Bao Huamao came here this time with the attitude of giving it a try, so he was not disappointed if Tian Shao didn't agree. After all, Tian Shao said before that he would not buy land for the time being.

Bao Huamao said: "The embroidery you gave my mommy last time, my cousin and some of my mommy's friends liked it very much, so my mommy just wanted to buy some embroidery for her friends. "

Tian Shao didn't expect a business to come to her door so soon. She smiled and said, "I don't know what kind of look your mommy wants? Festive or simple and elegant?"

Bao Huamao didn't ask so many questions, but this time it's a gift, so the pattern must be different: "I want five pairs of festive simple and elegant, and the patterns are all different. The meaning must be good."

Tian Shao asked in more detail: "Your mommy's friend should be about the same age as her?"

"Well, they are about the same age, and the youngest is only five years younger than her. But these old ladies are full of energy. They gather together every now and then, tasting tea, arranging flowers, dancing, and often travel together."

As soon as Tian Shao heard it, she understood that this was a group of old ladies who had good taste and money and now only enjoyed life. She smiled and said, "A pair of embroidery like this takes about half a year, and it will be delivered at the end of the year. What do you think?"

Sanya could only embroider one pair at most, and had to find someone else for the other nine. However, in the previous two business trips, Sanya also knew a few skilled embroiderers.

Bao Huamao didn't care if it was Sanya's embroidery or someone else's, as long as it was good, he said, "I don't know the market, how many pairs do you want to see?"

Tian Shao gave Sanya two thousand last time, thought for a while and said, "Two thousand five, what do you think?"

"Ten two hundred and five?"

Tian Shao felt that this cold joke was not funny at all: "If you think this is not good, then three thousand."


Bao Huamao would cost tens of thousands of dollars to buy a brand-name bag or jewelry for his mother, and 30,000 yuan to buy ten pairs of embroidery is nothing. Of course, Tian Shao is the middleman, and he won't take the initiative to increase the price for someone else, so he won't be taken advantage of.

Tian Shao laughed, and said: "Two thousand and five is already very profitable, that's the price. By the way, didn't I ask you to recommend He Guang and Cheng Tongxin to bid last time? Why didn't they come?"

Bao Huamao shook his head and said, "The He family heard that the hospital only wanted 3 million products, and then the price was too low, so they didn't participate in the bidding because they felt that there was no profit."

Tian Shao was stunned: "Why are people from the He family so short-sighted?"

Three million is not much, but the mainland market is so big. Establish a good relationship with the relevant hospital first, so you don't have to worry about running out of orders in the future. She also thought that Cheng Tongxin was a smart person, so she mentioned it to Bao Huamao.

Bao Huamao shrugged and said: "Not only the He family, but many people think that the mainland is too poor and there is no market. He Guang wants to come, but he can't make the decision. Forget it, if the opportunity is given, there is nothing you can do if you don't grasp it."

This is the disadvantage of entering a family business. You think this project has the potential to make a lot of money in the future, but the elders are not optimistic about vetoing your proposal, and in the end the project fell through. When I see other people making money from this project, I can only feel annoyed.

Tian Shaoyao felt that Cheng Tongxin was a pity. This woman is very capable and ambitious, but now she is bound by her husband's family business. But what happened to Dai Yuying once is enough, there can't be a second time.

Speaking of Dai Yuying, Tian Shao asked, "How are Tang Zeyu and Sister Dai doing now?"

Tang Zeyu's action movie last year was released on New Year's Day this year, and it sold well, with a box office of more than 20 million. However, because of several turmoil, it can only be considered a balance of payments.

Bao Huamao said with a smile: "He recently invested in two more movies, and I read the scripts very well. Sister-in-law was influenced by you and wanted to open a factory producing baby products. We read the proposal and thought it was good, so we invested in two first." million."

Of course, it was not Bao Huamao's private investment, but an investment company. In the eyes of the outside world, this shows that the investment company is very optimistic about Dai Yuying's project.

Tian Shao recognized Dai Yuying's ability, she said: "As long as she is not restricted by her family, I believe she will be able to run this factory."

Bao Huamao said with a smile: "Boss Tian, ​​if the factory is really set up, you have cultivated another strong woman."

Tian Shao gave him a blank stare, and said, "What kind of strong woman is Xiao Rou? She just wants to rely on herself, and doesn't want to be ridiculed for relying on men anymore."

Bao Huamao felt that there was nothing wrong with relying on men.

After chatting for a while, Bao Huamao said: "I'll go and see my house. If it can be completed this year, I can live in it in the spring of next year."

"Go to the next door and ask two people to accompany you."

When Bao Huamao went to see his house, Tian Shao went to the Second Courtyard to find Sanya, and told her about the order: "His mommy likes your embroidery very much, so she placed an order for ten more pairs. One thousand and five pairs."

Sanya's eyes lit up: "Twenty-five pairs, do you want ten pairs?"

Tian Shao hummed and said: "Yes, only half a year. In such a short period of time, you can only complete one pair by yourself, and you have to find reliable people to embroider the remaining nine pairs."

Sanya nodded and said, "Sister, how much do you think I should give them?"

Tian Shao let her decide by herself, but reminded her not to give too high a price: "Boss Bao will give such a high price for my sake, not to say that these embroideries are at this price."

The price is too high, if you ask them to embroider next time, there will be objections if it is lower than this price.

Sanya originally wanted to give two thousand, and it was already a lot to earn five hundred for a pair of embroidery, but she immediately changed her mind after hearing Tian Shao's words. Sanya said: "Sister, it will take more than four months to complete such a piece of embroidery. One thousand and two, I think this price should be asked."

Tian Shao reminded: "It's fine if you think it's good. But don't mention the selling price to anyone, even if your parents come later, don't tell them. Otherwise, they will definitely attack you if you leak your words."

Is the price difference of more than 40% high? It seems a bit much to say, but the problem is that the price includes favors. If it were someone else, Bao Huamao would never be so forthright.

Sanya nodded and said that she would not tell anyone, not even Wu Zhengqing: "Eldest sister, I don't say anything just because I don't want to cause trouble, and I'm not afraid of being accused of oppressing them as capitalists."

Tian Shao was a little surprised: "Why aren't you afraid now?"

Sanya explained: "Everything imported from Hong Kong City, the shopping malls have to sell twice as much. This embroidery has to be sent to Hong Kong City, and your favor is also included in it. The money I earn is not too much." .”

The eldest sister is a person who does big things, if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't waste time and effort taking such small orders. She didn't want to bother her elder sister any more, but she didn't want to be able to escape, and she felt more and more guilty.

Tian Shao was very happy to hear this, and said, "It's good that you understand."

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