Templar Sun King

Thirty-six, multiverse

"Arman, this is a manuscript, and you need to print it out in the shortest possible time."

The Queen of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, Isabella at the pinnacle of the golden rank, looked at the stack of parchments neatly placed beside her, and the latter immediately fell in front of the Minister of Magic, Arman, one by one in a neat queue.

Isabella was originally analyzing the spell scrolls in the secret room, weaving the magic net, and preparing for promotion to the legend.

As the second mage in history who possesses the talents of the four major magic elements and aspires to the priesthood of magic, Isabella's character can be considered proud.

Seeing that Adam has entered the legendary rank, and his strength has been rising all the way, it would be a lie to say that he is not in a hurry. It's just that because of the problem of the magic path, it can only temporarily slow down.

Then a portal full of platinum and burning with raging flames suddenly appeared in the secret room, drawing her attention away from the magic scrolls.

"Adam?" Seeing the sacred flame burning on the portal, Isabella knew that Adam had something to look for in all likelihood.

But why in this way? Or was it an accident?

"Bella, it's me. Come here quickly." The door opened, and Adam's voice came from the opposite side.

"What are you doing?" Isabella asked cautiously, pointing at the portal with her wand.

"It's me." The light curtain on the portal opened, and Adam poked his head from the other end, proving that it was indeed him.

"Ouch." But the moment Adam stretched his head over, he felt a ubiquitous repulsive force that bounced him back again.

If Andrew hadn't been behind him all the time, he would have hit the ground hard under the force from the law.

"Adam!" Isabella stepped into the gate of heaven, dumbfounded, and came to a beautiful world of singing birds and flowers.

"Where is this place?" Two angels with six wings on their backs stood beside Adam, smiling at her and nodding.

Having been with Adam for nearly a year, Isabella has a certain understanding of angels, the creatures that appear in templar spells (divine protection), church decorations, and the throne of the Griffin King.

According to Adam, this is a powerful creature born in brilliance, and its strength can be judged by the number of wings on its back.

Two-winged angel gold rank, four-winged angel legendary rank, seraph demigod!

"The temporary kingdom of God established by Uther in the outer void." Adam stepped forward to hold Isabella's hand, "There have been some changes in the universe, and it is necessary to explain to you."

"What happened during the time I was studying the magic scroll in the secret room?"

Adam and the two demigods of the temple, and all the legends of the Griffin Kingdom gather in a kingdom of God, which is mysterious. and……

Isabella looked at the two legends that she had never seen before. Judging from the magic elements entwined on them, it was obvious that they were the legendary mages of the earth faction and the storm faction.

Isabella suddenly noticed that the magic robes of the two legendary mages had a condor symbol made up of several magic wands.

If there are 176 wands that make up the Condor, and the two are not counterfeit, then they should be the mage lords of the Hanging Garden among the three major magic organizations.

Thinking of this, Isabella looked at Adam with more doubts.

"It's like this." Adam grabbed a handful of hair and organized his words, "Just ten minutes ago, the four main gods fought in the outer void."

"So..." Isabella spread her hands, as if it had nothing to do with calling her to the Kingdom of God.

"Uh, from now on in the whole world, Uppler, Yasha, and the third-level underground world, there won't be any legendary professionals."

After Adam's explanation for nearly half an hour, Isabella finally understood the whole story.

Just now, because the will of the four main gods mixed with the consciousness of the Lord of Dawn and wrapped around the law of order with the priesthood crystal of order, the universe that had just been written into new laws changed again.

The energy and space of the entire extraterrestrial void are arranged in a certain order.

First of all, the four elements of earth, water, air and fire and the two major energies of light and darkness quickly converge in one place,

Combine with a piece of space to generate a new space body.

These six dimensional bodies are filled with pure elements and energies.

For example, there is no other element or energy in the space body representing light, so it can be said to be the purest light place in the whole world.

Any creatures with dark and undead attributes will be purified into the most basic particles the moment they enter.

These six space bodies surround the periphery of the continent where Upler, Yasha, and the third-level underground world are located. The elements and energy that escaped are combined with the stars that originally permeated the void outside the territory to create a brand new world with four elements and two energies. area.

This is just a change in the inner layer of the extraterrestrial void, a gathering of elements, energy, and matter.

Outwardly, there are the kingdoms of the gods, a spiritual world that belongs exclusively to the spirit, heart, and consciousness, shrouded in the divine light emanating from the kingdoms of the gods.

"That is to say, because of the indescribable effect of the will of the four main gods and the consciousness and order of the Lord of Dawn, the entire outer space is divided into two parts, the inner plane and the outer plane."

