Long Science and Technology University, final exam examination room classroom

"Attention candidates."

"There are only ten minutes left before the official end of the exam."

"Please be prepared and check whether there are any omissions or mistakes in the content on the answer sheet..." The

invigilator glanced at his watch and said slowly.

"Only ten minutes left, finished calf!"

Classmate Ni rubbed his sleepy eyes, completely lay down on the chair, and chose to swing it.

He worked hard for an hour, and even if he copied all the questions with correct scores, he could not pass... In that case, what's the point of wasting time?

Diametrically opposed to Ni's classmates, it was Lu Yu's hard writing on the side.

"The idea is still not smooth enough."

"If you continue to argue along this road, I am afraid it will be a dead end, and it will not work at all."

Lu Yu sighed, his face became complicated, and a thought of giving up arose in his heart.

In fact, at this point, even if you really give up, there is no regret.

After all, this is the Hodge conjecture, and being able to write these formulas in two hours, even for the best mathematicians, is already a very boastful thing.

Compared with the conjecture of argumentation, failure is a more reasonable thing.

"Forget it, just write these."

"This kind of proof question, always return can have some process points, it is impossible to say that you write so much and do not give a point."

"It should be enough to open up the gap with others."

Lu Yu put down his pen and shook his head.

On those simple questions in front of him, he was confident that he could confirm that he could get them all right. And the latter finale, his content is enough to open the gap with others.

"There are still eight minutes until the end of the exam."

He looked back and glanced at the bell.

"Tick, tick, tick."

Time walked minute by minute, the pendulum clock ran down the ground, and with the development of the dragon country's economy, many schools replaced the old-fashioned pendulum clock with a new electronic clock.

Not only is the display time more accurate, but the price is also cheaper.

However, the University of Science and Technology is located in the old campus, so the clocks in the classroom are still the kind of clocks that tend to be old-fashioned.

Especially at this moment, in the exam, everything is silent, and the ticking sound is even harsher.

"Tick, tick..." Lu

Yu had already decided to give up in his heart, and time was idle, and he just looked at the swinging pendulum clock in a daze.

But suddenly.

"If the precondition for folding is a smooth two-dimensional surface, I think of calculus on a variety of non-singular projective algebras as this pendulum."

Lu Yu stared at the pendulum clock tightly, as if something clogged in his mind had suddenly unblocked.

"This pendulum clock will oscillate throughout the space over time."

"These oscillations may not be geometric objects themselves, but they can be constructed from geometric objects in a fairly simple way, forming a rational combination of an algebraically closed-chain cohomology class!"

The more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes became!

It is too abstract to understand the folding Hodge conjecture in purely abstract mathematical symbols.

But if all this is visualized as the relationship between the mechanical pendulum clock and the shock wave where the parts are folded countless times, then the originally abstract content suddenly becomes suddenly cheerful!

Lu closed his eyes and established a fundamental connection between the three disciplines of algebraic geometry, analysis, and topology.

"Let x be a shadow algebra, p is a positive integer, and then set h2p..." Lu

Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and his thoughts flew like

a dragon snake: "The h element captures important aspects of basic complex manifolds. Having obtained the concept of cohomology class (in closed differential form), I can go back to algebraic geometry and algebraic variety concepts! "

Turning a complex algebra variety into a multidimensional " surface defined by the complex solution of a system of algebraic equations" ... "

Time continues to pass.

"There are still five minutes left before the time of the exam."

"Candidates, get ready, you won't be able to write after the bell rings!"

The invigilator glanced at his watch and continued to remind.

When the words landed, he couldn't help but glance at Lu Yu's direction, at this point in time, in fact, most of the students had stopped writing, and only Lu Yu was still writing alone.

Before the exam began, the proctor was also explained that Lu Yu was special in this exam.

Dean Wang even specially explained to him in a serious manner, don't disturb Lu Yu to do the question...

"Could it be that this student really wants to demonstrate the Hodge conjecture?"

The invigilator scratched his head, glanced at the rest of the day, and sighed.

There are only five minutes left before the end of the exam, even if Gauss and Lehman possess him at the same time, I am afraid it will be difficult to get any results, right?

Soon, another four minutes passed, and the roll was about to close.

"Students, there is only one minute left before the end of the exam."

"Check your name, class, student number. See if anything is wrong.

The invigilator finally explained that there

was only one minute left before the exam, and it was almost impossible to make any finale questions.

During this time period, the only thing that can be done seems to be to check your name and student number.

Then, when he set his eyes on Lu Yu.

But I found that Lu Yu was still writing hard, as if he was calculating something, with an extremely engaged expression!

"This kid, could it be that he really wants to solve the Hodge conjecture?"

"This... It's impossible!

The proctor frowned.

Although Dean Wang seemed to have specially explained to him, let him pay more attention to Lu Yu, and not bother Lu Yu to do the questions.

But his idea at that time, that is, Dean Wang wanted to practice Lu Yu well, let him try to get in touch with this kind of high-end topic as much as possible...


Just as the invigilator was thinking, an extremely sharp ringing bell suddenly sounded in the examination room!

"Students, wrap up!"

The ringing of this bell means the end of the entire exam.

All the students stopped their pens and turned their gaze to the invigilator, who also took a deep breath and said slowly:

"Students, the exam is officially over, put down the pen."



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