Technological Hegemony

Chapter 131: China's appetite, Luo Jia's confusion

"There is no way. Behind the battery is a huge automobile field. No country will be stupid enough to give up the automobile industry." Luo Jia sighed and said to Hong Tao, "This time you worked hard, in short, try to fight for it, Samsung is 100% Fifty-one shares are in the hands of Wall Street, so you can give up Samsung and focus on LG. "

"Although LG's factory ranks third in the world, it is actually only a little smaller than Samsung's battery factory, which is also a good choice."

"According to the company's plan, in the era of BYD and Ningde, they will be responsible for the mid-range and low-end of the battery field in the future, and high-end products should be controlled by ourselves. Therefore, we also need to have our own large battery factory."

Hong Tao nodded again and again on the phone. Luo Jia's long-term planning has always been clear. Xingchen Technology does not engage in production but only engages in the most profitable part.

For example, photoresist, the first six grades of photoresist are produced by partners, and Xingchen Technology only makes the seventh most profitable grade.

This is because, in the first place, the ultra-high-end product process requirements can be called abnormal, and Luo Jia, a partner, cannot rest assured. Second, it is because of benefits.

After all, Luo Jia wants to realize the dream of the stars and the sea, and the money required will be an astronomical number that ordinary people can't imagine.

"Let ’s do it. Samsung put it aside. We are fighting for LG, but according to the information we have, the Germans who have the technology but lack the battery factory are going crazy now. They are using LG ’s factories and skilled workers. That is inevitable. "

Luo Jia frowned. Hong Tao was right. North America and Germany made all-out shots. In addition to the production capacity of Samsung and LG, the more important reason was the skilled workers and engineers in the factory, which was what they lacked most.

Fu Yao, the largest auto glass giant, also has large factories in North America, but when the media interviewed Boss Cao, he was vomiting hardships.

Although North America gave land, cheap natural gas and electricity, and tax concessions, and the conditions seemed attractive, Boss Cao only found it in North America. Not to mention dedicated skilled workers, he was hard to find even ordinary workers.

This is not a question of how much to pay, but because North American de-industrialization is too serious and the engineer culture is dying fast.

Millions of science and engineering students graduate each year in China, and the number exceeds the total number of engineers in other countries on the planet.

It is worth mentioning that with the advent of Xingchen Technology, the shortcomings of the low salary of engineers in the past are being quickly compensated, and the salary of science and engineering graduates has gradually increased.

There are two reasons. One is the cultural factor. Xingchen Technology relies on R & D from science and technology, and other companies have similar examples. They have strengthened their own scientific research efforts and improved the treatment of scientific research and engineering staff.

The second reason is that they are starting to make money. For example, wireless insulation cups can only be sold for about three hundred yuan, and foreigners are rushing to sell products.

In this way, Luo Jia can earn a net profit of 30 yuan, and the manufacturer also has a net profit of almost 30 yuan. With the profit, there is room for raising wages for employees.

This is the power of industrial upgrading.

Suppose you always make the ordinary 20 yuan insulation cup, factories and enterprises will always be at the bottom of the food chain.

Now, the vast majority of wireless products on the market are not made by Xingchen Technology at all, but are developed independently by partners after buying modules from Xingchen Technology.

They are making money now, so the R & D investment is very positive, and they have made a lot of things that Luo Jia was stunned.

For example, there are thousands of wireless massage sticks, which have high power, high vibration, multiple frequencies, and long periods of time. They have been crazy all over the world and are known as the holy weapon for single women.

Many women claim to be happy. With it, the aging mother needs a man.

Wireless electric water guns are sold wildly in Southeast Asia and Southwest China every time there is an event like Songkran Festival, and many colleagues in the company buy it.

All in all, history has already proven that Huaxia people are good at doing business and good at opening up the market. This crazy wireless storm has no sign of stopping and is getting worse.

Huaxia merchants are sweeping the global electrical appliance market with a devastating momentum! All the small household electrical appliances companies in the world have been killed, leaving nowhere.

Although in terms of high-power electrical appliances, energy wave wireless charging is subject to technical constraints and has not started to exert force.

However, in the field of low-power weak electricity, it is no exaggeration to say that there is no one on the earth that can play except Huaxia! Even if it does, sooner or later it will be beaten by this crazy group of small Chinese appliance manufacturers.

What's more frightening is that Huaxia manufacturers not only make wireless insulation cups for three hundred yuan, but also don't let go of ordinary insulation cups for one yuan.

India, Southeast Asia, these countries waiting to accept the low-end industrial chain of China, now all are dumbfounded, this is the rhythm of Nima to take all?

You make a wireless insulation cup that earns thirty yuan, and you make each of the ordinary insulation cups that make eight cents. Do you want to make such a perfect one? How can we come here in small portions? Let's do industrialization too.

As a result, Huaxia businessmen decided unanimously!

Let's get on the machine and build it!

The textile and clothing sector, because it is too labor-intensive, even if it is distributed to Bangladesh in Southeast Asia.

However, as long as the factory is willing to spend money on machinery, it can fully realize the automated production of machinery. Why should I share it with you?

The Chinese people are poor, and the history of poverty has left a deep mark on the hearts of every Chinese person.

No one will look down on the profit of eight cents for each low-end thermos cup. Now, the bottom of this family is also the hard work of a dime and a dime.

Luo Jia is now regarded as a rich and powerful country. If there is a grain of rice on the dining table, my mother wants him to pick it up. This is the culture of Huaxia.

As a result, the whole world is in deep fear.

