Technological Hegemony

Chapter 363: Star Technology VS Cold Spring Harbor Gene Battle broke out!

In this world, anyone talking about life sciences can't avoid the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, one of the world's top ten laboratories located on Long Island, New York.

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory was founded and led by the father of genes, the discoverer of the DNA double helix, James Watson, and is known as the cradle of life sciences.

Theoretically, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Department is well-known, with extremely strong funds and scientific research power. It should have become a temple for global life sciences and was worshiped by countless researchers.

However, this is not the case. Many researchers in the field of life sciences disdain Cold Spring Harbor, including Wen Chengfeng of Xingchen Technology.

Wen Chengfeng is a peerless genius in the field of life sciences. He helped Xingchen Technology to open the third largest department of the company. After getting the opportunity to study in Cold Spring Harbor, he refused without thinking and turned to Harvard. Under the gate of the university.

You know, although Harvard University is also a leader in global life science research, its strength is obviously lagging behind the world's number one Cold Spring Port. Wen Chengfeng's hesitation in rejecting the olive branch of the Cold Spring Port laboratory is really puzzling.

The truth of the matter lies in the father of genes, Watson, the founder of life sciences.

As the world's most outstanding genetic expert, Watson has investigated countless genetic samples and finally concluded that humans of different races have different IQs.

East Asian yellow and Anglo-Saxon whites are the most powerful IQs on earth, followed by Germanic, Caucasian, Aryan whites, and then Arabs, Southeast Asians, Pacific islands, South Asians, South America Inca, South American Inca and Latin mixed.

Anyway, the old man of Watson, the Nobel laureate, the father of genes, the founder of life sciences, and the top cattle fork scientist in the world, has come up with the most politically incorrect case in the field of life sciences. .

As the father of genes, the old man Watson actually divided humans into three, six, and nine. Humans of each race have a clear written intelligence level.

As for black people, the old man of Watson believes that the difference between black people and donkeys is actually not large. Their IQ is at the bottom of human beings and is not good at thinking. Instead, they are impulsive, irritable, and full of animal characteristics. Ethnic group.

The old man of Watson not only graded humans from a purely scientific perspective, but he was also very concerned about the process of human evolution. For the Chinese women who have mated with black people in recent years and caused serious social problems, Watson was distressed. He published several times. The open letter reminds governments around the world to be wary of blacks using their genetic disadvantages to lower the average level of human intelligence in the world.

IQ is hard-hitting. According to the old man of Watson, white or yellow men and women who have found a black partner are like giving their bodies to a mule. Although the sexual ability of the mule is very high, it crosses the species.

In a time of political correctness, as soon as the old man's remarks came out, the global scientific community blew up.

One cannot believe that this great founder of life sciences has studied all his life and finally found such a messy thing. The black authorities threatened to kill him. Authorities and research institutions in various countries have also drawn boundaries with Watson. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences even withdrawn the Nobel Prize awarded to Watson.

However, in the face of threats from the whole world, the old man of Watson still has no repentance and intensifies. He opened a column to write the truth of the life science field.

For example, there has been a recent trend in China. Some women think that mixed-race children are smart and beautiful, and even white-collar women go to North America to conceive, go naked, come back when pregnant, and prepare to have a noble mixed-race baby.

In this regard, the old man Watson explained that mixed-race babies are not only noble, but usually have low IQs. The reason Chinese people have misunderstood mixed-race babies is completely the survivor's bias.

The first generation of Chinese people who went abroad was the best in society. At that time, it was extremely difficult for Chinese people to go abroad. Only the elites could do it. These social elites left Huaxia, combined with foreigners, and gave birth to offspring. The results of elite selection are not universal.

In the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand, where there are a large number of US troops, there are a large number of mixed-race children. These mixed-race children generally live at the bottom of society, and the average IQ is significantly lower than the local.

As for the value of face, it is a matter of opinion. Mixed races have dual ethnic characteristics. You can look good, but others may find it strange.

There are many mestizos in this world. If you look at Hollywood, you will find that many stars are actually mestizos. After all, Europe and Asia are called mestizos, and the offspring of the British Isles and Slavs are also called mestizos.

