Technological Hegemony

Chapter 161: Opportunities for new energy, siege by global media

Luo Jia's speech is over, but this storm on new energy has just begun.

Luo Jia was surrounded by the big brothers of Xu Power in the meeting room, and asked many questions related to the future. Fortunately, Enron was also nearby, and his answer was prompt and decent. Otherwise, if only Luo Jia was alone, he would really take care of it But come.

In the private rooms, as well as those in the back row of the venue, they started to leave. They would not come to ask questions in person. If you really want to know what, let's talk to Luo Jia.

For example, Professor Ouyang and Chief Engineer Ning Zeping, they communicate with Luo Jia. In fact, they often carry tasks. Everyone knows it well, but no one knows it.

Luo Jia smiled and said aloud, "We are more optimistic about the future. With the development of economy and science and technology, the total amount of social electricity will definitely rise."

"This is not just a problem with electric vehicles. As you may know, the most important machine in the semiconductor field, the lithography machine, is rapidly advancing from ultraviolet light to more advanced extreme ultraviolet light."

"Compared with the past technology, EUV is actually a miracle. Its energy efficiency conversion rate is only 0.22%, that is, 99.98% of the electrical energy. Lost while working on the machine. "

"Maintaining an EUV lithography machine with a power of only 250 watts consumes up to 30,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per day. In order to introduce such a machine, TSMC had to expand the power plant locally."

"Of course, this is just an extreme example. As living standards improve and industrial automation improves, these will bring huge power gaps."

"Don't look at our total power generation, which is 1.6 times that of North America, but in terms of per capita, North America's per capita power generation is 16,000 kWh, and we are only 4,000 kWh, a difference of four times."

"Since we want to catch up with North America, it means that one day, our per capita electricity generation will reach the same level as North America, or even exceed their level."

"According to this standard, our total annual power generation will increase from the current 6 trillion kWh to at least 24 trillion kWh."

After hearing Luo Jia's judgment, all the power gangsters were excited and shivering.

The excitement is because power consumption has quadrupled, and power companies can do even bigger and create more profits.

The reason is that Luo Jia's judgment on the future is too scary, twenty-four trillion degrees? How many power plants are we going to build?

Luo Jia paused and continued: "I know that everyone in the scene also has big names from the oil industry."

"In fact, both oil and electricity are the energy industry. If our judgment on the future holds, the power grid will be expanded at least four times in the future. The opportunities here are too great, not only for the power sector, but also Opportunities in the oil sector. "

"No matter how the society progresses, oil will always be used, because oil involves not only transportation, but also chemical industry, and such a large power gap cannot be solved from thermal power, wind and solar power, nuclear power. These are all Future standard. "

Regarding the future of the oil industry, Luo Jia is just passing by, and after all, the future direction of these giants is not something he can decide.

But judging from the current action of the national team, the trend is already very clear.

Like all countries in the world, everyone has realized that in the future, energy must be dominated by electricity. This is not the word of the Huaxia family, but a global consensus.

In addition to the involvement of petrochemical companies in the chemical industry, in fact, they can also participate in projects such as offshore power generation and engage in diversified operations. The road is there anyway, depending on how they choose.

It was difficult to escape from the encirclement of the power gangsters. It was almost winter in October, but Luo Jia and Enran were sweating.

They didn't stop nearby, drove into the alley, and found a quiet restaurant.

As soon as Qi Liang Cai was served, Luo Jia opened a bottle of Yanjing beer and was drinking it. Professor Ouyang called.

"Tell you good news," Professor Ouyang said in a mysterious tone. "Someone is very satisfied with your speech today."

Who is satisfied?

Luo Jia would not ask such a stupid question, he just smiled.

Professor Ouyang also said, "You can rest assured that the scientific research companies like you and Huawei are too late to protect and support the country. How can they be suppressed? As for how big you can become in the end, it depends on you. In short, someone already understands your situation, so let's work hard in the future. "

Luo Jia thanked Professor Ouyang and asked him when he had time to have a meal together.

As a result, Professor Ouyang has been busy recently and his schedule is full. So I have to make an appointment in the future. Anyway, Luo Jia and the power department are involved so deeply that there will be many opportunities to meet in the future.

Putting down the phone, Luo Jia told Professor Ouyang's original words to everyone.

Enron is a school tyrant. He has no sensitivity to politics, shrugs, and continues to eat his Beijing-style pork shreds.

