Technology Treasure King

Chapter 706: Lucky Hal: I won the ultimate prize!

Heaven is not on Abdomen's side. m[Just read the novel~] He Ming thinks so. In any case, no matter how to be fooled by people, gods or demons, he has no ability, mood, or ideas to accept and handle a job that makes all mankind happy and becomes a super life.

The population of the earth is about 8 billion.

But in the real world, in the real high-tech world, in the immortal country, humans alone have more than 100 billion people, not counting other generations of civilizations living on the earth, not much different from human beings.

Even if they are very talented and enlightened and as knowledgeable as these old monsters, it takes all mankind to kidnap He Ming to get the ultimate dream of an intelligent life and become an immortal life, super handsome or beautiful.

So who will resist? Definitely put the abdominal muscle brother to a greater position than anyone else in the multiverse. Because he gave them a chance to succeed in immortal life for free.

Although the population base is too large, the waiting is endless. But it's better than nothing. Doctors of Shanmeng with this skill charge the same as waiting... Basically nothing. The surgery they have done in a year is not as good as the one week of the abdominal muscles. The exact point is fourteen hours, seven days, and two hours a day.

In any case, He Ming will never do such a super stupid thing. He has super intelligence and Solomon’s wisdom and thinking ability. He is so clear in his heart that he is so clear. He will really do this and really take a lot of money. Put time to serve the people.

Well, many normal lives would definitely mock his brain flooding. Because it is not a human being on earth, I can't enjoy it.

Of course, because of his status and strength, he dare not say it, but he must have such thoughts in his heart. It's so stupid!

What's more, knowing that it takes time to do anything. He really satisfies the words of global humanity. At least there have been hundreds of fallouts at home, no reason, how can he have time to have sex, to eat, drink and have fun, to make cold jokes, to mess with his wife?

He is a saint who serves humanity.

And such a "sage", He Ming smiled and swears, whoever wants to be whoever. Who let him be. No matter who he is, he will definitely turn his face. This is too nonsense. Great men are served by the people. Look at the history of the earth. How many great men have completely abandoned themselves?

But He Ming didn't know that tonight, in the eyes of very few people, heaven is indeed not on the side of Brother Ab, but... he is God. Savior living on the earth.

Let us return to the night when He Ming and Zhou Qingyun got married. In the morning of Huaqiu New York time, the former Wall Street elite, now tragically unemployed, Mr. Hall sighed and drank frustrated wine in a bar, and the people around him watched the TV in the bar noisily. Suddenly it became quiet again, only the sounds of sudden shortness of breath. or……

"God bless me. Lord, Lord..." Waiting for the heart to give up the voice of God's blessing. [Just read the novel~]

Hal didn't look up. I was thinking about what kind of work and what way out. He knows that it is the time for the wedding lottery of the Abdomen Brothers, and this group of people have free lottery tickets-and then hopes to send a lot of money, and the genius medicine will be developed, the number of surgery? More beautiful than the grace of God!

He also has lottery tickets, but he doesn't have the confidence to make a fortune. This is too nonsense, any good luck is a bastard.

"Oh, god, damn...oh, damn, my brother-in-law of Abdomen got me a bad prize. Congratulations, guys, home appliances prizes...I want to cry!" A European and American man wailed again and again, really unfortunate. In the end, it didn't take long for the others... to squat down and cry without hiding their faces. When the prizes such as the last genius medicine and surgery quota came out, everyone was sighing and crying. But I didn't throw away the lottery ticket. Just kidding, at least I could change the toaster.

Drinking to relieve their sorrows, many people comforted their friends, "It's okay, I'll get married again soon. I have a chance next time."

"Yeah. Bring a family to line up in advance to get a few more tickets. My lottery ticket was delivered to the door by the company of Brother Abs. If it wasn't for Brother Abs' company, I would think it was a liar. Hey, a car delivered to the door. It's great to come." The lucky guy got a nice car, he was very pleased, and he smiled openly, making him jealous.

After all, to the people of Citi American, a good car is also very valuable. Never dared to spend the night in some black areas and so on.

" the bill." After drinking all the wine, Hal was about to leave. It was late and decided to look for opportunities. Abs’ company is definitely out of play. Everyone in the United States has to go in if they break their heads, and... the **** Abs only accepts **** poor people, like a guy in a bank with a deposit of more than 100,000 dollars. Successfully become one of them, even if you look at this guy's degree, a graduate of Harvard Business School, that is the jewel of the nation's first university. The work experience is even better, and, less to say, it also earns tens of millions of dollars in profit for the bosses-until recently invested in energy...

