"And you also said that generating magnetoresistive torque helps to improve the power density and overload capacity of the motor itself, as long as the deviation will not affect the normal operation of the car, which is also an advantage for our future cars!"

As soon as he had a question, the other employees nodded.


It's like the reports on the checklist when you do a checkup.

Even if your white blood cells or red blood cells may be more or less, as long as it does not exceed that normal range, the impact on your body can be ignored, at most pay attention to it.

Relying on this alone, it is said that the root of the problem is only in the permanent magnet synchronous motor, which is not very rigorous, right?

Lu Yu glanced at them and smiled: "

When did I say that the root of the problem is only a permanent magnet synchronous motor?"


As soon as Lu Yu's words came out, everyone was a little stunned.

Many employees directly put doubts on their faces, and looked at Lu Yu with a confused look:

"This.... Isn't that what you just said? "

They all heard clearly just now, Lu Yu said that the root of the problem is the permanent magnet synchronous motor, why did it change in less than a few minutes?"

"I said that the problem is inseparable from permanent magnet synchronous motors."

"But I didn't say that the accident was just because of a permanent magnet synchronous motor."

"Look at this."

Lu Yu slowly came to the other model, stretched out a finger, and pointed to one of the parts:

"You should all know what this is, right?"

This is... Silicon steel body sensor? "

Everyone present is a future car company employee, and they are no strangers to the parts pointed out by Lu Yu, and they can naturally recognize them at a glance.

However, many of them are still extremely puzzled:

"Does this have anything to do with silicon steel sensors?"

"Of course!"

Lu Yu bowed his head slightly and analyzed:

"Since you all know what this is, then you should not be unclear about its function, right?"

"The main function of the silicon steel sensor is to amplify the magnetic sense and increase the maneuverability."

"Under normal circumstances, the permanent magnet synchronous motor runs alone, of course, it will not affect the overall operation. But because of the presence of silicon steel body sensors.

"The magnetic induction parameters, which were originally at the edge of the normal range, were naturally like a wild horse out of control, directly out of control!"

At this point,

even if the employees of these technical departments were slow to react, they all reacted and understood the meaning of Lu language.

"In other words, is the problem with the silicon steel body [magnifying glass]?!"

Bai Dehai's pupils were for a while, and he thought about it!

This may seem complicated to say, but if you think about it, it's actually very simple to explain!

Because of the existence of one of the unique parts of the permanent magnet synchronous motor.

Its magnetic parameters, even though within the normal range, have somewhat deviated from the normal value.

After the amplification of the silicon steel body, it suddenly deviates from the normal range, which greatly increases the risk of accidents!

The authorities are obsessed with bystanders, and the bystanders are clear....

In previous tests, the response of the permanent magnet synchronous motor had been within the normal range, and the researchers were, because of their anxiety, consciously or unconsciously ignored this almost impossible module, and devoted more attention to inspecting other parts.

Now after Lu Yu's "Daigo empowerment", they have woken up and they originally chose the wrong direction at the beginning!

Looking at the staff in the research department, Lu added:

"Of course, even so, the probability of it getting out of control is not 100 percent, not even 1 percent."

"But you're all in cars, and you should all understand what even one percent of the loss of control rate is, right?"

As soon as he said this, everyone fell silent, and many employees showed a bitter smile on their faces.

"We all know..."

"Fortunately, this new car was not officially sold."

"Otherwise, I am afraid that we will have to atone for it in this life..."

Bai Dehai sighed and shook his head.

For the people's livelihood industry such as automobiles, even a one% loss rate is extremely terrifying in the entire group!

Imagine that in a highway with complicated road conditions and heavy traffic, your driving suddenly loses control....

Not only may your life be unsafe, but it will also affect the entire road conditions, and may even cause a series of serial car accidents!

Now that I think about it, it's terrible!

"Our road to self-research is still a long way to go."

Bai Dehai frowned and thought secretly.


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