Technology Treasure King

Chapter 460: How about a wish?

Chapter 460 How about a wish?

Just like the "Fisherman's Tale" described in a junior high school Chinese textbook, real people and real things are done by Solomon himself to seal the devil, and then thrown into the sea.

However, He Ming realized this story and found two small mistakes: First, although Solomon sealed the devil, from the perspective of humans, the devil is a good demon. Because that kind of demon is extremely powerful, and likes to hunt other demons to obtain legal massive wealth, stronger power, and instinctive satisfaction.

Therefore, it is a kind of devil's natural enemy, and the enemy's enemy is a friend. Therefore, the poor worm who has been sealed for five thousand years is a good friend and ally of a benevolent nation such as humans, and a demon hunter who serves the people in silence and wholeheartedly. Of course, it's called hunting for short.

The second "little mistake" is more cruel: the so-called "sea" is not that humans have blue sky, white clouds and sunny beaches. Finally, there are bikini girls who have picked up the sealed devil, completing a moving legend about the beauty of saving the devil. That's bullshit. The earth is under the surveillance of the dead world, how could Solomon, and would never be so kind, to seal his enemies into such a beautiful sea.

Therefore, the trash river, which is so large and infinitely large, is one of the best choices.

Of course, He Ming, who was born on the earth and has not yet broadened his horizons, believes that Ya is the garbage Pacific Ocean, although there are hundreds of such "Pacific Oceans" nearby, and the garbage mountains on the Pacific Ocean that can bury multiple earths are even more advanced. It's never seen before, and it's so wonderful-He Ming decided to take a lot of photos later.

Put it on the earth, where you haven't been out of the water for a while, and named it "Trash Dynasty". It must be a lot of bad taste, the screams of fallen friends, treasures for life.

In the boundless, colorful garbage moving forward at a speed of eighty yards, the water quality is weird and colorful, and from time to time I see the metal water flowing like a real object in various, incalculable, strange-shaped garbage.

And it evolved into a variety of things, including garbage river residents with metal shells, a large number of microorganisms, and plankton that made these garbage a paradise. Fierce, brutal, and absolutely inhuman battles for territories erupted on every pile of **** every moment.

And more microbes that make soy sauce are flowing happily in countless small garbage and various water quality.

He Ming realized that he didn't have scalp tingling, but he admired it very much. He almost doubted whether he was psychopathic? I immediately decided to put on the final product of the adventure suit with automatic shooting and photographing functions, and send it to the earth to let my compatriots feel that if they are sickened to death, then well, I am already a pervert unknowingly.

Under evaluation, if you replace the cockroach with the strongest life force on the earth and other brothers, come close here. No, it should be said that it is ten kilometers close to the edge of any "Trash Pacific". The end is a fate, and there is no doubt that the low-level plump, high-protein organic body will become a real delicious meal, eaten by local residents, and endless aftertaste.

Then, He Ming learned through Solomon's knowledge that although the Justice League's garbage disposal technology can restore almost all physical objects, virtual objects, and even messy objects into the most basic existence. Turning garbage into raw materials is a trivial matter.

However, the entire process requires a little insignificant cost, such as energy costs. In the Justice League, there are too many waste planets to imagine. And because the traffic is infinitely developed. Then friends who deal with garbage found that throwing it on an abandoned planet is far more profitable than recycling garbage.

This is the result. In a country with backward technology and a backward economy, but a large territory, one of the many members of the good alliance has lightened some resources on the territory, resulting in huge pits on the planet, star soil, etc. For the garbage dump. Any country of the Justice League, any company, any organization, or even any "individual" can dump all kinds of garbage at will.

Of course, a more insignificant "custodial fee" is charged per ton.

Therefore, a large number of waste water, scrap metal, man-made objects, synthetic objects, etc., are used in large quantities, with a large number of cells, powerful microorganisms, and even containers with various expired genetic potions. Medical waste can fill an area of ​​the earth every day. The amount falls.

So there was not much time to form a lot of garbage Pacific Ocean, garbage planet mountain.

As time passed, all kinds of garbage lives were born. And the upper-level organization in this country, the technologically advanced Congress sent "people"| to investigate. If life has primary intelligence, such as suffering from living in a trash river, it will take it away and cultivate a new life.

Not to mention higher wisdom, there is no joke in the novel that so-and-so higher life lives in trash.

How advanced is science and technology, and still need a higher life to pick up rubbish? Simple logic is confusing. With such a developed civilization, there is no humanism of the backward carbon-based monkeys of the 21st century.

