Tietou said, sister Xiaotong, when will you and Brother Zhao hold your wedding? We are all waiting to drink your wedding wine, and you are not young anymore. Uncle and aunt, are you right? Wang Caifeng said, yes, their two children are not young anymore, and they should get married and start a family early. After Xiaotong's training is over, we will discuss it and choose a good and auspicious day to hold the engagement party first, and then the wedding ceremony. Find someone to calculate and determine the dates, so that we as parents will have something to look forward to. You will get married early and have a child, and we, the old couple, will also have fun. While we are still in good health, we can help you take care of the child while you go to work. It will save you a lot of worry. If you get married too late and we are too old and unable to help you take care of your children, you will be even more tired. Zhang Xiaotong said,"Mom and Dad, I will discuss the engagement and wedding time with Brother Jinshan after I finish my studies. Now Brother Jinshan calls you parents. I don't need to ask. I know it's you who forced Brother Jinshan to change your name to mom and dad now." Yes, hee hee hee. Tang Meijuan said, Sister Xiaotong also hopes that you and brother Jinshan will get engaged and get married as soon as possible. The Zhang and Zhao families have been close friends for nearly a hundred years. The two generations of elders are brothers who kowtow to each other. This is our Chinese folk customs and traditions. cultural continuation.

Zuo Chunhua said, uncle, aunt, and sister-in-law are right. Junior brother, you and sister Xiaotong hurry up and make arrangements to get married as soon as possible. We are all waiting to drink your wedding wine. Ouyang Xia said, Sister Xiaotong, Tietou and I are waiting for you and Brother Zhao to get married and have a baby soon, so that we can be sons and daughters. Xiaoxiao ran over and said, Master and Master, you should get married quickly and have more babies. Xiaoxiao, the more younger brothers and sisters I can help you with, the better. I want 20 younger brothers and sisters. I will play with them and teach them to practice kung fu when they grow up. Everyone laughed. Master Xuanwu hesitated and said, I have something I don’t know whether to say or not. Zhang Weimin and Wang Caifeng hurriedly said, Master Xuanwu, please tell me. Master Xuanwu said,"When my junior sister, Master Xuankong, and I saw Xiaotong for the first time, we realized that she had an extremely yin body and was too cold, while my Jinshan disciple had an extremely yang body. The combination of yin and yang belongs to In the two heavens of ice and fire, the two of them must work hard to change the exchange of yin and yang gases in the body before they can get married and have children. Otherwise, it will be bad for them and their children. This is not superstition, this is a normal physiological state. It takes at least three to five years to blend the yin and yang gases in the body. Jinshan and Xiaotong, you two, take the time to go to a better traditional Chinese medicine hospital to find a real traditional Chinese medicine expert to do some physical examinations. After reading the results of the physical examination report, you will know that I Is what the old woman said right? I hope everyone can seriously consider it. Everyone was confused. Zhang Weimin and Wang Caifeng said quickly, Okay, okay, everything will follow the teachings of the teacher. Jinshan Xiaotong, we don’t understand these things. You two must follow the arrangements of the teacher. Don’t do it after you get engaged. If you get married and have sex together, it won't be too late to get married after the two of you have adjusted your bodies. Zhao Jinshan and Zhang Xiaotong both said at the same time, please rest assured, parents and master, we will never go too far before our bodies are adjusted, and the two of us will never sleep in the same room. We all follow the guidance of the master and the doctor on this matter. , wait until our bodies have adjusted well before getting married and having children.

