Talented Genius

Chapter 3013: Bring a sentence

The queen is dead.

Whether it was the palace guards or members of the royal family, the soldiers and policemen who rushed over could not believe this **** news.

How could it be possible that the queen who had been the Queen of England for fifty years was killed on her own territory?

You must know that the title of queen not only represents a prominent identity, but also represents amulets, but also represents the face of the royal family and England.

It is equal to an invisible gold medal for immunity from death.

No matter how many bad things the queen did and how many people she killed, her status indicated that she would not be life-threatening. At most, she would be subject to international trials.

And it must be solid evidence, otherwise the queen stays out of sight at any time.

Therefore, in recent years, although many forces did not like what the queen did, they did not dare to challenge the queen, let alone attack the queen.

They all knew that the queen was unshakable, and they also knew that the royal alliance was holding hands outside, so they could only murmur secretly.

Today, such a highly respected and world-renowned Optimus Pillar was cut in half by someone breaking into the palace.

How did the British elite accept this?

"Who is it? Who killed His Majesty beloved by all people?"

"Blood debt and blood, no matter who killed your Majesty, we will have to pay for it."

"They killed a hundred of us, we will kill him a thousand, ten thousand, and we must let your majesty rest in peace."

"Turn the British love around, turn the state machine, crush, crush, all enemies."

In the early morning, in the multifunctional conference room of the Royal Palace of England, members of the royal family, high-ranking government officials, and England gathered in eight places, and more than fifty people were all in turmoil.

These people are old and young, short and fat, gentlemen and swear words. They seem to be of different qualities, but they almost represent the entire English pyramid.

Looking at the photos that kept flashing on the screen, and the black smoke that never dissipated outside the window, more than fifty people wanted to find out the murderer's corpse.


Just when everyone was guessing who the murderer was, the door was pushed open again, and a short and fat British old man walked in with a haggard Red.

The short and fat old man was almost sixty years old, bald, missing fingers, ears and scars, and his appearance was rough but exuding coercion.

"Hi Prime Minister!"

Seeing the short and fat old man appeared, more than fifty people stopped the noise and dissipated their grief and anger. They all got up and shouted, with indescribable respect.

Although they are taller than the short and fat old man, they can't help but look up.


A leader with iron and blood but no shortage of means, in the eyes of people, he is as great as the queen.

The chunky old man nodded and waved at the crowd: "Hello everyone, sit down."

More than fifty people were about to take their seats, but they saw Reid who was haggard behind, with a shocked expression: "Reid? Are you not dead? Are you still alive?"

Everyone's eyes were all staring at the wet Reid, and they didn't seem to expect that the queen's loyal minister was still alive. After all, Reid's world was the queen.

The queen is dead. Even if he didn't die on the spot, he should commit suicide to accompany him, so I was surprised to see him appear.

One person remembered something called: "Reid, you are not dead, then do you know who killed the queen?"

"I should have died long ago, and I want to die too, I want to see your Majesty sooner."

Reid knelt down with a thump, his old face with indescribable pain: "But for the royal line, I can only survive the humiliation."

Everyone in the conference room frowned slightly, then shouted impatiently:

"What forbearance?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You tell us directly, who is the murderer?"

Everyone is only interested in the murderer now.

"It was Ye Tianlong who killed the queen."

The short and fat man waved his hand to silence everyone, and then said majesticly: "He took the Snake Kingdom Saint Woman and the Bai Kingdom Robot into the palace to kill."

"Three 9-Rank joint attacks, except for 10-Rank masters, only the army can contend."

"So even though the royal guards fought hard last night, their strength was too far away from the three of Ye Tianlong, and in the end they did not protect Her Majesty the Queen."

Megill sighed: "You know the power of the three Ninth Ranks, so the battle last night was regrettable, but the British Warriors really did their best."

Hearing these words, the audience fell silent subconsciously, and many people were still surprised. They didn't expect Ye Tianlong to enter the palace.

And there are three 9th rank masters.

This made them become dignified invisibly, and a ninth-rank master could walk sideways in the world, and three ninth-ranks were even more difficult to fight.

However, after a moment of silence, more than fifty people still broke out negative emotions, one by one with murderous aura:

"Damn Ye Tianlong, the Ninth-Rank is so awesome? Can it be lawless?"

"With so many guards and such dense agencies, Ye Tianlong can't break in easily even at the 9th rank?"

"Anyway, there must be revenge, severe and cruel revenge, and the blood debt is paid."

"The Prime Minister, please summon the elite, you must not allow Ye Tianlong to leave England safely, otherwise it will be a shame for the entire England."

It's not a hawk who is clamoring.

Their fragile self-esteem and the dignity that the sun never sets make it completely unacceptable to lose to Ye Tianlong.

However, some high-ranking veterans secretly shook their heads. The Ninth-Rank masters are really easy to kill, and they won't be bloodied last night.

"Prime Minister, how do you know that Ye Tianlong and the others did it?"

A British woman suddenly said: "We checked the video and the wound, but we didn't find any traces of spiders and horses. How did the adults know?"

"Master, don't get me wrong, we are not worried that you will be calculated and cause us to conflict with Ye Tianlong, but we want to make things clear."

She added the last sentence: "After all, only the real murderer is meaningful to us."

Megill kept calm: "I know it is Ye Tianlong, because Reid is the witness."

"Or to put it this way, Ye Tianlong was worried that we didn't know it was him, so he left Leide not to kill and tell us."

He added: "Reid can tell you the ins and outs of the matter."

More than fifty people looked at Reid.

"I saw your Majesty being killed by Ye Tianlong last night, and I rushed up to fight Ye Tianlong desperately, but he only knocked me to the ground."

"I want to commit suicide, and he won't let me die."

Reid's voice trembled: "He also threatened me. If I dare to commit suicide, he will kill all the royal children, leaving the Wang family without any blood."

"In order to stay in the royal line, I had to endure the humiliation and survived by following his instructions..."

He was very sad, he couldn't even control his death, and he was too aggrieved.

The girl from Yingqing Eighth Department shouted: "Why does he want you to stay?"

"Ye Tianlong didn't kill me, he wanted me to bring you a word..."

Reid struggled to squeeze out: "Either give him 100 billion to end the battle, or he will bloodbath the entire England..."

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