Templar Sun King

Sixty-seven, plane construction

Seven days later, on January 11.

In the Ministry of Magic, a group of silver mages chatted while having afternoon tea.

"The "Celtic Times" said that the Hanging Garden officially left the Bafisun Business Alliance in the early hours of this morning and began to cross the border of the Kingdom of Sipes. It will arrive in Celtic in about ten days."

"There are still ten days, and our first wave of challenges is coming."

The two silver mages looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of worry in each other's eyes.

That is the famous sky garden. Although the mage lord is not in the main material plane, there are at least ten or more golden rank mages. This force is not ordinary!

You must know that their Ministry of Magic has only three archmages, Arman, Vesper, and Basel, on the surface.

What if... What if there is a situation where the mage in the sky garden turns against the guest and gets out of control?

"In fact, there is no need to be so pessimistic. After all, we will be our own people in the future. Since His Majesty made the decision to accept the Hanging Garden, he must have his thoughts."

The word "Your Majesty" in the second half of the sentence reassured the two silver mages. In the Griffon Kingdom, the word "Your Majesty" is sometimes more effective than any other words.

"You are right. When the Hanging Garden passes through Frans, it should really use the legendary magic crystal cannon to lay down a fifth city for the kingdom to prove their sincerity." A silver mage joked.

"That's an excellent idea. You should mention it to the Minister. Maybe the War Department will approve it."

The fourth city of the Griffin Kingdom in Uppler was acquired three days ago. Kerke, located in the north of Lyon, was unable to resist the attack from the demon army, so it finally decided to take over the help of the Griffin Kingdom and invest in it after clearing the demons. Kingdom of Griffin.

Continuing to the north is the Aurora Holy Prison of the Church of Dawn and the ice field of the Romano Empire.

As a result, the power of the Griffin Kingdom in the northern region of France has grown stronger, gaining an area equivalent to one-fifth of Celtic territory.

"In fact, I mentioned it to the minister quietly yesterday." The mage just now smiled triumphantly, "By the way, I saw the news that the magic school is about to be completed."

"Is Themis School of Magic finally about to be completed?"

"Of course, in order to be able to start school in February, the minister listed three tasks in the Magic Guild with a score of up to 500. It is a matter of course that the project will be completed soon."

As the silver mage spoke, he took out his magic certificate, rubbed his fingers on it, and mentally sensed the information contained in this small card.

Name: Sirius

Age: 45

Sex: Male

Occupation Level: Silver Intermediate

Spell School: Earth School

Occupation: Deputy Head of the Mage Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic

Points: 2500

"Points!" The other two mages envied their envy. Quests listed in the magic guild generally only get some money and magic items as rewards, and only the tasks listed by the Ministry of Magic officially A certain number of points may be awarded.

These points seem ordinary, but in the eyes of the mages working in the Ministry of Magic, they are completely more precious than gold coins and magic materials.

Without him, with the points, you can enter the magic library to view magic books that ordinary mages do not have permission to read.

They all know the truth that rare things are more expensive. Under normal circumstances, the Ministry of Magic rarely uses points.

If it weren't for Themis Magic School's opening soon, Arman wouldn't have listed three points tasks in a row.

"So..." Sirius said with some longing, "I plan to go to the magic library this weekend to check the magic handbook left by the minister. I have confirmed that it records Minister Arman's mage learning experience at the silver stage and a book by The minister invented a brand new spell called the Iron Armor Charm."

Listening to Sirius' plan, the envy on the faces of the other two silver mages became more obvious.

"What are you still doing sitting here?" A mage poked his head in and looked at his three colleagues with a surprised expression. He was still in the mood to drink afternoon tea here at this moment.

"The minister just released two points tasks, one of which is as high as 1000 points!"

"What?" The three mages got up quickly, and ran to the common room of the Ministry of Magic regardless of the etiquette of the mages.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the common room, a group of mages from various departments had already gathered there, exchanging opinions in low voices while excitedly looking at the mission just announced on the middle wall.

Task Name: Plane Construction (Ministry of Magic internal task, not open to the public)

Task object: Elemental mages, mages who are proficient in earth and natural faction spells are preferred (minimum strength is bronze high-level)

Mission description: Recruit 100 elemental mages and go to the inner plane with Mr. Alman to carry out a ten-day initial construction of the plane, including improving the plane environment and building necessary buildings.

Task rewards: gold coins*2000, points*1000

"I'm the mage of the earth faction!" Sirius clenched his fists, full of confidence.

