Hearing Su Xiaoxiao's surprised voice, Lu Yu was stunned:

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, my ranking seems to be.... It's out.

Su Xiaoxiao's eyes showed a hint of doubt.

Although she said that she didn't care, when she called Lu Yu just now, the computer had been pressing F5 to refresh the page, trying to brush out the page of the results.

Originally, the entire page always displayed no data.

But when Su Xiaoxiao called Lu Yu, she pressed F5 like that, and she really brushed out the data!

"How's that, what's your ranking?"

Lu Yu hurriedly asked.

If you want to enter the top three and get the reward of the system, there are only three places in total.

If Su Xiaoxiao's results are also in the top three, then these three benches can be one less! The opportunity is also greatly reduced all of a sudden!

"My rank..."

Su Xiaoxiao hesitated, and said slowly:

"It seems to be... First?

"Could it be that something went wrong with this system?"

Although she is confident in her results, the moment she sees the ranking, she is a little unbelievable.

There is no other reason.

Although the other questions in the exam are not obviously difficult, the proportion of the score of the folded Hodge conjecture is too large!

That's twenty points.

Others, including her, are already good to be able to get some process points.

Only Lu Yu alone can get all the scores for this whole question! Twenty.... What is the concept in such an exam?

It's almost a huge gap!

Without the gap in that question, Su Xiaoxiao felt that even if Lu Yu could end up a little higher than his score, it would not be much higher.

But with a twenty-point existence, even if she is confident, she doesn't feel that she can win the first place, but the final result... It was a bit unexpected.

"How many points did you get in applied economics?"

Lu Yu hesitated and asked curiously.

"Applied Economics.... I'll take a look. I remember this subject quite simple, and it should not have a low score.

Su Xiaoxiaoxiomei glanced at it, looked down at the computer page for a while, and found the discipline of applied economics.

"I have a score of 92 in this subject, and I may have been wrong one or two questions in multiple choice, plus the deduction of points for subjective questions."

"It's about the same, it's about the same as my estimated score."

"How many points??? points"

Lu Yu was stunned all of a sudden!

"92 points."

Su Xiaoxiao didn't understand why Lu Yu suddenly made a fuss.

She frowned and asked suspiciously:

"This subject is quite simple, I learned it very well before, and then I read the book for a while."

"Could it be that your score in this subject is very low?"

"I... I... Ahem.

Lu Yu was a little embarrassed to speak, and found an excuse to prevaricate:

"My score here has not yet come out, and I don't know how many points I have scored in this subject." Wait a minute.

While speaking, he pressed the F5 refresh button once or twice, trying to adjust the final score page, but after pressing it a few times, the computer displayed no data.

"I haven't scored here yet."

"Maybe the server is delayed, so we can just wait."

Lu Yu's brows frowned slightly.

While talking, he also turned on his mobile phone and looked at the previous class group of his family.

Soon, he brushed a triumphant guy.

ID [Natsume Herbal Tea]:

"This time the overall score actually won the second place. It's a pity, if it weren't for the folding Hodge conjecture that didn't open the gap, otherwise the first place would have been mine. [Screenshot] "

Below, a bunch of:

"Brother Xia is mighty!"

"Goodbye to Xueba, good luck, my score has not yet come out, I hope to pass."

"Brother Xia actually won the second place, I don't know who got the first place?"

"I heard, I heard. A classmate seems to have solved the folding Hodge conjecture, do you say that the first place will be him?

"Impossible! Solving the folding Hodge conjecture in the exam room? TV series don't dare to shoot like this!

"First place, I heard our director say, it seems to be a girl."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Lu Yu's head couldn't help but grow a little.

The first and second places have already surfaced, if the third place is not him, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

If you really want to say that the most uncomfortable thing is not the bottom ranking, but... Fourth place.

In addition to the regret of only one place, the fourth place is the most uncomfortable, there is another point.

That is, Su Xiaoxiao originally did not participate in this exam, but received his own "encouragement", so he suddenly changed his mind and took the exam.

If you are fourth this time, that is.

If he hadn't at Su Xiaoxiao and hadn't let her take the exam, the ranking would have happened to be in third place, and the system's reward would have been able to receive it smoothly.

"Don't mess with my mentality..." Lu

Yu sighed, immediately closed his eyes, and suddenly pressed the F5 refresh button again!


A crisp keyboard tapping sounded, and Lu Yu opened his eyes and looked at the screen.

After seeing the numbers on the screen,

a complicated wry smile appeared at the

corner of his mouth:

"This..... Oh, it's really just right. After

his total score, there was a "3" written on it, just right, no more, no less, that is, the third place!

It's just that Lu Yu hasn't breathed a sigh of relief.

I heard Su Xiaoxiao's cold soul torture coming from the microphone:

"Why did you just ask me about the score of applied economics?" Shouldn't you fail? "

She's not stupid either.

Lu Yu opened a gap of twenty points in that subject, and the total score was even lower than her, plus the question asked before.

Su Xiaoxiao guessed at once, this guy must be applied economics, a discipline biased towards liberal arts, something is wrong!

"Impossible! When pigs fly!

Lu Yu immediately shook his head and tried to divert the topic:

"How can I be unqualified?" Right.

"So, did you have lunch?"

"How many points?"

Su Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention to Lu Yu's attempt at all and asked again.

"Do you have to say it? Really qualified.

Lu Yu said helplessly.

"It's rare to have such a chance to see your jokes, of course you have to say it."

"Don't try to change the subject, it's useless for me to tell you."

Su Xiaoxiao ruffled his hair.


"I said, don't laugh."

Lu Yu scratched his head and said a little embarrassed:

"Fractions... In fact, it is not too low, at least it is qualified. 60, just right..."

Just sixty? You? Poof!

Su Xiaoxiao covered his mouth and smiled for a long time, and his laughter was clear.

"Didn't you say that? Don't laugh...,"

Lu Yu said helplessly.

To be honest, he was already pleasantly surprised to get sixty points.

After all, the topic is really not at all, all rely on trying and blinding, plus a little subjective question score, it is not easy to get this number.

Lu Yu roughly counted his total score.

The subjects that are more closely related to mathematics are basically full marks or 98.

Then applied economics, pulled a big crotch, but in the end overall barely squeezed into the top three, which is very good.

If he really only won the fourth place in the end, he would really be autistic.

"There are not many opportunities to laugh at you like this, you must cherish it."

"It's like the first time I've done anything since I've known you, and it's ranked above you."

Su Xiaoxiao's laughter gradually retracted, and said crisply.

Having known this guy for so long, I finally saw him deflated with my own eyes once, and it was impossible to say that there was no schadenfreude.

"No matter, the exam is over anyway."

"The lower the score, the lower, it doesn't matter."

Lu Yu shook his head and said with a smile.

If you can't get the first place, it actually means nothing to him, as long as you enter the top three to complete the task.

Anyway, he's not like some people, and he can really be expelled if he hangs up again, right?


a certain bedroom.

"Impossible, this can't be!"

"How so?"

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