'er, but she didn't answer any of them, and finally turned off."

Chen Linger also looked depressed: "WeChat SMS did not reply."

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, then adjusted Zhao Keke's number and dialed, but the shutdown was gone, but no one answered.

Just as Ye Tianlong was preparing to post a WeChat message, a text message came in first, and it was Zhao Keke: "Director Ye, I'm sorry, I took your money."

"If I have a chance in the future, if I make money, I will definitely return it to you."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "This woman..."

He waved his finger and asked Chen Ling'er and Hua Ruyu to continue to send Zhao Keke's WeChat. Zhao Keke turned off, turned it on, and was still holding money. He probably wanted to contact people, so he won't shut down completely for the time being.

So he quickly called Bai Libing a number and asked her to locate Zhao Keke after reporting her cell phone.

In less than a minute, Bailibing sent a link, Ye Tianlong opened it, and a red dot on it was moving on the map.

He glanced at an intersection less than four blocks from the company.

"You two stay in the company to watch for me."

Ye Tianlong picked up his coat and went out: "I'll get Zhao Keke back."

The two women nodded, wanting to go together, but worried that it would be a burden: "Director Ye, be careful."

Ye Tianlong greeted Lin Chenxue and went out, and then sent another text message to Han Qinhu.

An hour and a half later, in a three-story Chunfeng bar in Nanhua District, the sun was just right, and several tall men were leaning against the door smoking cigarettes, talking excitedly.

They occasionally turned their heads and looked inside the bar, smiling with ambiguous and wretched faces, as if something interesting was happening inside.

At this moment, a young girl came over, stood in front of the four tall men, and spoke word by word:

"I am Zhao Keke, Zhao Dadi's daughter, and I am here to redeem them."

When several people who were smoking heard this, they all raised their heads and saw the beautiful and beautiful Zhao Keke. His eyes lit up. The leading sharp-mouthed man did not respond directly, and he smiled and said:

"Little sister, are you here to redeem Zhao Dadi and his wife? Are you rich? They owe 300,000 yuan."

"Do you have three hundred thousand?"

He looked at Zhao Keke with a smile and said, "If you don't have it, it doesn't matter, you can put yourself on it."

"To shut up!"

Zhao Keke's pretty face was cold and cold: "Will you take me to see them? Take it, just stop talking nonsense, don't take it, I'll leave.


A few wretched guys were completely stunned. It seemed that Zhao Keke was so domineering. For a while, he couldn't guess whether she had a backing, and he didn't dare to make another time.

The sharp-mouthed man moved the corner of his mouth: "Come with me, I will take you to see Boss Lei."

The second floor of Chunfeng Bar.

It is not so much a bar as it is a gambling stall. The second floor is full of various gambling equipment, slot machines, dice, and mahjong.

The owner of the bar is called Lei Jiuzhi. It is rumored that he is a very skilled gambler. He was very famous in Southeast Asia more than ten years ago.

For seven consecutive years, he won a place in the Australian City Main Board Gaming Industry Competition, three of which were champions, earning a lot of fame and money.

It was just that in a big bet with someone later, he was calculated to lose the most important game. Not only did his savings for many years go to naught, but his opponent also chopped off one finger.

His name has since been changed to Lei Jiuzhi, admonishing himself that he has lost a finger.

No one knows how he revealed to Mingjiang, or that people are not always interested in the eliminated people.

In a word, Lei Jiuzhi is retired in Mingjiang. He lost a finger, but did not quit gambling. He also opened up a small gambling stall, a small bar, recruited a group of people, and lived freely.

He was still somewhat capable, so the Axe Gang and the Flying Dragon Gang did not find him unlucky.

At this moment, he was eating steak with big mouthfuls, holding a bottle of red wine in his right hand, and seven or eight pieces of beef beside him. This was his lunch.

Three catties of meat, two catties of wine, Lei Jiuzhi's standard meal, even though he was a little blessed in figure, he knew in his heart that he was still capable of turning a cow.

"Brother, the daughters of Zhao Dadi and his wife are here."

When Lei Jiuzhi finished eating the third steak, the sharp-mouthed man appeared with Zhao Keke. The girl's bright and tenderness made Lei Jiuzhi's eyes brighten.

There was also a wave of heat surging in his pubic area. Women, especially young women, were fatal to men like him.

Lei Jiuzhi exhaled: "Are you Zhao Dadi's daughter?"

"My parents owe you three hundred thousand."

Zhao Keke, with a panic expression on his face, after judging that Lei Jiuzhi was the leader, immediately took out a bag and threw it over, shouting:

"Here is 190,000 yuan. You take the rest first. I will return the rest in a week. You can quickly release my parents, or I will call the police for kidnapping."

"And I want to warn you that you are not allowed to lend money to my parents anymore. I won't pay back the money next time."

The bag fell on the ground and the red banknotes were exposed, but Lei Jiuzhi didn't even look at it. He crossed the fourth steak and smiled:

"Sure enough, she is a filial daughter. The parents owed 300,000 debts. It is really rare. These days, the children who don't chew the old are rare animals, let alone the children who feed back."

"I appreciate your actions."

Lei Jiu waved his finger and asked people to take Zhao Dadi and them out: "In this way, I will give you a chance."

"As long as you promise to be my woman, not only will I not want your remaining 110,000 yuan, but I will also give you the 190,000 yuan as a dowry. In addition, I will help your parents to quit gambling addiction."

"You know, if they don't get rid of their gambling addiction, sooner or later you will be dragged to death by them. If I don't lend them money, there will be others who will borrow them."

Lei Jiu fingered the steak, as if it was on Zhao Keke's thigh, his mouth filled with oil:

"Miss Zhao, what do you think?"

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