Talented Genius

Chapter 3070: Close

Although Yan Fei's warning was fairly timely, six of the sisters guarding the surrounding area were blown up, and they were in a pool of blood without even screaming.

There are more ills than good luck.

Yan Fei was very angry when she saw this, and let out a low growl: "Asshole!"

Obviously, she didn't expect the enemy to be able to find here, and also used heavy weapons, and then it also made her heart sink, Xiaolan was probably in an accident.


Another shell hit the jungle behind, and countless trees and stones were blown away instantly.

Feeling the surging power, Yan Fei's head went blank, and she subconsciously rolled four or five meters and then pressed against the ground.

Immediately, a pile of tree fragments also fell in the air, carrying flames, and raindrops fell one after another.

A lot of dirt and gravel hit Yan's back, making her chest suffocated, and she couldn't help but spout a mouthful of blood.

It's just that Yan Fei didn't have too much buffer, she wiped the flames off her body very quickly, and she grabbed the guns beside her and looked at the front of the twinkling figure.

"Xiaomei, Xiaoju, where are you?"

Yan Fei also shouted: "Are you all right?"

"We are fine..."

Not far away, in the mud, two women rolled out, shaking their heads to adapt to the environment.

Then Xiaomei yelled: "Sister concubine, how did the enemy know that we are here?"

Xiaoju's expression tightened: "Did something happen to Xiaolan?"

"Be careful! The enemy is coming! Ready to fight!"

Yan Fei did not respond to them, but snorted: "You must not let the enemy lock the dock."

After speaking, she didn't retreat but rushed out. There was no panic on her pretty face, and the whole person rolled while pulling the trigger.

The gunfire suddenly erupted and exploded, covering up the late night wind.

"Boom, boom—"

After a burst of gunfire, several men in black with barrels in the distance shook their bodies, and then fell to the ground without a word.

With Yan Fei's trigger pulled, Xiaoju and Xiaomei both woke up, and suddenly saw many enemies attacking from both sides in their vision.

They screamed and rushed towards the woods.

Yan Fei and the others did not hesitate to shoot out bullets. More than forty guns had the same frequency, different targets, but the same lethality.

More than 20 enemies headshot on the spot.

In the light of the gunfire, Xiaoju saw the emblem of an enemy's clothing clearly, and she trembled and shouted: "Sister Concubine, they are Ivan's people!"

Xiaomei looked sad and angry: "Xiaolan has something wrong."

"No matter who it is, let's talk about it after killing the blood."

Yan Fei's heart sank too, but she didn't expect that Ivan, who had cooperated a lot, betrayed herself, and Xiao Lan was afraid that it would be too bad.

It's just that she didn't think too much, holding the gun and shooting constantly, and at the same time quickly pushed forward to the dock, not giving the other party a chance to encircle.

"Boom, boom—"

Amid a burst of intensive gunfire, the blood bleached the grass in shock.

A group of imposing enemies, desperate for quick success and quick profit, hurriedly organized a counterattack after losing more than 20 companions.

The sound of wind, screams, screams, pistols, micro shots, cannonballs, all kinds of sounds mixed together.

The silent dock instantly became lively, a tragic and **** scene.

The enemy who was locked by Yan Fei with a gun fell to the ground almost without suspense.

Seeing Yan Fei and the others are so powerful, the enemies who rushed over slowed down, and then picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled.

Not long after, dense figures appeared around the woods, and at least 300 people slowly approached with guns.

"Ivan is greedy! Want to take us alone?"

Yan Fei glanced around, not much panic when she saw three hundred people, but loosened her eyebrows a lot: "Just bring his men to surround us."

"There are no Wall guards, casino gunners, and official military police."

She straightened slightly: "We still have a ray of life."

Xiaomei looked at the time: "The problem is, Snake Toubing may betray us, even if he doesn't betray us, he may not be able to come to the appointment..."

If the snakehead doesn't come, they will have no way to survive, and sooner or later they will be killed if they run out of ammunition and food.

Yan Fei shook her head: "He won't, he will come, and he will take us away."

"Let the sisters withstand the sides and back, let's kill the blood from the front of the dock!"

