"You said Xueshen is he?"

The roommate suddenly saw something, and stretched out his finger to a figure in the distance.

The figure looks a little thin, but it does not give people that sense of powerlessness, but standing on the other side makes people feel safe.

In addition to his figure, his face is also excellent.

To use the phrase "Sven", it is very appropriate.

"Yes, that's him!"

Ni was a little excited at first, but then he was stunned:

"No, how do you know it's him?"

"I remember I didn't mention him to you before."

"If you didn't mention it to me, can't I know? Really. The

roommate shook his head and said slowly:

"When I passed by your examination room before, I deliberately glanced at you one or two more, isn't the one sitting next to you him?"

"I can't forget his face after seeing it once." It's like the male protagonist of a TV series...,"

Ni smiled:

"Yes, it's him."

"I didn't know he was so good at first, but then the political economy exam began, and I copied his paper."

"I don't have confidence in other subjects, but this subject... One hundred percent can't hang up, I said!

He patted his chest and said

with some regret: "It's just a pity..."

"Since that day, our examination room has been rearranged, and he doesn't know which exam room to go to."

"Today's last course, I can only look at my own creation..." ---


the examination room, "Today is the last course."

"I hope everything goes well, and there are no more moths."

Lu Yu glanced at his watch helplessly and walked into the examination room that Dean Wang had personally customized for him.

He was the only one in the entire huge classroom, and the air conditioning and other equipment were much more advanced than ordinary classrooms...

According to Dean Wang's tone, he was worried that others would affect his status of doing questions, so he specially arranged such an examination room for him.

At first, Lu Yu thought that Professor Wang was going to lose some mathematical problems, such as what p and np conjectures, or what other seven conjectures of millennial mathematics.

But as a result, the subsequent test paper problems can only be regarded as relatively even.

It may be a little more difficult than the usual final exam questions, but for Lu Yu, it is all a small case.

"The last one is an overview of the application."

"There shouldn't be any problems."

"Whether I can meet the options of the system can only depend on applied economics, and how much I will be separated by others."

Lu Yu opened the pen cover and waited for the test paper to be distributed.

About two hours later....


"Classmate Lu, our Dean Wang still wants to find you."

"Okay, you inform him, I'll go back and put things away and go find him."

Lu Yu put on the pen cover and walked out of the examination room calmly.

The test paper is not much different from what he expected, and it may be a little difficult for ordinary students, but there is nothing comparable to the "folding Hodge conjecture" question.

Overall, relaxed.

Just as Lu Yu was about to leave for Dean Wang's office, a somewhat chaotic telephone rang suddenly.

"Dingding, dingding..." "

Someone looking for me?"

Lu Yu was stunned, the person looking for him at this time period should be either Zhong Lao or Director Lin.

Could it be that something happened over there at the research center?

Lu Yu took a deep breath, lowered his head and opened his phone, but saw a name that he felt somewhat unexpected.

"Hey, Mom."

"Yes, it's me."

"What are you looking for me for?"

Lu Yu asked with a smile.

The person who called was neither Zhong Lao nor Director Lin, and it had nothing to do with the research work.

"Xiaoyu, are you very busy during this time?"

"I heard Miao'er say that you have been busy during this time... Busy with what research? A

loving voice came out of the microphone.

Lu Lingyu said seriously:

"Xiaoyu, the body is the foundation of everything. Even if you are busy, you can't forget to eat well and rest well, you know?

"Otherwise, once the body collapses, the whole person's spirit will be..."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "

I've been a little busy lately,

but I have been paying attention to the things you have explained to me."

"Every meal, I eat very seriously!"

"You're looking for me, what's the matter?"

"Isn't it going to be your winter vacation soon?" When will you come back and will you be able to come back for the Spring Festival?

Lu Mu asked.


Lu Yu's face showed a look of embarrassment.

After a few moments, he assured:

"Our school is indeed going on winter break, but when will I be back... This depends on the specific development of the research work.

"Exactly when I will be back, I can't give you an answer yet."

"But the Spring Festival, I try to fight back, I will definitely fight!"


Lu Mu's eyes showed a somewhat complicated look: "We don't want to put pressure on you, if you are really busy, you don't have to force it."

"Your dad and I both know that you're helping the country do great things now!"

"This is a contribution to our Dragon Kingdom, it's a good thing! If you really can't come back.... Don't force it either.

As a mother, from a sentimental point of view, she naturally hopes that Lu Yu can come back in time to have a reunion Spring Festival with her family.

However, Lu Mu also understood.

Now the responsibility on Lu Yu's shoulders is different from that of ordinary college students!

"Got it, Mom."

Lu Yu smiled.

Why didn't he want to go back and reunite with his parents?

"After meeting Dean Wang, I have to go to the experimental center to understand the specific work arrangements."

Lu Yu said secretly in his heart.

"If it's okay, I'll hang up first, and I'll go to see our dean later."

"You also have to pay attention to your body."

"Okay, then don't say much, hang ha."

After Lu Yu and his mother exchanged a word or two more, they hung up the phone.

Came to the teaching building, pushed the door and entered Dean Wang's office, Lu Yu was suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw that inside, in addition to Dean Wang, there was also a large group of gray-haired professors...

Some of them were seen in school, and some were never.

Everyone looked at him with extremely "greedy" eyes, as if they were looking at a rare giant panda.

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