Teacher Yang Li said, Chairman Zhao, Teacher Daming and we just studied it, and we will go to the product exhibition site with you later. We will launch a live broadcast platform at the product exhibition site in front of the newly rebuilt exhibition booths and booths, and appeal to the society in the hope that everyone can help the police arrest the arson suspects. If the informant can provide clues about the criminal suspect and assist the police in arresting the suspect, several of our special guest teachers are willing to take a photo with him and at the same time protect the personal information of the informant. Although we special guest teachers do not know martial arts or use force, we will do our best to appeal to society to promote positive energy and maintain social justice and safety. Zhao Jinshan, Zhang Xiaotong, and Zhuque bowed to Teacher Yang Li and the other four special guest teachers and said, thank you Teacher Yang and all the guest teachers for their righteous actions. Teacher Daming said that spreading positive energy is something that each of us should do. This is our responsibility and obligation. Zhao Jinshan said, thank you all the guest teachers for your help and support. In a moment, all the guest teachers will go to the product exhibition site with us and open the live broadcast account platform of each teacher. We all hope to catch the arson suspect as soon as possible. At this time, the city, county, township and town leaders and actors who led the team said one after another, Chairman Zhao, you and the special guest teachers should go to the product exhibition site to do your business. After the random gift products are delivered, we will all give the gifts to everyone. Take away the thoughts of the leaders, thank you, Chairman Zhao, please express our gratitude to all the leaders of Jian'an Group Company on our behalf. Zhang Xiaotong said, Brother Jinshan, please accompany the special guest teachers back to the product exhibition site to do your business. I am here to be responsible for the reception and distribution of the products. Zhao Jinshan said, OK Xiaotong, you are here to assist the leaders in distributing the products delivered to everyone. Thank you to the leaders and all the actor friends for their hard work these two days.

At this time, Vice Governor Ai of Southeast Prefecture stepped forward and said, Hello, Chairman Zhao, I am Ai Tingjun, Vice Governor of Southeast Prefecture. Thank you for your hard work, Chairman Zhao. On behalf of the Southeast Prefecture Government, I would like to thank your company and the special guest teachers for their great support to our Southeast Prefecture. support. Chairman Zhao, you and all the special guest teachers should go to the product exhibition site to do your work first. In addition, of the 560 actors we have come this time, 400 actors will go back today, and 160 actors will stay here to participate in the performances this afternoon and tomorrow. Zhao Jinshan said, thank you Lieutenant Governor Ai for your strong support for our work, and hope that we can establish a long-term cooperative relationship in the future to exchange information, and then everyone said goodbye one by one. Zhao Jinshan and Zhuque accompanied the five special guest teachers to leave the hotel and rush to the product exhibition site.

On the way to the product exhibition site, Zhao Jinshan received a call from Sheriff Wang Gang of Yingtan Township. Sheriff Wang Gang said that the trial process of Huang Shan, the criminal suspect who poisoned Zhang Yuan's fish pond this morning, has begun because Huang Shan surrendered, had a good attitude of pleading guilty and repenting, and paid financial compensation to the victim Zhang Yuan. , and gained the forgiveness of the victim Zhang Yuan's eldest brother. In the end, Huangshan was sentenced to one year in prison for poisoning. Zhao Jinshan said that no matter what, Huangshan surrendered, confessed his crime, and accepted the trial of the law. I hope he can be a good man after he is released from prison. Now that the case has been closed, the result is relatively good. Brother Wang Gang has worked hard. is you.

After the five special guest teachers came to the product exhibition site, Teacher Yang Li and Teacher Daming respectively opened their own online live broadcast numbers. Facing the burned product exhibition site, they said, Audience friends, I am the dancer Yang Li, today In the early hours of the morning, unidentified people poured gasoline on the tents and exhibitors' products at our product exhibition and set them on fire. This caused millions of dollars in losses to the 46 companies that came to participate in the product exhibition, and also injured ten people. Multiple security personnel on site. We call on netizens to actively report clues about arson suspects and cooperate with the police in arresting arson suspects. We also sincerely hope that the arson suspect can voluntarily surrender and plead guilty, and be dealt with lightly. In just five minutes after Teacher Yang opened his live broadcast account, more than 3 million viewers came online to watch. Among them, more than 400,000 people in the provincial capital watched the live broadcast online. Everyone left messages saying,"Do you have any questions about Teacher Yang?" We will look for the characteristics of arson suspects and report the suspects to the police station. Teacher Yang said that when the arson suspect set a fire at the exhibition site and fought with the on-site security personnel, three people suffered injuries to their heads, faces, and arms. They had already escaped. He hoped that netizens would pay attention to those with injuries to their heads, faces, and arms when they went out.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zhao Jinshan received a call from Captain Ji. Captain Ji told Zhao Jinshan that 13 arson suspects had surrendered to the police station, and confessed that the person behind the arson case was Manager Tong of the Lainuan City Real Estate Company, and it was the Manager Tong who hired them to go to the product exhibition site. Those who set the fire were given 20,000 yuan each for hard work. The police station at the provincial capital airport has captured Tong, the suspect behind the arson case who was preparing to flee the provincial capital. According to the criminal suspects who surrendered, they saw teacher Yang Li’s live broadcast on the Internet and knew that they could no longer escape. If they could not evade the sanctions of the law, they would be caught sooner or later, so they chose to surrender and fight. Leniency.

After Zhao Jinshan put down the phone, he told Yang Li and other special guest teachers the reasons for the incident that Captain Ji had just called to explain. The suspect only chose to surrender after seeing the live broadcast platforms of Teacher Yang Li and Teacher Daming. Zhao Jinshan bowed deeply to Yang Li and other special guest teachers and said, thank you all teachers for your strong support and help in our work. If the guest teachers hadn't started the live video, the criminal suspect would not have surrendered so quickly.

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