In the world constructed by Yangshen.

Air currents of five different colors rolled down, like a Tai Chi wheel, and suddenly turned into Lin Que in a formal suit.

This is at the illusory spiritual level.

Whether it’s the warm sun or the fragrant grass, they are all false illusions he evolved with the sun god.

“Where should I start…”

In spiritual communication, nothing can deceive people.

Lily-Apocalypse pondered for a moment: “There is no need to talk about topics that are too long ago. The original intention of my coming here is actually for you, Mr. Lin.”

Lin Que was speechless.

Back then, I was joking with Alice.

What’s the matter, you really came to see me?

“Don’t think about it, it must be Bloody Mary who told you bad things about me, otherwise we never met, what do you want me for?”

“It has nothing to do with her. I came here to ask Mr. Lin a question.”

The saint lowered her eyes: “Gods are higher than our dimension, and the essence of life is at a height unimaginable by human beings. In Christianity, human beings are even God’s creations.”

Lin Quadro nodded: “I’ve heard that God created man, then what? What’s your problem?”

“I heard that Mr. Lin once confronted the evil god?”

“It’s not counted. At most, a Qiuqiu person has occupied the Advent Body of the evil god. Otherwise, I really can’t beat it.”

Lin Que became more and more curious about what she wanted to ask.

“Whether it is evil gods or gods, they are existences far higher than human beings… What I want to ask is how Mr. Lin views those great gods.”

“What’s the meaning?”

“If one day you faced your Creator directly, what would you do?”

Lin Que was surprised: “You… have seen God?”

Lily shook her head.

Then he showed a smile: “However, after seeing Mr. Lin for the first time, my apocalypse told me that you are a person who never entrusts your destiny to gods.”

“You don’t have faith, or rather, you only believe in yourself.”

“So, I don’t need to ask any more.”

Lin Que was confused.

But this does not prevent him from understanding what the girl said about “Apocalypse” – it is a spiritual realm similar to “The Way of Sincerity”, but it is more versatile.

[The Way of Sincerity] You can only feelBe aware of your own misfortune and fortune, whether there is a crisis coming.

And [Apocalypse] is to perceive the flow of fate and make the most beneficial choice for oneself with intuition.

[The Way of Sincerity] During the period of the Republic of China, there were still four more realms, and [Apocalypse]… since the death of Joan of Arc, no one has ever cultivated it.

Because that not only requires an extremely strong spirit.

It also requires a firm belief, and even a unity of knowledge and action, so that there is such a slight possibility of success.

Only now did Lin Que truly realize how extraordinary this girl is.

In the main world, Lily is the most spiritually powerful human being he has ever seen.

Even Longtai, who is playing with magic, can’t compare to her.

And it is absolutely impossible for such a character to be induced by evil spirits to fall into evil!

She chose to pierce the cross with the Holy Lance, choose to become a vampire, and escape from the Holy See of Mathematics…

That must be fate guiding her.

After Lin Que figured this out, his face became serious.

“If you have no questions, then I have a question to ask you…Your Excellency, what made you betray the Light God Sect? Or say!”

He added: “What did Bloody Mary tell you?”

“She told me the truth, and I just happened to feel that if I continue to stay in the Holy See, I will die.”

“What truth?”

The girl was silent again.

She seemed to be organizing her words: “Mr. Lin, do you know about the Philosopher’s Stone?”


The Stone of Philosophy.

The stone in the sky.

fifth Element.

Alchemists are relentlessly pursuing this substance that only exists in legends, so it has also been given titles such as great miracles and great creations.

Because, it is indeed the pinnacle of alchemy.

It is the mystery of mysteries.

is the greatness of greatness.

It is the power of morality and gods, and the limit of human wisdom.

It is also the ultimate and most incredible result of all sages operating through wisdom.

“Well, I heard that it is a very remarkable thing.”

Lin Que recalled the knowledge of the alchemy department he had acquired in the past few days.

There are various alchemy systems, but no matter which school it is, [Equivalent Exchange] and [Sage’s Stone] cannot be avoided.

“It is eternal glory.”

“It is a panacea that can cure all diseases.”

“It’s the glorious phoenix of Enze Heaven.”

“There are so many plausible titles, I’m really curious, what is the so-called Philosopher’s Stone… The Light God Sect claims that you stole that thing?”

Lin Que suddenly shut up.

Because he discovered that Lily’s mental state was extremely unstable.

A lot of emotions flooded her mental body with ripples. Obviously, what she was going to say next…

Absolutely shocking.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Even though Lin Que was mentally prepared, he couldn’t help but was so shocked that he couldn’t speak.

“The Philosopher’s Stone…”

She showed an expression that she didn’t know how to describe.

The soft words seemed to be blown away by the wind at any time, but they contained an unimaginable weight.

“……it is me.”


“And my creator, the [God] who created me, is my grandfather… the archbishop of the Holy See of Mathematics.”

