Gutuo Shan spoke

into the microphone, and Lu Yu officially announced: "Next, officially conduct the first test!"

"Everyone get ready, start the long-distance ring test first!"

"Yes, Chief Engineer Lu!"

The long-distance ring test is the first task of their exoskeleton equipment test, and the main content is to drive their respective exoskeleton equipment in a circular circle around Gutuo Mountain for a long journey!

The goal of this experiment is simple: to detect long-distance endurance patterns of exoskeleton devices!

For exoskeleton equipment, a cross-era level of technology, in addition to direct use in the frontal battlefield, it is used in the side battlefield, and logistics have unimaginable effects! And what determines everything is its ability to maneuver long distances!

For example, if you use a tank or tank to advance like a torrent of steel when you attack a military stronghold for a long time, you will not only cause the local prophet to be aware because of the excessive movement.

It is even more necessary to mobilize too much and unnecessary power!

However, the direct use of exoskeleton equipment is different, let a team of special forces wear this combat type of exoskeleton equipment and carry out long-distance strategic attacks!

In the event of a surprise, it may only take a short time to easily destroy the local military stronghold, resulting in a huge battlefield advantage!

This is a case used on the side battlefield.

And if used in logistics, the role that this exoskeleton device can play is even more outstanding!

How much food can a person carry if he walks?


And in some places, grain trucks and motorized equipment simply cannot get in! For example, in a plateau area such as Gutuo Mountain, it is almost impossible for ordinary large grain trucks to drive in! However, if you use airborne food to transport food, you need to pay a much higher cost!

However, with exoskeleton devices, it is different!

If a grain carrier wears exoskeleton equipment armor, he can easily carry hundreds of kilograms of grain to where they are needed!

And the most important thing to consider is the long-distance travel ability of exoskeleton devices.

Therefore, this is the first test project in this exoskeleton equipment Gutuo Mountain field test!

"What is the data so far?"

"The monitoring team will report!"

Lu Yu asked with his eyes firmly fixed on the radar.

"Everything is working so far, even the data in many dimensions, which is much better than we expected at first! The latency was a third lower than we expected!

"Our attempts at neuronal transmitters have worked!"

The members of the data monitoring group said with a look of excitement.

"Okay, keep up the monitor! Don't let go of any wind, and if anything, feel free to report to me!

Lu Yu said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he once again set his sights on the vast snowfield!

At this time, the exoskeleton equipment has left the visual range of their naked eyes, and if you want to monitor their actions, in addition to numerical monitoring, you can only rely on the drones surrounding the sky to transmit the picture back in real time!

On the screen, several testers are extremely cautious in controlling the exoskeleton equipment and walking around the mountain!



the mountainside of Mount Gutuo

, "Until now, everything is normal here!"

Lin Yu reported.

He has completed the circular task set at the beginning and is waiting for the remaining testers to complete their respective tasks together! Once the task is completely completed, the next experiment will begin, which is the mid-distance sprint test!

"Well, how do you feel now?"

"Feel good!"

After Lin Yu felt his physical state, he nodded heavily!

He said that he felt good, not because he was reluctant, but because he did feel like he had an endless amount of strength all over his body, and he couldn't feel better!

The adaptability of this exoskeleton device to him is really beyond his imagination!


"Get ready, in about three minutes, the next experiment will start again!"

Lu Yu instructed.

After about three minutes, exactly as Lu Yu expected, several other testers also completed their long-distance circular tasks and came to the position they had set at the beginning!

Everyone is ready to move on to the next task!

"The goal of the next task is the mid-distance obstacle course sprint test!"

"You need to follow the plan we set at the beginning, as fast as possible, to the downside of Mount Gutuo, not to walk in a circle, but to pursue a straight line as much as possible!"

"This test will be dangerous, everyone must pay attention to safety!"

Lu Yu explained again.

After completing the long-distance circular mission, the next test task is the more dangerous mid-range obstacle sprint.

It is different from the first task.

The requirements of this task required that in a very short time, in a straight line manner, cross many obstacles to reach the downside of Gutuo Mountain!

Gutuo Mountain is a plateau, plus the climate at this time is quite cold and the snow is deep!

It's hard to jump over the snow and mountains, and go down the cliffs in a "straight line" step by step!

If you don't pay attention, it can lead to unimaginable consequences!

However, there was not the slightest fear on the faces of the soldiers, and Lin Yu's face was even more full of excitement, and he did not see these dangers in his eyes at all!

They serve as the most elite fighters in the region!

Command, that's everything!

Even if it is a mortal fetus in the flesh, when it is their turn, they will also choose to rush up without hesitation, not to mention that there is the help of exoskeleton equipment at this time, this danger, they are not afraid at all!

"Everyone get ready, climb mode right away!"

After Lin Yu first explained, he slowly unfolded the climbing equipment on the exoskeleton arm armor, and began to lock himself on the cliff step by step, and after confirming that there was no problem with the angle, he directly began the sprint on the snowfield!

And the other testers were not far behind, quickly buckled the padlock first, and after ensuring safety, they also sprinted quickly like Lin Yu!

Although they are not afraid of danger, the safety facilities that should be done are not less!

Despise danger strategically, value every step tactically!

In the main control room

, "There is no problem yet."

"Everything is normal!"

The person from the monitoring group reported:

"With the modifications you made to some specific parts of exoskeleton equipment based on the snowy mountain environment, the data we obtained in the mid-distance sprint test is extremely beautiful!"

"If nothing else, it should be faster than we expected!"

"It is estimated that it can complete the task 30 seconds in advance!"


