Technology Treasure King

Chapter 437: The lake is the look in your eyes

Chapter 437 The lake is the look in your eyes

On the other side, the head teacher lived up to expectations, and he successfully picked the names of two teachers who usually thought they had good luck. The teachers who thought they were bad luck suddenly sighed for a while, and strongly wanted to change people. This would not work. Bad luck would only pick out good luck.

"Nonsense. Go on!" Many teachers who thought they were lucky immediately retorted, and urged to continue. They are teachers and they certainly don't have intellectual problems. Think about it: If you remove the part of bad luck, then your chances are greater.

There are still ten minutes to two o'clock. At two o'clock, I need to go to the high school. Time is starting to be tense again. He Ming said: "Old class, I don't have enough time, let's hurry up."

At the moment, he stretched his hand into the wooden box and touched two of them among countless papers. The head teacher also quickly picked two at random. Anyway, he is He Ming's teacher, so he doesn't need to draw a lottery, just consider what kind of car is better.

So I took the top two pieces of paper casually and let those guys rush to the street, luck.

There were two more ordinary names, one man and one woman, and then they got the Ferrari, which everyone believed to be better than the first.

There was a chaos at the scene, and the teenage students cried out. God, no, how can it be, two obscure guys got the Ferrari? It's too ruinous, at least it's a school garden.

The male students were expressionless, but many people gritted their teeth and waited to slaughter two idiots who couldn't walk with joy. Goodness, looking at the shabby sweaters, they are two poor ghosts from the mountains! Damn it, can you drive a Ferrari in the mountains? Are you afraid of being broken by a monkey?

"Congratulations." He Ming shook hands with the two lucky guys. They were so excited that they didn't know what to say, and there were no tears, only a flushed face. On the other side, the teachers are expressionless and unacceptable. The two new teachers who have just entered the school are the kind of middle-aged women who are closed and transferred to junior high schools to facilitate retirement... They are usually soy sauce masters.

How can I drive a Ferrari? Many young teachers, especially female teachers, like Ferrari more. The hope is shattered. They really gather together to cry without tears. However, many male teachers hurriedly gathered around the beautiful teacher and comforted: “It’s okay. Vascular medicine, one for everyone. This is a life medicine, starting at US$100 million in the international market!"

The beautiful teacher cast a blank look, "I want to use mine for my mother. Give yours to me? Give it to me, and I will marry you!" At the moment, several male teachers retreated immediately. What are you kidding? 100 million dollars? grass, how many tender models can I have? How rich is your life?

But it's really difficult. I don't know if money is more important or life is more precious. Especially for parents, a medicine can be used separately, half the effect, which is more than 20 years of life, think about 20 years!

How many filial sons and daughters hesitate!

The final prize is here. He Ming randomly drew out two pieces of paper. They were two very common names, but they were all girls. Sure enough, in the "miserable world" of crying and robbing, there was a look first. Usually, the female student wearing a pair of highly myopic glasses, holding a bunch of meeting gifts, cautiously walked over from the group of students full of envy and hatred.

Then there was a pretty girl who happily ran over with a burst of fragrance. Her clothes, mainly sweaters, are better, and a pair of warm sports shoes are very delicate, which can be seen as high-end goods.

A rare and very beautiful female student with a good family background, the legendary Bai Fumei.

Of course, you don’t need to look at the school uniforms, they are all exactly the same, definitely a certain state-owned product.

This girl made He Ming's eyes bright, little beauty, but that's it. Now, not to mention how many beauties have been seen, so many of the vixen clan are all beautiful, only eleven wives, two friends, It's a super beauty that you can't find anywhere on the earth.

"Congratulations!" He Ming shook hands with the two girls. The former was so excited that his hands and feet were trembling, and he accidentally dropped a pair of very shabby high myopia glasses from his nose. He immediately panicked and looked down, but he was nervous. There was nothing to be found, and he was extremely embarrassed. A large number of envious and hateful people on the scene immediately burst into laughter.

So she got up, lowered her head, and avoided the global live broadcast. It was really embarrassing. The tears came right away. He Ming shook her head and smiled bitterly, envied the tears of this classmate who wanted to cry. The myopia glasses seemed to be controlled by an invisible force field. They floated up and stopped in front of the female student's eyes. At such a close distance, she naturally took them easily and placed them in front of her eyes.

"Wow—the power of God! The Force Field!" In a shocking shout, the female student lowered her head, not knowing what to do, and could not say "thank you" on the global live broadcast, instead He Ming Weiwei He smiled and said, "I think you are highly myopic? It's not convenient. You are the flower of the motherland and the hope for the future. So, I will have an operation at night to give you a super vision operation. Would you like it?"