Even the demonic forces also pay attention to the development of various lives and protect the happy lives of the major races in the alliance. There is no certain great **** who can eat people every day, just grab a head of higher life and eat it happily—there are only two results. The highly civilized residents collapse, because even the carbon-based monkeys do not have the basic right to survive. The second is that a certain great **** was killed and eaten in turn.

Otherwise, look at the fate of wisdom like Solomon who does not obey the laws of nature: a piece of star soil still stays in the medieval system. And He Ming also didn't abide by the laws of nature, and directly raised people as pigs instead of inspiring their wisdom and gradually developed.

This is too troublesome, which means that from now on He Ming has to worry about not only the carbon-based monkeys on the earth, but also the hundreds of billions of natives in the star soil... Simple nonsense, he is just a hanging thread, never thought of being such a fool, There is no time to enjoy, the power of nothingness is simply sad. Which higher creatures, such as humans, will be triumphant because of becoming the ant emperor of an ant kingdom, self-expanding and losing their nature?

After jumping into the trash river with a "plop", He Ming began to use his super IQ for the first time to calculate the exact location of the unlucky bug.

First find the place where the bottle was thrown from Solomon's knowledge. Then, according to the various local hydraulic power, various changes, and then a total of 5736 years, based on 24 hours a day, 1440 minutes, restored to the Justice League universal time, calculated in seconds, then it is 86400 seconds.

One year is equal to 31536000 seconds.

5736 years is equal to 180890496000 seconds.

Then, calculate the exact location based on hydraulic power. Of course it is impossible to find it so easily. This is not a fixed environment like the moon, even without wind.

It is a living place where a large amount of garbage is dumped every moment. So in 5736, the number of variables that occurred can be imagined.

However, it’s easy for super IQ. If there is no accident, it is not taken away by idiots, and it is impossible to be taken away. Then various variables are added, and He Ming will get it after ten minutes with eighty yards. 130 locations calculated from thousands of locations.

With the help of one instrument, the 130 locations can be reduced to 13 locations.

Because Solomon's bottle of sealing the devil belongs to one of the sturdy substances in the universe, such as the super solid matter produced by the highly compressed core of the sun. And such materials are very expensive in the Justice League. It is absolutely impossible to throw it in a river of garbage. Even a microgram of waste is more precious than a ton of gold. How could anyone on the earth throw thousands of tons of gold into a river of garbage?

He would not even own thousands of catties of gold.

This top-level instrument, the meeting ceremony of the desert bandit brother, is one of the top adventure equipment. It can scan precious weapons within 500 kilometers, including water and soil layers. In some extreme environments, such as the cold hell, it will be reduced to 500 meters, and the private space must be recovered after ten minutes of use, otherwise it will be damaged by the extreme cold.

Picking up a water wave impact weapon, He Ming installed it on the waist of his huge adventure suit, adopted automatic working mode, blasted the garbage dump in front of him, and gradually leaned towards the first place. Gained nothing.

Turn to the second one. A strip of solidified heavy metal water. Ordinary life will be constrained by weight when approaching, and will be killed in it, and it can attract metallic substances to approach. So the possibility that the bottle is there is as high as 23 in the calculation of super intelligence.

Except for the infinite metal microorganisms, there is no life in heavy metal water. They live on metals and become part of heavy metal water after just a short lifetime.

Of course, for He Ming, if he wanted to, he could tear up this heavy metal water that was comparable to the Yangtze River.

Increasing the power of the adventure suit, the water wave impact weapon was operating at high speed, blasting away all the garbage, He Ming moved forward along the heavy metal stream, and finally on the instrument, a bright, insignificant spot of light flashed.

The excited mechanical sound was sent to his ears momentarily, "Great warrior, you have found precious materials on the edge of 500 kilometers away! Please don't miss it."

"Nonsense, rush to Jiezi, I am here to save the devil." He Ming sneered. Your uncle's intelligent system is so stupid that I can't match my computing power.

At high speed, the adventure suit is advancing with the highest kinetic energy, but it is also about 500 kilometers per hour. For the people on earth, it means only driving a fighter jet, or driving a sports car such as Bugatti to the extreme without fear of death, maybe it can be close to this speed. However, it is usually impossible to maintain this speed, because at this speed, the carbon-based monkey-like reckless sports car will disappear when it hits a pebble on the road, and it will turn into a fireball.

