Technology Treasure King

Chapter 754: 1 must buy a house

May 1, 2012. m. There are still seven months and twenty-one days before the end of the world that has been passed down.

Today is Labor Day. Not only does China have Labor Day in this world, but because it has become the China Alliance, the major festivals of the major franchise countries have also been set as all-league holidays, and even better, paid holidays. Calculate, China Alliance has the largest number of holidays in the world, that is, the most paid holidays.

Labor Day on May 1st is closed from April 29th to today. So this day is early in the morning, no, it should be said that it is early in the morning on the 29th, or even earlier, even a week ago, a few weeks ago, the abdominal muscle brother in the major cities of the All China Alliance on the real estate industry The company was besieged early.

From the moment that Brother Abdomen said that he wanted to serve the people on the old problem of the house, his real estate company was crowded with people and formed a long line.

Until today. According to statistics from the media and relevant departments, as long as there is a long line of people in the local cities where various houses are built within the whole alliance, many large cities, such as the magic capital Songjiang, near the property The queuing army has paralyzed the traffic in many blocks, and even the construction site of the nearby Abdomen Construction Company is also experiencing traffic difficulties. For all kinds of transportation, grandfather and grandma are required. "We can't rush to work if you block the road." , It takes a lot of effort to open a channel.

According to statistics from relevant departments in China, the number of people queuing in each city exceeds 200 million. This is the representative of a family. Of course, there are impatient young couples waiting in line with unweaned babies. But this scale is really... many times. Abdomen's river crab can take photos of the queuing army from high above.

Early this morning, that is to say, May 1st had just begun, and the queue was already excited. Today is not only an important day for Abdomen to ask for a wife in the third house, it is also the day when the first batch of buildings were built and sold in major cities as well as for their immediate interests and happiness throughout their lives.

Abs has always been a big deal.

This time, the sale of a building is a big deal. Compared with the current house prices, the house price is like the house price of the primitive society. It is completely at a loss. It makes all kinds of real estate companies crying, "It's over. It's over, it's over..." All kinds of house slaves have long been heartbroken, and they can still rent out for such a price. God can't beat the abs!

Of course, the Chinese people love to hear, this is to serve the people.

But good things, especially good houses, are loved by everyone. Who wants to let go of the house of Abdomen? Really pass this shop, but there is no such good benefit.

This is the best time to have abdominal muscles. There is no one. What is the best time and the worst time, is it the self-talk of the neuropath?

Just in this wonderful day, destined to be recorded in history, early in the morning, the sky is still dark. At about four or five o'clock in the morning, the sky in the magic city was gray, the brilliant group of lights had been retreated, and the spring breeze was slightly cold.

Retired soldier Yao Ying only slept for four hours before waking up from his sleep. Since he was once a soldier, he has just retired, so he naturally practiced the toad gong that people all over the world are more and more envy and hate, and his body is getting stronger every day. Now he is so strong that he has strong muscles.

The physical feelings of most mortals, such as not sleeping well or getting up early after only a few hours of rest, have disappeared without a trace, just like clearer eyesight and sharper hearing. And so on, the various senses are really wonderful, beyond description. However, it is regrettable at the same time...Yao Ying looked down at a tenacious and huge little brother with old pants high, and couldn't help but smile. Really*!

Quickly sorted the sheets and the tent. Yao Ying put away the tent that had been resting here for about a week. Because the real estate of Abdomina is about to open today, the staff yesterday told me to put away all the tents today. Officially began to line up.

Thankfully, if it weren’t for this company that was quietly listed for business, and you are an employee of major companies, there are so-called internal news, so I’ll come as soon as I hear this news. Nevertheless, it’s still in front of me. There was a long line of more than a thousand people. */.//*

Yao Ying got up quite late, and when he got out of the tent, he saw the front. There were already many tents in the back that had already been arranged, waiting excitedly. Various hawkers are busy 24 hours a day, and now they are serving breakfast for the queuing army.

Because people like to lively, and now Huaxia people are getting richer and easier to work. Many jobs are gradually replaced by simple robots and mechanical factories. And because the system does not exploit money for money like capitalism, but serves everyone. As a result, the more and more wealthy Chinese people began to like to get together. Taking advantage of the opportunity of queuing, many people eat, drink and have fun, not to mention how happy more and more children are... Teachers, parents, all go to queue to buy a house, so no Go to school and have fun every day.

There are so many various vendors and so many wonderful "worlds".

Seeing him wake up, many men immediately cast vaguely envying eyes. Those men are richer than him, that's for sure, but unfortunately, Yao Ying is a human who has practiced toad gong. In the middle of the night in the line, every time he went out to practice toad gong, he came back with a big brother. Many men, especially middle-aged men, looked even hotter than middle-aged aunts... I can’t wait to kill him to take away his magic!

This feeling made Yao Ying painful and happy. Although the abdominal muscles serve the people, there are almost 50 or 60 million people who have succeeded. And recently, it is obvious that the abdominal muscles have begun to "diminish", and the number of practitioners is decreasing day by day. So people who have no way in reality are just like that, want to enjoy the magic? No show.