At this moment, Zhao Jinshan's phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was a call from Chairman Li of the Provincial Federation of Commerce. He quickly answered the call and said,"Hello, Chairman Li, you told me to attend the Federation of Commerce Conference at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Okay, is there anything else you can tell me? Chairman Li said, yes, Chairman Zhao, you are right. I called you so late just to remind you to go to the Provincial Federation of Commerce on time at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon to attend the founding meeting of the Provincial Real Estate Association, including appointing you as the Provincial Business Association. The position of deputy chairman of the Joint Committee is authorized, so don't be late. Zhao Jinshan said, Chairman Li, don't worry, I will arrive in advance and attend the Chamber of Commerce Conference on time and I won't be late. After saying that, the two hung up the phone. The phone rang again just after hanging up. Zhao Jinshan saw that it was Gu Jiali. He answered the call and said,"My old classmate Gu Da, Minister Gu, please tell me something." Gu Jiali hurriedly called out before Zhao Jinshan could finish speaking. He said, Brother Jinshan, my son is missing at home. He may have been kidnapped by gangsters. I can’t find my son. After I went to school to take my son home after work this evening, I found that there was no cooking oil at home when I was cooking. I told my son to wait for me at home to do his homework. I locked the door and went downstairs to the nearby supermarket to buy a barrel of cooking oil. When I returned home more than 20 minutes later, I found that the door was open. I did not see my son when I entered the house. I immediately ran out and searched outside, but couldn't find my son. I already called the police. Could you please ask Chairman Tie to help search for him? He has more connections in the provincial capital. Zhao Jinshan said,"Okay Gu Jiali, don't worry. You wait for me downstairs at home. We will go there right now." After Zhao Jinshan put down the phone, he quickly picked up his clothes and said while putting on his clothes,"Brother Tietou, Gu Jiali called me just now and said that she went to the supermarket to buy gas. When she got home, the door was open and her child was missing. She had already called the police. The police are also helping her search. You should immediately call and inform the students at your martial arts school. Please go out to the traffic arteries at various intersections in the city, the highways out of the city, airports, train stations, bus stations, etc. to help search for him. Gu Jiali has already sent the child's photo to my mobile phone. I will send the child's photo to you right away. Tietou said, brother, you don’t need to say anything, we will take action immediately. Zhang Weimin and Wang Caifeng stood up and said quickly,"Hurry up and help Gu Jiali find the child."

Then Senior Master Xuankong said, Third Senior Sister, you stay at home to protect the old couple, while Senior Nephew Jinshan and I go out to look for the child. Then Zhang Xiaotong, Tang Meijuan, Murong Jin, Zuo Chunhua, Tietou, Chairman Jiang and others all got up and left Zhang Xiaotong's house together. According to the location map sent by Gu Jiali, everyone drove to Gu Jiali's home. At the same time, Tietou and President Jiang called the principals of various martial arts schools while driving and asked them to immediately arrange for all students from the martial arts schools to be dispatched to cooperate with the police. The bureau blocked traffic arteries, highway intersections, airports, train stations, bus stations and other places in the entire provincial capital. They also sent photos of Gu Jiali's son to the principal of the martial arts school, and everyone took action collectively. Fifteen minutes later, everyone drove to the downstairs of the community where Gu Jiali lived. Gu Jiali ran over and cried and said, Brother Zhao is troubling you all. Zhao Jinshan said,"Gu Jiali, please don't be anxious and calm down. Brother Tietou and Chairman Jiang have already ordered the principals of the four martial arts schools to bring people to cooperate with the police station to help you find your child. Our company's CEO Yan, Director Zhou and other leaders have also Inform the department managers of the company to arrange for people to come out to help you find your child. Thousands of people have already set out to take action. The heads of all martial arts schools, team leaders and students rushed to various traffic arterial intersections and highway intersections, airports, train stations, bus stations and other places to cooperate with the police to conduct blockades and carefully interrogate passing vehicles and pedestrians. You Rest assured that the child may not be transferred out of the city by criminals in such a short period of time. As long as all major traffic intersections, airports, train stations, and bus stations in the provincial capital are blocked so that gangsters cannot leave the provincial capital with their children, we will be able to find your son. The police are already mobilizing surveillance near your home. When I came here just now, I called Captain Ji of the police station. He is also calling the road surveillance near your community. He will call me as soon as he has the results. Don't worry, sit down and stabilize yourself. mood.

Tietou said, I will rush to the highway intersection to exit the city. Senior sister, you rush to the train station. Junior brother Jiang, you rush to the airport. Sister-in-law, you, Murong Jin and Murong Qian stay here with sister Gu Jiali. Don't let her go out. Just wait at home. Let's go out to look for the children. Brother, can you and Master stay here and give command? Zhao Jinshan said,"No problem. Brother Tietou, you have done a good job in the allocation. We will take action immediately and strive to find the child as soon as possible." If I receive a message from Captain Ji, I will notify you immediately. After that, everyone drove away from Gu Jiali's house and rushed to various places.

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