Lu Yu bowed his head slightly, and although his face relaxed a little, he did not show the slightest look of joy:

"Now is not the time to say this."

"Pay attention to every piece of data, and if there is danger, take action immediately!"


Lu Yu continued to lock his gaze on the drone screen.

Fortunately, in the mid-distance sprint test mission, there were still no surprises! Even.... It can be said that it was done smoothly!

Soon, accompanied by one report after another, the task of the mid-distance sprint was also a great success!

"Tester No. 1 reports, complete the sprint!"

"Tester No. 2 reports, complete the test!"

"Tester No. 3..." Watching

the successful completion of the second test task, the stone that had been hanging in the hearts of everyone present finally fell. Lu Yu's expression was also slightly relaxed.

"Okay, let's move on to the next step."

"Energy Replenishment Test!"

"This is a test task, please stay focused!"

Lu Yu said quickly.

The focus of the third test task is different from the previous two test tasks!

Although the main energy supply of exoskeleton equipment is a miniature tokamak device, that is, a small nuclear fusion device! Theoretically, as a research result of [Red Sun], it can be said to be a nearly endless source of energy!


After all, [Red Sun] is not completely mature now, and this miniature controllable nuclear fusion equipment also has some shortcomings!

Although under normal circumstances, its energy supply is almost infinite! However, if disturbed by some circumstances, the miniature tokamak device will also briefly enter the "extinguished" state.

And during this time period, if the normal operation of exoskeleton equipment is maintained, it becomes the biggest problem!

Lu Yu's idea is to load the exoskeleton device with a device that can collect the energy emitted by the Tokmak device to make a backup hidden energy.

Once there is an accident in the miniature tokamak device, only by replacing the temporary energy source with the tokmak device through the operation of the operator can this energy problem be avoided, and the backup hidden energy can replace the tokamak device and maintain the energy supply of the exoskeleton device!

Until the miniature tokamak unit returns to normal, switch back again!

And this test is to test the normal switching ability of the two devices! Compared to the first two tests, this is the easiest test task!

However, simplicity is simplicity.

Lu Yu also paid enough attention to it!

"Everyone, get ready."

"The next energy replenishment test is about to begin, and in 30 seconds, we will cut off the power supply to your tokamak unit! Please quickly activate the backup hidden energy to maintain the power supply of the exoskeleton device!

Lu Yu ordered.

With his order, the rest of the researchers also quickly followed Lu Yu's orders, ready to cut off the energy supply of the Tokmak device at any time!



With the last sound of the countdown, the experimenters quickly cut off the energy supply of the miniature tokamak device!

In the next second, the testers also instantly felt that their exoskeleton equipment lost kinetic energy, and the power that was originally filled with their bodies was also lost a lot in an instant!

"Ready, switch backup energy!"

Lin Yu quickly pulled out the energy supply chain of the miniature tokmark device, and then replaced it with the energy supply chain of backup hidden energy!

Others also quickly did so, following the steps that had been rehearsed earlier, and quickly replaced the energy of exoskeleton equipment with a functional chain of backup hidden energy!

"Backup hidden energy, activated!"

With a mechanical prompt, the exoskeleton equipment quickly restored its energy supply, and the body that everyone originally felt that it had lost a lot of strength also instantly restored its sense of strength!

"Well, this test has also ended smoothly!"

Lu Yu nodded.

Compared with the previous two tests, this test task is the easiest to complete and naturally takes the least time.

However, after the test was over, this time everyone's faces did not relax in the slightest, but instead revealed a somewhat solemn look!

Because, the next test task is the most difficult test in the entire Gutuo Mountain test!

Again, the most critical test!

So, at this moment, everyone was 100% energetic and actively began to prepare!

"Next, let's move on to the next test content, the field combat test!"

"This task, the most difficult test, the pressure and danger may also be the greatest, come on!"

Lu Yu did not explain anything more, but ended the words with the sentence "Come on".

This exoskeleton equipment has been developed, in addition to being used in logistics and other aspects, the frontal battlefield is also a place for it!

And this one field combat test, the test .... It's its frontal combat capability!

For this test, Zhong Lao even specifically requested the leader of the military region to mobilize about a mechanical battalion to station near Gutuo Mountain, and prepared some miniature military strongholds around it.

Their testers need to carry a round of artillery strikes, and then pass the weapons loaded on the equipment, and in turn destroy the original miniature military stronghold!

The difficulty of this task is even greater than the sum of the previous three combined!

Therefore, when everyone faces this task, their expressions are also the most solemn!

"Next, we will continue to circle down the mountainside, everyone is always alert and ready!"

"This is the most dangerous round of experiments, cheer up!"

Lin Yu ordered.

Everyone began to slowly descend along the originally established route, heading towards the originally established location of the military base.

Inside the main control room....


Lu Yu took a deep breath and looked at the various data tests, his face became solemn.

Although this is a drill, the next artillery strikes are all real loaded guns and live ammunition! If you are a little careless, there is any accident in the experiment, which may directly lead to the casualties of the tester!

However, danger after danger, the experimental project that should be carried out still has to continue.

The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the brilliance.

If they don't take even the slightest risk, what's the difference between this and their experiments directly in the standard test hall?

"All units pay attention, based on the distance between the two, there are only twenty minutes left before our exoskeleton equipment is hit by the first round of artillery fire, and the medical team is prepared in advance, just in case!"

Lu Yu gave the final order, and then re-set his eyes on the picture at the drone.

There, all the testers began to be on full alert, ready for the danger that might arise at any time!


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