Templar Sun King

6. Seek the priesthood of magic

On November 20, the night of Adam's return to Celtic, the lounge of the Santo's Mansion.

Adam buried himself on a recliner covered with thick cushions, facing the burning fireplace, letting the bright red flames shine on his body, feeling very comfortable and cozy.

The recruitment of the Angel of Dawn, the demigod, made Adam full of confidence. Although the Griffon Kingdom had started to catch up with Upler in terms of high-end combat power, there were underlying problems such as unstable foundations, like a castle in the air. Collapsing ending.

The appearance of the Angel of Dawn gave Celtic the blessing of the gods, even though he was the lowest demigod among the gods.

The only thing that makes Adam depressed is that the Angel of Dawn can only stay in the sanctuary and cannot appear in Uppler, because once the Angel of Dawn comes, he will be repelled to the outer void by the laws of the universe, which is just the opposite of the situation of Melika.

"What are you thinking about?" Isabella walked in from the outside, followed by a creamy yellow cat, and the hat automatically flew from her head and hung on the coat rack beside her.

Adam couldn't help laughing as he watched, the magic from the magic temple was gradually integrating into Isabella's life.

Get up, hug, and kiss deeply: "You have worked hard during this time."

The king of a new regime disappeared for some reason, and the burden was all on the queen, Isabella. Although Andrew, Simon, the First Consul, and the Senate shared the pressure, this period of time was obviously not easy.

"Actually, it's not as difficult as you imagine." Isabella chuckled, "Andrew and Simon are the two most stressed."

"The Church of Dawn and Frans wanted to take the opportunity to attack after hearing the news, but they had to cancel the plan because of them and the two legends of the moon elves."

"How did they know about my disappearance?"

"There used to be a Nesong family in the south who were diehards of the Church of Dawn, and their family remnants secretly had contacts with the Church of Dawn."

"Damn it!" Adam was a little annoyed that there were still diehard members of the Church of Dawn that hadn't been cleaned.

"So I said that before, I sent a scorching sun knight to the south to deal with the matter." Isabella smiled and comforted, "The Griffin Kingdom was established too smoothly, and it is normal to have one or two problems left over. "

"Why didn't you tell me the last time you called?"

"Just a little thing."

"This kind of thing is not a small thing." Adam put his head on Isabella's shoulder and said sullenly.

"Speaking of the call, you haven't explained why we can talk through Hunter (Guard)? You don't know how much I wanted to drag him to the laboratory for research."

"Don't..." At that time, in order to report safety, Adam didn't think about explaining this question.

"Just kidding, you don't need to be nervous." Isabella hugged Alice, "As I said last time, you will naturally explain when the time is right."

She was not the only one who saw the problem in Celtic. The difference was that Isabella asked it out, while others were deeply buried in their hearts because of Adam's increasing strength and influence.

"Of course, I promise." Adam thought for a while, and felt that it might not be appropriate before lighting the fire.

"This is the magic scroll prepared for you." He quickly took out all the magic scrolls obtained after level 18,

From basic magic scrolls to legendary magic scrolls, the number is more than 80.

Isabella's eyes lit up, and she put the magic scroll into the interspatial ring, feeling satisfied: "Great, I may spend the next two months in the laboratory and library."

It is not easy to reverse the magic itself with the magic scroll, let alone a completely different spell system from another world.

The basics and the elementary level are fine. With Isabella's excellent magical talent, as long as there is enough time, it can be reversed in the end.

But starting from the intermediate magic scrolls, the difficulty doubled and the interference factors increased. Isabella, who was at the peak of gold, obviously felt strenuous, and the result of two months was still optimistic.

Isabella laughed at herself: "But it doesn't matter. Even Yasha's artifact is suppressed so that Yasha can't radiate to other areas. It's safer for me to take it step by step."

"Chaos star ring, the name of that artifact." Adam added that the Goddess of Plenty had mentioned this matter at the end of the Pantheon meeting, "but don't worry, the gods headed by the three main gods are resisting and rejecting chaos. Xinghuan, we still have a chance."

There is a vague balance between the four main gods. The three main gods and other gods will never allow the God of Truth to obtain other powerful priesthoods including the priesthood of magic in addition to the priesthood of chaos.

The Goddess of Plenty did not go into details about the specific situation, but one thing is clear, the God of Truth is very likely to use it to obtain a main god position again after obtaining the priesthood of magic, possessing dual identities as the main god, and becoming the first person in the main god!

When the Goddess of Plenty explained to Adam, she took a rare tone of jealousy. For the position of the original god of the earth element, she did not hesitate to part ways with her husband Todd, the god of the earth, and even faced life and death, but failed.

But now, the God of Truth, who was already extremely powerful, was already seeking the second position of Lord God, which was really hard not to make people jealous.

