At this time, Teacher Yang Li went on to say that at six o'clock, several of our guest teachers will go on stage to meet the audience and friends. At the same time, I will also announce three things. As for the three things I want to announce to the public, I will keep them secret for the time being. I cannot tell you, Mr. Yan, yet. This is also something that four other teachers and I had already discussed on the phone before we came here. Then everyone talked for a while about the performances at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

At six o'clock in the evening, Teacher Yang Li, Teacher Daming, Teacher Xiao Ge, Teacher Song Ying, and Teacher Aya walked out of the lounge and came to the front of the stage. At this time, the famous TV station hosts Yueru and Song Ge came onto the stage and said, Good evening to all the audience friends, I am Yueru, the host of the TV station’s Travel Voice program, and I am Song Ge, the host of Today’s Topic Program. In the Mid-Autumn Festival As the festival is approaching, tonight we welcome five special guest teachers who will participate in the public welfare activities of the Provincial Agricultural and Sideline Products Exhibition and the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala tomorrow. They are the famous dance artist Yang Li and the famous director. The actor Mr. Daming, the famous first-line film and television actor Mr. Xiao Ge, the famous singer Mr. Song Ying, and the famous Hong Kong film and television actor Ms. Aya. Tonight, five special guest teachers came to the provincial capital and arrived at our event site. They will be ready to take the stage in a moment. We are rehearsing the program to prepare for the performance of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala tomorrow night. During the rehearsal, the music and lighting and stage effects will be adjusted. Audience friends who have been waiting patiently for a day at the event, please hold on a little longer and refrain from making loud noises and Shouting, so as not to affect the teachers' work of verifying the performance of the program rehearsal due to external noise during the program rehearsal, everyone said yes or no, at this time, tens of thousands of audience members waved small colorful flags in their hands and shouted in unison. Shouting, we can do it, we can do it,, the two program hosts shouted loudly at the same time, thanking the audience friends for their strong support, thank you everyone! Let us all welcome the five special guest teachers to the stage with warm applause. Following the rhythm of the music, the five special guest teachers appeared on the stage one after another. When the five teachers came on the stage, the more than 10,000 audience members could no longer remain calm. Everyone shouted desperately, Teacher Yang Li, I love you, Teacher Daming, Teacher Xiaoge, we love you, Teacher Song Ying, Ah Teacher Ya, I love you, everyone was shouting and shouting, and the applause was thunderous and boiling. At this time, Teacher Yang Li picked up the microphone and said, Good evening to all the audience friends, I love you too. Today, on behalf of our five special guest teachers, I would like to say hello to all the audience friends and wish you happiness. Healthy, always young and beautiful, now I announce three things.

The first thing is that during these three days of charity activities, we will draw 100 lucky viewers for free at 6pm every day to come on stage to dance or dance with our five special guest teachers. Singing, everyone took a group photo.

The second thing is that at seven o'clock every night at the product exhibition, 100 lucky spectators who buy local agricultural and sideline products will come on stage to perform on the same stage with our five teachers and take photos.

The third thing is to draw 100 lucky spectators who buy houses from Jian'an Real Estate Company at 8 o'clock every night to take photos with us.

Because apart from myself, the other four teachers among our five special guest teachers will each buy a duplex in the Yulongwan community. From now on, they will take a break from their busy schedules during the three months of June, July and August every summer. Come to this big oxygen bar city with natural air conditioning for summer vacation. In addition, the four war gods of the Ministry of War and others also want to buy a house in Yulong Bay, because they will also settle in the provincial capital after retiring. Some of the friends, brothers and sisters sitting here are neighbors under the same roof, and we are one family. And my home is in Kuncheng. Everyone knows that Kuncheng and your provincial capital are the only two cities in the country where you can escape the heat without turning on air conditioning. If I say that I, Mr. Yang, also buy a house in your provincial capital, then I He is just lying to deceive everyone. He is doing commercial advertising for Jian'an Group Company for commercial interests. Our five special guest teachers were invited to come to your hometown and provincial capital for free today to participate in charity activities. None of us were charged for appearance. Now let me ask you fellow villagers, do you welcome these four guest teachers and the four war gods to be your neighbors? When Teacher Yang finished these words, the audience was completely shocked. Everyone raised their hands and cheered. We welcome the arrival of the five special guest teachers. We welcome the arrival of the five special guest teachers. , from now on the provincial capital will be the home of the five special guest teachers and the four war gods. We are all a family, and the cheers echo for a long time.

