“After becoming a vampire, the biological clock is completely reversed.”

Lily-Apocalypse couldn’t help being a little annoyed by such a conclusion.

But there is no good way.

The sunlight during the day will hurt her, so she always finds a quiet place during the day ~ sleep well.

If you get enough sleep, you won’t be able to fall asleep at night.

“Tsk, go back after eating something, Jianghai City is not very safe here.”

After talking to herself, Lily raised her head and glanced worriedly in the direction of the central square.

Just at noon.

There was an explosion of thunder at that position.

She was awakened at that time, and only felt a breath as heavy as the sky rising and falling—as if, there was a terrifying figure ruling the world.

That feeling came and went quickly.

If she didn’t trust her intuition 100%, she almost thought it was an illusion.

[Arbitration of God’s authority? Even my grandfather who has been an archbishop for decades can’t do it]

【Is there such a person in China】

【I heard that the owner of this city is the brave man who faced the evil god. Do you want to meet him now? 】

Lily’s heart skipped a beat.

But the strong hunger in her belly forced her to compromise with reality.

“Let’s go eat first…”

Make such a decision.

Lily started looking for a nearby restaurant.

In fact, after becoming a vampire, ordinary human food can no longer fill her stomach—because the immortal body needs more original energy supplements.

More because, when piercing the cross with the Holy Lance, the Holy Spirit cursed her.

[Except for human blood, all food should not be able to satisfy your desire]

Lily doesn’t like human blood.

She is constantly hypnotizing herself, she only needs the dietary needs of normal people.

Well, it’d better be delicious.

It’s better to satisfy the desire of the tongue.

Relying on her intuition, Lily came to a beautifully decorated restaurant, and she wanted to try exquisite western food.

Lily walked into this western restaurant with few customers.

The consumption here is very high, and most of the guests are petty bourgeoisie.

So, when she walked in, she attracted everyone’s attention.

Because of the evening dress on Lily.

The off-the-shoulder slim white shirt is decorated with mandala floral decorations.

The lavender belt tightened her waist tightly, and the black dress was incredibly smooth, and it was made of unknown rare fabrics, with a long and luxurious look behind her.

And the skirt in front only hangs down on the thigh.

Just right, in stark contrast to those slender legs wrapped in white stockings.

Black and white are distinct, vivid and bright.

Just this gorgeous and elegant luxury long dress is not something ordinary people can afford.

Not to mention, the luxurious hair accessories on the side ponytail of this silver-haired girl.

The hair accessories made of sterling silver are sharp in shape and full of an indescribable sense of sharpness. The black lace on the hair accessories adds a bit of mystery and elegance to the girl.

Although it looks like he’s just a primary school student… or a junior high school student.

However, the girl’s face as if carved by a god, and this outrageously luxurious evening dress still gave people a strong visual impact.

“Welcome, what would you like to eat, miss?”

A young lady waiter hurried over to greet her.

Her attitude was very respectful and cautious.

She didn’t know which rich lady this was, so she could only guess that this person probably sneaked out during the dinner.

Came to this high-end western restaurant…

Um, for ordinary people, it is considered high-end.

But for this kind of lady, this place is no better than a food stall.

So, her attitude is very cautious.

Lily was surprised by the other party’s respect.

【Is it because of this shameful clothes…】

She walked in without showing any timidity.

“What do you recommend here?”

The waitress hesitated for a moment, but finally she mustered up her courage and said, “The caviar and truffles here are very good, using the best ingredients.”


“It’s just…they may not be that advanced.”


Lily’s attire, as well as her aloof aura, made this young lady be as cautious as possible in her words, so as not to cause this young lady’s displeasure.

Lily sat on the seat like a lady.

She held the menu without any expression.

Because she was trying her best not to let her stomach make an embarrassing sound.

Flip through the menu.

A lot of regular western food dishes, because Jianghai City is near the sea, so there are a lot of them.Fish related dishes.

…I want to eat them all.

Then go ahead.

“It’s fine if it’s not so unpalatable.”

The waiter nodded nervously and said, “Okay, I’ll serve it up for you right away.”

Looking at the back of the other party leaving in a hurry, Lily apologized to her silently in her heart.

I am sorry.

I’m not a rich man.

Hmm… I don’t think you have any money.

After eating this meal, the money she collected from those social dregs was almost exhausted.

What should I do next?

Looking for a remote place to work?

No, it’s impossible to work part-time…

The dishes were served quickly.

After a while, her western food arrived.

Lily took a sip, raised her eyebrows slightly, and found that the western food in this eastern city was actually not bad.

Slowly enjoy your dinner.

Lily wiped her mouth with a napkin and stood up gracefully.

She didn’t call the waiter to pay the bill, but just casually left a dozen red banknotes on the table, and left the restaurant like a real lady.

“Miss, here is your change.”

“No, that’s your tip.”

Pretending to be aggressive requires skill.

It seems very unpleasant to wait for others to give the change, and then deduct some money from it as a tip.

How nice it is like this.

It’s very chic to say “That’s your tip” without looking back – even if she is down to this point, Lily-Apocalypse is still a dignified nobleman.

She’s unrestrained, she doesn’t pretend.

Walking out of the western restaurant in a chic manner, Miss Lily’s vanity was greatly satisfied when she heard the surprised voice of the waitress behind her.

