"Students, the next exam will start in five minutes."

"Please adjust your state, sit in your seat and prepare for the exam, and put everything that is not related to the exam outside."

"The content of the next exam is applied economics, please prepare students."


The invigilator's professionalism is also extremely strong.

He quickly walked out of the shock that Lu Yu had just proved Hodge's conjecture, regained his composure, and calmly announced the discipline problem in the examination room.

Of course, whether this calm is forcibly feigned, or whether the heart has really returned to calm, I am afraid that only he can know.

"After finishing the calf, I actually have to test applied economics."


"What's going on?"

Lu Yu gasped, and a bitter smile appeared helplessly at the corner of his mouth.

He did have a lot of confidence in his math.

However, the discipline of applied economics still focuses on the next few words, that is, the relationship between the two words of economics and mathematics is really minimal.

Even Lu Yu is a little incomprehensible,

why did Longtech include the course of applied economics as a compulsory course for mathematics majors in the first year of high school?

"It seems that I can only rely on the old foundation of the university in my previous life."

"If you can do one question right, count one question, and strive to rely on other subjects to pull up and pull the total score into the top three."

"Why do you have to take such a subject?"

Lu Yu shook his head and sighed.

But his appearance of shaking his head and sighing fell into the eyes of classmate Ni, but it became another meaning.

"It's worthy of being a great god!"

"Even if it proves the folding Hodge conjecture, he is still dissatisfied with himself and wants to improve!"

"It seems that my door is stable!"

Student Ni thought secretly in his heart.

He shook Lu Yu's head and sighed, mistaking it for this big guy who was not satisfied with his proof process.

"I didn't seize the opportunity of the previous door, I must seize the opportunity of this door!"

"The big guy is around, if I don't score more than 90 points, I'm sorry for the big guy's test paper!"

Classmate Wang had already made up his mind in his heart.

As soon as the exam began, he copied directly into Lu Yu's test paper!

As long as you can see it, don't let go of a word.

Five minutes passed, minute by minute, the invigilator glanced at his watch and said slowly:

"Students, the exam has officially begun!"

The test paper was sent to the students' desks, and Lu Yu sighed and prepared to write.

"Name, class, student number."

"Well, I can be sure that the question is 100% correct, and that's all."

He shook his head and after laughing at himself in his heart, he turned his gaze to the first question.

"In the past 20 years, Longguo has vigorously developed high-speed rail construction across the country. Please discuss the impact of high-speed rail construction on Longguo's GDP growth rate according to the requirements of the following sub-questions. "

Multiple choice question one: high-speed development of high-speed rail construction, for our country..."

"Not really."

Lu Yu sighed again.

If only he were to calculate the specific amount of GDP growth rate based on the data... Then he is absolutely easy.

Impact... This is indeed a bit beyond the scope of Lu Yu's ability.

"Fortunately, it's a multiple-choice question, and you really can't get one."

"It is said that the most frequent occurrence of such multiple-choice questions is option C."

"Just Monc."

Lu Yu did not hesitate, and after finding that he couldn't do it 100%, he picked up a pen and wrote down the answer.

At the next table, classmate Ni, who was staring at Lu Yu with full attention, also quickly followed and filled in a C.

It's just that as soon as he put down the pen, Wang felt that something was wrong.

"No, I remember that the teacher seemed to have talked about this question in class."

"Shouldn't the answer be B?"

"Why did the Great God choose C so quickly?"

"Could it be that this question is actually not as simple as it seems, and what is the hidden mystery in it?" Although

Ni basically had a mixed attitude in other major courses, applied economics was the only subject he had learned a little bit about.

After all, the mathematics major is only this concept that is closer to reality, and the things studied are not so abstract.

Judging by the only knowledge that Ni has, the answer to this question should be b?

Great God.... Why did you choose C?

Classmate Ni scratched his ears and cheeks, stared at the topic for a long time, and did not come up with a suitable reason.

A strange idea suddenly came out of his heart.

"Could it be that the Great God is blind?"

"He actually.... There is no such discipline at all, so you just confuse an answer to it? It's

just that this answer, which is very close to the truth, was quickly vetoed by him as soon as it appeared.

"Impossible, how is this possible!"

"The great god can even solve such a difficult topic, this kind of topic should not be just a hand?"

"Anyway, it must be more reliable than doing it myself."

"It must be that I only considered the 1st layer, and the Great God has long been standing on the 5th floor, overlooking everything."

"Don't care, copy!"

After a brief hesitation, he immediately let down his guard and continued to stare at Lu Yu's movements.

"World oil prices are volatile. Please discuss the impact of oil prices on the national consumption level of Longguo, and use the data from the past 25 years to analyze the specifics of oil...""

Option A: Oil otherwise contributes to the development of the chemical industry and..."

is another multiple-choice question.

"D must be wrong."

“a... It seems half right and half wrong.

"No matter, just pick any one and continue to choose C."

Lu Yu's mentality has also undergone a great change, anyway, if you can't do it, it's better to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, break the jar and break it!

It is best to be able to be blinded to nature, but if it is really wrong, it can only be supported by other disciplines....

"Shouldn't the answer to this question still be B?"

"Why did the Great God choose C again?"

"No matter, the Great God will definitely not be able to make a mistake and continue to copy!"

This time, although Ni still had psychological doubts, with the previous psychological construction, he still chose to blindly follow Lu Yu's answer and chose C.

The exam in applied economics is shorter than the previous exam, only about an hour and a half.

Under everyone's attentive answers, an hour and a half passed quickly.

"Phew, three points are destined, seven points rely on hard work, and the remaining 90 points can only rely on luck."

Lu Yu put down his pen, and a self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In his previous life, his college major was also science, and he mainly focused on chemical engineering and physical molecules, and the place involving economics was almost zero.

For those who have studied the Eight Classics, the topic that is almost a sub-question is even more difficult in his eyes than the finale question just now.

However, fortunately, the question format of this exam is more suitable for him.

The full 60 questions are multiple-choice, 20 true-or-true and 20-point short-answer.

Fill in the blanks, not a single one.

Multiple choice questions can be done more or less by fooling and trying. Even if you scribble with your eyes closed, there is a 1/2 chance that the question will be correct.

And the short answer question .... Although Lu Yu's mind is not very good, but the writing is full, the teacher should be able to give a little process points.... Right?

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