
Shibasaori also discovers the blue-haired boy who becomes the focus of the entire stadium.

As a woman.

The first moment she saw God’s heart, her eyes lit up.

“So handsome!”

“It’s like coming out of an idol TV series!”

“Who is this person? Is it also a member of the Lihai Grand Tennis Club? ”

Shiba Saori said as her eyes lit up.

Obviously, when she was interviewing at Qingxue, she also joined the “Ryoma Fan Support Group” founded by Ming Xiang, a first-year girl in Qingxue.

Now that she sees the gods, she has left Echizen Ryoma behind.

Compared with the blue-haired boy in front of him, the first impression of Echizen Ryoma alone lost.

“Zhisha, the game is about to start, you must record this game well.”

“He is the main target of our visit to Lihai Grand Tennis Club this time.”

Mamoru Inoue reminded the assistant beside him.

But the words just fell.

The sound of the Shiba Saori camera “clicking” was already ringing in my ears.

“Leave it to me! Inoue senpai! ”

Mamoru Inoue turned around.

Shibasaori had already pointed her camera at Kamisato sitting on the bench.

“Shooting handsome guys is such a thing, I don’t need to remind me to do it 100%!”

After a sharp shot.

Shibasaori looked at the gods she had recorded in the camera, and couldn’t help but feel crazy.

“Really handsome!! There are still such outstanding temperament people in the Lihai Grand Tennis Club, why didn’t they find it before!!! ”


Shiba Saori’s eyes also turned into peach hearts.

Mamoru Inoue: “…”

Although he really wanted to tell Shiba Saori that this idea was “very punishable”, but seeing Shiba Saori’s face full of head, Inoue Mamoru obediently closed his mouth.

Just get the job done.

On the pitch.

Kirihara couldn’t wait, picked up the racket and looked at Kamisai with excitement on his face.

If it’s about tennis.

At school, he thought he would not lose to anyone other than the Big Three of Lihai.

That’s his confidence.

At that time.

Shen Li sat on the bench, his face calm, and his expression did not show any waves.

It doesn’t seem to care too much about this game.

But in the eyes of outsiders.

The fundamental reason why God was able to maintain a calm appearance came from his own great strength and self-confidence.

No warm-up.

There are not too many words.

There is not even an outward gas.

At this time, the god still attracts countless eyes.


Yukimura suddenly spoke.

“Why did you suddenly agree to play?”

Yukimura’s problem made Sanada and Marui also very concerned.

Because that’s what they want to ask.

Not going to the tennis court has become the default rule for everyone.

They absolutely did not believe that the gods were stimulated by Kirihara’s words.

That kind of low-level verbal stimulation, even they will not pay attention to it, let alone the gods.

If not for verbal stimulation, then what exactly?

Yukimura wondered.

Sanada wondered.

Everyone wants to know.


One second.

Two seconds.

Kamisato still did not turn around, and said with his back to Yukimura and several people

“Lihai University’s tennis needs a future.”

“The gods can only give three consecutive hegemonies to Lihai.”


“I want more than three consecutive hegemonies.”

“I believe in Sanada’s vision.”

“I also think this little guy will be the future [King General].”

This moment.

The voice of the gods echoed in the minds of several Zhengxuan, and brought a huge impact to their hearts.

Everyone was silent.

Only Yukimura smiled.

“I see.”

“It is our honor to have you, the [King General], as the helmsman!”

God did not answer. Nodded and stood up.

“God… Kamisato-sama… Racket! ”

Just together.

Several members of the courtside club looked excited, and their faces turned red and lined up in front of Shenli.

They all bowed seventy degrees, and their hands touched all kinds of rackets.

Each of these rackets is bandaged, brand new, and all are valuable rackets.

Full of platoon.

But from beginning to end, God did not tell them to do this.

For them, it is simply an honor that God can use their rackets.

For these.

The gods were surprised, their eyes swept slightly over the rackets in their hands, and they walked forward, but did not choose any of them.

This scene made those members feel a little lonely.


Kamisato went straight to the corner of the court and picked up a scarred pale yellow racket.

Reached out and knocked twice on the racket, shaking off a little dust.

Then he took the pale yellow racket and walked into the stadium under the gaze of everyone.

“Let’s get started.”

Kamisaki said indifferently.


“You play with this racket?”

Kirihara was stunned.

He noticed the racket in Kamisato’s hand.

The ball frame is badly worn, there are large areas of scratches, and even on the shooting surface, there are several holes.

Playing with this kind of racket is simply impossible.

The racket surface affects the shot, and extensive wear on the edge of the frame is likely to cause the racket to break when the ball is received.

To put it mildly.

But with a little force, you can break the racket.

With this racket, it is impossible to even do the basic serve.

“This racket is enough.”

“No need to guess the side, the serve is for you.”


Kamisa’s face did not change, and the flat answer still stimulated Kirihara.

Even the serve was surrendered.


Kirihara doesn’t care so much anymore.

The corners of his mouth rose and he smiled slightly.

“Since you’re going to pretend, then pretend.”

“Anyway, soon you will be on your knees begging for mercy.”

“You’ll see! Tachikai University’s second-year ace, Akaya Kirihara’s tennis!! ”


(ps: Thank you to the officials for the flowers and evaluation tickets, thank you for the traceless, holiday, 13 big guys for the rewards, tonight overnight!) )

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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