"There are still fifteen minutes, and we must persist until Snake Toubing arrives!"

Following Yan Fei's instructions, Xiaomei and Xiaoju quickly rely on the terrain to establish a line of defense.

Yan Fei put the short rifle into her waist, then took a sniper rifle and fired mercilessly at the front sides.

"Pump puff—"

Three enemies carrying bazookas were instantly headshot by bullets, and then two well-mounted machine guns were shot over by Yan Fei.

The ammunition box exploded on the spot, leaving the bones of more than a dozen enemies to become **** scum.

"Boom boom!"

The fierceness of Yan Fei and the others also aroused the ferocity of the enemy. They screamed and charged, hoping to crush the entire forest.


During the fierce battle, three enemies appeared on the left side of the rear, carrying Gatlin and shooting frantically, directly blasting several Yan sisters into fragments, revealing a gap.

Yan Fei, who turned her head and looked around, witnessed this situation, her heart twisted like a knife, and then she pulled the trigger to explode the heads of the three enemies.

In this gap, the enemy like a locust came from the gap.

"Pump puff—"

Yan Fei shot seven or eight bullets indifferently, and shot over the swarming enemies mercilessly, but her precise marksmanship could only slow them down.

Soon, they continued to burst into the gap.

"Boom, boom—"

Xiaomei also turned and slammed into the gap, and at the same time shouted to Yan Fei: "Sister Concubine, the left side of the rear can't be suppressed, and the enemy will soon enter us."

"Fifty-six sisters, only 23 are left."

Xiaomei yelled: "Snakehead Bing has no news yet, let's not rush to the pier, and return to the woods to deal with the enemy."

Kill the bleeding from the front and advance into the open space at Pier 8. If Snake Toubing appears, they can get on the boat and run away.

But once the snakeheads can't come or rebel, they advance into the pier open space, there will be no more shelter and space, and they will become Ivan's targets.

"You must stand it up, Snake Toubing will definitely come."

Yan Fei's pretty face was firm, and then she picked up her spear and continued to shoot from a long distance, with no futility.

Seeing Yan Fei's firm face, Xiaomei and Xiaoju dissipated their thoughts of returning to the woods.

While suppressing the enemies behind, they marched stubbornly forward.

The gunshots shook, blood flowed into rivers.


Enemies surrounded on three sides poured bullets in their hands, hitting trees and gravel, and during the period, an incendiary bomb fell into the pit.


Although Yan Fei rolled out of the bunker a few seconds earlier, she was still hit by a few flying flames and burned five or six places.

A large number of enemies on the left and right wings circled, and the front began to attack again!

The brave wins if you meet on a narrow road!

Although Yan Fei and the others were all wounded, and only six of the fifty-six sisters remained, they finally advanced to the wide dock.

Xiaomei and Xiaoju have no bunkers to rely on, and can only build simple fortifications with the enemy's corpses.

At this moment, the enemy also knew that Yan Fei and the others were in the end, so they slowed down their attack speed, regained their position, and moved forward step by step, surrounded.

Looking at the more than a hundred enemies present in front and on both sides, the corners of Xiaomei and Xiaoju's mouths moved, and they all smelled the breath of death.


Just as more than one hundred enemies were preparing to fire a volley, the artificial river suddenly rang out with a harsh motor.

Then, a clipper appeared from the river, with four people standing on board, all carrying a rocket launcher in their hands.

"Swish swish--"

Four rockets blasted into the enemy group, instantly blowing more than a hundred people upside down, and then another anti-aircraft machine gun emerged from the ship.

The bullet roared.

The enemies surrounding Yan Fei and the others instantly turned into fragments, and the remaining enemies were so scared that they crawled back and hid in the woods to avoid being killed.


At this moment, the Clippers stopped on the shore, and a short, squat, bearded man walked out and shouted to Yan Fei and the others: "Go!"

Yan Fei and the others quickly withdrew to the Clippers.

The Clippers turned around and left quickly.

Yan Fei looked at her cheeks and smiled, "I knew you would come..."

Hu faintly said: "Why do I owe Ye Tianlong more than a dozen lives?"

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