Of course, this is the age of Superman, and Superman loves to pursue this kind of speed, even the little Superman ignores any **** and car crash. So Osmorby, the world's fastest mass-produced sports car, etc. have seen a huge increase in sales. Sports car companies such as Bugatti hurriedly developed non-human sports cars...

"That's you, I spent 1:21 minutes, how many games can I play, or how many lonely ladies can be comforted?"

An hour later, in the heavy metal water, He Ming grabbed an amphorae that was as big as a normal vase, smiled happily and left here with the highest function.

There is absolutely no psychology of treasure hunting. There is no possibility of a large number of treasures in the garbage dump in the novel. That is the extremely backward waste disposal technology of carbon-based monkeys. In the Justice League, waste is real waste. Don't use it too much. You can only pay a little money to restore waste.

And under this technology, it is absolutely impossible to miss a little bit of more valuable things. This is a basic business principle. Because of immortality, accumulation of more and less is inevitable, affirmative. It's not a cosmic myth like Abdomen, or a powerful **** and demon, who can hunt wealthy demons to get rich at any time.

Of course, on the other hand, demons can hunt rich and weak races at any time to get rich.

Fly out of the garbage river, away from the colorful smoke above the garbage river, and found a land tens of kilometers away where various kinds of rotten metal and rotten steel were piled up, compared to the "exceptionally clean" land. It fell on a huge twisted steel beam, because the usable place has been dug away, leaving behind worthless goods, which led to distortion.

"Start the cleaning mode, clean 2 times, no, 5 times." He Ming issued an order, and the adventure suit sprayed a kind of smoke up and down. This is an expensive cleaning smoke. The price is expensive. It is enough to clean the area of ​​the face in one second. The bank account of that handsome man and brother-in-law was instantly emptied, the mere 40 gold dollars disappeared, and he owed a debt of 400 gold dollars from then on.

According to his economic situation, it takes 10,000 years to complete the payment including interest.

Of course, even if it is 4 million gold dollars, I don’t even look at it. This is just a one-hour cost for my eldest sister to shop. However, compared to He Ming's other wives, she absolutely saves on family management and cherishes his brother's property...

"Enough, enough... don't! *, I'll take your lungs." Despite the warning from the super IQ, the hanging silk is very stubborn in nature. As a result, after three cleanings, a large amount of smoke ruined the clearing. Because the abnormally decayed steel could not stand the harsh cleaning agent, everything collapsed.

Moreover, this adventure suit is an underwater adventure suit and does not have the ability to fly. Fortunately, He Ming could fly, otherwise he would fall into a garbage dump as deep as the Himalayas. It must be cleaned 2 more times, no, 5 times!

The collapse of this piece of steel formed a huge earthquake for the entire garbage mountain. The average area of ​​countless garbage residents is equal to the size of a fly, and the whole body is flashing metal color. The movement is fast and strong, and they can live under the heavy pressure of the garbage dump.

They quickly seized the opportunity to start a war and grab each other's territory. The king is a metal creature as big as a cockroach. I usually enjoy the genetic remnants of medical waste. That is the most intense war zone, second only to domestic garbage. Alien creatures as big as kittens in domestic garbage have evolved. But when he was found, he was taken away and entered the real paradise.

Of course, in the simple instinct of the alien creature, he thinks it is a malicious enemy...

He Ming flew to another "clean" piece of land, quickly took off his adventure clothes and entered his personal space, and then admired the amphorae for a moment. It was also cleaned just now, revealing a heavy black area, but on the surface there are some Luomen's subordinates, some demon gods carefully The drawing rules, etc., can prevent being detected by mysterious powers, and can withstand the application of 1 thousand tons of force-"pop" He Ming punched it out, anyway, there is an automatic camera around to take pictures, so there is no other use.

The amphorae was shattered, revealing one of the straight gall flasks, which was golden all over and covered with dense rules that only super vision could see.

"It's over 500 tons! It seems that in "The Fisherman's Tale", our fisherman brother turned out to be the life of the gods and demons? The fishing nets are also the equipment of the gods and demons? Otherwise, how can we catch 500 tons of guys."

He Ming held it in his hand, laughed, and made a "Yeah." expression at the automatic camera, so that you can wait for the earth to show off. Take a look, gentlemen and ladies, don’t miss it when you pass by. I released a piece of "The Fisherman’s Story" "The Devil in ".

"Buzzing..." He Ming held the gall bottle in his hand, and soon shivered violently. He Ming almost felt a desperate and helpless pleading sent out from the gall bottle, "Please let me go! "

He knew that it was the emotion of a **** and demon inside. Think of being sealed in such a small bottle, imprisoned for 5736 years, it is unimaginable, ordinary people will collapse in 5736 seconds in a small black room.

