Technological Hegemony

Chapter 530: The Eye of the Star VS Weber, big is justice!

Guo Shouyu, the director of the National Astronomical Observatory, came to Luo Jia, hoping that Xingchen Technology would help solve the problem of satellite chain satellites interfering with space observation. However, it was unexpected to Director Guo that Xingchen Technology had a set of countermeasures.

The reason why this plan has not been launched so late is not because Luo Jia didn't pay much attention to it, but because the plan was too large, and the madmen of Xingchen Technology are ready to take one step to solve the space observation problem for many years to come.

"Lagrange point !?" Guo Shouyu said in a spirit of excitement: "You are going to put the eyes of the stars on Lagrange point and do all-star observation !?"

Luo Jia nodded slightly, "Yes, in addition to the Eye of the Star, we will also install more than a dozen observation devices on the space station zero. If there is a need in the future, we can also install the space telescope in the base on the back of the moon . "

"In short, please rest assured that we are not unconcerned about the field of space observation, but just because we want to solve the problem completely, it took some time to build the equipment."

Luo Jia explained, and Guo Taichang was full of tears of excitement, as if he had seen a huge space telescope standing quietly somewhere in the solar system, helping humans observe and recognize the endless depths of the universe.

The Eye of the Star is undoubtedly epoch-making. If you have seen Liu Cixin's three bodies, you will know that making accurate predictions when three celestial bodies move together is something that even highly civilized three bodies cannot do.

However, after adding specific constraints, we can still find five points that are relatively stationary. These five points are called Lagrange points.

All in all, all celestial bodies in the universe are constantly moving. Only the Lagrange point is relatively static, which is more worry-free for placing observation equipment. The discovery of these five points is not all due to Lagrange's credit. Prior to him, the Swiss Euler had already identified three points, and was later completed by the Italian Lagrange.

"So where do you plan to put the eyes of the stars? L1 or L2?" Guo Shouyu asked hoarsely with excitement.

Luo Jia smiled and said lightly: "There is no difference. As we all know, there are more than billions of celestial bodies in the universe. In the Milky Way alone, there are 400 billion similar solar systems. All these celestial bodies exert gravitational force and make the universe move extreme complex."

"The so-called Lagrangian point is a relatively static point obtained only considering the sun and the earth. The impact of the rest of the stars is not calculated. No matter where we stop the eye of the star, we need to constantly adjust , But because the Lagrange point is relatively static, it is more fuel efficient. "

"Our ultimate goal is not to use Lagrangian points, but to kill them and rely on powerful, controlled fusion to provide a steady stream of energy for the Eye of the Star, so that it can appear in any place we want The place where it arrived. "

"Unfortunately, at this stage, our controllable fusion technology is not yet mature, so we have to settle for the next and let the eyes of the stars stay at the Lagrange point first."

After listening to Luo Jia's words, Guo Shouyu nodded again and again, and the feeling of awe in his heart sprang up, not to use the Lagrange point, but to kill the Lagrange point. This is probably the unique domineering of the tough guys.

Do you think we are going to take the Lagrange point?

In fact, we just put the telescope there before the controlled fusion is complete!

"Let ’s put it at point L2. The North American Space Telescope Webb, China ’s moon exploration relay communication satellite Qiaoqiao, ESA ’s spacecraft Planck, and so on. A large number of detectors and communication satellites are piled up. At Lagrange at L2, we had more than one. "When Luo Jia said this, she looked a little loose and usual.

"Awesome! I am looking forward to it!" Director Guo Guo blushed with excitement. "Your eyes of the stars go straight to the face of the Weber Space Telescope! Just imagine that wonderful picture in my mind, I I'm going to burst with excitement! "

Go to the Weber Space Telescope's face?

Luo Jia shrugged. He didn't mean North America, but who made Lagrange points only five in total. Among them, points L1 and L2 are relatively close to the earth, and they are most suitable for parking space detection equipment. Equipment in various countries is at point L2. Grouping up is also a necessity.

