The film continues to be shown....

As the timeline progressed, one shocking scene after another, one after another Dragon Kingdom myths that had once made their ears grind into cocoons, appeared in front of their eyes in this surprising visual way.

One by one, the audience seemed to have transformed into the first chaos in the universe, and when they saw the heaven and earth with their own eyes, Pangu raised the giant axe and opened the heavens and the earth!

It was as if incarnating as a small loach in the mire, and when it was rolling and rolling, he saw the creation of a female doll and pinched out one person after another with his own hands.

It was as if he was under the nine heavens, watching that Houyi raise his bow and shoot the sun, shooting the eight three-legged golden crows in the sky with one arrow!

Countless magical scenes that may not be seen even in dreams on weekdays, but at this moment they are truly displayed in front of them, and can only be described in two words!


The expressions of countless people have changed!

An unprecedented feeling rose in the hearts of almost every spectator on the field!

This is the unspeakable shock and pride of being a person of the Dragon Kingdom, seeing your own culture truly displayed in front of your eyes!

"It's amazing..."

"I seem to have seen this with my own eyes."

The young man who likes technology swallowed his spit, his eyes trembling slightly!

Although the purpose of his coming here is to experience what it will be like to use virtual reality technology in movies.

But before coming, he really didn't have any expectations for this movie in his heart, and even for this technology, it was more appropriate to be curious than expectation.

His family is quite good, plus he likes this content, and his favorite thing to study on weekdays is these new high-tech products.

What brand-name cameras, digital products, computer hosts....

As long as he can toss, he will hardly let go of one, and virtual reality equipment is even more so.

As early as a few years ago, he personally purchased the popular VR game console OCULU to experience some fresh VR games in the world.

Some of the games, the feeling after the experience, is not bad.

For example, the half-life "ALEX", some of the physics engine equipment, sometimes can really achieve the effect of fake reality, as if they are really in the game world.

However, even "Half-Life ALEX", which gave him the most shock, was the most shocking at the beginning.

It is far less than one thousandth of the shock brought by coming to watch this movie today!

If at the beginning he just wanted this freshness and spent money to make it lively, then the movie sees it now, and he already feels that this money is well spent... It's so worth it!

Mo said it was 200

Even if you add a 0 later, for him, it is a complete blood earning!

"It turns out... It turns out that Director Zhang is so confident, he is really confident! Liu

Miaoer wore a virtual reality headset, and her eyes showed a touch of understanding.

She finally understood why when she was looking for director Zhang, he looked light, as if those smears would not affect the final outcome of the film at all.

At first, Liu Miaoer thought that it was because Director Zhang had been wandering in the rivers and lakes for so long, and the ordinary winds and waves could not affect his old man's state of mind at all.

But now, after seeing it with my own eyes.

Liu Miaoer instantly truly understood where Director Zhang's confidence came from!


Lu Yu, who was beside him, noticed the change in Liu Miaoer's expression and asked curiously:

"Haven't you seen the finished film before?"

Before Lu Yu always thought that after the filming and editing of the film was officially completed, she and those other actors should have watched the finished film again.

After all, it's all of the crew, and it's normal to watch the movie in advance.

But just after listening to Liu Miao'er's words, Lu Yu suddenly felt a little curious in his heart.

"No, I actually watched it for the first time before."

Liu Miaoer shook her head slightly.

"Because the final film effect is shown by virtual reality technology, the shooting process is not an ordinary shooting, but shooting in a motion capture costume, and then transferring to VR through post-modeling and motion capture."

"Although, Director Zhang used relevant technology to give us a similar viewing effect."

"However, the real film has never been shown to us once."

"His old man probably wants to keep it secret and surprise us and the entire fan group enough."

Liu Miaoer's pretty white face showed a smile.

"This way."

Lu Yu bowed his head slightly, knowing it in his heart.

When Liu Miaoer said this, he immediately understood what Director Zhang was doing for.

The first time to shoot a movie with virtual reality technology, the huge pressure and public opinion offensive faced by "Legend of the Dragon Kingdom" are not ordinarily large!

And the actors of a movie, so many.

If you really let the members of the crew watch it in advance after the filming is over, there are many people, and it is inevitable that some people will leak part of the information of the movie in advance, which is undoubtedly what Director Zhang definitely does not want to see.

He may hope to put this treasure of the film industry in a tight line.

Until the day of the real release, take it out again, and give the entire Dragon Country and even the world a little Dragon Country shock!

It is precisely because of this that Director Zhang intends to suppress any news of this movie.

Even Liu Miaoer, who is one of the actors, did not see a glance at the finished film after the filming ended, and only today when she arrived at the cinema, she really saw the true face of the entire movie!

"Okay, stop talking."

"You're going to play."

Lu Yu suddenly lowered his voice and smiled gently:

"I don't seem to have seen it before, is your dress in the movie the same as on the poster?"

"Hee-hee, you'll know later."

Liu Miaoer smiled, and her face showed a little shyness.

With the further progress of the plot of the movie, Liu Miaoer, who plays the little fox of Qingqiu, finally appeared in front of Lu Yu and the audience of the cinema!


Lu Yu blinked, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Under the rendering of virtual reality technology...

Compared with the real world, Liu Miaoer's appearance is less real than in the real world, but it has a more fluttering fairy aura.

Pretty white and lovely plush ears, smooth little fox tail, and big watery eyes.

With a smile, it makes people's hearts beat faster.

It is said that cuteness is not worth mentioning in the face of sexiness. However, in this "Myth of the Dragon Country", Liu Miaoer's makeup photos are both "cute" and "sexy".

The effect of 1+1 is greater than that of 2

Makes her look tempted to the extreme!


Many young men in the cinema couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of spit, and their eyes were radiant!

The beauties I have seen in real life are not absent.

But when such a charming little fox of Qingqiu really appeared in front of his eyes, as if he could touch it as soon as he stretched out his hand, many people's eyes instantly straightened!

"Oh my God, if I can find such a girlfriend in the future."

"No, even in reality, such a beautiful girl can really be seen, even if I take a look, this life is worth it."

The boy sitting next to Liu Miaoer looked at the little fox in the head display with puzzled eyes, muttering to himself.

"How's that, doesn't it look good?"

Liu Miao'er leaned in the direction of Lu Yu and lowered her voice.

"Good-looking, too good-looking to look any better."

"It's one or two times better than the effect in the poster."

Lu Yu bowed his head slightly, and there was some surprise in his eyes.

Although he has long had relevant expectations in his heart, he thinks that the image of Liu Miaoer, who looks so beautiful, even in the virtual reality world, his beauty will not fade in the slightest.

However, even if there is a premonition in the heart.

But when Lu Yu really saw clearly the delicate figure of Liu Miaoer in the movie, he was still a little surprised.

Or rather... Amazing, more appropriate!

Sure enough... A lively and lovely beauty like her still has to really move to be able to truly show her beauty!

The figure on the poster, beauty is beautiful, but there is less vitality, after all, there is still less soul!

"Hee-hee, in fact, I think so myself, just say it will be a little shameless?"

Liu Miaoer lowered her voice and joked.

It was also the first time she saw her makeup styling in the full effect, and it was obvious that Liu Miaoer herself was extremely satisfied!


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