Strong to the extreme blood-sucking urge.

She was suppressed again.

【Ah, the needle doesn’t poke…you have to find a place to sleep at dawn】

[I heard from those homeless people that the city’s under the bridge is a good location]

Even though I’m about to go to sleep on the street.

But the elegant Miss Lily didn’t panic at all, she was still so calm and graceful.

She stopped suddenly, stared at the rearview mirror of a car beside her, and said softly: “Follow me again, and I will go to the mirror world to destroy you! Evil spirit!”

A woman’s embarrassed laughter came from the mirror.



“What a cute girl.”

After having dinner in the western restaurant, Chu Xiaonan watched the silver-haired girl leave with admiration from the heart.

“It’s really temperamental.”

“Is she a child of a rich local family…”

“Why haven’t I seen it?”

It seems that something happened to the special class.

Both “Sherlock Holmes” and “Watson” of the detective agency are busy, and Chu Xiaonan, the “Mrs. Hudson” who is in charge of the kitchen, has to help look after the shop alone on weekends.

Just today, she received a commission.

Another strange case of a corpse being stolen.

It took a whole day to sort out the clues, but Chu Xiaonan still had no clue.

She was so irritable that she was in no mood to cook by herself.

After eating at the western restaurant and seeing a very cute silver-haired girl, Xiao Nan’s restless mood gradually calmed down. She went home and had a good sleep.

The next day is Sunday.

Chu Xiaonan got up early, ready to continue tracking down the corpse case.

“It’s a pity that Sister Qingqing is not here, it won’t be so boring for two people to solve the case together…”

It’s a pity that Ye Qingqing was taken back by the Ye family.

Don’t even think about playing if you can’t practice Huajin.

Chu Xiaonan felt very regretful.

After breakfast, she continued to investigate vigorously.

After she enlightened her spirit, she gradually developed her own abilities. Although she has no fighting power, it is very useful for investigating cases.

It’s just that this case seems to be beyond her ability.

She tracked down until the evening, but she didn’t get anything. Instead, she was fed mouthfuls of dog food by couples on the street, which made her scream to death.


Carrying a handbag.

The girl took a nap at the street corner.

Suddenly, her eyelids started to twitch wildly.


Around her, there is an [abnormal] thing!

Following this obvious feeling, Chu Xiaonan suddenly turned around… and saw a couple cuddling together.

“…Special dog food?”

“No… something is wrong!”

The girl’s eyes were fixed.

The couple looked very young, probably in their early twenties. They cuddled together, talked and laughed, and occasionally rubbed each other’s ears, which made people grind their teeth.

Chu Xiaonan narrowed her eyes.

What made her feel abnormal… was that man.

It was a man with dyed yellow hair, and his taste in clothes was at the forefront of fashion. He was very handsome in terms of facial features, and he was amazing at first glance.

…… 0

This is, if you look at it for a long time, you will feel empty and tasteless.

The most important thing is… her temperament is not very good, and she always has a feeling of putting on airs.

This kind of person made Chu Xiaonan subconsciously think of the difficult profession of “Cowherd”.


Chu Xiaonan had to pay attention to the strong strangeness.

This man is definitely different from ordinary people!

This kind of cognition was instantly formed in the girl’s mind and became a fixed impression.

She narrowed her eyes.

Slightly hesitating, he followed behind the couple, not forgetting to send a text message to Alice on his mobile phone to inquire.

The latter’s reply was very slow.It took ten minutes to reply.

“Don’t be impulsive, come back.”


Xiao Nan looked at the backs of the couple in front of him and frowned.

She intuitively felt that this was a very important clue, and it would be a pity to give up now.

“Let me observe first, nothing will happen.”

The girl turned her phone to silent.

She pretended to be an ordinary passerby, and followed at a distance.

From time to time, she would quickly buy a hat or scarf in the surrounding shops to use as a disguise.

Follow the couple.

When the sun set, Chu Xiaonan came to a somewhat special street in the new urban area.

On this street, there are many foot-washing cities and love hotels.

Chu Xiaonan has never been here before, but only heard about it from her classmates.

She pretended to be a passerby, and bought a cup of steaming milk tea on the side of the street, and held it in her hand without drinking it.

It looks like an ordinary high school girl.

It’s just that her body is so good that people passing by think she is a tertiary industry practitioner who came here to trade flesh and blood.

The sky was getting dark and the sun was setting.

The afterglow of the setting sun receded from the street and slowly disappeared.

The reddish twilight covered the sky and the earth, and gradually shrouded this place—one thing to say, except for those peach-colored atmospheres, this place is still a bustling commercial street.

From the outside, this is just a street full of life.

Restaurants, convenience stores, barbecue shops, hardware stores…Because it is close to the school, there are quite a few stationery stores here.

People are coming and going on the street, and cars are passing by.

The sound of bargaining, the sound of children crying, the arrogant laughter from the chess and card room, the sound of the network administrator arguing with customers in the Internet cafe… All kinds of sounds are very noisy.

A strong breath of life rushed over.

Standing at the entrance of the street.

Chu Xiaonan only felt creepy.

She felt that she was not standing on the street in the world.

Instead, he came to the barren mountains and was being observed and peeped by countless pairs of eyes.


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