Looking back at that nightmare moment, Hal's hands could not help but tremble, and he was terrified. So he instinctively raised his head and looked at the TV set on the wall of the bar.

A tall and enviable person, especially their coveted Citigroup, strong, perfect, and a physique with infinite power will always be the most prominent protagonist.

This is a completely perfect man, an invincible superman god.

As for a more perfect face, a pair of indescribable charm, I just think it can kill your eyes in a flash. Hal didn't take it seriously. He was an elite of business school and he was more obsessed with the great man of the century, the first superman on earth, and now he is the king of superman. Of course, others think that he is the infinite power of the Abdomen brother of the superman god.

Hal thinks that is the real charm.

Without this, if there is no invincible power for the abdominal muscles, then there would be no such a wonderful new world. Although the rise of great men is the cost and foundation of revolutionizing the world, then he is one of the countless victims. (Just read the novel.)

The unlucky ghost who lost a lot of property.

Thinking of this, Hal was not in a bad mood, but was a little happy. After all, compared to the overnight bankruptcy of a crocodile worth tens of billions of dollars, I was really insignificant. I just lost a few years of salary and a job with an annual salary of 200,000 dollars.

It's happier to think about other ultimate hapless guys. For example, the former richest man in the world, Huaxia Miracle Gao-he not only paid months or even six months of military expenditure equivalent to Citi American Federation, but also paid his own life.

"...This world is changing too fast...but it's getting better and better. I love the new world, I love the abs... Okay, let me find a job first. I should go now." Pumping himself up, Hal smiled on the surface and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, many peeked at well-dressed. Very handsome, a former Wall Street elite girl or woman with a height of 185 meters brightened her eyes, wondering if she would come forward when the handsome guy was in a good mood, and she could have **** soon?

But the next moment. The gaze of the former Wall Street elite stopped on the TV inadvertently, and after a few glances, it suddenly became demented--women were shocked, never seen anyone who could stare their eyes so round and straight-- —

"God. He won't be sick, right? Let's just forget it." The girls exchanged their gazes, but stopped.

So although after a while, the handsome guy seemed to be back to normal and walked out step by step, no chick took the opportunity to speak up.

"Goo...Boom!" went out. Hal first swallowed a huge pile of alcohol-smelling saliva pouring into his mouth, and then trembling hands and feet to search for something. What are you trying to get out...

"Lord, Lord. Lord, no, don't let me lose it... Oh, God, thank God! God, this is true! God, God..."

Good living habits allowed the former Wall Street elite to find in his wallet the lottery ticket that is as beautiful as a miracle in his eyes.

Carefully opened his wallet and glanced at him, and he was sure. There is no doubt that he...he really won the **** first prize. That's right, he became a little superman's surgery place!

"Oh, God..." I just glanced inadvertently, it was like being struck by a flash of lightning, and Hal was astonished for an instant. He recognized it, almost, as if, number for the ultimate prize, one was The number played repeatedly, the lottery ticket I got when I lined up for a few hours in front of the office of an abdominal muscle company on the streets of New York, the lottery ticket, the lottery ticket is extremely cute, the lottery ticket with endless hope, his lottery... …

The numbers above are almost exactly the same-that short number memory is too easy for him from Harvard Business School, who has played numbers in the unpredictable financial market for many years! What about the former elite?

His sensitivity to numbers has been in his blood!

After swallowing another sip of water, not only his hands trembled, but also his feet couldn't help but tremble. Hal overcame it with great concentration, and left the entrance of this small street bar trembling step by step.

Along the way, the mood became endless and endless, enough to make his young heart strike the ecstasy. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't restrain this emotion. The trembling of his hands and feet infected his whole body, and his teeth "cocked" up and down. "What to do? What to do? God, God, Lord, forgive me."

After thinking about it, after all, the very smart Hal took out a small bag of powder in his arms and inhaled some, restraining psychological excitement with his strong physical excitement. Sure enough, in the intense excitement, the brain can gradually be able to think. This wonderful thing that was used to relieve work pressure in the past has now saved him beautifully.

Hal is very thankful, he doesn't want to become so excited that his heart stops working, and the **** who collects his body is like he inadvertently saw the TV and found that he had won the number one prize...