Her smile was very sad.

There is firmness and peace in sadness.

Many years ago, the Archbishop of the Holy See of Mathematics collected a lot of materials and souls during the World War, and used alchemy to refine a semi-finished Philosopher’s Stone.

The real Philosopher’s Stone is actually a red stone made from the soul of a living person.

However, that was not the genuine product he wanted.

For decades, he has been improving this semi-finished product, but unfortunately, he has achieved little.

until the rise of modern biotechnology.

On a whim, he put this semi-finished product into a certain woman’s stomach, and gave birth to a lovely baby girl like a child.

The Archbishop was overjoyed and personally named her “Lily”.

And let her grow up healthy and normal in the church orphanage, and when she was ten years old, she was admitted to the Holy See of Mathematics.

Impart knowledge.

to give faith.

define life.

Before knowing the truth, Lily would have thought that this was the love and nurturing of her granddaughter by a kind grandfather, as well as the careful training of the next Archbishop.

However, after knowing the truth.

Lily was horrified – because she found out that all her grandfather did was watering and fertilizing a fruit tree.

“I am a ripe fruit.”

“He wants to harvest the fruit and eat me…I don’t want to be eaten by him, so I can only run away.”

The girl calmed down.

“Mr. Lin, do you have anything else to ask?”

there is none left.

After knowing her true identity, Lin Que understood the other party’s previous question.

If one day you faced your Creator directly, what would you do?

The archbishop’s relationship with her.

It’s even more complicated than the relationship between the Creator and the Creator.

Her life, her knowledge, her skills, her beliefs… were all given by the other party. .

Even her personality was subtly shaped by the other party.

Encountered this kind of opponent.

How to resist?

Do you want to resist?

She came to Huaxia in a daze, and was very disappointed when she saw Lin Que who had no faith at all.

Very envious.

“No wonder…”

Lin QueFeeling that the other party’s breath is no different from that of human beings.

Countless Taoist priests in ancient China pursued the great art of golden elixir, and countless Taoist priests burned lead to smelt mercury all their lives, all pursuing the nine-turn golden elixir that can instantly become immortal after eating one!

——And now, Jindan is right in front of his eyes.

Although he no longer needs it.

From the alchemist’s point of view.

Human beings should never grow old or die.

And the reason why there is birth, old age, sickness and death is because human beings will suffer from diseases.

It is the result of death due to old age and disease caused by the human body being in a certain immature state.

Alchemy thinks.

When the human body is in a completely perfect state, it will naturally be free from disease and disaster, and live forever.

To keep the human body in a mature and perfect state… you need the Philosopher’s Stone!

That is the ladder from people to gods!

Lin Que sensed Lily’s spirit again.

He can be sure that if ordinary people eat her, they will immediately approach the 300 mark in both physical and mental attributes!

If the archbishop ate her, he might break 300 mentally.

And if I eat her, although the benefit is not great, it is still a small benefit anyway.

“Then Bloody Mary and the people behind her are probably also coveting your fruit.”

But, why must the holy girl be induced to suck blood?

This is where Lin Que and Lili couldn’t figure it out, but now they can only guess that it might be some kind of ritual of the blood race.

Lin Que had a strange expression.

“Are you not afraid that I will eat you?”

Lily smiled: “I don’t think you are that kind of person.”

“Is it Apocalypse again?”

“No, it’s a woman’s intuition.”

Lin Que found it interesting: “In your intuition, what kind of person am I?”


What else can it be.

“He’s a good guy… isn’t he?”

“Then Ms. Lily, I’m doing a righteous act by helping you. Shouldn’t you give me a little favor 1.0?”

Find out the ins and outs of the matter.

Lin Que began to ask for favors—after all, if he helped her, he would not only offend the evil forces behind Bloody Mary, but also offend the archbishop of Vienna.

And taking in an evil vampire… This will also tarnish the image of Huaxia Special Class.

There will definitely be inquiries from the headquarters.

Although Lin thinks highly of himself, is tough and domineering, he doesn’t care much about other people’s thoughts.

But he needs to be paid.

It’s not okay to help for free.

Even a beautiful girl can’t be free.

She was a little embarrassed: “Except for myself, I can’t think of anything to give you.”

“In order to redeem yourself, are you going to sell yourself?”

“As long as you help me, I can help deal with the evil spirits in China. I can still fight them very well.”

Not only is he very good at fighting.

[Apocalypse]’s spiritual realm, rich combat experience, plus the divine weapon [Hecate]…

Her overall strength is definitely stronger than that of the branch heads of the special classes.

Even in Yanjing headquarters, there are not many who can overwhelm her.

If he could harvest such a loli… No, if he could harvest such a strong person, Lin Que would be able to relax a lot.

“Will it be the sword in my hand…”

“Well, ten years, at your disposal.”

Lin Que showed a smile.

“make a deal!”


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