The so-called industrial chain transfer, from North America and Europe to Japan and South Korea, and then from Japan and South Korea to China, in accordance with the reason, the next step should be transferred from China to Southeast Asia and the South Asian subcontinent.

But the fact is, the transfer of the industrial chain to Huaxia stopped, because Huaxia people do not turn outwards!

From the high-end to the low-end, as long as they are capable, they will all be more perverted than the gods and beasts.

Luo Jia and Hong Tao talked for a long time. Anyway, Luo Jia had one goal. I can't get anyone who is **** good.

It happened that the British were also there. If it didn't work, let Hong Tao join hands with the British and work hard to mix him up. The higher the price, the better. Even if North America and Germany got their hands, they should spit out old blood.

Hong Tao laughed.

"I understand this sentence with you. Even if we can't get it, we won't let others easily get it. Don't worry, just wait for my good news."

Hong Tao promised again and again. Is it dangerous to talk about these trade secrets on the phone?

What could be dangerous?

The mobile phone is made by the Big Four, and the system is from Xingchen Technology, with a digital encryption system. Let alone monitor Luo Jia, Luo Jia monitors others pretty much.

Dinner was ready. Ping Yuying came to invite Luo Jia to dinner. When she saw Luo Jia was on the phone, she put her hand on her thigh and waited quietly, without the impatient look.

If you change Inner Mongolian girl Lu Qiu, Luo Jia should simply and rudely interrupt Luo Jia and order him to go back for dinner.

Anyway, Luo Jia just thinks that the education of Ping Yuying is very different from that of the Chinese girl. It is not good or bad, anyway, her posture is very low.

After a few words of Hong Tao, Luo Jia hung up the phone and Heping Yuying went to the restaurant together.

My mother just got off the plane. Although she missed her son, she was really tired, so most of the food came from Hiraha Sakura's craftsmanship.

Fried tempura, vegetable salad, tofu and tuna cooked together, and the mother fried a plate of hot and sour green bean sprouts, steamed cantonese-style sausage, etc., a very common home-cooked meal.

My mother likes Ping Yuying very much, boasting that she is sensible, she will do housework, etc., her little cheeks are crimson.

Comrade Luo Ning didn't like the neon people a bit, but he didn't say anything. After all, the old saying was good, and he didn't smile at people. He is also very useful.

"It's just eight o'clock, you young people are so energetic, don't squat at home, just go outside." After eating, the mother said to Luo Jia.

Luo Jia frowns. As a straight steel man, he hates shopping. He always thinks about what to buy, where to buy, and how much he spends, and then just buys and leaves. He wo n’t stay in the mall at all. minute.

"Look at me? Xiaolongzi is here all the way. You man, you have to take care of people." Luo Jia gave her a white look.

Luo Jia's mother was okay. Her old man couldn't help but say that he drove Luo Jia and He Yingyu to the street, and then slammed the door shut.

Luo Jia heard her in the yard and her father asked her, "What are you doing?"

Luo Jia's mother said rightly, "Of course it is to create opportunities for them. I'll take charge of this matter, and you'll leave it alone."

Then Comrade Luo Ning sighed deeply.

"Your father doesn't seem to like me much?" Hiraba Sakura blinked at Luo Jia.

"No, my dad has always been like that, old-fashioned one, don't care." Luo Jia explained.

Now that it's out, let's go.

Ping Yuying was surprised at the number of wireless charging piles on the roadside. There were so many, lined up along the Huaihai Road, and the yellow paint was striking under the street lights.

When Huaxia had not yet popularized electric vehicles, the infrastructure had already been built. Such a large-scale construction, and the incredible speed of construction, surprised Hirawa Sakura.

"Because the national team started to work." Luo Jia said with a smile.

"National team?" Hiraha Sakura expressed doubt.

"Well, this is just the beginning." Luo Jia said, "You can understand it as a steel torrent consisting of millions of people ~ ~ and even tens of millions of people. When they decide to advance a When something happens, all the strength of our country will be fully mobilized. "

"Within three years, on this planet, we will be the first country to fully popularize electric cars, and that will be us."

"I feel so good!" Hiraha Sakura widened her eyes and exclaimed.

Luo Jia smiled, "It's very powerful. At that time, you are welcome to come again."

Hmm ~

Hirawa Sakura nodded heavily.

Luo Jia has no experience in shopping with girls. Since she doesn't know where to go, take a taxi to take her to the Bund to see the light show.

Luo Jia, the head of the steel straight boys' group, is now more and more upright.

The shocking 3D light show was considered by Luo Jia to be very general, and 4D light show should be developed in the future.

Using the combination of structural projection and 3D reverse rendering mapping technology, after the projection wall is spliced, the 3D technology is used to restore the relationship between the real stairs and the projector, and finally the spatial perspective is simulated, so that a more shocking 4D effect can be presented.

Luo Jia forgot that Little Loli was studying electrical and mechanical engineering in Massachusetts, and she was also good at it.

The two were in a heated discussion in the crowd.

Speaking of Xingtou, the two were full of eyes, and the people next to them couldn't understand the technical terms they spoke, and they looked at each other in surprise, as if the two technical houses were dating.

The Bund light show ends at 10 o'clock, and it is 11 o'clock on holidays.

After the light went out, Luo Jia asked Xiaolioli if she wanted to go across to Pudong. The branch star search was over there.

Little Loli thought Luo Jia would take her to the movie, she was a little disappointed, but out of the neon girl's obedience, she followed him to the other side of the river.

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