Then he swore that even if this guy is a saint, he would make this lottery his own, and go to China alone... to start a new life.

After all, who is willing to be a hospital nurse who specializes in "collecting corpses"? Do you really expect people to be real angels in white?

Under the double excitement, Hal drove his car back to the house. As soon as he entered the door, he roared a few times. A family of foxhounds who happily rushed to greet him was taken aback. Several baby foxhounds who could just run were so scared and left.

"Ooh! Long live the abs!" Hal strode to the living room, turned on the home stereo, and hurriedly danced until he sat on the sofa exhausted.

Turning on the laptop on the low table in front of the sofa, Hal again cautiously, holding his breath open his wallet to look at the lottery numbers in the mezzanine, and compare it with the number one jackpot in the computer. I watched it many times, and then put the precious and important part of the wallet in my underwear pocket and put it in my underwear pocket, which made me laugh.

"It's great, great, I love my abs. There was no miracle, cancer, or being robbed by an idiot in the ordinary world where all the struggles and efforts of life will be put into the drain. And change! There is no miracle in mine, a world that has always relied on hard work, finally, finally... there is also a miracle. Open in life! I love this feeling!"

He cheered and infected the Foxhound family, and jumped on the sofa to play with the owner.

Because the owner has too much time lately, it's great. But how can they understand the miserable owner who has to play with the dog because of unemployment and no girlfriend?

But Hal hurriedly found a bag of dog food and tore it open and threw it on the ground so that the dogs would leave the owner alone.

He calmed down again and went online to enter the official website of Brother Abdomen, of course in English mode. Then spend a lot of time looking for the "receipt" of the top prize, and repeatedly confirm it.

Sure enough, just as he subconsciously thought, Brother Abdominals official website suggested:

"...Around the world, friends who have won the grand prize will inform the headquarters of Abdominals, the department that specializes in handling high-end prizes, and their contact information through telephone, Internet, etc.... Besides, everything is a fake Reports are welcome, and there are rewards for reporting. (Then there is a hacking attack, which makes the website hit the streets, and finally informs the local government to solve the case;)

If you have won an important prize, don't tell anyone except important people who can be trusted; once the information leaks out because of telling your family, please contact this department immediately. Don't resist if you are robbed, tell us immediately afterwards. We will check the delivery of all premium prizes.

If you have won the number one prize, please contact us as soon as possible. We will send a superhuman team to pick you up and protect your safety along the way..."

After reading it, thinking for a moment, Hal contacted that, let it go now, there is only one place, Hal loves his parents very much, but he will not give up this opportunity. What's more, this lottery has already explained that it can only be used for one quota, and cannot be used apart, from one little superman to several little supermen. (This is because He Ming believes that he is completely wasting his time, not to mention that he is a perfectionist who can create a perfect immortal life. How can he create a legendary life?).

Telling friends is even more nonsense. He swears that this quota is so precious that it is impossible to exchange 100 billion US dollars, but 10 billion US dollars is absolutely leveraged, and even more. This is happening in reality, and there are a lot of news on the Internet. Real events.

In Citi, Little Devils, Europe and other developed countries, some people have bought places from the relatives of Abdomen through such astronomical numbers.

Those former dangsi, farmers, and mountain people have the potential to become merchants, and their pursuit of wealth is much more advanced than He Ming. They are so greedy that they can definitely eat alone if they can eat alone. Will the poor care about food? ! bargain? Life is priceless, understand? You are still a Citizen!

What's more, knows very well that sometimes money is meaningless. For Buffett and other giants who are proficient in capital games, it takes decades or hundreds of years to earn a quota. Money, and then an eternal time is profitable? This does not count the superman's physical fitness, powerful strength, endless physical fitness and other additional wealth.

Moreover, once the wealthy dies, most of the money will shrink. If it is a noble Citi American citizen, the inheritance tax is... less cut in half, or pure cash... The heirs can't afford it, well, don't think about it. Legacy.

Not to mention no matter how much money and great authority you have in your lifetime, how can there be any? You are dead, only the land of eternal silence will always be with you. Oh, there are still a lot of bugs.

So, if you can borrow enough money to buy a place, everyone will do it. Not to mention that Superman earns money very easily, just doing coolies is an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars. Not to mention... Which gold medalist dare to ask Superman for debt?

PS: First more. Thanks for the monthly pass. (To be continued...)


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