Technological Hegemony

Chapter 552: Star City

Chapter 552 The City of Stars

Xingchen Technology's real estate project in Yangpu District was officially announced. The exhibition center was full of guests. Luo Jia made a simple warm-up. After successfully lifting everyone's appetite, he opened the door of the next hall in full attention and presented the entire project completely In front of everyone.

I saw in the adjoining hall, a project model made from 3D printing was placed. Although it was just a model, it still brought a huge shock to everyone. Towers of buildings were inserted into the sky like Optimus Prime to build Several air bus stations at different heights indicate that it has a ground-air integrated super transportation system.

In addition, the construction materials also surprised the experts present. It seems that this building does not have reinforced concrete load bearing, but uses a nearly transparent composite building material, which is piled directly on the foundation like building blocks.

Of course, the biggest shock to people is the height of the building.

The city of Songhu is always known for its high-rise buildings. However, the three major building groups of Xingchen Technology are just like the city of the sky.

"What the **** is this !?"

"Stop global and Jinmao, this height is at least twice that of Burj Khalifa!"

"Such a huge single building should be able to accommodate many residents."

"Crazy, Xingchen Technology is completely crazy!"

"I think it's good. The height limit is used to increase the plot ratio, and the area of ​​green space around it has increased significantly. There are even trees and creeks."

"If such a super community can really be built, I would rather move in."

"It also requires that you can afford it or pay the rent. Although in Yangpu District, the price of a super skyscraper like this is certainly not cheap."

People have been talking about it. They are all shocked by the spectacularness of the three major building groups. The advanced design and the crazy building height make them have a sense of standing out from the crowd. Compared with the surrounding buildings, these three building groups As if from a science fiction movie, design and materials are all far beyond their contemporaries.

"This is our answer." Luo Jiashen said: "Since the urban land is limited, then the height of the building is used to make up for it. The design you see now is called the Star City. Each star city consists of twelve It consists of super high-rise residential buildings with a single height of 1,858 meters and a total of 420 floors, which can accommodate 80,000 residents and 160 elevators. "

"The total population of the Star City is close to one million. In addition to the residential area, near the ground, there are also large-scale commercial areas, restaurants, hypermarkets, schools, kindergartens, gyms, hospitals."

"In short, all the living facilities that everyone can imagine can be found in the Star City, providing a full range and all-weather service for people living here ..."

Luo Jia talked in a nutshell. In short, the Star City is a work of miracles. In the city, land is scarce. As a latecomer to the industry, Star Technology does not have enough land for development. In this case, Then, using resources reasonably and building the floors as high as possible became their only choice.

In fact, in human history, or those visionary science fiction novels, there is no lack of ideas similar to super cities. With the increase of population, cities will definitely become larger and more crowded, and high-rise buildings are almost the future. The only option to increase the urban plot ratio.

"I know that in the face of the Star City, you must have a lot of questions to understand." After Luo Jia briefly introduced, he looked at the audience with a smile, and said to everyone with a smile: "Any questions related to the Star City, any speculation and Questions, you can ask questions. If you are ready, let's start now. Students who want to ask questions, please raise your right hand. "

Luo Jia's words just came down, and he uttered a lot of arms. There were many people who wanted to ask questions. Without an outline, allowing the media to ask questions freely was undoubtedly a test for Luo Jia, because no one else Know what tricks people will ask.

"I would like to ask, is the building height really 1,836 meters? How do you determine the building height? Don't you worry about the low oxygen and high temperature of high-rise residential buildings?" Luo Jia After calling, a young man with glasses stood up and asked.

"You are not a problem, but several problems." Luo Jia said with a smile: "Kunming is 1,891 meters above sea level. I have never heard the people of Kunming complain about hypoxia and altitude sickness. The altitude is at 2,500 meters, so it is safe to live on the top floor of the Star City. "

"As for the height of the building, believe me, that is the most insignificant issue. Since the Jeddah Kingdom Tower, a big dog, can be built to 1,007 meters, the Burj Khalifa can be built to 828 meters, Why can't we Huaxia build higher? "

"At that time, I asked my colleagues how high it was to build a city of stars, some say 1,200 meters, some say 1,500 meters, but in the end we accidentally designed 1,836 meters. "

"What do you mean by 1,836 meters?"

"Nothing special, the world ’s tallest building, the Jeddah Kingdom Tower, plus the world ’s second tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, totaling 1,835 meters. It means one meter higher than they add up. "

Uh ~

As soon as Luo Luojia's words fell, the scene was already bursting with laughter.

"Niubi! One meter higher than the world's first and the world's second combined? Star technology Niubi!"

"Good job! I like to watch the tough guys sky team's explosive performance 怼 others' scenes, 1,836 meters, big dogs are dumbfounded this time!"

"A carelessly designed 1,836 meters? My God, how careless are the straight men of Xingchen Technology!"

"Look who has ever been spared by the sky, big dogs will never think that they have today!"

There was a lot of discussion among the masses, and a strong sense of pride sprang up.