His two companions are still immersed in curiosity and doubts such as "the inner plane, which is a domain outside the main material plane", "is it a plane belonging to our Griffin Kingdom", "how big is the inner plane", etc. , go to the left of the common room to apply for tasks.

2,000 gold coins are nothing to Sirius, the deputy director of the Mage Executive Department. What makes him full of energy is the 700 points.

Mission Name: Where Are the Magical Creatures and Warcraft?

Task object: all mages

Mission description: Urgently need 100 magical creatures (racial requirements: Winged Light Butterfly, Thunder Eagle...) 500 monsters (racial requirements: Pegasus, Huoyu...), light attributes, cubs priority

Task reward: each magical creature can be exchanged for gold coins*200, points*100, each monster can be exchanged for gold coins*100, points*50

"It's a pity that I'm not a mage who is proficient in the earth and nature factions, so I'd better choose the second mission."

The second task points seem to be very few, but the advantage is that it can be operated in batches.

"Which area on Celtic has more magical creatures and monsters?" A mage said to himself.

"Holy Light Forest and Green Field."

The Holy Light Forest is the purified ashes forest, because of the relationship of the Projection Theological Seminary, the Patriarchs from the Glorious Cathedral arranged multiple magic circles in the forest to absorb the light energy, so as to ensure the abundant light energy in the Holy Light Forest area .

Therefore, some light-attribute magical creatures and monsters have been attracted one after another to inhabit and live here.

As for the Green Field, it is a large forest in the south of Celtic, even larger than the Holy Light Forest, and there are quite a lot of monsters in it.

"If there is no time limit, I really want to go to the outskirts of Upler's Emerald Forest."

This is true, the Emerald Forest of the elves is definitely the place with the most types of magical creatures and Warcraft in the entire main material plane.

The only one that can compete with it is probably the overseas habitat of giant dragons, Dragon Island.

In less than ten minutes, the staff received more than 200 applications for plane construction tasks.

The young female mage in charge of receiving applications looked at the application forms of bronze mages with a common strength and many silver mages mixed among them. She silently took out her own and hid it in a drawer.

Forget it, she, a little mage, should take the second mission.

The competitive pressure of the first mission is too great!


The next day, Sirius and 99 other elemental mages, led by Minister of Magic Arman, went to a heavily guarded tower in the northern part of Griffin City.

Sirius knew that this was the highest achievement of the space faction of the Griffin Kingdom—the location of the space teleportation array!

It is said that as long as you stand in the teleportation array, you can quickly reach your destination in a few seconds, which is very miraculous.

However, isn't their destination the mysterious inner plane?

Why did you come here? Could it be that you went to the inner plane through the space teleportation array?

God, when did the space faction spells of the main material plane develop to such an unbelievable level!

He stretched out his head curiously, looked forward, and saw that their minister was talking with a scorching sun knight guarding here to verify relevant information.

Scorching Sun Knight, Golden Intermediate!

With sharp eyes, Sirius saw that there was also a heroic Sun Knight above the tower, and a Patriarch from the Glorious Cathedral.

"Gentlemen, follow me."

After checking the information, Sirius and other mages finally set foot on this mysterious tower and saw the legendary teleportation array.

It was a magic circle inlaid on the ground. A Patriarch entered three numbers that Sirius could not understand on the space magic circle, and then activated the teleportation circle.

For seven days, Seven forgot to sleep and eat, and finally established a stable space teleportation array between Silver Eden and Griffin City according to Adam's order.

The space coordinates have also been officially upgraded from the two-number coordinates common to the main material plane to three numbers representing the multiverse.

"Gentlemen, stand in the teleportation array, and we will reach the inner plane in about two seconds, just like this."

Alman warned, enter the space teleportation array first, and disappear after a burst of white light.

"Wow!" The mages were amazed again and again. Although they were well-informed, it was the first time they had seen such a magical tool as the space teleportation array.

Sirius cautiously entered the teleportation circle, and before he could react, he was in a trance, and then saw a group of fellow mages who were stunned.

"Welcome to the silver plane of Eden!" A gentle voice came from the side.

Only then did Sirius find a knight in silver armor standing with their ministers, welcoming them.

"Lord Andrew!" Sirius recognized him, the legendary sword master who was awarded the title of paladin at the New Year celebration!

"Arman, you can take them around Silver Eden first, and the work will start in the afternoon."

Sirius didn't hear what the paladin said to Arman later, because like his colleagues, his attention was soon attracted by the beautiful world slowly unfolding in front of him.

"Seven-story holy mountain, surrounded by four rivers, Eden, this is the Eden recorded in the holy scriptures!" (To be continued.)

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