"You really have confidence in me, Adam." Isabella smiled lowly, obviously this news made her feel a lot easier.

Even if the artifact of the God of Truth is suppressed again, how do the two major magic organizations Babel and the Hanging Garden reject and oppose the Chaos Star Ring? After all, he is one of the four main gods in the entire universe. out of breath.

"No, Isabella, I have always had great confidence in you. In my opinion, you who own the magic net will definitely be able to obtain the priesthood of magic."

In all fairness, although the Chaos Star Ring of the God of Truth contains thirteen spell factions, there are even four uncommon spell factions of space, death, prophecy, and destruction, among which the spells of the destruction faction are particularly rare.

But in the face of the magic from the magic temple, the latter is undoubtedly better.

"It sounds like you already have a good plan in mind, let's hear it."

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you." Adam pulled Isabella to sit together in front of the fireplace, "It's very simple, use the opportunity."

"By borrowing the power of resisting the gods of the Chaos Star Ring?"

"The gods are one aspect, and there is also the power of the mage group."

"I don't really understand the group of mages."

"The Griffin Kingdom already has the Ministry of Magic and the Magic Union. I don't think it would mind having another magic school."

"You mean to teach the spells on the scrolls to other mages in the magic school."

"It's not a mage, but a little mage." There is an essential difference. "And, don't you think there are a few mages in the Griffin Kingdom? They will be your most powerful supporters in the future."

Whether it is the identity of the queen of the Holy Griffin King or the identity of the founder of the magic school, Isabella will bring many admirers and followers, and worship and prestige are the basis of belief.

"What about the gods?"

Isabella didn't doubt the determination of the gods to join forces to resist the God of Truth at all. What she was worried about was Adam's connection with the gods.

The king of the Holy Griffin Kingdom is good enough for dialogue with the secular world, but obviously not enough for the gods. Even adding the identity of the holy son of the temple would not help, the gap between mortals and gods is really too big.

"I will try to persuade the Goddess of Harvest and Sea God to introduce us more gods who oppose the Lord Yasha."

These two gods have always maintained a good relationship with Adam, which is the best breakthrough.

"In addition, I will test the tone of the elf god master." If you can win over a master god, your chances of winning will be doubled.

"Elf Lord?" Isabella knew that it was the name of the Goddess of Life.

"Yes, Lord Elf."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Adam felt that the goddess of life's attention and attitude towards him was too friendly, a bit beyond the boundaries of a main god.

"It's possible that the Goddess of Harvest and the Sea God are related, but the Elven Lord?"

Like her people elves, the Goddess of Life, the main god, is very low-key among the gods, and it is not easy to contact her.

"If necessary, I will go to the kingdom of Avalon in the elven pantheon."

"Don't, Adam, it's too dangerous to go to the kingdom of a lord god!"

Compared with the illusory and illusory magic priesthood that can't even be seen at all, Adam's safety is obviously more important to Isabella.

"Don't worry, Isabella, I will not risk my life. In fact, I have found a way to get to the country of Avalon."

"you sure?"


"Okay." Isabella was a little moved. She guessed that Adam would contact the sun god of the temple to take action. After thinking about it, she couldn't help but reminded again, "You can seek the priesthood of magic slowly, and you must remember to be careful."

"By the way, there is one more thing." Adam agreed, remembering the news that shocked him, he smiled and said to Isabella, "I am afraid that we will not be able to mention the first great mage in human history when we talk in the future. His name is taboo."

The first Archmage in human history, isn't that Archmage Colin? "Why?"

"Because once his name is mentioned, the content of our conversation will be perceived by the other party."

Isabella felt that this sentence sounded very familiar. It was the way Adam used to warn her not to mention the name of the main god.

"Could it be..." Isabella showed an unbelievable expression, "The archmage didn't die, but ascended to the Lord God!"

"Totally correct, you can guess which of the four main gods the archmage is now."

The Goddess of Life is an elf, the God of Destruction is a demon, the Goddess of Darkness is a woman, and the only one who may be the God of Truth!

"God!" Isabella walked back and forth in the lounge, her eyes wide open, "Can you guarantee the accuracy of this news?"

"It has been confirmed by the other three main gods."

"This is really... I suddenly have infinite motivation to seek the priesthood of magic!"

Isabella has always aimed at Archmage Colin, determined to become the third Archmage in human history.

Now hearing that the other party is the God of Truth who created the artifact Chaos Star Ring some time ago and sought the priesthood of magic, not only did he not feel discouraged, but instead broke out with unprecedented motivation.

Isabella is both excited and looking forward to this hell-level challenge to be able to compete with her previous goals and compete for the magic priesthood! (To be continued.)

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