Technological Hegemony

Chapter 549: The wolves are not terrible, they are afraid that they have culture!

NATO gave up because they suddenly discovered that they could not bear the risks caused by the sanction of Star Technology. There are still many countries in the world that do n’t like North America and Europe. Assuming that Star Technology sells buses all over the world, everyone ’s life will be gone. Already.

As a result, NATO cancelled the sanctions plan against Xingchen Technology, and the rumor that Xingchen Bus was going to be sold to Iraq disappeared, and the two sides ended their tense state.

Xingchen Technology and NATO are tacit understanding, but the people who eat the melons are quitting, waiting to see a good show of NATO sanctioning Xingchen Technology, the pants are off, and the result is waiting for a compromise.

"Is there anything more ridiculous than this? Star Technology rely on the power of buses to force the threatening NATO back." A western netizen was aggressive and couldn't believe his alliance, They did not lose in World War II, but today they lost to the bus.

"Hey, don't you understand this, can our Huaxia bus be the same as an ordinary bus?"

"That is, our buses can fly directly to Washington 24 hours a day, greeting the president and his family, can you?"

"This can't stand it? One day, our Huaxia army will not drive tanks, and when all of them are on buses, that will be enough for you to drink a pot!"

"The military is praised by bus! We all look forward to that day!"

"If the army were all on the bus, I vowed to drink it for three days and nights."

"Niu Xie! Other army tanks and cannons, the Huaxia army dispatched a row of buses, this is just going to the sky!"

"Well, that's not right. Huaxia's buses seem to fly in the sky."

Although there are many criticisms in the room, Star Technology and NATO have compromised each other. NATO no longer imposes sanctions. Star Technology will temporarily not sell the big killer buses to other countries. This is a good result.

After all, in this world, compromise is by no means the worst thing. At least it shows that you still have the value of compromise. If the other party dismisses you, there will be no chance of compromise.

In any case, the world returned to peace, but Luo Jia turned around and found something else. Along with the trend of China's development, housing prices have been surging forward, devouring the fruits of economic development in recent years.

In the boardroom of the Authority, Luo Jia thought about the real estate issue and said lightly: "No matter how much money you earn through hard work, you will eventually put the hard-earned savings into the hands of real estate developers. This creates an extremely poor transfer of wealth. "

"The reason why this kind of wealth transfer is extremely bad is because real estate and finance do not create value by themselves, but rely on the existence of the real economy, and if a society is highly developed, it will devour the development momentum of other industries."

"Suppose your classmate relied on buying a house, and achieved financial freedom in the first grade. So he still has the motivation to fight? Is it fair to other hard-working people?"

"People often overlook one of the most basic common senses, that is, the law of conservation of energy. This law applies not only to physics, but also works in the sociological field."

"For example, the fierce trade war between us and North America is essentially due to the limited amount of global resources. If we want to live a good life, we must lower the living standards of North America and Europe and fight them down. It's all wording to deceive innocent people. The truth of the world is always cruel and competitive. "

"The reason why the West can lead the world is not because they are free and fraternity, but because they are fierce and highly industrialized, so they have won the global competition. Assuming that we have won, we must of course promote free fraternity, because When the other nations in this world are free and fraternal, it is best for our Chinese nation. "

"A wolf, where is the happiest living?"

"On the free grassland?"

"No, the wolf is happiest only if it lives in a flock."

Hahahaha ~

Luo Jia's remarks aroused everyone's happy laughter. After a short pause, he continued: "Assuming that the real estate industry makes rapid progress, other elites such as industry, manufacturing, and computer industry will be absorbed into the real estate industry, forming a resource mismatch. "

"The total number of talents in the world is limited. Assuming that one British person builds a house and speculates in stocks, then our manufacturing industry will inevitably fail to obtain the maximum growth momentum. This is what I do not want to see. After all, manufacturing industry is The foundation of all industries is also the cornerstone of the road to the future. "

"Assuming our ideal is to build a house on the earth, that's fine, but that's not the case."

"Our nation has gone through a lot of hardships, and it has finally come to today, but today, what have we seen? It is an expensive and desperate house price. It is the whole country, the whole nation, and a lot of houses around. Watching a bunch of damned reinforced concrete becomes the center of life for everyone! "

"This **** is not the future we want!"

"Some people say that we are a group of industrial parties, and some people say that we are the Star Sea Party, regardless of what party it is. Anyone who dares to block our way should be killed without hesitation! From this point on, , Whoever we stand against will kill everyone. "

Luo Jia's speech was lively and funny. In the meeting room, laughter sounded again.

