Bao Huamao came over in the evening, and as soon as he saw Tian Shao, he said that he was about to starve to death, and we would talk about it after dinner.

Tian Shao first asked Ah Xiang to bring the food, and then asked: "What have you been up to recently, so tired?"

Bao Huamao unscrewed his tie, with a look of anger on his face, and said, "Someone messed with me, causing a batch of my goods to be detained at the customs. I've been looking for someone to clear up the relationship these two days."

Tian Shao was a little puzzled, Bao Huamao is a tactful person who will not take it easy, she asked, "Why did you offend the other party?"

A look of unnaturalness flashed across Bao Huamao's face, and he said, "Two months ago, I was drinking with my friends in a nightclub. When I got too drunk, I got into a fight with a few people in the box next door. Someone in the other party's family held an important position in the customs. Take the opportunity to punish me when you get back to the scene."

Normally, he would never have conflicts with others just because of a few unsavory words, so he said drinking was a mistake!

Tian Shao was not so easy to fool, thinking that there must be something going on here. But she didn't ask, it's meaningless: "Then you find someone who has weight to act as an intermediary, and shake hands with the other party to make peace."

Bao Huamao shook his head and said, "I've found it, but the other party won't let me in. I've already given in a step, but the other party still won't let me go. I don't want to act like I'm afraid of him."

At that time, both parties were at fault, and he had already apologized and offered generous gifts. If the other party didn't show face, he couldn't beg for mercy. If he still keeps his goods, he will fight back.

Tian Shao did not persuade that peace is the most important thing. In Hong Kong City, it is also very important to properly display your financial resources and connections, otherwise people will think you are a soft persimmon, and everyone will step on you.

After dinner, Bao Huamao spread out the map he brought on the table, pointed to four places and said, "These four lands will be auctioned in ten days."

Tian Shao glanced at Bao Huamao and said, "I'm not you. I grew up in Hong Kong City. I don't know where you mean that. Take me to see these four places tomorrow. If you feel It’s good to buy and stock up.”

The real estate company mainly hoards land for residential use, but she also wants to buy two pieces of land to build office buildings, so that she can collect rent in the future.

Bao Huamao reported the price, and then said: "The previous land auctions have all failed. Now that the real estate market is in a downturn, the banks are more strict with this area."

It is impossible to pay such a large amount of money in full, so a loan must be taken. It's just that there are many restrictions on bank loans, and the amount is not as large as before.

Tian Shao said: "Let's look at the land first!"

Make sure you want to buy the land first, and then talk about raising money. If you don’t see the land, it’s a waste of time to talk about it.

Tian Shao, the real estate company, took the lead, so Bao Huamao naturally had nothing to say.

Tian Shao took out two pieces of embroidery, one was a happy marriage, and the other was a picture of rich and noble peonies embroidered by Sanya. The happy marriage is for Bao's mother, and the rich peony picture is for Bao Huamao.

Bao Huamao was surprised when he got the embroidery, and asked, "Is it for me and Mommy?"

Having known Tian Shao for so many years, it was the first time I received a gift from her, and I received two at a time. Especially the happy marriage for his mommy, it looks like it was carefully prepared.

Tian Shao said with a smile: "My sister embroidered this picture of rich and noble peonies. I thought you would like it, so I took it here. How about it, do you like it?"

Bao Huamao naturally liked it: "I will send it to be framed tomorrow, and then hang it in the office."

Tian Shao has never been to Bao Huamao's office, but he has seen the photos, and the decoration is magnificent. This painting is not too obtrusive to hang in the office.

Bao Huamao put away the two paintings, and said with some regret: "My mommy held a wedding in Australia last month, and I wanted to invite you to attend, but unfortunately you didn't come."

Even if Tian Shao was in Hong Kong City, she would not go to the wedding. She has only met Mother Bao once and is not familiar with her. If the wedding banquet is in Hong Kong City, she will go to drink the wedding wine, let alone Australia, it is too far away.

Tian Shao said, "How is it? Did the wedding go well?"

She said this because she knew that Bao Huacan and his wife opposed Bao's mother's remarriage.

Bao Huamao smiled and said: "Before the wedding, I told my brother that if they dare to interfere with the wedding, I will ask Mommy to change her will and leave all the money to me. Once they heard this, they would not dare to make trouble anymore."

After a pause, he continued: "My uncle doesn't want my mommy to remarry either, saying that remarrying at such an old age is shameful. This time my mommy got married, so I didn't invite them."

When Bao's mother divorced, his uncle initially disagreed, feeling ashamed to divorce at such an old age. Later, knowing that Bao's mother would get a large sum of money if she wanted to divorce, she urged her to divorce so that she could extract money from Bao's mother. But he didn't expect Bao's mother to give the property to her two sons as soon as she got divorced, and he went crazy. Later, Bao's mother went to Australia, and there was no contact.

Tian Shao nodded and said: "It's not a sincere blessing, and I don't care about their coming."

Bao Huamao also thought so, so the relatives on his mother's side only invited a few people. As soon as the wedding was over, he asked Mother Bao and the doctor to go to Europe for their honeymoon at his expense. In the first half of her life, her mother had only a few days of comfort, and Bao Huamao hoped that she would be happy every day for the rest of her life.

Tian Shao joked: "If Hong Kong City selects the most filial children in the city, then you will definitely be ranked."

Bao Huamao laughed and said, "I can't be ranked. In my father's place, I am a heinous and unfilial son. He even let it go, saying that he would not give me a cent of his property."

If he wanted his property, he would have directly joined the family company after graduating from university, instead of running out to start a business by himself. Even if his head was bloodied in the middle of the collision, he never regretted it. He worked so hard because he didn't want to be controlled by Father Bao for the rest of his life like his elder brother.

Bao Huacan likes the construction industry, and he wants to apply for the Department of Architecture at the university, but Bao's father disagrees and let him fill in the business administration major. As for the reason, it is very simple, the company will inherit from him in the future. Then as soon as he graduated from university, let him marry Huo Meizhu. Although he is the general manager of the company, he has to ask Father Bao about everything, and he has to be scolded if things are not done well. Unlike him, he can decide everything by himself.

Tian Shao said with a smile: "When our real estate company gets up, he won't have the face to say that again."

Hearing this, Bao Huamao said with a smile, "You don't need to wait for our real estate company to get up with the investment company. I have more assets under my name than him now."

Bao's father used to have assets of more than one billion yuan, but when he divorced Bao's mother, he divided up one-third of the property. In the past few years, the general environment has been bad, and his assets have shrunk severely.

Tian Shao smiled and said: "What's this called, green out of blue is better than blue, or is the front wave slapped to death on the beach?"

Bao Huamao laughed loudly and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

Tian Shao saw that his complexion was not very good, and said, "Hurry up and go back to rest, let's go and see those fields tomorrow morning."

Bao Huamao was indeed tired, and there was no need to be polite since the two of them knew each other so well. He got up and said with a smile, "Then let's see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

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