Most of the Chinese people do n’t like the big dogs. As a typical example of gaining nothing, they discriminate against women, and thousands of princes have all kinds of corruption and various works. They are exactly the slave-making style of the ancient clans and tribes, and they do not belong to modern countries.

The crude oil business has been tragically suppressed by Xingchen Technology. In recent years, the big dogs have had a hard time, and they will return to the desert to put camels in this way. Therefore, the total amount of money will be used in the tourism industry to sell real estate.

You can have a fart as a tourist resource in the barren land of the desert. The only way is to make it yourself, to give play to the talents of big dogs, how to get extravagant, and how to attract attention.

People may not know that Dubai, the famous desert pearl, has not produced crude oil for a long time. Its economic pillars are tourism and real estate, plus some re-export trades. As we know it, the Burj Khalifa, a six-star sailing hotel, and a brilliant shopping mall. In fact, they are all gimmicks in Dubai that are used to attract tourists. Otherwise, no one will go to the desert to travel. If the desert is suitable for the development of tourism, the Sahara Desert will be out of poverty.

The birth of the Star City turned out to be a big blow to the big dogs who are transforming into tourism and real estate. You must know that each Star City consists of twelve 1,836 meters of buildings. In a district of Yangpu, Star Technology will build three star cities. The Jeddah Kingdom Tower, Burj Khalifa, and Star City are not enough.

"Your courage is really big enough, 1,836 meters? One million inhabitants? Has such a superstructure been scientifically proven? In case of any accident, can your star technology take responsibility !?"

At this time, there was a fierce question from the crowd. Luo Jia frowned slightly, looking at the voice, and saw that it was a group of real estate leaders around Boss Yang. At this moment, they were blushing, holding their arms, a pair of Hate not being able to swallow Luo Jiasheng.

If the Star City project can be completed, the current real estate enterprises will inevitably face huge difficulties. On the three small lands in Yangpu District, where 3 million residents are resettled, this terrible plot ratio will greatly dilute the land price.

As we all know, the largest part of the housing price in Shanghai is land, which can be called a land of gold, a high floor, and a low share of land price. Don't look at the city of stars. It looks like it has passed through the future, and its appearance is extremely shocking. Compared with real estate, it is hard to say who has the lower cost. If the cost of the Star City is 30% lower than other real estate developers, it will establish a rolling commercial advantage.

Facing the questions from real estate developers, Luo Jia smiled. "Just talking about the building height and not the building materials is basically a hooligan. The so-called safety depends on the technology level. Low technology level is also dangerous. High technology level. It ’s safe to penetrate the sky from a height! ”

"If you don't believe it, you can look at our elevator No. 1 which has a height of 36,000 kilometers and directly reaches the synchronous track from the ground!"

After a pause, Luo Jia said at a rapid speed to the real estate leaders: "Assuming that your boss will know the mechanics of materials, assuming the cross-sectional area of ​​the building is a, the compressive strength is σ, and the severity is γ, When the height reaches h, the volume of the entire trunk is the area times the height, and the weight of the entire building is the volume times the weight. "

"Because the bottom of the building has to bear all gravity, we multiply the compressive strength by the area to get the expression of the limit state, h = σγ."

"Take common reinforced concrete, for example, c30 concrete has a nominal strength of 30 MPa and a weight of about 25 kilonewtons per cubic meter, so its theoretical limit height is 1200 meters. Once it exceeds this height, the building will be subject to its own The weight is crushed. "

而 "The strength of titanium alloy is about 900 MPa and the weight is 44 kilonewtons per cubic meter. Suppose we use titanium alloy to make buildings, and its theoretical limit height is 20454545 meters."

"It should be noted that the strength of titanium alloy is three times that of steel, and the weight is only half that of steel. Therefore, the ultimate construction height of titanium alloy is six times that of steel ~ ~ This is what we call structural performance. Light and strong. "

"Lightweight and high strength is one of the most important theories in material mechanics and architecture, and our graphene and carbon fiber are typical light and high strength perfect materials. Now bosses should understand? Right? In our case, it's just pediatrics. "

I'm too bullying!

All the real estate bosses were stunned, their faces were extremely ugly, Luo Jia engaged in technical origins, and these land-producing bosses, they knew the material mechanics of farts,

"Any other questions?" Luo Jia looked around with a smile.

The City of Stars is the result of the miracles of the science and technology men. As for why he is obsessed with transforming the big city, it is mainly to cooperate with the action of the national team.

In December 2019, the country officially established a development plan that takes big cities as its core, tilting resources towards big cities and regional central cities. If you live in the core city at this moment, you are lucky, because in the next few decades , You will enjoy more fruits of economic development, and if you now live in small and medium-sized cities and villages, you may consider moving to the central city, after all, in your life, you must pay attention to the homeopathy.

This is like choosing a major at a university and telling you clearly that the 21st century is the century of computers and the century of information. However, you have chosen to study civil engineering. After you graduate, you move to the construction site to move bricks. Others sting.

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