On the tenth day of the lunar new year, Tao Shuhui's eldest brother-in-law brought her eldest son to her. After school started, her youngest son transferred to the nearby elementary school, because he was far away from home and wanted to live here from Monday to Friday.

Tao Shuhui didn't even think about it, and directly refused.

Her elder brother and sister said: "Second sister, the primary school environment at home is not good, and there is nothing we can do. Second sister, don't worry, we will pay for the living expenses."

There was no extra expression on Tao Shuhui's face: "I can't even give living expenses. I am busy with work on weekdays, and my mother-in-law takes care of the children and family affairs. If you let Xiaowen come here to eat and live, it will increase the burden on my mother-in-law. Sankui knows won't be happy."

Anyway, Tao Shuhui didn't agree, and her sister-in-law took the child back angrily.

The eldest aunt knew about this, and said to her: "Shuhui, since the school here is far away from your home, let the children live here. It's just a matter of enjoying the chopsticks, and it doesn't interfere."

After a pause, she explained: "At the beginning, the house was not built, and Dabao and the others stayed at your sister-in-law's house for a few months to study! Brothers and sisters should help each other if they have difficulties."

Tao Shuhui was silent for a while and said, "Mother, it's not that simple."


Tao Shuhui said indifferently: "Mother, you, father and sister-in-law are all sensible people, that's why the family relationship is so harmonious. My family is different. My parents only have two younger brothers in their hearts, and they only want me and the eldest sister to supplement them. .If Xiaowen really wants to live at home, they won’t pay a penny.”

"Not only that, but they often come to eat and drink with excuses. Also, if there is something wrong with Xiaowen's studies or life, they will accuse us."

If you agree, these people will climb along the pole, and there will be no end to it.

The eldest aunt was frightened when she heard that: "Forget it, it's better not to touch your hands."

The main reason is that San Kui has no other relatives here except Tian Shao and San Ya. Then Sister Tao and his wife are very good, she hopes that the relationship between the siblings can be eased. After all, she was only dissatisfied with Tao's parents, but didn't understand her two younger brothers and sister-in-law.

The main issue was family ugliness, and Tao Shuhui didn't tell her aunt because she wanted to save face, so she didn't know that the relationship between siblings was also very stiff.

Two days later, Mother Tao came to the door, and it was still about going to school for her grandson. The two made a promise that they only let the child live here for a period of time, and they will pick up the child when they find a house.

With Tao Shuhui's previous words, the first aunt disagreed: "Shuhui's school is far away from home, and sometimes I go there in the morning and don't return until the evening. I have to take care of Jiaojiao, wash and cook, and I am so tired every day. It hurts, and I can't bear to have more children."

In fact, the eldest aunt is not tired of taking care of Jiaojiao, one is that the child is well-behaved; the other is that Tao Shuhui is not busy at work and will help her share part of the housework;

Mother Tao immediately said that she could move in and take care of Jiaojiao with her aunt.

When the eldest aunt heard this, she couldn't help thinking about the couple's plan to move here, and said with a sullen face: "I haven't heard of a mother-in-law bringing her grandson to live with her daughter and son-in-law. You should feel sorry for the child and don't want him to live with you every day." If you go back and forth to school so far, you can rent a house nearby. If you can’t find a house, my niece and son-in-law work at the police station, and I can tell him soon.”

Because of the tough attitude of the eldest aunt, Mother Tao returned home in defeat.

I thought the matter was over here, but I didn't expect Father Tao and Mother Tao not to give up. When Tao Shuhui went to school on the eve of the start of school, the two went to school to look for her again.

When Tao Shuhui came back in the afternoon, the eldest aunt saw that her eyes were swollen and asked quickly: "Shuhui, who bullied you, tell mother, mother will find him."

Tao Shuhui shook her head and said, "It's okay, it's just that the sand was blown into the eyes, which hurt for a while, and the eyes became swollen."

It's okay to deceive the child, but it's impossible to deceive the aunt. I just asked twice and didn't say anything, and my aunt didn't ask any more.

The next day, the eldest aunt entrusted Jiaojiao to Li Chun's care, and then went to school by herself. She asked a female teacher who rented at home before, and found out that it was Father Tao and Mother Tao who came to school yesterday.

The female teacher thought that her aunt loved Jiaojiao very much, so she hesitated and said: "Ma'am, Sister Shuhui's parents scolded her very badly yesterday. They also said that she has no sons and is an extinct family. She is not good to her nephew now, and she will be old in the future." No one cares anymore."

The aunt was trembling with anger. What is an extinct household? Isn't her Jiaojiao human? And even if a nephew is to take care of the elderly, it should be a child of their Li family, not Tao.

The female teacher was a little scared when she saw her like this, and regretted that she had talked too much: "Mother, Sister Shuhui didn't let go, and even said that she wanted to sever ties with them!"

The aunt knew that this was just Tao Shuhui's angry words. If you really wanted to sever the relationship, you would have told yourself yesterday instead of hiding and crying secretly.

After thanking the female teacher, the eldest aunt went back. But before leaving, I told the female teacher not to tell Tao Shuhui about her visit.

The eldest aunt is a person who can't hide things in her heart. When she went to pick up Jiaojiao, she told Tian Shao about it: "I really didn't expect them to be so shameless that they would have the idea of ​​Sankui's family property."

It is said that Sankui will ask their Tao family to take care of them after they are extinct. To put it bluntly, they are looking at their son's house and money. In the past, they only knew that they favored sons over daughters and let their daughters supplement their sons, but they didn't expect that they would even take care of their son-in-law's property.

Seeing her angry look, Tian Shao comforted her and said, "No matter what ideas they have, they will not succeed. Shuhui won't let go and Sankui is not that stupid. Auntie, it's not worth getting angry at such a rotten person."

She didn't even bother to take a look at this kind of person, let alone hurt her nerves.

The eldest aunt sighed and said, "It would be nice if Jiaojiao was a boy."

She loved Jiaojiao very much, and took care of the child meticulously, not to mention showing Tao Shuhui any embarrassment over this matter. But I still regret it in my heart, regretting that Sankui has no son to inherit the family business.

Tian Shao said: "In the future, if Jiaojiao is married, the child's surname will be the same as Li."

The eldest aunt shook her head and said, "How easy is it? It's hard to find a good one. Besides, there are many sons-in-law who marry in. When the father-in-law and mother-in-law die, they will sell the house and land, take the money and take the children back to their own home."

What the older generation accepts is the idea of ​​the son passing on the family line, as long as the daughter is not treated badly, there is nothing to blame. Tian Shao said: "If you have this concern, then don't recruit any siblings, and discuss with the man to let a child's surname be Li."

The eldest aunt said: "There is only one child in the family, and the man is definitely not willing."

Tian Shao said with a smile: "Auntie, those who have a job only dare to give birth to one child, and those who exceed the birth will be expelled. Those who don't have a job have nothing to worry about, they will pay a fine when they are born."

The aunt's eyes lit up instantly when she heard this. Yes, what happened to her, she can only have one if she has a job, and she can have another one if she doesn't have a job.

Tian Shao didn't expect that his aunt would have a different idea because of his casual words.

I slept with my child yesterday, and I fell asleep without knowing it.

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