Technology Treasure King

Chapter 470: Control food control the world

Regarding the report on high-oil corn, except for some farming enthusiasts in China, people with "ulterior motives" are normal. The people enjoy cheap corn and cheap and delicious corn oil, even though they are used to soybean oil or **** oil, which is rapeseed. However, the oil content is low and production is not easy, so the price of edible oil is very expensive.

Now, He Ming has solved this problem forever. High-oil corn oil is not only cheap, but also very delicious. The people are smiling. Some people say that it is equivalent to buying the best and most expensive cooking oil with 1% of the past. Olive estate oil, the best in edible oil, the noble among the nobles, the price in the price.

However, Gao Shuaifu made a comparison: the comparison between the two shows that *high-oil corn is more delicious. In addition, major nutrition experts are concerned about olive estate oil. The top edible oil that was extremely worshipped in the past is now compared with high-oil corn oil. Although the shell is a nobleman and a farmer, the taste and nutrients of the "farmer" kill the best olives. Estate oil.

So many people think that olive oil is not worthy of being compared with high-oil corn oil.

So, naturally, another noble industry was destroyed by He Ming.

Sadly, the Earth's carbon-based monkeys, especially those countries in the warm Mediterranean that are suitable for olive oil production, want to cry without tears.

Naturally, high-oil corn is so important. Putting it in the past is tantamount to a country that can conquer the world, and a must-have for those who travel.

However, people with "ulterior motives" from home to abroad despair to find... Chen Ziqi smiled and said, "It is a pity that, including the little devil, the seeds they took away through various means. Including bags into bags, most of them are from our country. Sold privately. Hahaha. Of course, as a result, Chief, you should know."

The elites of the He Ming consortium and national entourage laughed. It's fun to think about it. Spend several million yuan, maybe US dollars, because the seller must be going abroad. The result-a piece of corn can be planted. Enjoy the high-oil corn from Fuso. Such opportunities are certainly rare.

He Ming activates the mountains of seeds. Just now I saw that there are military defenses inside and outside the warehouse, and I know that the country is actually quite nervous. You can’t crack it yourself, what if someone else cracks it?

Especially Citi, Guizi's technological level is more advanced than that of China. But now it’s useless to be developed. We scientists live for hundreds of years, can you do it? The time of an effective scientist is more than ten years at most.

Then it gets old. Alzheimer's.

Then what technology. Definitely easily surpassed, spike.

This is an asymmetrical war, even if the other side's technology continues to develop, or the little devil dares to make nuclear weapons if he is upset. Superman forces will let them understand what is called genocide, and complete it overnight.

Chen Ziqi continued to give the report. Sister Xiaolin was fascinated by it, wow, there are so many things. The big landlords broke their heads to grab the seeds of high-oil corn. Countries, especially small countries, are crying and crying for seeds, and discuss everything for the sake of seeds.

Sister and brother glanced at each other. No wonder He Ming always said "Serve the people". It was so cool and exciting. Everything on the TV is absolutely different from what actually happened.

They also think that the president has no other expressions, and now look at He Ming, who is also the leader of the country, on the TV. Although a little out of the ordinary, he is still a great man. But here are often swear words... He Ming shrugged when he knew, and would tell them. There is something called post-processing, which helps leaders to be brilliant and beautiful.

"So, everyone asks for seeds, not corn directly? Isn't this cheap?" He Ming asked in a puzzled way. Although super-intelligence gave the answer, and it was extremely correct, unprecedentedly careful, and the reason for the formation of this kind of mentality of the monkey was chased by a Tyrannosaurus, or was the little brother caught by a primitive crab?

Therefore, the future generations, the monkeys of the children and grandchildren have a sense of insecurity.

There may also be stories in which the world of the dead has skipped the long evolutionary history of the humans on earth and has been directly reduced to within "a few million years". The earth time at that time accelerated countless. A lot of energy is used, so a lot of laws are set up, and no one will be destroyed unless a big man like He Ming destroys a test field.

Now even if he destroys the proving ground, he can easily lose one hundred.

Chen Ziqi replied: "The country has done research. This is to control food. Because if a country's food is controlled, that country is dangerous, which means life is controlled. If we add some genetically modified disease weapons to the food. Or When their agriculture is destroyed, they stop selling food. Hungry citizens naturally riot and subvert the regime. A regime usually considers its own survival, not the survival of its citizens. This is the nature of the regime. Of course, our food is in Africa. It is very popular. It is the favorite of warlords and others. They promised us to join the League of Nations as long as they provide food. Even if they become a franchise, they only need to ensure their power and political status like Russian officials."

He Ming knows that the so-called franchise is to join China as a member. This is normal under China’s current world hegemony.

If Citi is not a democratic country, it will definitely embark on the path of expansion. Previously, they used the dollar hegemony to treat the world as their slaves, workers, and they only need to print money to enjoy the service of the world without working.

That's why the euro zone and so on resisted. To be honest, Citi loves peace and strives to bring peace to the world. So many years ago, just replaced by Huaxia, what is the world's largest military expenditure?