"That's right, that's it." Adam added, "There is also the "First Losey Treaty" signed by the gods."

"The First Treaty of Losi" is an agreement signed by the gods with the imprint of divine power after the cosmic mutation ended and the battle ceased, and it was named after Losi, the Lord of Dawn and Order.

There are only two items in the agreement. The first is that from the moment the treaty is signed, the gods are not allowed to personally deal with ordinary people, including legends. The second article is a supplementary clause, except for divine punishment.

"In addition to the rules set by the Lord of Dawn, I'm afraid I will have to stay here for a while." Adam said to Isabella apologetically.

This time, the power and responsibility of the kingdom will really all fall on the queen, Isabella.

"Also, don't be in a hurry to become a legend during this time."

Adam told Isabella so seriously, first because he didn't know where Isabella would be excluded when she was promoted to a legend, it was too dangerous.

The second is because once Isabella is promoted to legend, the huge holy griffin kingdom will lose its king and queen.

Although there are templar units to help maintain the rule, Arras and others will not have two hearts, but it is not right after all.

"I see."

"Three years, after three years, the legend will return to the land."

Arman looked curiously at the parchment that fell in front of him. He wanted to know what was so important that the queen had to order him to do it.

An overview of the multiverse, a strange name, Arman thought.

"Print and publish as soon as possible, the sooner the better, this will be the standard teaching material of the First Seminary of the Holy Church and Themis School of Magic. To be precise, it will be the basic knowledge that every qualified mage and warrior must master. "

Themis School of Magic is the name of the magic school that is being prepared by the Ministry of Magic to be built in Danube City, named by Isabella.

In Celtic tradition, Themis has the meaning of the moon, which better complements Adam's title of Sun King.

"Yes, queen. I will arrange for someone to print the book in the shortest possible time."

After returning to the office, Arman ordered his assistants to notify the staff to print it as soon as possible, while curiously flipping through the manuscript that was about to become a double-standard textbook for the seminary and magic school, absorbing the knowledge that the queen considered "must master".

"Chapter 1, the composition of the universe."

"Since December 17, 4900 AD in the second era, the universe has officially entered the multiverse era."

Alman frowned slightly as he looked at the words "multiverse" on the parchment.

He can recognize these words separately, but when they are combined, the meaning is not very clear to him.

He thought for a while and continued reading.

"The extraterrestrial void is divided into two parts, the inner plane and the outer plane. The energy planes of the six major elements are taking shape, and a multiple pattern of the main material plane, the inner plane, and the outer plane is born."

"The main material plane refers to the material plane including Upler, Yasha, and the three-layer underground world. It is opposite to the inner plane representing elemental energy and the outer plane representing divine power."

"The inner plane is composed of six main element energy planes and multiple quasi-element energy planes. The six main element energy planes are the earth element plane, water element plane, air element plane, and fire element plane. The plane of energy, the plane of light energy, and the plane of dark energy are pure elemental energy."

"The quasi-elemental energy plane is between the six main elemental energy planes and the main material plane. The four major elements have both energy planes and are suitable for all major races to live in."

Chapter Two, Plane and Space.

Chapter Three, Heaven and the Outer Void.

Chapter Four……

Appendix, three-year special rules.

"Minister, what is the manuscript that needs to be printed?"

Arman was immersed in the manuscript unknowingly, and he was not awakened until a Ministry of Magic staff knocked on the door and entered the office.

Arman hesitated for a moment, and handed the first few sheets of parchment he had read to the other party, emphasizing; "Print it as quickly as possible."

The young mage looked at the obviously incomplete parchment in his hand, and then at the remaining parchment in the minister's hand.

What is the content on it that makes their ministers so eager to stop?

When Arman was immersed in the "Overview of the Multiverse" and couldn't extricate himself, Seven was exchanging some spellcasting experience with two mage lords from the Hanging Garden in Uther's temporary god.

He just learned that a mage organization, the Hanging Garden, which is comparable to Dimension Tallinn and Bilenris, suffered the biggest loss since its establishment due to the intervention of the gods.

Only two of the six legends were saved by the angel of the Gospel, and the other four were all reduced to ashes under the attack of the Ash Knight.

There are too many gods in the foreign continent, and the degree of danger is several times that of Mirika.

It's better to use Mirika, at least until the space lord is reborn, as long as the legends don't enter the kingdom of the Nine Pillars God, they are all safe.

Soon Seven's wish was fulfilled, because in front of everyone, Adam opened the gate of heaven for the second time in the Kingdom of God.

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