Yao Ying, who looks rather gloomy, is very grateful for his life. After a few years of boring life in the barracks, he was about to retire from the army. He never thought that there was such a good thing as the abdominal muscle brother. Out of the world of the abdominal muscles brother, the retirement expenses are now hundreds of thousands of yuan. Just rely on this money. Yao Ying satisfied his new girlfriend's shopping. It was a carnival in the Abdominal Jewelry Building.

I encountered such a good thing on the night when I returned to Songjiang. It was great. So we have been waiting in line until today and we have to start a house today. Unfortunately, everyone can only buy a house. However, as employees of the abdominal muscles, they can choose a good house specially prepared for "important people" such as abdominal muscle employees. For example, a real estate with the best status and the best lighting in a building.

Thinking of the new girlfriend, a coquettish and cute non-mainstream person with a height of more than 1.7 meters and a chest D grade, Yao Ying, who was originally eros, couldn't help showing an extremely **** smile because his little brother was about to explode. I can go back today, and I must be in a new house with my new girlfriend. How about a day and a night in the hotel.

What if the new girlfriend is non-mainstream, she looks very beautiful and has a lot of fun. I really want to roar once my little brother. It's a virgin for him again, it's really a big profit!

Real love too!

Yao Ying is very self-aware. People who don't have capital like themselves have only dreamed of such girls in the past. But now it’s different. With the capital of Toad Kungfu and the capital of employees of Abdominal Muscle, especially the latter, it is also the middle class of the new era. You will have no worries in your life, unless you have a brainstorm to resign. That's really the world's number one brain damage, and ghosts won't do it.

Yao Ying is an outsider from Songjiang. My hometown is in a desolate ravine in the northwest. After 95, the non-mainstream new girlfriend is a local. He originally had a girlfriend who was also from a poor place. That is the predecessor. But he never imagined that this mediocre girlfriend would suddenly get married when he was in the army-thinking of it, he hated it, but now it doesn't matter, he sneered at it, and was thankful, thank God, otherwise I am now How to abandon people when they are successful!

So today's house is really important to his life's major events and future "fortune" life. Although the woman's family, because he is an employee of the Abdomen Brothers company, even the idle security guards allow him to fall in love with his girlfriend who is at least ten years younger or a third year in high school, but buying a house means... everything is fine. Registration for marriage is OK for a lifetime.

"I'm really grateful to Abs! But maybe you won't see a big person like him in your life, right? Well, I saw it on the TV..." He said in his heart, Yao Ying was paying special attention to the voyeuristic gazes of several middle-aged men and women. He still cried out to his stomach and strode towards a breakfast stall, and then ate more than twice the amount of food for ordinary people. Only then did he buy a bottle of beverage and returned to his queue with satisfaction. Since there is a queue number in hand, there is no need to worry about being cut in. There is no queuing number, it is estimated that China has already been in chaos. What should I do if the people in line want to eat, drink, and buy things?

When I came back, the ubiquitous queuing party took its place. Well, language is useless, I have a gun. boom!

Money is courage. With silver and so-called democracy, the Chinese people, who claim to be the world's number one democracy, are the world's newest and wildest nation.

A foreigner has a joke: How do you see the difference between the little devil and the Chinese people at a glance?

Well, the one who looks at you through your nostrils is the Huaxia style master.

Then look at their walk, they are like crabs and they are definitely not like other animals...

As time passed, Yao Ying watched the latest electronic products and passed the time wirelessly. Everyone in the queuing army is almost like this. Almost everyone is playing a game of devil, and then looking at the wedding of Abdomen, there are only a few screams but not very envy and hatred. There is no envy of a god’s wedding. Significance, not to mention that compared to some relatives of the abdominal muscle brother, the appearance of the abdominal muscle brother is normal.

Of course, the carbon-based monkeys who only have one planet will not know that the real wedding of He Ming and Liu Xiaolian is in another wonderful world.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Yao Ying's non-mainstream girlfriend of the post-95th generation finally woke up. He was in a video chat with his girlfriend who was wearing pajamas and exposed a large white chest. He saw his body hot once, and his "interesting" little girlfriend soon discovered this. He deliberately picked up the white rabbit with amazing cost, and people would immediately sigh what the girls nowadays eat and grow up. .

Not to mention Yao Ying, he has the idea of ​​rushing into the computer to force a new girlfriend, and his whole body is about to make the little brother wear unusual thick jeans!

"Damn, don't tempt me, little fairy, I can't stand it!" Yao Ying whispered helplessly with a headset. The non-mainstream girlfriend deliberately winked her eyes like silk: "My husband... It's been a week. People can't stand it. Last time we were in the horse market, we had **** every day... Didn't you want it?"

"Damn it!" Yao Ying breathed fire. But I also love the "lewdness" of my little girlfriend. He likes this. In the past, it was not a girlfriend, but...the mating partner who sadly inherited his own genes and completed the family mission.

