The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 80: ?? is just embarrassing the swordsman

The gate of the Ayatsuji Kendojo is almost rotten and looks crumbling.

Two or three students of Greedy Wolf Academy were squatting at the door, cigarettes between their fingertips. In the dark night, the flames were flaring up and down, and occasionally they let out obscene laughter.

These people are all guys who have appeared in the family restaurant before.

It seems that the scar has been healed and the pain has been forgotten, but he has actually forgotten the shriveled food he ate at home an hour ago, and started to act like a child again.

"Hey, you guys are rude."

Jiang Li stepped forward, the expression on his face was the same as before.

"Gah... Ugh—!"

When the gangsters heard the contempt, they subconsciously tilted their heads to intimidate.

When they saw Jiang Li's face, the expressions of these three people were as frightened as a white rabbit being stared at by a cheetah.

"Take me to see the Kurashiki Tibetans."

Jiang Li approached with a smile on his face.

"Seeing that you are all very kind people, wouldn't you be unwilling to help?"

Although the three of them had a tattoo, a bald head, and a finger tiger on their hands, they all had smiles on their faces, and they all seemed to be very kind people.

If they are not kind, then Jiang Li will help them be kind.



A few people were startled again, and quickly made a gesture of congratulations.

"I, I'm going to inform Claude!"

The last person hurriedly smeared oil on the soles of his feet and hurried towards the center of the mansion.

Jiang Li didn't care either, and led Gui Deyuan Yafang and Aya Tsuji Ayase, and under the fearful gaze of all the greedy students in the courtyard, they drove straight in and entered the small house in the center.

Having witnessed the confrontation between Jiang Li and the Kurashiki Tibetans, and knowing his strong background and the power of the wealthy woman on the other side, no one would rush up to stop them ignorantly.

Inside the dojo.

Kurashiki Tibetan was sitting alone on the sofa that had been brought in from the outside. He looked up at the sky and sighed impatiently along with the smoke of the cigarette.

Those companions who admired him were kicked out by him because he was thinking about problems.

"Such powerful swordsmen can't actually kill each other... how boring!"

Kurashiki Tibetans are thinking.

He was thinking about how to force the swordsman named Nanxiang Jiangli to a duel with him.

Two years ago, he beat all of Ayatsuji Kaito's disciples to the point of abandoning their kendo, and forced Ayatsuji Kaito to duel with himself, but this method cannot be replicated on this guy.

If he is really a disciple of the God of Fighting, or even a direct descendant, then there will indeed be a group of terrifying knife cutters around him.

Needless to say, "Yashahime", "Rachel" and "Scarlet Lady" are also tricky characters, neither of which he can easily provoke.

"It would be great if Greedy Wolf, like Wuqu Academy and Pojun Academy, would have a selection battle, so that every day can be exciting and exciting..."

The selection battle system first started at the Martial Arts Academy.

Therefore, Wuqu Academy has been able to take the top three at the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival in the past five years, because this school is completely based on strength, while other schools still only look at grades.

After Shinguuji Kurono took office, he just picked up his predecessors, Yahui, imitating the system of Wuqu Academy, and also set up a selection system in Pojun Academy.

"Claude, that..."

"I should have said not to disturb me when I was thinking about things."

"That's right, but the guy I met tonight, he knocked on the door!"


For a moment, the Kurashiki Tibetan almost thought he had heard it wrong.

Didn't that guy advertise that he was a good student and didn't fight outside casually?

How long has it been since?

He hadn't even thought of a way to force him to duel with him. Did he actually come to the door by himself?

"Hahahaha! What, isn't this very interesting!"

Kurashiki Tibetan stood up from the sofa with a roar, his face full of excitement from the upcoming fight.

at this time.


As the wooden door was slammed open, the three figures were also imprinted into his eyes.

The other two women had already been ignored by him for the first time. His eyes were fixed on the boy in the middle, and the shark teeth couldn't stop grinning.

Ayatsuji Ayase is a weak person, he was not his opponent two years ago, and he has not made any progress in the past two years, so he can't expect it at all.

Although the Scarlet Lady is very strong, she is not a swordsman, she relies on her powerful abilities, and his abilities are restrained by her, so it doesn't make any sense to fight.

His favorite is to fight with swordsmen!

He hopelessly enjoyed the feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife, every sword clash made his heart beat faster, and every injury aroused his ferocity, making him tremble uncontrollably.

"It seems that you are still a swordsman after all, so you can't help the joy of fighting!"

The Kurashiki Tibetan showed a reckless smile.

He looked at Jiang Li frantically, knowing that he was a very powerful swordsman, and he couldn't hold back his desire to fight him.

"I'm not interested in you at all, and I'm not here to find you."

But facing his fanatical eyes, Jiang Li spat instead.

"It's better to say, I don't like what you do very much, don't look like you've met someone of the same kind."


The Kurashiki Tibetans sneered and disagreed.

"What's wrong with enjoying fighting? Isn't this the fate that swordsmen should bear?"

"Whether you enjoy the fight or not is up to you, not me."

Jiang Li pouted and sneered.

"It's normal to want to fight with the strong. This is the instinct of a swordsman. I often have this idea, but if the other party is unwilling to fight, I will only ask for advice and learn. I won't do anything like you do. You This kind of practice is nothing but humiliation for the swordsman."

"...Are you finished?"

"It's over."

"Then let's fight!"

The Kurashiki Tibetans dismissed his words as a deaf ear, and grinned again on his face.


Jiang Li also agreed unequivocally.

He didn't intend to preach to the Kurashiki Tibetans either. He said this just to vent his dissatisfaction with this kind of guy. He was always the type to vent his dissatisfaction in person.

To put it simply, it is to speak bluntly and never feel wronged.

Of course, if you can't beat it, feel sorry for yourself, it's fine if you don't vent.

Greedy Wolf's students cleaned up the dojo, carried out all the messy things, and left the venue to the two of them.

Jiang Li and Kurashiki Tibetans stood on both sides of the dojo, about ten meters apart.

This battle is a battle of real swords and guns.

Jiang Li summoned the Spiritual Equipment Burling Saber, and the Kurashiki Tibetans also summoned their own white-boned sword, Orochimaru.

The rich woman on the other side stood in the corner, opened the student handbook and started recording.

Ayatsuji Ayase cast a hateful look at Kurashiki Tibetans, raised her hand in the center of the two, and waved it down sharply.

"Game start!"

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