Then, you can go to the scientific community and take a look. How many of the world's top scientists are mixed?

I believe that after such a comparison, you will understand the truth. Mixed-generation offspring will usually lower IQ.

The ancient Egyptian dynasty created one of the most glorious civilizations in human history, but the line of Egyptian pharaohs has always been a close relative. The Cleopatra we are familiar with is Cleopatra, and her mother is her brother and sister. Her husband is her brother.

The Egyptian pharaohs believed that the pure blood of the king could not be defiled. From today's perspective, this is certainly absurd. However, behind the absurdity, science has already proven that pure blood is absolutely correct in the biological field. Otherwise you can't explain why purebred hounds and horse racing can inherit powerful inheritance from their close relatives.

This is science. It may not be politically correct, or it may exceed the limits of our understanding and subvert our cognition. But no matter how you resist, science will eventually become the only and eternal truth in this world.

In general, James Watson, the spiritual leader of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, is a truly upright and tough scientist. Under his leadership, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has finally become a leader in the field of life science research, but also It has become the most despised and shameless object in the global scientific research community.

In this world, there are two types of life sciences, one is called life sciences, and the other is called Cold Spring Harbor.

Cold Spring Harbor is unique. Except for Watson's followers, those true racists, and those who believe in genetic power, no scientist will go to Cold Spring Harbor, a cold and boring laboratory in Cold Spring Harbor. What they do is High-risk research that the world's scientific research community has despised to do is contrary to humanity's common sense.

The authorities have never given even one cent to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories. Cold Spring Harbor relies entirely on their followers to raise funds, and to inject capital with ulterior motives.

Lengquan Port does not release any research results to the outside world. Although the whole world knows that researching life sciences, Lengquan Port is the most powerful, but no one knows what those racist lunatics are studying.

"They are finally here."

Dr. Jarien turned his face and turned to the front door of the office.

Director Louis seems very uncomfortable. He doesn't like the lunatics in Cold Spring Harbor. However, Jairion represents the White House power, and he can't be the enemy of his boss. Otherwise, the owner of the White House will definitely fire himself, because he currently lives in The White House man, he was also a lunatic.

The secretary looked panicked, opened the door of the office, opened her mouth, and stunned for a few seconds before she was notified that the people in Cold Spring Harbor were outside. It seemed to the secretary's consciousness that the people in Cold Spring Harbor should not appear in Here.

"Yes, please." Director Louis reluctantly said.

Immediately, the blue-eyed, sharp-eyed middle-aged man entered the office. He was tall, a typical Anglo-Saxon descendant, and a proud disciple of the great God of Watson. Stephens Lay, currently the head and chairman of Cold Spring Harbor Inhart.

"Dr. Reinhardt, have you been on your way?" Jerion asked with a smile.

Reinhardt sneered, looking at the office with cold eyes, saying coldly: "At first it went well, but after entering the CDC, people here avoided me as if they had seen a ghost."

Jerryn approached, staring at the Ice Spring badge on Reinhardt's black suit and saying, "Maybe they saw the badge on your chest. I can guess that at this moment, the North American Science Forum is exploding. About Cold Spring Harbor People visited the CDC and entered Director Louis's office. This matter will surely spread quickly and attract much debate in the scientific community. "

"In this world, there are many well-known laboratories, but as controversial as Cold Spring Harbor, there are very few. If I were you, I would not wear this badge. Without the Ice Spring badge, you can let Our work is going more smoothly. "

"I refuse," Reinhardt said.


"Refused to take down my Bingquan badge. Although this badge will cause me great trouble and controversy, and even people throw stinky eggs behind me, but for me, this badge is the greatest pride of my life, I'm proud of Cold Spring Harbor playing, even if I die, I will bring the badge to hell. "Reinhardt solemnly said.

"Hell?" Jairion smiled bitterly. "It seems that those of you in Cold Spring Harbor have already been prepared to go to hell. I don't know if you should be happy or worried about your attachment."