My little girlfriend just likes to tease him. Just when Yao Ying was getting more and more angry, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, finally, this Abdominal Real Estate opened for business.

"Gentlemen and ladies, comrades. Good one half in the afternoon! We are finally about to open, please be prepared. Every time we put a thousand people in the building. Everyone only has 20 minutes. You have to leave if you buy it, don’t explain! Thank you!"

The real estate of Abdomen, who has lived like years, is open, and a group of very beautiful. A woman in a uniform must be accompanied by a big fat man who can see it in the past, but now he must have become a strong man because of the practice of toad kung, a man of about thirty years old who loses his body day by day, he is arrogant. . He raised his head incomparably arrogantly and said something, then waved his hand full of great men, indicating that the door was open for business.

Everyone doesn't care about the arrogance of this man. This is a common performance among employees of many companies. No way, some people have not graduated from elementary school just because they are proficient in flattering. Do you expect them to perform well? At most it is the smiling service of the abs.

"Oh oh oh, great, great, waited for a long, long time... Long live the abs! Long live the abs!"

The queuing army cheered, and the parents in front of the line began to greet their children to come back. Going to see the new house soon. The only concern is how is the listing today.

Everyone has seen all kinds of exquisite design drawings because of the first batch of Abs’ sales, and the Internet is extremely hot. The problem is that the first batch of listings is only 150,000. If a family can only buy one, it can only satisfy 150,000 families.

And everyone who can come in the queue is here. Without him, he can even accept an on-the-spot loan when he sells his house. In other words, a house worth 10 million will not only be sold for about one million, or he will only charge costs and operate at a loss.

And this million penniless you can completely buy a house with a bank loan from Abdomina. Selling is a big profit. Selling two million is making one million.

Of course no one would do this except fools. The house of Abdominal Muscle is not only above the requirements of China's standard housing construction. It is even more costly, using high-tech, carefully crafted with a lot of precious materials. Freehold property, exquisite mansion. Silly B will let go? Does every world have an abdominal muscle brother out to serve the people?

"Oh, great!"

The crowd began to surge. Become dense, the relevant staff began to get busy. Use the tweeter to yell the people behind don't be nervous, it's not everyone's turn yet.

The person in the forefront has just been released, just like a Chinese New Year train going home. They need to sit all day and night to grab their seat as fast and agile. After all, the seat ticket at that time can no longer be bought, it was just a standing ticket.

Starting to advance in the crowd, Yao Ying became extremely excited. This time he had a goal and decided to buy a big house near the nearby ocean. It was originally worth 150,000 RMB, but now it only costs 1.5 million. And he has only a few thousand dollars in cash and 0 in the bank. Last time I went shopping broke.

But it doesn't matter. What is the fear of being an employee of the abdominal muscles? What's more, the loan to buy a house is low interest, and he can buy a house through a new type of loan. And... that house is too worthwhile. It is not only an exclusive, elegant oriental style mansion covering an area of ​​about 2,000 square meters, but also according to relevant experts, there used to be no more than 5,000 square meters of this type of house in Songjiang near the ocean. Ten thousand renminbi cannot be taken down.

Of course, it is impossible to be close to the Songjiang Golden Zone, which is a remote area. New-style mansion buildings like Jing'an District, tusk...there are huge crowds, the group of workers has long been lined show.

Suddenly smelled a burst of low-grade cigarettes, and looked sideways, Yao Ying saw a middle-aged man dressed like a farmer in the countryside, smoking with nervous expression.

He smiled and was about to turn his head, and inadvertently discovered that this person was physically strong, and...hip bulging...without a doubt, he was a person who had practiced toad gong.

At first glance, it is "my own person". Yao Ying immediately became interested.

He was quite talkative in the line this week, so he asked the middle-aged humane: "Uncle, are you an employee of Abdominal Company? I am a security guard who joined Abdominal Company after retiring."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment after hearing the quickly showed the old farmer's honest smile, nodded, and said: "Yes, I hit the Grand Canal, and I joined Abdomen very early in the countryside outside Songjiang City. A gas station in… Hey, it’s really unlucky this time. I came here with everyone’s task of buying a house. I didn’t expect that I could only buy it on behalf of my family. I was so anxious that everyone went into the city at night, and now I don’t know where to go . But, this time I must buy a house. I will rely on this once in my life."

"Yes, you must buy a house." Yao Ying nodded resolutely, just at the moment when he heard a nearby broadcast: "Welcome to the wedding ceremony of Brother Abs. Comrades, please pay attention to the lottery. The newcomers are about to draw. You won the Little Superman Award, do you still need to buy a house? Go, the beach mansion, the small island mansion are waiting for you! Haha, I started counting, and the final prize is..."

"God, please, please..." Yao Ying hurriedly pricked his ears and listened. He had won a lottery ticket long ago, and Zhen and Zhen placed it on his chest. I really hope to win the jackpot. Just like my determination, I must buy a house!

PS: Third more.

I hate automatic memory. The number of chapters in the previous chapter was wrong again. I'm so sorry! (To be continued...)


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