"Well, now that Director Guo has said, let's go to the Webb Space Telescope's face!" Luo Jia smiled and made a gesture of "Please, here, our space observation equipment will open up some of the right to use domestically." The three major observatories, but the old saying is good, there are no rules and rules, we still have to sign a cooperation agreement. "

"That feeling is good, and we can cooperate with the toughest guy group in the science and technology field, and we are looking forward to it." Guo Shouyu said excitedly.

The three people left the workshop jokingly. This trip to Star Optics was actually just a horse ride and Luo Jia was not stupid. Please ask Guo Shouyu to look at the equipment and boost the confidence of the three major observatories. The specific parameters and technology are fine. The details are not fully presented.

As for cooperation, the telescopes that will be sent to space are not a single set, but a whole set of dozens of large and small. The free time allows the observatory to be used without any problems and is quite reasonable.


A week later, Washington, DC.

"Who can tell me? What happened to the big mirror that Star Technology sent to station zero !?"

The president's roar echoed in the conference room. He called the Star Technology space telescope a big mirror, which made many people want to laugh, but looking at the president's blue face, everyone smiled again.

"Musk, you are our chief scientific adviser. Come and tell me what exactly the mirror does !?"

The president leaned on his waist, pointed at the spy photos on the tactical board, and questioned Musk. Musk's listless appearance was at the weekend. He was resting at his home in Los Angeles, but was pulled here by a special plane overnight. In fact, my heart is quite depressed.

"Obviously, this is a refractive space telescope with a traditional Newton structure. It can be clearly seen from the spy photos that its lens diameter is more than 25 meters. It is equipped with a NIRCam near-infrared camera and a NIRSpec near-infrared spectrum. Instrument, MIR mid-infrared device, FGS fine guide star sensor ... "

The President waved his hand impatiently, interrupting Musk's speech, "I'm not asking these, but why this space telescope will appear in synchronous orbit? The guys of Xingchen Technology, what are they doing !?"

If such a large space telescope is aimed at the White House, maybe even the color of underwear worn by the President can be clearly understood, so I can see that the President is very angry today.

For a long time, North America is the one who is standing in space and monitoring the world. I think that from now on, I will be exposed to the oversized telescope of China. I am very upset. Anyway, today the President is extremely angry. Except for Musk, the Joint Chief of Staff, the CIA director, and all the senior officials he could find were called to the White House.

Musk frowned. "According to our surveillance, this telescope set sail from Hudu Pier four days ago and was sent to Weigu Island overnight. Xingchen Technology then used Space Elevator Line 1 and Line 2 to move it The whole was sent to No. 1 Synchronous Orbital Space Station for final assembly and inspection by the robot engineering team stationed there. "

"As for their purpose, please forgive me for not being able to make an accurate judgement, because its shape is not the shape of a traditional space telescope. The huge graphene fixing bracket and sun visor are obviously unnecessary and are suspected of wasting resources. . "

Musk said his idea. In addition to the lenses and necessary mechanical structure, this space telescope also has a huge base, so that more telescopes can be installed on the base in the future, and eventually become a complex space observation array. .

Musk doesn't know this. He only knows that the large base is too exaggerated. This is extraordinary. If the space telescope is compared to an artillery, the star technology telescope is like a battleship. The small part.

"Moved! You see, the telescope has begun to move!" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

Everyone in the conference room hurriedly looked at the screen. Through the spy satellites in synchronous orbit in North America, it can be clearly seen that ~ ~ huge telescope is moving, the height of Space Station Zero is 36,000 kilometers, and the telescope The final deployment position is at Lagrange L2 at 1.5 million kilometers.

"It seems to be heading towards L2 at Lagrange!"

"L2? Our state-of-the-art space telescope Weber is also at L2!"

"Uh, if this big guy was standing with the Weber, the picture would be weird, right?"


Musk shook his head slightly. It was indeed a staff member of the White House. He had profound grammar skills and was able to put such a face on his face so fresh and refined.

I am afraid that until tomorrow morning, the world's media will publish such a picture. Next to the eyes of the huge and unmatched stars, there is a Weber that looks like a tiny ant. At that time, what will the world ’s eating melon think?

Musk thought about it, and sighed helplessly.

In all fairness, he does not respect the bigger the better, but in nature, sometimes it is justice.

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