Technological Hegemony

Chapter 229: Sorry, we are different!

Seeing the numbers on the screen, Luo Jia frowned and exhaled.

The 800H energy density is really an amazing achievement. It seems that the Super Five Hundred Project jointly promoted by Los Labs and Bell Labs in North America has been declared successful.

The reason why this plan is called super five hundred is because according to scientists' estimates, the physical limit of lithium batteries should be around 500H. As long as it exceeds 500H, it is a super product in lithium batteries.

Evergreen Zhou Zuo did not lie. The lithium battery has its limits in the end, and the powerful North American research consortium has once again demonstrated its unparalleled strength to the world. They have joined Neon, Europe, and the world. All pro-Western research forces have pushed the technology of ternary lithium batteries, which has been used for decades, to the limit.

The energy density is 800H. This result even exceeded Luo Jia's expectations. When studying lithium battery technology in depth, Luo Jia once determined that the limit of ternary lithium batteries will not exceed 700H, which will be a difficult gap for anyone to cross. .

Of course, the Western Battery Alliance will not disclose specific technology. They will not even apply for patents for super lithium batteries, because this technology has reached a terrifying level.

From today, the scientific community's research on ternary lithium batteries can rest, because it has reached the physical limit and no longer has research value.

Papapa ~

Sitting in front of the TV, he was drinking a can of Qingdao pure raw Luo Jia, applauding.

As a scientific worker, he also felt that this time the Western scientific research group was really powerful, and even if it was an opponent, it deserved respect.

Luo Jia's eyes became serious, and the success of the Western scientific community in the field of lithium batteries made him more soberly aware that Xingchen Technology is far from sweeping the world.

In this project, only two major laboratories of Bell and Roth were invested in North America, and the German Federal Physics and Technology Laboratory was added later.

Despite this, they have achieved amazing achievements, you know, Lawrence, Lincoln, Oak Ridge, Agung, Cold Spring Harbor, Cavendish, Fermi, CERN, Brookhaven, Jet Propulsion, Livermore, Wait a minute, these world's most prestigious super scientific research institutions have not yet invested in the war against Xingchen Technology.

Moreover, there is also an absolute Tianwang Mountain in North America, NASA!

Any company that wants to become a global technology supremacy, sooner or later, will one day encounter NASA, which is like the ultimate boss hidden in the game. It has been the king of global scientific research from the past to the present.

NASA does not have a ranking because they do not need a ranking to prove their strength. The so-called Tianwang Mountain is that it is always there, and everyone can clearly see its height and reach the sky.

Luo Jia can imagine that as Star Technology continues to leap forward, one day, these world's most powerful scientific research institutions will become their opponents. In their laboratory, there must be countless amazing technical reserves and Scientific research results.

Luo Jia's phone suddenly rang. It was a WeChat sent by Enron from the site of the conference. Enron said with emotion, "It's amazing. It's 100H higher than the limit energy density we estimated. I don't know them. How did it happen. "

Luo Jia thought for a while and replied to Enran: "This is probably the scientific research inside the West. Our laboratory was only three years old, and many of their laboratories are already 100-year-old stores."

Enron didn't say anything, he should be busy and busy at the conference site.

At this moment, Luo Jia looked up and looked at the TV screen. The conference site had begun to celebrate wildly. People opened champagne, hugged each other, and wept with joy.

While wiping tears, Evergreen Zhou Zuo said with a choked voice in the microphone: "Yes, we did it! We skip the sixth, seventh, and eighth generation plans, twenty years in advance, will be three yuan Lithium batteries have pushed their physical limits! "

"From now on, in this world, when it comes to lithium batteries, there will be only one product, that is our product!"


There was thunderous applause at the scene. Those pro-Western journalists, while crying, sent live reports to the world.

In the following time, they celebrated while waiting for the launch conference of Xingchen Technology, which started 27 minutes later.

Those mean Western media should have prepared countless manuscripts, mocking and ridiculing Star Technology.

Because they have used the ternary lithium battery to achieve the physical ceiling, even if Star Technology is strong, it is impossible to break the ceiling.

Luo Jia watched the live broadcast on Station B. He saw a raging barrage that obscured almost all the pictures.