It is equivalent to a person who always talks about human rights, but he is selling slaves when he turns his back. So it's just a hypocritical slogan.

He Ming scanned as he walked and said, "Good thing? The country doesn't accept it?"

Chen Ziqi shook his head, "The country accepts them to join the camp and learns the impression of the proletariat very happy. However, for them to become a member of the country (a member of China, there are internal affairs, but the army, finances, etc. must be subject to the party) still talk about inspections. It’s because they want to worry about the feelings of the African people. They don’t want to join a country. The second is to pay too much, and it’s troublesome to cultivate a white-eyed wolf like a monkey south."

He Ming nodded, and an elite smiled and interjected: "Boss. We think that the country actually wants the Guogang Republic. That piece of land is too fertile. There is so much cultivated land that the little devil covets."

"Oh. Then?" He Ming continued.

"It is of course impossible to get seeds. But countries in the world also have small or large quantities, such as the southern Buddhist countries that import a large amount of our food. By the way, recently, a new company called Park Trading in South Korea has a large amount of high-oil corn. , Edible oil, all kinds of fuel, etc.? Or the highest authority is issued at the ex-factory price. They can be developed."

Chen Ziqi looked at He Ming. The so-called highest authority is only him.

He Mingpi smiled and said without a smile: "I have a good friend in South Korea. Leave it alone, don't investigate. Leaders also have secrets."

Chen Ziqi pretended to be an honest person and nodded, watching the fire in his heart. As expected, what tricks can not be discovered under national power? Chief, you have mistresses every day. We know it well.

He Ming also knew it well. He just wanted to hope that his wives didn't know. When you have a child, everything will be easier. When the relationship goes wrong, you pitifully hugged the child and said: "Do you bear the heart that the child has no mother since childhood?"

He believes that this trick is invincible in the world. Unless it is the nonsense liberal democracy in Europe and America.

As a result, when he was old, he shot himself because his parents and children had separated. Of course parents need to take care of it. But how can children take care of them? So it's better to shoot. Of course, meeting in the dead world is even more indifferent.

Therefore, the way of dealing with family affection in the world of the dead, to the multiverse, China, and the East is more popular. This is why, when He Ming and his little wife had a wedding banquet, they found that they were all sitting together to eat and drink like Huaxia. Not a buffet.

In vain, the Chinese way is popular. Higher beings are afraid of loneliness!

Various activation tasks were not completed until noon. Then everyone had a meal together. He Ming rushed to the base camp to inspect the work in Siberia.

High-oil corn was very successful, and the ice and snow became a green forest. It was a **** miracle in the cold wind of tens of degrees below zero.

Plant experts who watched TV waited and watched once and dumbfounded. The domestic plant experts are cool, and the application came to Siberia. The Corps provides all expenses for free. They were also specially escorted for inspection.

The Corps couldn't ask for it, they wanted to know what happened in nature. It is convenient to combine the data to further improve the entire renovation plan.

Foreign botanists, etc., including those with "ulterior motives" need to come in at their own expense, unless the animal protection organization, the people of the green organization and the China animal protection forces have a mutual cooperation, so they can hang under the name of the domestic protection organization and enjoy the Corps convenient.

Otherwise, others need to enter at their own expense, just like the Himalayas, at their own risk.

After all, the Himalayas are warmer than some extreme cold weather in Siberia.

He Ming, Chen Ziqi and other Superman entourage took the disc to the deepest point reached so far, which was also the gathering place last time. According to the plan, this place will become a city in the future, and various nominations are also planned.

Professor Fei Ning has become another close friend of He Ming in the Corps, and the country is also very happy about this. After all, the Russians are used to express national unity. Abdominal muscles always use Han Chinese, which hurts the hearts of people all over the world.

He Ming knew this must be an accident, no, whoever I use has such a big influence? If I don’t need a dog and I’m still a Tibetan mastiff, does it hurt the hearts of Lhasa people?

If I **** and like to be in the Chinese cabbage field instead of the green vegetable field, does it hurt the heart of Chinese cabbage?

There is nothing to say, it is the best result of instinctive choice to hide your name and name deeply, I can't afford to hurt it.

The gathering place is more than ten times bigger than the last The 24-hour power generation of various fuel oils makes all kinds of construction tools available throughout the camp, speeding up the construction process. Anyway, the fuel is worthless now, and it's under the corps of the abdominal muscles.

Even during the inspection, He Ming saw many garbage disposers working here.

Professor Fei Ning explained with a smile: "We can use high-oil corn corn stalks to make fuel and then generate electricity."

"That's wonderful, there is no business." He Ming inspected the gathering place with a smile. The recruits were already accustomed to life in coolies, and they were paid high salaries that were not available in the CIS countries. With money, there is no dissatisfaction. If you want to be patriotic, first ask if you are hungry.

Now He Ming was cheered and extremely excited. In this ghost place, only the abdominal muscle brother and the girl, no, vodka can comfort their lonely hearts and cold bodies.

Of course, there is another thing called hope.

Work hard and strive to practice toad gong.

ps: third more. (To be continued...)

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