At this moment, the CEOs of more than 20 real estate companies in the provincial capital below the stage were on the verge of tears. Mr. Qin of Huafu Mingju Real Estate Company said,"There will be no way for us to survive in the provincial capital in the future. Jian'an Real Estate Group Company will do this tonight." The horn of Wave Operation is to enter the country has sounded. With the support of these five celebrities, it is difficult for their company to take off.

At this time, Teacher Daming said, Dear audience friends, you all know why we will choose to work with you. Buying a house to live in a provincial capital? At this time, a boy at the bottom of the stage shouted loudly, because our provincial capital is the only natural air-conditioned city in the country that can truly escape the summer heat. At this time, Teacher Yang Li, Teacher Daming, Teacher Xiaoge, Teacher Song Ying, and Teacher Aya shouted in unison He said, congratulations on your correct answer, and asked this handsome young man to come on stage to take a photo with our five teachers. There was another cheer and shout from the bottom of the stage. Handsome man, you are so lucky, you are luckier than winning a lottery ticket. At this moment, the boy's hands and feet were trembling with excitement, and he ran onto the stage excitedly. Then he bowed deeply to the five guest teachers and said, Hello everyone, teachers, I am very lucky today. I would like to ask all the teachers, can I, I, let my girlfriend come on stage and I took a group photo with all the teachers. At this time, the five special guest teachers said at the same time, this handsome boy, don't be so excited, you can call your girlfriend up to take a photo with us. Teacher Aya said, let us all welcome the young handsome boy’s girlfriend to the stage with warm applause. At this moment, a girl in the audience also ran onto the stage tremblingly and excitedly, bowed deeply to all the teachers and said , thank you teachers for giving me this opportunity. Then the boy and his girlfriend stood in the middle and took photos with five guest teachers and two famous domestic program hosts. Another round of cheers and warm applause echoed below the stage.

At this time, Teacher Song Ying said, Dear friends in the audience, Jian'an Group Company is the leading enterprise in your provincial capital. Their company's reputation has been very good for more than 20 years, and we also hope to help them. Because their profits have improved, the welfare benefits of the more than 2,000 employees of Jian'an Group Company's branches and head office will be increased, which will allow more people to receive better welfare benefits, and at the same time, more employees will be resettled. Employed people come to work in their companies, which is why we are able to help them today. When Teacher Song Ying said this, all the leaders and employees of Jian'an Group Company applauded enthusiastically, and some people shed tears of joy. The company's seven shareholders and directors were already grinning from ear to ear, and were already in high spirits.

At this time, Teacher Aya said, let me make a suggestion to you. During these three days, we hope that all the audience friends at the event must obey the instructions of the police and on-site security personnel, and cannot act arbitrarily. Walking back and forth and crowding to prevent accidents. If everyone does not abide by the security management regulations on site and do not obey the management of the police and security personnel, we will leave the venue and will no longer interact with everyone to take photos. We hope everyone can abide by the management of the event site. order. At this time, all the audience in the audience shouted loudly, please rest assured, teachers, we will definitely obey the command and management of the police and security personnel on the scene, and we will never move around casually to affect the order of the scene. Teacher Aya said these words for the sake of our personal safety and for our own good. Thank you to all the star teachers for your care.

At this moment, reporters from radio stations, TV stations, newspapers and major online news media centers are busy nervously. Everyone is rushing to write press releases and take photos and videos to release their news reports to the outside world as soon as possible.

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