When I said this, the students present were even more boiled and shouted, and squinted their eyes forward, "Brother Abdomen, I am also severely short-sighted! I am also the flower of the motherland."

"I'm going blind! Please, help! Help—"

"Seeking surgery, please take care of the flowers of the motherland!"

"Quiet, quiet!" He Ming picked up the microphone and shouted, "Okay, don't be so excited, so let's, all the students with severe myopia will be checked by the staff. I will perform surgery on you, priority, free. As for the boys Just join tonight’s Toad Gong for free? Okay?"

"We, we love you to death!" The boys almost rushed up. This is the biggest dream, the most wonderful dream. I have considered them. If they can practice toad kung fu, they will immediately suspend school and go to major cities at night. The gym makes money for one hour, but the unit is calculated at 100,000 yuan!

Of course it was just a drop out of school, and desperately to repeat grades, the ghost knew when Brother Abdom would only come back once. At that time, wasn't it dead?

Of course, the teachers and the relevant staff are not fools. They have rehearsed in advance, and in any case, they can't make various requests, which makes it difficult for Abdomen. Moreover, even junior high school students think it's very unreliable, but now it's called Abdominal Muscle himself.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, unspeakable envy, jealousy and hate. The meeting ceremony is not a sports car, but it can be obtained through struggle. Toad is too difficult!

"I have to admit that the abs is really the abs, the number one saint in the universe, who truly serves the people."

The crowd was excited, but He Ming only used one sentence to make thousands of extremely excited male students stop in place, "Don't come here, whoever messes up will cancel tonight's toad practice!"

When the scene was quiet, He Ming was about to leave. The long-haired, beautiful, and spiritual female student suddenly said, "Brother, I am also the flower of the motherland? But I also have a heart disease, or a family genetic disease, usually Can't exercise vigorously. Please, save my life." Chu Chu looked pitiful.

"Of course, you can get all the sick in your family, and the staff will take care of it." He Ming glanced at Chen Ziqi, who immediately nodded and signaled the relevant staff to make arrangements.

The long-haired girl was very surprised. She didn't expect him to be so refreshed, and then immediately wept. She wanted to hug him but did not dare to hug him.

He Ming turned on the microphone switch and waved to the students: "Okay, I should go. Goodbye to the juniors and juniors, I will see you later. Next, you will go shopping for luxury goods. I wish you afternoon and evening. happy!"

"Brother Abs, you are more happy!" Some staff pushed away various trolleys full of luxury goods. The students screamed and screamed. It is more pleasant than a dream, and I will never forget this moment in my life!

"It's the same!" He Ming controlled the disc, and the highly myopic female student wore her mouth. She wanted to say something but she looked at various lenses in fear, so she didn't say anything, she didn't have the excitement of winning the ultimate prize. .

The senses around He Ming were very strong, so he naturally noticed her reaction, and said kindly, "Is there anything else for this classmate?"

She was silent, and the long-haired girl in a hurry said: "You speak up! Brother is going to high school!"

"Oh, I see, your high myopia is also a genetic disease?, you are going to be blind. Maybe someone in the family is blind?"

With the help of super intelligence, He Ming looked at the female student up and down and almost analyzed her health status. An ordinary carbon-based monkey is in normal health. However, the abnormality of the eyeball is very obvious, and it is obvious that the disease has occurred. From Solomon's knowledge, it is easy to understand that this is a kind of eye disease that can cause blindness, or a family inherited disease, and there are genetic problems.

Such diseases generally lead to so-called blind families.

She lowered her head repeatedly, very excited. He Ming gently patted her shoulder and said, "The relevant staff will arrange it. All the sick in your family will come to participate in the operation tonight..."

Deliberately turned to the camera and continued: "Please believe that there is light in the world. Winter is here, can spring be far behind? The party and the country will not forget the difficult people, especially the flowers of the motherland. Then, see you at night, I will give you all A little surprise. You will become a more powerful person in the future. Don't forget to serve the people!"

After the pun was finished, the disc was already waiting not far in the sky. A large number of students immediately took photos with their new iPhones, and the lively students set up a wall to take pictures.

If He Ming is satisfied, he must have moved many people, right? I gave the entourage a look, suddenly a flower, and the first person appeared on the disc...the entourage followed one by one, it was really beautiful, and a large number of students shouted, "Wife, come out to see the martial arts master!"

"That's a master of immortality, our abdominal muscle brother is Yangshen!"