"By the way, your teacher, Dr. Watson, is he okay lately? After he stepped down as the head of Cold Spring Harbor, his elderly should be able to rest for a while?"

Reinhardt shook his head and said, "The reason why the teacher stepped down was because of this ridiculous world, which brought us too much criticism. In order to ease our pressure, the teacher could only be forced to step down."

"But he is still the spiritual leader of Cold Spring Harbor. We will report to the teacher if we have any actions."

"I guessed that long ago," said Jillian Fuer. "Dr. Watson, how easy is it to admit defeat? You, Cold Spring Harbor, are playing with fire and fighting against the entire scientific community with your own strength."

Suddenly ~

When Jairn finished his remarks, Reinhardt, who had been cold-faced, laughed loudly.

Hahahaha ~

Reinhart said with a smile, "If it were not for our stubbornness and stubbornness in Cold Spring Harbor, I am afraid you would not ask for help today?"

"Maybe you have discovered that in this world, it is only us who can fight against the powerful offensive of Xingchen Technology!"

"On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Xingchen Technology has an nickname, the strongest guy in the Chinese scientific research community."

"Xingchen Technology is composed of a group of upright and tough scientists. They do not speak politically. The head Luo Jia has publicly publicized the theory of the supremacy of China in several speeches. Their partners are all local enterprises. Xingchen Technology spares no effort to help cooperation. Partners, to siege the ground around the world, the means are fierce and cunning. "

"And in North America and the Western world, we in Cold Spring Harbor are also tough men. We don't believe anything except science. We don't speak any truth except truth. In order to uphold the truth, we can be the enemy of the entire scientific research community!"

"Just a few days ago, the black rights protection organization threatened to bomb our Cold Spring Harbor, and we have no fear at all. The teacher's research is correct. Black people are the most trashy race in the world. Even if you cut Once I have my head, I will say the same! "

Hey ~

Jerry and Louis suddenly had a black line in their heads. It was very likely that if they were born in the World War II era, the lunatics in Cold Spring Harbor would be loyal followers of the head of state.

Xingchen Technology is an upright and tough organization. It regards science as the only truth of this life and has a powerful fighting force. Maybe the lunatics of Cold Spring Harbor to fight against the barbarians of Xingchen Technology will be the best choice.

With this in mind, Jerryn said, "Dr. Reinhardt, you should know that my role now is equivalent to the authority's full agent in the scientific community."

"Know, you have great rights now, invisible rights," Reinhardt said.

Jerryn did not deny that he nodded slightly: "Xingchen Technology has opened the life science front, including Wen Chengfeng's alma mater, Harvard. We have several alternatives. What would you do if you came to Cold Spring Harbor? Are you sure? "

Reinhardt laughed, "Catch? It's not a secret. Although we and Star Technology have strong characteristics, one thing is absolutely different, that is, for science, we don't speak politically at all costs. . "

After hearing such an answer, Jairion and Louis both felt their hairs stumped.

Not talking about political correctness means that the legend is likely to be true. In order to study life sciences, Cold Spring Harbor secretly conducted illegal human experiments!

Jairn swallowed, secreted human experiments, the absolute restricted area of ​​the scientific community, and seeing Reinhardt's confidence, they should have achieved amazing results.

In fact, ~ ~ Jairin is completely wrong. It seems that Lengquan Port is not politically correct. Xingchen Technology is like a white rabbit that is harmless to humans and animals.

Speaking of human tests, I'm afraid the unknown bodies under the Huangpu River have been counted for a long time.

"I see." Dr. Jairion Shen said: "The counterattack of Xingchen Technology in the field of life sciences is the responsibility of Cold Spring Port. The North American Center for Disease Control and Harvard Life Sciences Institute, these institutions and resources will all be around Cold Spring Port works. "

"I'd like to see if the tough guys in China are stronger or the tough guys in North America are tougher!"

Reinhardt sneered, disapproving, and nodded gently.

So in the autumn of the fourth year of the establishment of Xingchen Technology, a genetic battle between the Chinese tough guy group vs. the North American tough guy group, and the star technology vs. Cold Spring Harbor finally broke out.

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