Hong Tao grew up in Beijing since he was a child, and has become much more embarrassed. He was very excited about it. At the wine table, he guessed which big guys have come today, and which big guys are more satisfied with Star Technology.

Luo Jia hastily stopped him from continuing to say that he is engaged in a scientific research enterprise, and some political support is enough. There is no need to rush to move closer to power. Business and politics are best separated.

Luo Jia toasted and said with a smile: "Anyway, the super capacitor project is finally settled, and our products have entered the power sector. This is not just a matter of profit, but the future is in the direction we want. A big step forward. "

Enran nodded again and again, "Yes, the reason why the company's brothers are so hard, in addition to wages, the most important thing is to rely on their own strength to change society and life. After all, who didn't order a dream when he was young, can see that dream come true, It's worth a life! "

"Mr. Luo, do you want to arrange the next task? With the energy storage and the installation of the ship, we should copy the base camps of Siemens and Vitas, right?"

Everyone is very excited. Although the company has done a lot of pre-research on science and technology, according to the consistent style of Xingchen Technology, it has always concentrated on doing major things.

As Luo Jia himself said, modern scientific research has become a highly complex, highly difficult matter that requires crazy money burning.

If you want to solve the problem as soon as possible and come up with a solution, you must devote all your company's scientific research power to a large-scale scientific and technological research.

Luo Jia smiled. "No hurry. In accordance with the old rules, take a holiday first. After all, many people in the company have found a girlfriend. Always leave time for everyone to fall in love. When the holiday is over, I will tell you what to do next. Direction of attack. "


The signing ceremony of Xingchen Technology and the power department was very low-key.

However, the global impact of this incident is far more than the advent of any new type of electronic products. After all, the large-scale popularization of supercapacitors has marked a major shift in this country.

Well-known media around the world published special reports on the second day after the signing of the contract. These reports took up a lot of space and had a far-reaching response, so that even ordinary people who are least concerned about science and technology can feel that a great change is accelerating.

Prior to this, the super capacitor of Xingchen Technology was just a rumor of internal discussions in the technology circle. Now after the dust has settled, everyone is shocked by Xingchen Technology and the whole of China.

The New York Times published a special feature on the front page of the headline, "After the charging pile plan, Huaxia will make a heavy effort and invest in the construction of a national energy storage center."

This article from the New York Times is still very professional, and specifically invited the Caltech Daniel scholar to write it.

From his professional perspective, the scholar analyzed the far-reaching impact of Huaxia's completion of charging piles in three years and the large-scale investment and construction of energy storage centers on the future.

For any country, energy is a big problem. Huaxia itself does not produce much crude oil, and it depends on purchasing from overseas. Once the new energy plan is completed in a few years, they will completely get rid of their dependence on overseas energy.

As a North American, Caltech scholar gloated that Russia may suffer, because it will not take long for China to reduce or even stop buying crude oil from Russia. Russia ’s Ural crude oil has a very high sulfur content, which is far worse than that. Middle East and North Sea Brent.

In addition, the scholar expressed envy at Huaxia's ability to comprehensively turn to new energy construction, and believed that with the power of Huaxia's infrastructure madness, they are likely to become the first country on the planet to fully turn to new energy, which will make the world far away. Far behind.

In fact, there are still some countries on the planet that have achieved clean energy coverage, but they are all small countries, and no truly powerful country with global competitiveness.

After all, this article is from the hands of scholars, and it seems to be more accessible, but other North American media are not so polite.

Whether it is the Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Washington Post, or television agencies such as ABC, CNN, FOX, are seizing the opportunity to render the Chinese threat theory.

In Europe ~ ~ The British Financial Times articles are also more polite. They have recently left the European Union and lost the entire European market to the United Kingdom. They are making every effort to seek support from Huaxia.

Therefore, the Financial Times is very cautious, analyzes the prospects of new energy in Huaxia, and said that as the oldest capitalist empire on the planet, the British authorities should start negotiations with Huaxia as soon as possible to seize opportunities that belong to the future.

It is indeed an old fox. The British people are still very sensitive in smell. What they feel is opportunity and they want to make money. It is best to cooperate with Huaxia in the future.

It is a pity that voices like this one are only a few in the world after all.

Most of the media, like the mainstream in North America, regard China's new energy strategy as a huge threat and attack it in a crowd.

Especially Germany's two major media, picture newspaper and Der Spiegel.

Not only did they downplay ultracapacitors, they also announced a gossip that the deep-sea energy storage technology jointly owned by Siemens and the Rhein Group will also be launched in the near future.

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