"Well, congratulations, buddy, you met He Ming, a good man." He Ming looked at the seal, and he saw Solomon's mud print, which was extremely powerful. Usually, Solomon would sense the destruction of this mud print.

Of course now He Ming shredded the mud prints, nothing happened. Because of Solomon's beloved, his treasure is already in his stomach. I've seen it many times, and it was completely digested, so I have the hand of Brother Chun, right? Or something else? Even if you are super-intelligent, it is impossible to know what has changed in you!

What a pity, it is really easy to understand others, but too difficult to understand yourself.

A cloud of khaki smoke was rapid and full of pain, and could not wait to emerge from the gall bottle, forming a khaki human figure in mid-air. The upper body was about three meters high and two meters wide, and the lower body was hidden in the khaki smoke.

It is powerful and painful as a whole. Its appearance is approximately close to that of a Buddhist, with a large face and the contours of Ah San's face. Deep eyes and high nose, brows a little bit red.

But even though the body formed by the smoke was still mottled, shattered like glass, etc., it was seriously injured.

He Ming knew that it was its soul, and the appearance of such a soul meant that it was collapsing, and after five thousand years, it would completely disappear. At that time, Solomon would come to take the broken soul.

Otherwise, when alive, due to different attributes, just like He Ming can't enjoy mixed gold coins, Solomon can't enjoy the soul of demon natural enemies, and it collapses, and the soul after the fall is more delicious.

Otherwise, Solomon has nothing to do when he is full? Spending so much effort to find the trash river and throw bottles everywhere?

"For many years, I finally saw this sky again, ah, even though it is dim, it is so beautiful as if the blind see the light again, and the dead are resurrected to see the sky..."

The khaki demon looked at the sky and said, after speaking, there were crystal tears the size of an adult fist dripping out of his eyes. This is the tears of the soul, showing how great the pain trapped in the bottle is. This is one of the tortures in the multiverse torture, the most painful way to deal with eternal intelligent life.

He Ming used the devil as the background, and continued "Yeah~" and used his mind to control the automatic camera to shoot the tears of the devil. Look, my abs has a great sentiment for serving the people. Seeing nothing, the devil cried!

The devil looked at He Ming, the emotion on his face was indescribable. After a long time, only two huge arms spread out in the smoke and said: "Good righteous man, you saved me. How about a wish?"

He Ming was stunned for a moment, turned around to look at it, and said with his hands out: "Okay, just tell me."

"囧..." The devil's expression was as disgusting as he ate a calf-sized fly, and he was stunned. Then he smiled happily, and pointed at He Ming and said, "Hahaha! I am a natural enemy of the dark demon, a great demon hunter who was actually promised a wish by a mortal? Could it be that I have been trapped in the darkness of despair that is impossible for countless years Here, have you humans degraded intellect? Or is my language degraded? Listen, I gave you a wish, as your reward, any wish will do."

He Ming immediately said: "Really? Then I want the life of the monster sun. Go and kill it, and bring its body back for me to eat. How about ten minutes?"

"Hahahaha!" The demon laughed wildly for a moment again, and then said blankly: "Fool, are you fooling me? You dare not say the real name of that monster, so you know who it is?!"

He Ming picked his nose and said, "You are too weak. Look at me: How about a wish?"

"Hahaha!" The demon continued to laugh and then said: "Well, fool, you won. See my soul is breaking and disintegrating? So I desperately need to drink soul gold coins, preferably a demigod Soul gold coins, preferably pale soul gold coins. That stuff can only be produced in the southern labyrinth. Only they can immediately eliminate the weakness and despair in my soul. And you trash picker——!!!"

He Ming took out a top gold suction device, and a bag of high-grade pale soul gold coins, and finally took out a god-devil-level pale soul gold coin in his hand. The devil was silent, laughing like a dog that had been hungry for thousands of years. They threw them together and smirked: "Very well, your wish has been fulfilled. It is still a pale gold coin of God and Demon. That is the only asset I have ever had. Life is like a dream."

"...囧...", the devil's expression was so wonderful that he couldn't say anything. Suck the soul gold coins fiercely.

That greedy face and desire look is the most touching scene in the multiverse. It's a shame that the gold sucker manufacturer does not ask it to advertise.

Of course, soul gold coins do not need advertisements, especially pale soul gold coins. A fool will drool and say: "I have it in my life, but I have nothing else."

ps: The first one is for collection and subscription.

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