The New Year's Eve dinner is very rich. There are seven hard dishes: baked salt chicken, blood duck, steamed fish, Dongpo pork, red braised lamb, boiled prawns, steamed ham, and three vegetables plus pork ribs and scallop soup.

Looking at the table full of dishes, the eldest aunt lamented Tian Shao's current wealth. Even if it's New Year's Eve, the family doesn't eat so much now.

Half of these dishes are made by Sister Li, and the other half are made by Tian Shao. They are all delicious.

Sankui was tired of eating Cantonese cuisine in Yangcheng, but this time he ate his hometown cuisine, and his forehead was sweating.

Putting down the chopsticks, Sankui said appreciatively, "Cousin, your cooking skills are really getting better and better."

Tian Shao laughed and said, "This is my first time cooking this year."

Sankui smiled and said, "Eldest sister is a superb cook, you don't need to cook every day, the dishes you cook are all delicious. Look at my mother, she has been cooking all her life, and the taste is still the same."

The aunt pretended to be angry and said: "If you think the dishes I cook are not tasty, don't eat them from now on."

Sankui begged for mercy and said: "Mother, I owe it to you. Mother, the food you cook is the best. I can eat three big bowls every meal."

Everyone was happy to see him like this.

Tao Shuhui looked at Sankui affectionately. At first I thought he was a dull person, but I didn't expect him to be very painful. Not only did he call every now and then to inquire about his health, but he also bought a gold necklace, gold ring and gold earrings for her when he came back this time. Although she doesn't wear it, she still feels sweet to have this kind of heart.

Tian Shao took her reaction into his eyes, and was very relieved in his heart. Now that Sankui has a career and his husband and wife are loving, he is worthy of his uncle.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, a new movie was shown in the movie theaters in Forty-Nine City. Now it is different from later generations, there is no publicity before the movie is released, and when a new movie is released, ordinary citizens only know about it when they go to the movie theater. According to later generations, it all depends on the water army.

In the afternoon, Wu Gang came back from the outside and immediately went to Tian Shao, and said to her: "Boss, there is a new movie called "Thirty-eight Days" in the theater. Boss, is this the one you filmed in Hong Kong City?" ?

"What do you think?"

Wu Gang touched his head and said: "I think it should be, how can it be so coincidental with the same name? It's just that Hong Kong City movies can be watched in the mainland?"

Tian Shao said with a smile on hearing the words: "Sakura country's movies can be shown in the mainland, why can't Hong Kong City's movies be shown here?"

Wu Gang couldn't help but said: "There are many movies in Hong Kong City that haven't been released in the mainland?"

One of his favorite things to do in Hong Kong City is to watch movies. He doesn't go to the cinema, it's inconvenient, he just watches it in the home theater in Tianshao's villa.

Tian Shao explained: "That's because many movies in Hong Kong City have too many fighting scenes, and some are very bloody. Considering the bad influence, these have not been introduced to the mainland. But many excellent and positive movies will be introduced."

I have to say that the mainland review system is too cumbersome. Ling Zhijie was running on this matter in March last year, and it was not shown in theaters until now, which was a lot slower.

After confirming the matter, Wu Gang said with a smile: "Boss, if you show everyone a tragedy in this big Chinese New Year, they will definitely be scolded."

It doesn't matter to Tian Shao, if you want to scold him, you can scold him, as long as you can make money.

Many people who watched the movie did start to scold, but they didn't scold the director and screenwriter, but scolded the person who arranged the movie's release time. Everyone rejoices during the Chinese New Year, but they cry so that their throats are hoarse and their eyes are red and swollen, which is very unlucky.

Of course, if you scold me, I will still recommend this movie to people around me. Not only is the plot touching, but the hostess' fashionable dress and avant-garde thinking are also very attractive. Of course, you have to let the people around you cry too, because it's better to be happy alone than to be happy together.

Sankui and Tao Shuhui also went to see it, and went home after watching it. Seeing that her eyes were red and swollen, the aunt thought it was Sankui who made her cry, so she scolded Sankui.

San Kui was very wronged, and said: "Mother, I'm not angry with her, she was the one who cried while watching a movie. Mother, it really has nothing to do with me."

After knowing the reason, the eldest aunt couldn't help scolding: "This is too wicked. If you show such an unlucky movie during the Chinese New Year, your luck for this year will be bad."

Tao Shuhui didn't believe this, she said: "Mom, this movie is really well made, let Sankui take you to see it tomorrow, I'm sure you will be very moved after watching it."

The aunt refused without even thinking about it, and turned around and complained about it to Tian Shao: "This kid Shuhui is good at everything, but he doesn't have a sense of reverence for many things.

"By the way, there are also movie theaters. Those people really have a dark heart in order to make money. It's not good to choose a time. It has to be during the Chinese New Year."

Tian Shao touched his nose. The release time in Hong Kong City was decided by her, and she accepted it even when she was scolded; but the release time here has nothing to do with her, it is completely set by the top.

Seeing that she was silent, the eldest aunt asked, "Da Ya, why don't you speak?"

Tian Shao showed a standard professional smile: "Young people don't believe these things now. If you think it's unlucky, big aunt, just don't go to see it. There's no need to be angry."

The eldest aunt snorted coldly and said, "I definitely won't read it."

Tian Shao didn't want to continue this topic, and said with a smile: "Auntie, last time Dad called and told me that my cousin's house is finished, when will you go back and have a look?"

What Li Dakui built was not a one-story house, but a three-story building with four rooms on each floor. There are a total of twelve houses on the third floor, even if Sankui takes his wife and children back home, there are still some places to live. It was also for building this house that Li Dakui owed more than 1,000 yuan in foreign debts, of which Tian Dalin borrowed 350 yuan, and Niu Zhong also borrowed 300 yuan.

My aunt wished to go back to Yongning County tomorrow, but she just thought about it. Tao Shuhui had to go to work after the Lantern Festival, and no one was taking care of her children. She couldn't leave: "If I want to go back, I have to wait for the summer vacation to go back."

Tao Shuhui has promised her aunt that she will return to Yongning County during the winter and summer vacations. As for herself, she will take her children to Yangcheng to find Sankui. There is also this hope, and the eldest aunt is still stable.

Tian Shao smiled and said, "My parents will bring Siya and Wuya to Sijiu City during the summer vacation. If you want to go back to Yongning County, you might miss it."

Hearing this, the eldest aunt couldn't help but think of what her husband said before. She hesitated for a while and said to Tian Shao: "Xiao Shao, your uncle wants to bring three treasures to study in Sijiu City."

Naturally, Tian Shao felt that it wasn't very good. Li Erkui's responsibility all fell on the uncle and aunt in the end. It's just that she wants to object, as if it's hindering the child's future: "Auntie, you just need to talk to Sankui Shuhui about this."

The eldest aunt said: "I told Sankui, but Sankui didn't dare to respond, saying that Erkui would blame him and Shuhui if the child didn't teach well."

Tian Shao feels that Sankui's mind is becoming more and more clear now: "Auntie, Sankui spends most of his time in Yangcheng. If you want to bring Sanbao here, you have to let Shuhui take care of it. But Shuhui has to take care of her children if she wants to go to work. , how can I have the time and energy to take care of the three treasures. No one cares about the child, and the second cousin will definitely blame you, uncle and Sankui."

The eldest aunt sighed and said nothing more.

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