But there are still many viewers who really believe their words!

For example, that comment:

["It is said that the effect of this movie roadshow is not very good, many people are bored to death, sleep for three hours as soon as they sleep,

the New Year, I don't want the whole family to go to the cinema to sleep. I'd better honestly watch Hollywood blockbusters. "]

It sounds like something is going on, but as far as Lu Yu knows, "Dragon Kingdom Myth" has no roadshow at all!

Just open the computer casually, search it, and you can debunk this loophole rumor!

But this outright lie has still become a highlight comment, which has been liked and commented on by many people?

Lu Yu calmed his face and clicked on the avatar of an account.

"Registration time, one day."

"Blog post content, none."

"ID: 15324234, a string of numeric IDs."

"Sure enough."

After taking a rough look, the corner of Lu Yu's mouth showed a helpless bitter smile, and he was a little annoyed and a little helpless in his heart.

Almost exactly as he guessed, most of these accounts that make smear remarks are almost trolls!

They have no registration time, no content blog posts, and almost nothing in the account, except for the news of related blog posts!

Even these accounts themselves are most likely not controlled by people, but simply program operation and cyber trolls!

"It's shameless!"

"Who the hell is deliberately smearing?"

Lu Yu's brows frowned slightly, and he thought secretly in his heart.

Generally speaking, those who like to do this kind of operation, the high probability is that the trolls of movies released at the same time, cutting off people's wealth is like killing parents, there is no doubt that peers are wronged!

Throughout the ages, this kind of malicious smear is not uncommon.

As for who did such a tasteless thing, Lu Yu could easily guess it without much thought.

"There will be a new Hollywood blockbuster soon, and it will also be launched in the New Year."

"It seems that it should be inseparable from this."

Lu Yu frowned slightly, withdrew from the hot search entry of "Dragon Kingdom Myth", and then transferred the page to the hot search list.

Soon, he saw the so-called "Hollywood blockbuster" in the hot search list.

"That's it?"

Lu Yu casually clicked in and took a look.

Although the popularity of this entry is not as hot as "Dragon Kingdom Myth" for the time being, it is currently rising in an extremely strange trend!

It is almost a matter of time before it catches up with the popularity of the "Myth of the Dragon Kingdom" entry!

Compared with the comment area under the entry "Myth of the Dragon Country", the comment below is extremely kind!

ID42123: "My goddess Anna starred!" I must go and support this movie!

ID523: "It is said that this movie has invested a full eight hundred million dollars!" 100% will be a rare good film, everyone must support more!


: "This should be the sealed work of director Lewandowski, after watching this one, it will be difficult to watch the next film directed by his old man." Everyone must cherish it!


: "Wouldn't it?" Wouldn't anyone really want to see this movie? No one will really watch that garbage domestic film, right?


: "Don't you see, the actor of "The Myth of the Dragon Country" is simply laughing to death, and the leading actor is still the same thing, at least a big-name actor." What's going on in the back? That willow... Willow or something? I haven't even heard of it! Where to find third-rate actors? "

The painting style can be described as the opposite of the original "Dragon Country Myth" movie review.

The commenters below are all boasting.

And when an ID talked about Liu Miaoer, many people spread rumors.

Obscene words continue, rumors do not stop

: id423:

"It is estimated that I got the role after the unspoken rules with the director [you know], what acting skills can this kind of person who relies on the body to be on the top?"

ID52123: "Don't we dare to say more, this is still a resource coffee!" There must be a gold lord behind him! That Wang Ting just provoked her before, and now she is directly banned!


: "Really fake?" So exaggerated! This kind of woman who relies on the body is a small-bellied chicken intestine!


: "Let go of the helping complex and respect the fate of others." There are really people who are used to eating garbage, and they like to be fed garbage, and we should also persuade, and we can't tell what is a good thing and what is a rotten thing, which is their own business. A

large number of digital IDs are active below the comment section.

Many accounts, basically you can tell at a glance that they are water troops, and even several accounts are from the same ID as the comments that Lu Yu saw under "Dragon Kingdom Myth" before!

One hundred percent, I didn't even look at it, I was deliberately smearing!

"It's shameless!"

Lu Yu's brows frowned slightly, turned off the Weibo hot search list, and hesitated whether to call Liu Miaoer to comfort her.

These information on the Internet can even be seen by themselves, let alone Liu Miaoer, who is one of the starring actors of the movie.

Those criticisms of the movie themselves are extremely harsh, not to mention one personal attack after another, even a boy with a thick heart feels disgusted when he sees it.

What's more, Liu Miaoer, who is already sensitive and the main target of the attack.

If she saw this, she would feel very uncomfortable...

"Shall I give her a call and ask about the situation?"

Lu Yu touched the mobile phone in his pocket, and after hesitating for a while, he still gave up the idea.

He really felt sorry for Liu Miaoer's situation, and he also sincerely disliked those foolish things that spread rumors and made personal attacks for nothing.


Since Liu Miaoer chose the path of "actor", then these things are something she will definitely face.

Even if she does not face it this time, there will definitely be similar things in the future that she needs to deal with and deal with.

Lu Yu can help her once or twice, but hurtful and evil words cannot be stopped for a lifetime, only by truly making yourself strong in your heart and not afraid of everything can you face it calmly.

Such a thing, only by letting Liu Miaoer slowly learn to carry it and endure it can she grow...

"Let's hope everything goes well with the movie."

Lu Yu thought secretly in his heart.


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