Technology Treasure King

Chapter 763: Sweet and bitter

It is dark red, about one meter high. In the sea of ​​blood floating with all kinds of trash and indistinguishable bizarre creature corpses, Jamie walked staggeringly, every foot was extremely heavy, almost carrying an invisible heavy material. His extremely beautiful bald eagle helmet with the national flag of the Citigroup of America disappeared without a trace; the thick neck was thick and the torn marks of a slap-wide man on the surface of the helmet were forcibly torn off by beings with great brutal power.

An extremely handsome face with standard facial features, everything just right, but this face is full of calmness, self-confidence that is not a super life, and the arrogance that is usually hidden to weak ordinary humans has been taken by a look of shock and fear. replace. He was so panicked that there seemed to be something inevitable like fear, like all the terrifying things that existed here were chasing him. The cat caught the mouse step by step approached him, drove him away, and brought him close to his final demise.

His extremely beautiful and extremely clear blue eyes were panicked, turning his head from time to time, or looking around like the blood-stained area in the entire underground space, fearing that a monster would suddenly be thrown out from under the blood sea, or from behind, to the left and right, or A group of monsters.

A small superman who is as huge as a giant spirit **** and full of surging power has no complacency in the Uday mansion. The cynical superman arrogance has become a dog who is absolutely afraid of falling into the water.

"I, I don't want to die... Damn, damn, I have to be calm, calm, here are the four relatives of Brother Abdominals, and he won't care about them. He will definitely come. Come on, Jamie. Come on. !" Long-winded encouragement. Jamie didn't know what to do, and had never been so panicked like this in his life.

Like a dead man, he was resisting death, so terrified death. He was so unwilling to die, and tried to resist the approach of death in the aging body function. How helpless and hopeless this feeling is.

The old man is like this, let alone an immortal super life?

"Damn! Fuck Uday! Fuck curiosity, **** I said don’t take risks, don’t take risks! Now it’s fine... damn, damn!" Jamie recalled painfully dozens of minutes ago, even earlier ...What an interesting scene, the little Superman who was talking arrogantly to the soldiers suddenly saw them. Ur first caught him and beat him hard. Udai was beaten up and broke, like a big fat pig screaming again and again-this is really a happy scene.

Then they heard what Uday was. Uday led them into this terrible ghost place. At that time, Uday was so indifferent to betray the top secrets of Irak, including President Sa Damu, because of the world of Abdomen. Therefore, Cousy, who is destined to be as distant as Xiao Jin, is in this place.

The Eraks called it, "the jewel of Babylonian civilization."

Uday, with a swollen nose and swollen nose, said with flying brows that this was...the greatest discovery in Yi Lak's history. The second greatest copy of the demon after the Demon World of Abdomen. There is still no one, no demons, you can search at will. There are endless gold copies of the devil. The ancient Babylonian golden palace belonging to Irak.

No one took it seriously.

Driven by curiosity, they followed the passage all the way deep underground. Until entering the underground world. There is an indescribably vast and desolate land in front of me, like the deepest white desert. There is only a layer of sand on the hard ground. Looking down, only the super life can use brute force to open it. This is a kind of solidified sand. It is as if a great power repeatedly beats a desert into a solid piece of land.

These are not important. Just like the stars that people on earth can see, each star expresses a planet. A planet represents a new world, countless countless geographical features. Can drive some geologists crazy. And it makes no sense to them. No matter how stupid the relatives of the abdominal muscles are, they will not be arrogant to be here, the oxygen is indifferent, and the coldness is close to minus 40 degrees or more. Although it is unbelievable that the people on earth are beginning to understand, an interesting feature about the underground world, the demon copy. That is, time in the underground world is more than ten times slower than earth time.

But with super life, time ten times faster or ten times slower is meaningless. Cells will not age, die, or decrease. So what is the meaning of time? To some extent, the precious time of carbon-based monkeys is just the disappearance of their cell vitality.

This has no meaning for super life. Just like this place is like a normal world to super life, even more adaptable.

Then under the guidance of Uday, they moved a certain distance very carefully, and finally saw a scene that made them crazy.

They never dreamed that a scene like a golden heaven suddenly appeared before their eyes. A huge golden palace.

Before the Golden Palace, Sa Damu, Qusai and other super beings were working hard to refine gold. They are so excited to refine the gold and build it into 500 kilograms each. By the time they arrive, they have piled up into one piece... a huge golden square of basketball court.

What a beautiful scene? What's even better is that a group of owners was changed next. Because the Hussein family were just little supermen, little supermen of the level, they were immediately conquered... became coolies to refine gold, otherwise they would be killed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, they were happy to refine gold, wondering how many things can these things do on the earth? At most, can you set up a private bank with the largest gold reserves in the world? Issuing credit is eternal wealth.

The gold comes from that dilapidated one, but it is made of gold. However, it is a weird substance inside, which seems to be a bit like wood, that is, wood that has already rotted into almost pus, a foul green liquid wood with gold on the outside.

They don't know how to make it, and how do people know it. Everything is just like what Brother Abdomen said, "There is a lot about the devil world. Well, I don't know. I just ‘pick up the tatters’ everywhere." Now, they also have the capital to say. And they believe that the whole China must be ecstatic. Another huge discovery-through the transmission of information in Superman's armed forces, China Abdominal Muscle Company will expose this shocking good news because of the central optical brain control. This is the point that people around the world love most of the company, and any news must be said as soon as possible. The whole people carnival.