In a loud shout, the highly myopic female student finally raised her head and looked at the disc...

Of course there are cameras staring at her all the time, this is a critical moment.

Not disappointed, this girl was full of tears, contacting the background of changing the tragic fate, and deeply moved the countless people in front of the TV and the computer——

"I have to admit that it is the most true slap on the shoulder of Brother Abdominals. With him, forget him..."

"I'm going blind too. It's true. Abdomen, please ask for a super vision. One eyeball will do."

"Upstairs? Then go to be a pirate? I was arrested and shouted: "I am a cyclops who once ruled the sea, one of the younger brothers of the legendary God Abdomen. I hid the treasures of my life in the depths of the sea. , It’s called the Great Secret Treasure! Go and find it, people who want to be the Pirate King!’"

Hahaha, there was a burst of laughter again, with my abs, the world is really happier day by day.

I came to my high school through the disc. It was a few blue-and-white buildings with at least three rows of dilapidated old buildings on one side. Smaller schools and junior high schools are relatively dilapidated, but after a year, they will definitely look new, because this high school is really There was a man with a nickname called Abdominal Muscle, and this man invested money in his alma mater in 100 million.

He Ming looked at the table below, and it was two o'clock in the afternoon in two minutes, and he hurriedly looked at his high school alma mater, and then slowly fell from the sky.

Just like junior high school students, almost all high school students, about five or six thousand people with their necks up, looking at the sky, absolutely, necessary, sure, no doubt, the abs will only fall from the sky.

When the red disc came into view, cheers rang out immediately.

"Brother Abs, Brother Abs, Brother Abs, we love you, love you, love you!"

High school students have developed a lot more than junior high school students. Basically, it can be said that a person develops fastest in junior high school, and if they have not grown to 1.8 meters in high school, then okay, don’t believe some tips for growing taller, you don’t have that Perseverance can be accomplished. Therefore, it will never grow less than 1.8 meters. Look at the abdominal muscles. Even if you exercise almost every day, train boxing skills, exercise and nutrition, you still have a third-degree disability...

Therefore, high school students are much more energetic than junior high school students, and the unanimous shouts of four to five thousand people overwhelm seven to eight thousand junior high school students.

"How are you?" He Ming landed on the ground and waved. The filming teams of the major TV stations here followed closely, and the cameramen began to shoot nervously.

And the people of the world in front of the TV and the computer are eating breakfast or dinner, or like the Chinese people drinking the afternoon tea at 2 o’clock in the afternoon... Sip and sip, after all, this is a hilarious show, no ghosts Know what will happen next moment.

The high school students have never let the people around the world down. After all, it is He Ming's alma mater. The junior high school is so great, so high school, the air must be full of humor, telling the magic of wisdom.

At the moment, a group of high school students, including males and females, almost everyone in the same class went out more and more together, walked in front of He Ming, and then sang in unison: "Flowers... (long tail) once told me how you walked. The earth...knows every corner of your heart~~sweet dreams~~No one will miss it, and finally ushered in today's gathering moment."

Just finished singing, another class walked by under the leadership of a very punctual goddess who had definitely developed her body. Definitely belongs to the goddess, although He Ming thinks it is just a girl. However, people's eyes are extremely pure and their bodies are punctual. The eyes of people all over the world are now lit up. Men belong to love at first sight, women belong to annoyance at first sight...

"The lake is the look in your eyes,

"Dreams the sky full of stars,

"The mood is a legend,

"Waiting eternally,

"Growth is a door of leaves,

"There was a group of dear people in childhood,

"Spring is a journey,

"The possession of the vicissitudes of life,

"Those I love,

"Those fleeting winds..." The goddess took the lead in singing, which is really amazing, and people all over the world are so addicted.

This is the One side sang the wish, and on the other side, more than a dozen people came and sang "My Heart Eternal", the natural English version, which is really **** big...

He Ming shrugged without a trace. Okay, I admit yours...lively and cute, but, dear, please, this is not a concert...Chen Ziqi and a few assistants looked at each other and shrugged without a trace. It was interesting, but it also reminded me of my student life. Of course, it was unpleasant. It was all practiced by a group of ghost instructors every day, bleeding and sweating.

Of course, comrades, miss you all.

"Growth is... a door of leaves, a group of dear people in childhood..."

There was a slight singing voice behind him, He Ming shook his head, please, Xiao Chen, be dedicated, don't... steal the limelight from the leadership!

The leader hasn't sang yet, how can you?

ps: The third is more, seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking subscription.

Chapter name of the previous chapter: Chapter 436.


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