"Oh my gosh, this is amazing!"

"800H, almost three times higher than Xingchen's battery!"

"As a graduate student in the electrical department, what I need to tell you is that Xingchen Technology lost, because 800H is really the physical upper limit of ternary lithium batteries."

"Hey, I wanted to watch Xingchen Technology beat the West, but I saw this."

"I'm studying in Chicago. Someone's already setting off fireworks here ..."

"I didn't expect them to have done so much for more than a year."

The disappointment quickly spread in Huaxia, and people were stunned. The Western Technology Group directly put the ternary lithium battery technology to the end, which is too exaggerated and incredible.

Luo Jia switched the TV to the live broadcast of the Shanghai Metropolis. Before Enron came to power, he used his mobile phone to browse the western forums.

"Long live! God bless America!"

"Let those Huaxia people look at us, the top ternary lithium battery is born, are they going to be dumbfounded?"

"Tigers don't show their might, and you are treated as sick cats. Open your eyes and see clearly, who is the real overlord of the earth!"

"Wait for the joke of Xingchen Technology. The last ten minutes count down!"

Netizens from the western world are naturally celebrating wildly. They used to be extremely proud, full of superiority and confidence in their own culture and system.

However, in the past three years, the emergence of Xingchen Technology has caused a wave of self-reflection in the West. They couldn't help asking themselves, are we really the smartest people on the planet?

If we are the smartest, why do we repeatedly lose to Asians with black eyes from the East?

The answer was finally announced today. The Western scientific community pushed the lithium battery directly to the physical upper limit, so that their confidence returned again. They still feel that they are the best in this world.

Luo Jia watched the Western Forum for a while and then closed the browser, because at the scene of the Hudu Grand Theater, Enron had already accompanied the music.

The head of Xingchen Hardware Corps, wearing a black and white two-color short-sleeved plaid shirt, a very ordinary style and fabric, retail price of about one hundred yuan, is also the usual dress.

Luo Jia could not help thinking of Jobs, the genius leader of Apple, who likes to wear a black turtleneck T-shirt, as if he is very close to the people.

However, few people know that Steve Jobs' black T-shirt was made by the famous designer Issey Miyake. If you want to talk about the price, each one will cost at least thousands of dollars.

Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, always wears a gray T-shirt and a gray hoodie. Those T-shirts are the products of the famous Italian luxury goods company Bruno Cuccili, $ 400 per T-shirt, hooded $ 3,000 for a shirt.

Do you think they are approachable, in fact, ordinary people will never understand the capitalist world.

When Enron came to the front desk, the atmosphere of the conference was actually very depressing.

No matter the media or ordinary technology enthusiasts, they already know that an hour ago, the Western Science and Technology Corps just pushed the ternary lithium battery to the physical limit. They created history, which is enough to leave a strong mark in the history of earth science and technology.

Enron, however, had a faint expression. He glanced at the audience with a smile, and then said in a very fast tone: "First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to our opponents. They have successfully reached the limit of traditional lithium battery technology. This is a fact that all tech workers should face up to, a great achievement! "

"Here, on behalf of all my colleagues in Xingchen Technology, I sincerely congratulate them!"

A soft sigh came from the scene. People felt that Enron said that it was equivalent to giving up in disguise, and I hope that the star technology of China will be a blockbuster Chinese people ~ ~ It is not sad.

Since its debut, Xingchen Technology has not failed, sweeping the world with the trend of destruction.

This is probably the first time Star Technology has given up, but it will not be the last time. No one can tell.

Enron paused and said with a smile, "Well, please note that what I just said is the traditional lithium battery, which has been reached the physical limit by the peers."

"What is a traditional lithium battery? It is a ternary material such as lithium cobaltate as the positive electrode, graphite as the negative electrode, the electrolyte and the separator are optimized, and the thing that is ultimately used to store electrical energy."

"However, the battery we made did not use the traditional one, but made a completely new structure based on the traditional."

When Enron finished saying this, the air around the world was almost frozen, and everyone couldn't believe his ears.

Traditional ternary lithium batteries are indeed pushed to the limit by Western technology groups, but the batteries made by Xingchen Technology are not the same as them.

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