A few seconds later, Enron interface said: "Mr. Luo just said well. The biggest problem in real estate is not to raise social costs, not a competitive resource for manufacturing, but to block our way."

"The guys blocking the road are going to get rid of it. Although there is no reason for this, there must be a strategy. After all, for us, real estate is really strange. After we go back, everyone thinks about it. We will discuss this in a few days. Question, hope to finalize the plan by then. "

Everyone nodded, as the so-called interlace is like a mountain, don't watch Luo Jia's spirits when he speaks, really ask him **** the real estate, he is also confused.

After all, the real estate industry accounts for 7% of Huaxia's total gdp. It is so-called that it affects the whole body and it is very difficult to perform surgery on such a large industry.


Shenzhen City, the headquarters of a very large real estate group.

There is no trivial matter in everything related to Xingchen Technology. This is a consensus already formed in the entire world.

Xingchen Technology noticed that the real estate group drove up housing prices and sucked on the real economy, so it was planning to perform a surgery on the real estate industry and give priority to resources for manufacturing and scientific research, instead of everyone wandering around a pile of reinforced concrete.

Now that you have such a plan, you should start investigating. Xingchen Technology ’s research on the real estate industry does n’t matter. The news spread quickly through third-party consulting companies, and the rivers and lakes are in full swing. The real estate giants are one by one. .

Overnight, the top ten real estate giants gathered in Shenzhen to discuss countermeasures.

"Why revolutionize our lives? Who is his star technology, what qualifications?"

"That's it! They're engaged in technology, we're engaged in real estate, and everyone doesn't commit river water, so why did they provoke them?"

"If we don't build a house, will ordinary people live on the road?"

"Standing and speaking without back pain, the Star Battleship community where Star Technology employees live, or we cover it."

"White-eyed wolf, Xingchen Technology against the West, we are not without help, okay, a lot of domestic products in the company, many employees are cheering for them on the Internet."

After the meeting began, there were endless complaints. The real estate bosses were all blown up. I never expected that I would eat hot pot and sing songs. In a blink of an eye, I was stared at by the tough guys. Star Technology is a group of wolves. !! And not yet a Kochi-type evil wolf!

As the saying goes, the wolves are not terrible, but they are afraid that the wolves have culture!

Xingchen Technology's group of intellectuals has been fighting for a long time. I heard that they are going to engage in real estate. At present, all these big brothers are panicking, even scared can't sleep.

"What panic?"

At this time, boss Yang, who had a very high status in the rivers and lakes, suddenly spoke and frowned, "First of all, we must understand that our interests are tied to the authorities."

"Secondly, even if Xingchen Technology is no better, they can't do real estate, because they are separated from each other. Do they have a design institute? Is there a construction team? Is there an approval network?"

"Nothing, just want to hit our real estate industry?"


"The employees of our large real estate companies add up to at least a few million people, and I don't believe it. Luo Jianan has drawn such a large team to compete with us?"

"To speak of robots, we must admit that robots are powerful, but do they have so much time? There are not enough listings, and we have no right to speak in our industry. When they really build thousands of residential areas, daylily It's been cold already. "

The crowd nodded after listening to Boss Yang's words. It is indeed the old rivers and lakes. Boss Yang directly mentioned the key points. Real estate companies generally have a background. Second, real estate and industrial production are different. They need land, approval, construction, and construction. Also need renovation.

In short, the leverage required for real estate is too long, the capital chain is too large, and it is extremely troublesome to play.

"In a city, land is always limited." Boss Yang said, "The current situation is that all high-quality resources such as land are in our hands. Take Shanghai as an example. Even if Star Technology is even better, no Ground, what do they take to build a house? The Star Bus will fly ~ ~ their house can never be built in the sky? "

"So, as long as we unite and suppress Xingchen Technology together, even if they are a dragon, don't think of any storms in the big river of real estate." Boss Yang said with confidence.

"Speak well!"

"That's right!"

"Let's join forces and not be vegetarian!"

Everyone stood up and applauded. At this time, boss Yang made another gesture to make everyone quiet, and said very sophisticatedly: "Although so, considering the contribution of Xingchen Technology to the Chinese people, we should still give them some face, as the saying goes. That's a good thing.

"Let ’s do this. We are old and we are willing to talk to Mr. Luo of Xingchen Technology on behalf of our real estate industry, so that he can retreat in order to avoid hurting peace."

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