They were very excited to peel off the gold with brute force. It is a high-tech metal extraction equipment produced by the Abdomen Company, which was taken down by the Sadam family. Refined directly on the spot. Otherwise, carrying so much gold all the way back?

Then... what made them uneasy was that. The things contained in gold are getting weird. The gold on the outer wall of the Golden Palace was stripped and exposed to them, including being very unwilling and extremely annoyed. Sa Damu and Kusai who seized the opportunity to punch and kick Udai were also immediately shocked on the spot-in the golden wall. It turned out to be all kinds of lives. More than half are in human form. Not only that, but the most disgusting thing is these life forms. Humans and dogs are almost combined by weird forces, and then all lives are beaten together in pain. It was like the gray desert that had been beaten, with a faint, uneasy, strange wind.

That scene was so full of fear that they couldn't accept. They are not fools. At first glance they can see that most of these lives are connected together when they are alive, and then wrapped in endless heavy gold.

What should I say? Death wrapped in gold loved by intelligent life? Quite ironic, right?

However, they did not think of anything. Only the heart full of greed was shocked by the cruel outer wall of flesh and blood.

"I'm afraid, such a big golden palace is also a palace of flesh and blood?" There is a relative of the little superman of the abdominal muscles brother, who is usually very playful and very bastard. Engulfed by great greed. Thinking that all these great wealth is at hand, the devil has long disappeared in the years. Even if there are still a few ugly cats, they were killed by their hands.

They ignored this scene. Continue to quickly peel off the gold from the building with brute force, with all kinds of green pus, or dark red mixed flesh and blood. The consistent feature is that the stench is indescribable. Fortunately, there is a helmet-mounted air cleaning system.

Then throw in the square. Like a van, it has wheels that can be driven. In the precious metal refiner produced by the most professional abdominal muscle equipment company on the earth. Then there is one scene per second, a large amount of debris turns into foul-smelling steam of various colors, the gold juice flows to the rear of the car, and pure gold can be seen quickly extracted, and finally poured into the mold and exposed to the air.

Originally, this process requires water cooling. However, in the extreme cold weather, there is no need to cool it with water, a lot of steam will be emitted, and finally a huge 500 kg gold brick will be formed. Absolutely high purity, beyond imagination. Abominable, stupid, and unworthy of enjoying such a huge amount of gold, the Hussein family still stamped its own family logo on it.

Now... then no more!

That's it, they fell in love with the sound of gold juice flowing, and the process of gold forming. They fell in love with the golden mountains getting bigger, higher and higher, more and more... the very charming scene of golden light.

Compared with... If you think about it in another way, compared to the mediocrity of seeing these "existences" on the earth, ordinary carbon-based monkeys whose purses are as empty as their brains will be extremely excited, and they must have ignored the terrible scene. .

Monkeys, like Superman monkeys, don’t want to know what happened. I just want to know what I will get.

So they quickly peeled off the outer and inner walls, and then gathered together and carefully entered the Golden Palace-they had been completely conquered by greed at the time, and they were used to the foul smell of flesh and blood. They all think that this will be the supreme capital lying in the golden mountain above the earth, bragging about it.

Then the mood returned to the state where greed occupied everything, and they entered the Golden Palace. It can be seen that this palace made of pure gold, that is, devil gold, used to have a beautiful small forest and various gardens, covering an area of ​​more than tens of thousands of square meters. And now it was all gray-white, empty, and the hard ground that smelled of emptiness, with layers of gray-white sand. Dilapidated golden stone steps have been left in the flowerbed.

They don't know how many years have been abandoned here, and they lament that sometimes time passes slowly and it is really bad, at least it has been abandoned for longer and longer. And because of this, I am even more happy. No "demon" is the best result. The result they want most is that they are all normal people. Reality is reality. Whoever wants to work hard with others can get nothing insignificant. It's not that the protagonist of the novel is invincible and invincible.

If you are not a super life, you can't even come to this place. Even if you have so much wealth, maybe a demon virus that is invisible to the naked eye will take your life.

Finally entered the Golden Palace, a huge and magnificent hall, but the strange thing is that there is nothing, even a chair. In the middle of the hall, the throne should be placed. In the most important place, there is a dilapidated porcelain figure that looks like a human, about two meters in size, mainly in black and white.

This weird scene quickly attracted the attention of a superman... Thinking of the groaned, "Damn idiot, why should you touch it?"

The stupid donkey sprayed the porcelain statue with just one touch, and a single touch changed all the happy endings that should have been perfect.

In the eyes, the porcelain statues began to disintegrate, no, it should be said that they began to wake up, in the porcelain statues is a peerless elegance, but reveals their uncomfortable temperament, a completely empty and lonely temperament, suicide a hundred times None of the people are as deep as her despair... Then, she sighed softly, but it was like the most deadly soul shock, causing them all to lose their protective power, extremely sad and heartbroken, and all their huge greed disappeared To be without a trace, life is nothing more than that!

Until the trembling of the Golden Palace woke them up. Get rid of that state of emptiness but fall into another great crisis. The whole world began to "resurrect", the ground, the golden palace, and the vast desert began to appear strangely shaped life forms one after another. The battle began, and they fled in panic. They were soon overwhelmed by the army born in countless deserts in the desert—— Those monsters with the smell of emptiness are really uncomfortable. But they have no choice and don't want to know why. Just as primitive people do not understand how "" this thing can shoot a person?

PS: Third more. To be continued. .

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