It wasn't too cold in November, but Tian Dalin caught a cold from the cold. This time when everyone got off the train, they realized what the bitter cold wind is.

Tian Dalin and Uncle Li both had woolen military overcoats, which was a good thing, but Siya and Wuya were huddled together in the cold even though they put on the thickest clothes.

Si Ya knew that Sijiu City was cold in winter, but knowing it was one thing, but facing it directly was another. She said worriedly: "Father, eldest sister has a heater in her house so she is not afraid of the cold. What about the students at school?"

She is going to come to Forty-Nine City, if the school doesn't have heating, she will freeze to death!

Tian Dalin knew that she was worried, and said with a smile: "The school must have been heated, otherwise the bed will not be warm to sleep at night, how will this student live."

Li Guihua said directly: "You should pass the exam first and then think about it!"

A group of people left the station together with other passengers. This time Tian Shao made preparations and asked Wu Gang and Du Dazhuang to bring thick cotton clothes, and when they saw them, they quickly distributed clothes.

Wu Gang said: "Put your clothes on outside, the car will be warmer, put on your clothes and get on the car quickly."

Everyone was surprised to see the car so bright that it could cast a shadow. Tian Dalin asked directly: "Gangzi, has the unit assigned a car to Xiao Shao?"

Wugang said cheerfully: "Yes, this is the car assigned by the studio to the chief editor. It is brand new. Uncle, aunt, let the children get on the car quickly!"

There are nine people in Tian Dalin's party, even if there is no limit on the capacity of the car now, it will not be able to accommodate so many people. In the end, Li Guihua was holding Sibao in front, and Siya and Wuya were behind with the three little ones. As for Tian Dalin and Uncle Li, they followed Du Dazhuang back by bus.

He drove very fast by himself, and when he arrived at Chang'an Avenue, Si Ya rushed in like an arrow as soon as he got out of the car. Wuya was very patient, and led Diandian and Niuniu in slowly.

Siya originally wanted to hug Tian Shao, but when she saw her swollen belly, she stopped three steps away: "Sister, you haven't been here for five months, why is your belly so big?"

Tian Shao said with a smile: "My twins are naturally bigger than ordinary people. Look at your blushing, are you froze?"

No matter how much clothes you wear in the south, you can't withstand the cold in the north. She knows this firsthand.

Si Ya looked at Tian Shao, who was only wearing a thin sweater, and suddenly felt hot. She took off her coat and said, "Sister, is there a warm floor in the east wing? If not, how can you sleep at night?"

Tian Shao said with a smile: "There is no floor heating in the wing room, but the kang was installed at the beginning. I know you are coming today, so I let someone burn the kang yesterday. Don't worry, the kang is warm, no matter you are sleeping or doing homework. not cold."

Si Ya whispered: "Elder Sister, I heard Third Sister said that cooking mutton in winter is the happiest time, when do you think you will take us to cook mutton?"

Tian Shao was speechless.

Li Guihua happened to hear this when she entered the room, and she answered directly: "Cut all the meat off my body for you to eat, do you want it?"

The fourth girl shrank, not daring to speak any more.

Li Guihua looked at Tian Shao's stomach, and asked with concern: "You are almost five months old, and the child likes to move at this time. How is it, the child is not tormenting you, right?"

Tian Shao rubbed his stomach habitually, and said: "I move a lot during the day, and once when Tan Yue touched his stomach, he was kicked. Tan Yue said he was so energetic, and he will be sent to the army for training."

Whether it is a boy or a daughter, it depends on their own wishes whether they will join the army, enter politics or do business when they grow up. At most, Tian Shao would give advice and would not interfere.

Li Guihua said with a smile on her face, "If you are so energetic, then they must be two fat boys."

Tian Shao couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, and said, "Mother, don't talk about big fat boys in the future. Whether it's a son or a daughter, Tan Yue and I both like it."

She actually hoped that one son and one daughter could make up a good word. Of course, the two daughters are better, if the two sons also like it, they will be treasures.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Li Guihua immediately changed the subject: "Erya and Suo Zhu were also coming, but they only made money at the end of the year. I asked them to come when you were born."

Tian Shao glanced at her in surprise, but he didn't expect to take the responsibility on himself. It seems that Dad didn't stay in school for nothing.

Tian Shao didn't want to waste his motherly love, and said with a smile: "Business is the best at the end of the year, and one day is more than ten days on weekdays. I have nothing to do here, and it's the same when I come to summer vacation."

The next day, Tian Shao invited Uncle Li and Tao Shuhui to have lunch. After coming over, he first asked about Tian Shao's body with concern, and then Uncle Li talked about the Three Treasures.

Uncle Li asked: "I have resentment in my heart, and it's not good for Sanbao himself. Xiao Shao, you have seen a lot, what do you think should be done in this situation?"

Tian Shao has a headache, why do children come to ask her questions, she is not in education. It's just that she wouldn't shirk if Uncle Li asked her. After thinking about it for a while, she asked, "Uncle, have you talked to Three Treasures?"

Uncle Li nodded and said, "We've talked about it. Sanbao said that he will be filial to your aunt and me in the future. As for Erkui, he won't say anything when he mentions it."

Tian Shao felt that Sanbao's ability to say this showed that he knew who was sincerely treating him well: "Uncle, the second cousin raised him and also provided him with education. You tell him that he will have to support the second cousin in the future."

Uncle Li said without even thinking about it: "That's for sure, this son who doesn't care for his son will be struck by lightning."

Tian Shao didn't refute his words, no matter how much he said, he couldn't listen to his deep-rooted thoughts, just like they were willing to risk their lives to their children and grandchildren.

Organized the conversation, Tian Shao said: "Since the second cousin divorced Chen Yan, you and the eldest aunt took care of the two children, and he ignored them. Later, you made money, and you asked him for money. .Also, if it wasn't for your protection, they would still have to be tortured by their stepmother. In this case, you want Sanbao to treat his second cousin like Sankui treats you. With all due respect, Uncle, you are making things difficult for others."

"Uncle, my second cousin raised Sambo and provided him with education. When he gets old, Sambo will support him in the old age. That's enough. If you ask too much from auntie, Sambo will become unfamiliar with both of you in the future."

You don't know the pain until the needle sticks in your body. My uncle and my aunt are worried that Erkui's son will be miserable when he gets old. This is the heart of a loving father and mother. But what you sow causes you to get what you want, even if no one cares about it in your later years, it is Li Erkui's own fault.

Uncle Li was silent.

Thinking about how difficult it was for uncle and aunt, Tian Shao and Tao Shuhui talked about Sanbao after dinner. He didn't say anything about his quarrel with Li Erkui, but he just said that he found that Sanbao didn't like to talk.

Tian Shao said: "The second cousin only cares about himself and never cares about the siblings, which may cause the child to be more sensitive. Shuhui, if possible, I hope you can guide me, and don't let him get into the horns."

Tao Shuhui nodded and said, "I will try my best."

Seeing that she was not surprised at all, Tian Shao secretly sighed, it seems that Tao Shuhui has already seen the problem of Three Treasures. I just hope that someone will guide this child so that he will be less influenced by some native families.

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